APRIL 2010 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL APRIL 2010 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON We learned a lot about caring and worth When we stopped part in other related medical and spiritual programs. focusing on Harvest House is comprised of fi ve buildings: an offi ce, a drop- ourselves and started in center, male housing, female to focus on others housing, and a drug addiction center. Because it is Christian, BY LYNN FLETCHER Harvest House depends heavily on churches for support. In 2008 the members of our small So at Christmas, some of us parish family in Hillsborough from Hillsborough and Riverside and Riverside were preoccupied were among the volunteers who with our own worrisome con- assisted in serving a large cheer- cerns … our aging and dying con- ful banquet for about 150 people. gregation, decreased givers and Our ACW donated decorations, L’Arche McKim House assistant Gray Gillies (left) and resident Debbie Turnbull (right) have green thumbs and givings, and the loss of a full time home knitting, books, and treats fi ngers and palms! Not only are they ready for the bounty of spring, they are looking forward to the L’Arche priest to name just a few. Then to help make this an especially Fundraising dinner with Lieutenant-Governor Graydon Nicholas on April 24. we were offered an opportunity warm event for the Harvest to stop focusing on ourselves House clients. Good will is in and to start focusing on others, large supply at Christmas. There others whose burdens were much was bounty everywhere. L’Arche celebrates fi ve years of love and greater than our own. After Christmas some of us Harvest House, a Christian or- felt led to donate a day plus some ganization in Moncton devoted to home baking to the drop-in cen- community with anniversary dinner the care of street people, needed ter. Home-baked cookies and the help. Initially we were asked for aroma of home made rolls and BY MARY COLLIER FLEET the door of McKim House, there ity is the foundation of L’Arche personal hygiene donations like biscuits seemed like a good way was Debbie. — and it is why we continue to toothpaste and brushes, soap, to win the hearts and appetites McKim House, the L’Arche home “My,” she said, “you look create homes, share our lives, deodorant, shampoo, new socks of some of these folks. And it in Saint John, will celebrate fi ve beautiful. Do you mind if I give and open our hearts to reveal and underwear. We responded in was! Tuesdays have become a years of love and community you a hug?” She stepped forward the gifts in one another. Now spades and learned more about popular welcoming day for these next month with a fundraising and put her arms around me, L’Arche communities can be Harvest House. guys and gals. dinner at the Kings Valley Wes- gently patting my back, the way found in 30 different countries. First and foremost, it gives the Our Tuesday project has leyan Church in Quispamsis a mother might pat a nervous McKim House is the first and least fortunate amongst us an ad- grown into a full-blown dinner on April 24. Guest speaker is child’s back in reassurance. only one in New Brunswick. dress, for without one they can- with a lot of supplies from our Lieutenant Governor, the Hon. I lifted my face from Debbie’s Tickets for the April 24 din- not obtain social assistance or a parish family. Soups, chili, fi sh Graydon Nicholas. hug and there was Stephane. ner are $75 each and available Medicare card. With an address cakes, sausages, baked beans, Most L’Arche homes in Canada “Welcome,” he said, arms out- through the L’Arche Saint John they are not only eligible for gov- pancakes and spaghetti have all receive full funding from their stretched. I had to fi ght back the offi ce (672-6504) or from Suzanne ernment assistance, they have a been served and received with provincial governments. L’Arche tears. I think both Debbie and Buckley (847-1580). Tax receipts chance to get off the streets, into remarks like “I haven’t tasted in Saint John, however, receives Stephane immediately sensed will be issued for a portion of the drug addiction programs, enrol only half its operating costs, hence my vulnerability. They led me ticket price. to work toward a GED and take See They ministered on page 2 the fi fth anniversary dinner. into the house and I had my fi rst To learn more about L’Arche, I was introduced to L’Arche L’Arche lesson in what is impor- visit our website < www.larche- two years ago when I was in- tant in this world, this life. saintjohn.org > or talk to director vited to a McKim open house. Jean Vanier met two men with Jocelyn Worster at 672-6504. I wasn’t feeling particularly developmental diffi culties in an Cultivating a future self-confi dent that day and the institution in France 46 years Mary Collier Fleet worships stress of introducing my frumpy ago. He invited