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Mortillaro, Executive Director and Delilah Garcia, Transit and Facilities Operations Director Attachment: None * ,"-.$3""&$(')& "'$#/& $1" ,"-.$3""-$& 6 M 8 8 A 6)(2(2>($(* * Q` .VJ `:C V$ 1 QJ:C `: J1 1 `1 H N 810V`1RV`10V5]:MQC:5 N R R N1RV .VC%V%8HQI 4 !" $ % & ''(&"'' )**++ ! & ' , - & ! , ) Councilor Scott Flury Mr. Juan Torres Councilor Dennis Tim Salazar Councilor Antonio Maggiore Ms. Christy Van Buren Mr. Jeff Montoya Commissioner Leo V. Jaramillo Ms. Lillian Garcia 5 Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth Commissioner Ed Moreno Mayor Dan Barrone Commissioner Jim Fambro Mayor Christof Brownell Fmr. Gov. Charlie Dorame . // , - + - ' 0 +10+. 2' -*!3!+)**!30)! 4' +!+.0*!! 5' )-- +6)*+)3!) 7 ""7 ) " '8 . 9 " ,8 8:2(; 7 $ 6 / $ /! $/!" *) 8 +< +$ -= >8 -8 , ), 8 /. . 8 . 0 / -8 , 8 $ / 6 / .<6 7 / 7 ' 8>8 -8 , $ " / 7 ' 6 ?' )-- +6)*+01!.M ,8 '6 8 7 ""7 8 / ,8 A " ' 8 " , 8 8:2(; 7 $6 / .<6 6 / $ /! $/!" *) 8 +< +$ -= >8 -8 , ), 8 . 0 / -8 , /. . 8 8 $ / 7 / 7 ' 8>8 -8 , $ " / 7 ' B' -1*0+!. - !.!)0+0!. -1*0C!) 03.& ' )0+0!.& )' 8 / 8 '()" ) !>8 !" +""8 - M M 7 M 8 7 ""7 8 '( " , " ,8 8:2(; 7 $$ / 6 / .<6 6 / $ /! $/!" *) 8 +< +$ -= >8 -8 , ), 8 . 0 / -8 , /. . 8 8 7 / 7 ' 8>8 -8 , $ " / 7 ' ' 8 /)" / 8 '( )89 ) , 0) !7 / ! 8 8 . 9 7 ""7 8 '( " , , " ,8 8:2(; 7 $ 8 $ / 6 / .<6 6 / $ /! $/!" *) 8 +< +$ -= >8 -8 , ), 8 . 0 / -8 , / . . 8 7 / 7 ' 8>8 -8 , $ " / 7 ' ' 8 /) " / 8 '( )" /) .8 , .8 , - .8 , 3 / / )"" / .8 , , 9 up to ,7 ""7 8 ( " .8 , " '8 " ,8 8:4(; 7 $. 8 8 $ / 6 / .<6 8>8 -8 , 6 / $ /! $/!" * ) 8 +< +$ -= >8 -8 , ), 8 . 0 / -8 , /. 7 / 7 ' ' 8 / $3 DE -)' R 10 )!!+)3!)& 8 7 !% 87 . , " ,8 8:4(; 7 $/. . 8 8 $ / 6 / .<6 8>8 -8 , 6 / $ /! $/!" *) 8 +< +$ -= >8 -8 , ), 8 . 0 / -8 , 7 / 7 ' *' !% 87 . . 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"-& "')") -$&' 6#-( (-$ $$(-1 "'$# 14 15 Projects: • Website • Social Media • Advertising Program • Reauthorization of RTGRT • Night Rider • Advertising Program • Publications and Print • Community Events • Community Outreach • FY 2019 Programs/Events 16 Website: NCRTD.org RidetheBlueBus.com • Management and oversight 17 Website: Analytics 18 Social Media: Facebook Instagram Instagram Twitter YouTube 19 Print Advertising: On-Going Advertising Programs • Rio Grande Sun (Summer and Winter Guide, Cartoon Map, Christmas in the Valley, Monthly Ad) • Los Alamos Monitor (Summer and Winter Guide, Total Market Coverage Days) • Taos News (Summer and Winter Guide, Taos Aglow, Taos Woman, Land Water People Time – also in New Mexican, Tempo Magazine for TSV Green and 380 Night Rider, Cartoon Map, Monthly Ad ) • Santa Fe New Mexican (Summer and Winter Guide, Bienvenidos, Feliz Navidad, Land Water People Time – also in Taos News and Monthly Ad) 20 Print Advertising: Additional Ads Appear in: • Albuquerque Journal Winter Guide (Joint Mountain Trail Ad w/Rio Metro RTD, Full-Page Inside Cover) • Santa Fe Reporter (Annual Manual, Summer Guide, Winter Guide, Restaurant Issue, occasional weekly issues) • Green Fire Times (10x per year) • Round the Roundhouse (4x per year) • Chama Valley Times (Monthly) • Jicarilla Chieftain • Rio Arriba County Fair (Annually) 21 Print Advertising: Guest Life New Mexico • ½ Page Ad • 50-Wd. Advertorial and Photo • Hardbound, Softcover and Online • Tourism Focused • Distributed free for One-Year including • general public, visitors centers, hotel rooms • Santa Fe, Taos, Los Alamos, Espanola, Albuquerque, locations Statewide 22 Print Advertising: Cartoon Maps Taos News Rio Grande Sun 23 Digital Advertising: • Los Alamos Daily Post • Taos News Online Google Search, Service Directory Ad (Print) • SantaFe.com • Valley Daily Post • Santa Fe Today 24 Radio Advertising: • • KRSN – Los Alamos KSWV – Santa Fe • KTAO – Taos • KQBA/KTRC Hutton – Santa Fe (New this year) • KXMT/LMNOC – Taos • KNCE – Taos (New) • KDCE – Española (Night Rider) 25 Video Display Advertising: Hutton Digital Display Video Billboards • Two-Minute Video (we own, website, social media, YouTube) • 15-Second Promotional Spot (no audio) • HDD Screens in high traffic locations • Santa Fe (48 Locations) • Los Alamos (9 Locations) • Town of Taos/Taos Ski Valley (to come) • Dedicated in-room channel at eight leading Santa Fe Hotels • SantaFe.
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