AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Program of the One Hundred First Annual Meeting December 27—30, 1986 CHICAGO Hyatt Regency Hotel V —‘ 7 CARL N DEGLER MARGARET BYRNE PROFESSOR Of AMERICAN HISTORY STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT Of THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 400 A Street SE. Washington. DC 20003 1986 OFFICERS President: CARL N. DEGLER. Stanford University Presidente1ect: NATALIE ZEI ION DAVIS, Princeton University Executive Director: SAMuEL R, GArvtrsloN Edztor: DAVID L. RANSEL, Indiana University Controller: JAMES H. LEATHERw00D COUNCIL CARL N. DEGIER WILLIAM H. MCNEIL!. NATALIE ZEM0N Dwis SAMUEL R, GAMMoN, cx officio RICHARD S. KIRKENDALL, vice-president MARY BETFI NowroN, vice-president Professionat Division (1986) Research Division (1987) Iowa State University Cornell University PATRICIa ALBJERG GRHax. vice-president GEORGE B. TINDALL (19$?) Teaching Division (1988) University of North Carolina. 1—larvard University Chapel Hill BERNAnD Lewis (1987) ROBERT FoRsTER (198$) Princeton University Johns Hopkins University LoLISE A. TILLY (1987) PEGc;Y K. Liss (198$) New School for Social Research Washington. DC PACIFIC COAST BRANCH OFFICERS P,esident K C Liu University of Cahform r Davis Vice-President: KATFIRYN KISH SILAI, University of California, Los Angeles Secreta7y-Treasurer: JOHN A. ScFIuTz, University of Southern California Associate Secretar-Treasurer: LAWRENCE JELINEK, Loyola Marymount University Managing Editor: NORRIS HUNDLEY, Jr., University of California, Los Angeles PRESIDENTS OF THE AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION 1884—85 ANDREw DICKSON WHITE 1938 LAURENCE M. LARSON 1885—86 GEoRGE BANCR0FT FREDERIC L. PAx0N 1886—87 JUSTIN WIN50R 1939 WILLIARI SCOTT FERGusoN 1887—88 WILLIAM FREDERICK POOLE 1940 MAx FARRAND i$8g CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS 1941 JAMES WE5TFALL THOMPSON 1890 JOHN JAY 1942 ARTHuR M. SCHLEsINGER 1891 WILLIAM WIRT HENRY 1943 NELLIE NEIL50N 1892—93 JAMES BuRRILL ANGELL 1944 WILLIAM L, WESTERRIANN 1893—94 HENRY ADAMS 1945 CARLT0N J. H, HAYES i$g GEoRGE FRISBIE HOAR 1946 SIDNEY B. FAY 1896 RICHARD SALTER STORKS 1947 THoMAS J. WERTERBAICER 1897 JAMES SCH0ULER 1948 KENNETH SCOTT LAT0URETTE 189$ GEORGE PARK FISHER 1949 C0NYER5 READ 1899 JAMES FORD RHODEs 1950 SAMUEL E. M0RIS0N 1900 EDWARD EGGLE5T0N 1951 ROBERu L. SCHUYLER 1901 CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS 1952 JAMES G. RANDALL 1902 ALfRED THAYER MAHAN 1953 LOUIS G0TTSCHALK 1903 HENRY CHARLES LEA 1954 MERLE CURTI 1904 G0LDwIN SMITH 1955 LYNN TH0RNDIIE 1905 JOHN BACH MCMASTER 1956 DExTER PERKINS 1906 SIME0N E. BALDWIN 1957 WILLIAM LANGER 1907 J. FRANKLIN JAME50N 195$ WALTER PRESCOTT WEBB 190$ GEORGE BURTON ADAMS 1959 ALLAN NEvINS 1909 ALBERT BUSHNELL HART 1960 BERNAD0TTE F. SCIIMIrr 1910 FREDERICK JACKSON TURNER 1961 SAMUEL fLAGG BEMIS 1911 WILLIAM MILLIGAN SLOANE 1962 CARL BRIDENBAUGH 1912 THEODORE ROOSEVELT 1963 CRANE BRINT0N 1913 WILLIAM ARCHIBALD DUNNING 1964 JULIAN P. BoYD 1914 ANDREw C. MCLAUGHLIN 1965 FREDERIC C. LANE 1915 H. MORSE STEPHENS 1966 Ro F. NICHOLS 1916 GEORGE LINCOLN BURR 1967 HAJ0 H0LB0RN 1917 WORTHINGTON C. FORD 196$ JoHN K. FAIRBANK 1918—19 WILLIAM R0SC0E THAYER 1969 C. VANN W000WARD 1920 EDWARD CHANNING 1970 R. R. PALMER 1921 JEAN JULES JUSsERAND 1971 DAVID M. PoTTER 1922 CHARLES H. HA5KIN5 JOSEPH R. STRAYER 1923 EDWARD P. CFIEYNEY 1972 THOMAS C. COCHRAN 1924 W000Row WILSON 1973 LYNN