THE LONUOJS GAZETTE, 25 NOVEMBER, 1919. 1447B Zm Parliament.—Session 1920. yards or thereabouts measured in a south- westerly direction irom the western end of .CENTRAL LONDON AND METRO- the down platform of the London and South POLITAN DIBTJUOT RAILWAY <JUM- Western Railway Company's Shepherd's PANiJfid (WORKS). Bush. Station. A Railway No. 2, situate wholly in the said •{Power to Central London Railway Company Metropolitan Borough of 'Hammersmith, to Construct New Railways and Works; commencing by a junction. wiUh the existing Running Powers to that Company oiver tne railway of the Central Company under Kensington .and Richmond Branch of the London and South Western Railway and • "Oxbridge Road, at a point 90 yards or there- .agreements with them and Contribution abouts west of Providence Place, and termin- of their Funds and Revenues in relation to ating by a junction, with- the up line of the Construction of said Railways and Works; said Kensington and Richmond branch of Tolls, Rates and Charges; Power to Metro- the London- and South Western Railway politan District Railway Company and/or Company at a point 300 yards or (there- .Metropolitan Railway Company to Enlarge abouts, (measured in- a south-westerly direc- their Aldgate East Station; Closing and tion from the western end of the up platform .RemO'Vial by Metropolitan District Railway of the London and South. Western Rail-way •Company of Ventilator Shaft in Victoria.- Company's -Shepherd's Bush Station. -street, Westminster, and Agreemenfa with A Railway No. 3, situate wholly in flhe Westminster City Council in regard thereto j said Metropolitan- Borough .of Hammer- Application of Former Aots> of said Coni- smith, commencing by a junction with pro- • jpanies as to Construction of Works', &c.; posed Railway No. (1) under Uxbridge Road -Power to Break up, Stop up and use Surf aoe at a point 20 yards or thereabouts west of of Streets; Acquisition of Lands and Ease- the point of commencement of Railway No. ments; Deviation; Stopping up, Opening, (1), and 'terminating by a junction- with -the vClosing, &c., of Streets, &c.; Acquisition, of existing Railway of the Company under .Parts only of Buildings, &c.; and Easements, Caxton Road, at a point 65 yards or there- •••fee.; Agreements* with Local Authorities and abouts No'tftlu of Ux'bridge Road. • others; Power to take Lands on Lease; 2. For the purpose of the said Railways, -Entry on Lands;. Payment of Costs in intended to be constructed by the Central ^certain oases of Disputed Compensation; Company, it is intended to acquire or -Limiting Purchase Money and Compensa- use compulsorily certain lands which are or are tion in certain cases; Determination of Com- reputed to be common, or commonaible lands, or pensation by Single Arbitrator; Application easements therein or thereunder (that is to *>f Funds1; Additional Capital; Stock Certi- say):— ;fioates to Bearer; Payment of Interest out of •-Capital; Alteration of Rate Authorized by ^Previous Acts and Confirmation of Payments Area Estimated ' made in Respect of Loan Capital; Borrowing area required ]S dine of Com- Parishes in \vithin in or under .Powers not to: be Decreased .by Rent mon or Com- which lands limits of which ease- •Charges; Amendment, Repeal of Acts, &c.) monable Land. are situate. deviation, ments are about. ' required. ~TVT OTICE- is hereby given, that application ..Li is intended to be made to Parliament 1 a. r. p. a. r. p. in the ensuing Session by or on behalf of the Shepherd's Hammersmith 3 3 20 0 1 25 Central London Railway Company (herem.- Bush Com- <after called " the Central Company ") and the mon . Metropolitan District Railway Company (here- » inafter called "the District Company"), •or either of them (wihich said companies are 3. To empower -the Central Company t» hereinafter as " the Railway Com- stop up and discontinue so much of the south- panies "), for an Act (hereinafter called ern portion of Wells Road in the said Metro- •" the intended Act ") for all or some of the politan Borough of Hammersmith as is -within, •following, amongst other purposes (that is to the limits of deviation shown on the plans to :say): — be deposited as hereinafter mentioned, and to o extinguish all public and other rights of way 1. To empower the Central Company to make over or affecting such portion of the said road. •.and maintain the railways and works lierein- 4. To empower the Central Company, and . after described, or some part or part® thereof, all companies and persons lawfully working, • with all necessary and proper stations, plat- running over, or using the railways of the forms, approaches, stairs, passages, inclines, Central Company, or any of them, or any part •subways, tunnels, sidings, shafts', lifts, esca- or parts thereof, to run over and use with their lators, stagings, buildings, machinery, appli- engines and carriages, officers and servants, . ances, apparatus, works1 and conveniences (that . is to say) : — and for the purposes of their traffic of every description upon such terms and conditions, A railway (No. 1) situate wholly in the and upon payment of such tolls, rates and metropolitan borough of Hammersmith, in charges as may be agreed upon, or in default the county of London, commencing by a of agreement, as may be settled by arbitration junction with the existing railway of the or defined by the intended Act, the Kensing- Central Company under Uxbridge-road at a ton and Richmond Branch of the London and! point 10 yards or thereabouts east of Provi- South Western Railway Company (herein- dence Place, and terminating by a junction after referred to as "the South Western • with the down line of the Kensington and Company ") or some part or parts thereof, to- . Richmond Branch of the London and South gether with the stations, sidings, booking and "Western Railway Company at a point 300 other offices, warehouses, sheds, June-.
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