them to come at St. Paul’s, Rothesay, and is a self to new people was daunting and share his home. This simple member of the board of L’Arche — but when I stepped through transformative act of hospital- Saint John. pleasing to God BY JIM MORELL In a Spirit-led process last (on behalf of the Administration June, our Diocesan Synod took AAnglicannglican FFamilyamily DDinnerinner Team of Diocesan Council) almost 10 years of discussion and debate and turned it into various TThehe NNewew BBrunswickrunswick AAnglicannglican CChurchhurch FFamilyamily In these days of early spring motions that basically said “We many of us visualize our gardens are a church in decline because WWillill ggatherather ttoo ccelebrateelebrate tthehe aappointmentppointment ooff oourur — bright and beautiful fl owers, we have drifted away from be- rich and robust vegetables. What ing the church that God calls us AArchbishoprchbishop CClaudelaude MMilleriller aass we sometimes don’t see is the work to be. We need a new vision for MMetropolitanetropolitan ooff tthehe EEcclesiasticalcclesiastical PProvincerovince ooff CCanadaanada necessary to bring about those ourselves and we need to change beautiful bouquets and the bounty — starting immediately.” OOnn FFridayriday eevening,vening, MMayay 7 — 55:30:30 fforor 66:30:30 of the Thanksgiving table. No one from outside had to A garden starts with vision tell us we needed to change. AAtt tthehe CCrownerowne PPlazalaza HHotelotel and planning, then comes the Parish delegates to our Greater soil preparation and the plant- Chapter gatherings identified QQueenueen SStreet,treet, FFrederictonredericton ing, the hard work of watering the indicators — we are aging, and weeding, and finally the we are shrinking, our offerings harvest. Figuratively speaking, aren’t keeping up with costs, Guest speaker Bishop Bill Hockin’s subject is Simply Anglican the Nicodemus Project is our we have fewer full-time priests, garden. We had a vision, we have young families are scarce, our Dr. Willis Noble will coordinate music for the evening a plan to realize it, and now we properties are consuming larger Tickets $50, available from the territorial archdeacons for are in the soil preparation and percentages of our budgets, Chatham, Moncton, Kingston & Kennebecasis, planting phase. The hard work many parishes have difficulty of summer lies ahead and the Saint John, St. Andrews, Fredericton, Woodstock fi nding lay leaders and several harvest is many months or even And at the Synod Offi ce, 115 Church Street, Fredericton (506) 459-1801 years away. See It’s about on page 2 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN APRIL 2010 C O M M E N T A R Y Why can’t we Anglicans pull together? A letter to the editor from Kipling put it, “If you can bear on Sunday, January 31 of this they promised at their ordina- to promote the Gospel of Christ the chair of the Diocesan to hear the truth you’ve (writ- year. The problem is that some tion as both deacons and priests and the responsibility of our ten) twisted by knaves to make New Brunswick Anglicans to “reverently obey your Ordi- church to improve the living Communications a trap for fools...” have not even seen the project; nary and other chief Ministers” conditions of all people, both Committee Last June at the Diocesan others have seen only what the (pg. 653 – B.C.P.), and in the Book here and abroad. Synod in Saint John, represen- local rector thinks they should of Alternative Services, “respect Let’s stir up the hearts of Dear Editor: tatives from the 85 parishes in see; and still more have only and be guided by the pastoral his people and take some af- How would you like to receive the province of New Brunswick seen edited versions. direction and leadership of your fi rmative action in the pursuit a letter from a friend that had requested our bishop, the Dioc- We Anglicans recite the bishop.” of our Christian ideals. The been opened, changed and edi- esan Counsel, archdeacons and Nicene Creed every time we Why can’t we Anglicans Nicodemus Project provides torialized? Or how would you diocesan staff to come up with receive the sacraments at the pull together in one direction, a great start, for as St. John’s like to know that someone had a plan to inject new life into our Service of Holy Communion. seeking God’s love through Gospel states in chapter three: sent you a letter but someone parishes by fi rst seeking the One of the tenets of the creed the teachings of our Lord and Nicodemus had a life-changing else had intercepted it? Well, love and example of Jesus, and is, “I believe in one Holy, Catho- Saviour Jesus Christ and his experience after listening to the this is what is happening here then moving on to embrace his lic and Apostolic Church.” disciples? Too many of us get wisdom of Jesus Christ.
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