WHITE, JR. 1924—25 CHARLES M. ANDREw5 1974 LEwIS HANKE 1926 DANA C. MuNR0 1975 GORDON WRIGHT 1927 HENRY O5B0RN TAYLOR 1976 RICHARD B. MORRIS 192$ JAMES H. BREASTED 1977 CHARLES GIBSON 1929 JAMES HARVEY ROBINSON 197$ WILLIAM J. B0uW5MA 1930 EvARTS B0UTELL GREENE 1979 JOHN HOPE FRANKLIN 1931 CARL LOTUS BECKER 1980 DAVID H. PINKNEY 1932 HERBERT EUGENE B0LT0N 1981 BERNARD BAILYN 1933 CHARLES A. BEARD 1982 GORDON A. CRAIG 1934 WILLIARI E. DoDD 1983 PHILIP D. CuRTIN 1935 MICHAEL I. Ros’rovTzEff 1984 ARFEJUR S. LINK 1936 CHARLES MCILwAIN ig8 WILLIAM H. MCNEILL 1937 GUY STANTON FORD 1986 CARL N. DEGLER PLANNING AND ARRANGEMENTS, 1986 ANNUAL MEETING Program Committee Chair: MARGARET C. JACOB LEON LIPS0N Eugene Lang College Yale University New School for Social Research PHYLLIs MACK Cothair: PATRIcIA U. BONOMI Rutgers University New York University CHARLEs S. MAIER PHILIP C. HuANG Harvard University University of California, BERNARD J. McGrrm Los Angeles University of Chicago DAvID M, KENNEDY AUGUST MEIER Stanford University Kent State University MARJORIE L;GHTMAN DAVID J. WEBER Institute for Research Southern Methodist University in History Locat Arrangements Committee Chair: ALBERT ERLEBACHER REV. M. J. MADAJ DePaul University St. Mary of the Lake Seminary SFnRLEY BURTON DAVIS MAAS National Archives Wheaton College WALTER fAULK LAWRENCE W. MCBRIDE Loop Community College Illinois State University, ANN FAuLKNER Normal DePaul University IGNACIO MENDEz BRUCE FENNER Northeastern Illinois University DePaul University SUSAN MIKULA JOSEPH A. GAGLIAN0 Illinois Benedictine College Loyola University of DAVID B. MILLER Chicago Roosevelt University PAUL F. GEHL JOSEPH C. MoRToN Newberry Library Northeastern Illinois University ANN HARRINGT0N SR. DENNIS O’GRADY Mundelein College St. Xavier College PETER HAYES SUSAN RAMIREz Northwestern University DePaul University JOSEPH N. HAYS ROBERT RUSNAI Loyola University of Rosary College Chicago L. V. TI5CHAU5ER PAUL B. JoHNsoN Prairie State College Roosevelt University J0AQuIN VILLEGAS NICOLE JORDAN St. Augustine College University of Illinois, Chicago CHARLES WEBER WALTER E. KAEGI Wheaton College University of Chicago MARIA ZAENz JAMES KR0KAR St. Augustine College DePaul University AHA Editorial Staff EILEEN GAYLARD MICHAEL fITzSIMM0N5 SHARON K. TUNE JOHN WISE PERSONAL APPOINTMENTS SCHEDULE Date Breakfast Morning Luncheon A hernoon Other Session Session Dec. 27 Dec. 2$ Dec. 29 Dec. 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS General Information 8 Meetings of Affiliated Societies and Groups 10 AHA Sessions 18 Luncheons 34, 53 Topical Index $1 List of Participants $2 Scholars from Abroad 88 Exhibitors 90 Annual Reports of the Executive Director 93 Editor, AHR 99 Controller 101 Advertisers 118 7 GENERAL INFORMATION HEADQUARTERS: The annual meeting will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601 The Local Arrangements Committee offices will be rooms 264 and 261, Press in room 273, and Al-IA staff offices rooms 265 and 269, all on the mezzanine (Skyway) level behind the Concierge and the East Tower elevators. The lob register will be in Regency Ballroom sections C-D in the West Tower, registration desks and meal ticket cashiers on the East Tower Grand Ballroom level, and book exhibits in the East Exhibit Hall. HOTEL ACCOMMODATION: Members who have not yet reserved hotel accommoda tion should send their reservation forms (contained in the October issue of Perspecdves) directly to the Hyatt Regency at the above address. Given the very low rates ($39 single, $49 double, triple and quad) the AHA is not using any overflow hotels. SPECIAL AIR FARES TO CHICAGO: American Airlines is offering special air fares to persons attending the annual meeting. To make a reservation on American Airlines, or any other airline, call 1-800-433-1790 and ask for Star file number 11766. Only persons who make their reservations through this special number will receive these discount fares. The reservation desk is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 am, to midnight (CST). GROUND TRANSPORTATION: From Midway and O’Hare airports, major limousines stop at the Hyatt Regency; from O’Hare, a Chicago Transport Authority train stops five short blocks from the hotel. For indoor pedestrian access from the Illinois Central commuter trains to the hotel, take ttnderground platform north to South Water Street station exit, and follow instructions. From South, buses 146, 147, 145 or 151 follow Michigan Avenue to Wacker; buses 22 or 36 go between hotel vicinity and the Conserva tory-Historical Society area (near north). From Northwestern Station, eastbound bus 20 on Madison connects at State with Northbound 11, 146, 147 and 151 to Wacker. Special tour bus 146 connects with Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, Field Museum and McCor mick Place. AHA REGISTRATION: Members are urged to preregister at the reduced rate of $30.00 (nonmembers $40, students and unemployed $12). A preregistration form is enclosed. Registration at the meeting will be $35.00 (nonmembers $50, students and unemployed $14). The registration desk in the corridor on the East Tower Ballroom level will be open during the following hours: Saturday, December 27 12 noon—9:00 p.m. Sunday, December 28 8 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Monday, December 29 8:30 a,m.—4:00 p.m. BUSINESS MEETING: Resolutions for the business meeting will be handled as follows: 1) resolutions signed by twenty-five members of the Association will be accepted until December 15; 2) resolutions received by November 1 will take precedence and will be published in the December issue of Perspectives; 3) resolutions must be no more than three hundred words in length. Resolutions should be sent to the executive director at the AHA central office, with a copy to the parliamentarian, Paul K. Conkin, Department of History, Vanderbilt Universi ty, Nashville, TN 37235. 8 At its meeting on Mas 1 5—16. 1980. the Council adopted the following bs law pursuant to Article VII, Sections 1—4, of the constitution: Bs law 8(5) There shall be a (1ut)rum 101 the annual Business Meeting of one hundred members in good suinding. VOTING CARDS: Voting cards will be included in the preregistration packet and will also he given out to members at the meeting. LOCATOR FILE, INFORMATION DESKS, BULLETIN BOARDS, MESSAGE CEN TER: Registrants’ current addresses vtll be at the locator Ole in the East Tower ballroom corridor, along with the message center arid bulletin boards. Maps, hotel floor plan. and current Chicago activities guides will be available at the LAC information desks. These facilities will be open from 9:00 am, to 6:00 pm throughout the meeting. JOB REGISTER: The job register, located in Regency Ballroom sections C and D, West Tower, will be in operation during the ft)llosving hours: Saturday, December 27 2:Ot] p.m—bOO p.m.
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