3318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE_ FEBRUARY 9 6298. Also, petition by voters of Salem, Ohio, urging that 6319. By Mr. THOMPSON: Petition of 140 citizens of Put­ immediate steps be taken to bring to a vote a Civil War pen­ nam County, Ohio, urging passage of legislation granting more "'ion bill in order that relief may be accorded to needy and liberal pensions to Civil War veterans and widows of veterans; ;uffering veterans and widows of veterans ; to the Committee to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. on Invalid Pensions. 6320. By 1\Ir. THURSTON: Petition of citizens of Adams 6299. By l\Ir. O'CONNELL of New York: Petition of the County, Iowa, requesting the Congress to pass legislation to Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, strongly increase pensions of veterans of the Civil War; to the Commit­ urges that the headquarters of the American Republic Line tee on Invalid Pensions. remain in New York; to the Committee on the Merchant Ma­ 6321. Also, petition of Greater Des Moines Committee, indors­ rine and Fisheries. ing the McNary-Haugen bill; to the Conunittee on Agriculture. 6300. By Mr. OLDFIELD: Petition of citizens of Fulton 6322. Also, petition of citizens of Afton, Union County, Iowa, County, Ark., urging the passage of House bill 13450; to the requesting the Congress to pass legislation to increase pensions Committee on Invalid Pensions. now allowed to veterans of the Civil War and their depend­ 6301. Also, petition of citizens of Randolph County, Ark., ents; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. urging the passage of House bill 13450 ; to the Committee on 6323. By Mr. U~"'DERWOOD: Petition of 1\Irs. Clyde Hum­ Invalid Pensions. phreys et al., 1\Irs. Emma Hockman et al., Chas. C. \Volfe et al., 6302. By Mr. PATTERSON: Memorial of Cactus Chapter D. P. Camp et al., and David C. Throckmorton et al., favoring No. 2 and Tuscon Chapter No. 4, Disabled American Veterans Civil War pension legislation; to the Committee on Invalid of the World War, recommending repeal of the last provision Pen ions. of paragraph 7, section 202, disabled American veterans relief 6324. By Mr. VINCENT of Michigan: Petition of residents act, of .June 6, 1924, and urging enactment into law of House of the eighth ·district, urging further relief for Civil War bill 16019; to the Committee on World War Veterans' Legis­ veterans and widows of veterans; to the Committee on Invalid lation. Pensions. 6303. Also, memorial of Commercial Travelers' A sociation, 6325. By 1\Ir. WATSON: Petitions from residents of Bucks praying for immediate action on the bill S. 1143 so as to discon­ County, Pa., urging further relief for Civil War veterans and tinue the war-time Pullman surcharge by amending section 1 of widows of veterans; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the interstate commerce act; to the Committee on Interstate and ~"""oreign Commerce. 6304. By Mr. REED of New York: Petition of citizens of SENATE Olean, Limestone, and Rushford, N. Y., urging action on a Civil War pension bill (petition not attached) ; to the Com­ Wrn~ESDAY, February 9, 19~1 mittee on Invalid Pensions. The Chaplain, Rev. J. J. Muir, D. D., offered the following 6305. By 1\Ir. REID of illinois: Petition signed by inmates prayer: of the Soldiers Widows' Home at Wilmington, m., urging passage of legislaton for the benefit of veterans of the Civil Our heavenly Father, we love to call Thee by that name, ·war and widows of veterans; to the Committee on Invalid for such is the endearment because we know that Thou art Pensions. looking after our intere ts and ever seeking our welfare. Thou 6306. By 1\Irs. ROGERS: Resolution and petition of the hast permitted us to see the morning light and opened to us National Council of Traveling Salesmen's Associations, for the opportunities of service in Thy name and for Thy glory. Be repeal of the war-time Pullman surcharge; to the Committee pleased to be with us this day. Guide ou.r thoughts, influence on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. our purposes, and lead us onward. For Thy name's sake we 6307. By Mr. ROWBOTTOM: Petition of 1\Irs. Cordelia ask it. Amen. Corder and others, of Gibson County, Ind., that the bill increas­ The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's ing the pension of Civil War widows be enacted into law at proceedings when, on reque"t of Mr. CuRTIS and by unanimous this session of Congress; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. consent, the further reading was dispensed with and the 6308. By Mr. SAl\'DERS of New York: Petition of 105 resi­ Journal was approved. dents of the thirty-ninth congressional district, opposing the passage of compulsory Sunday observance bills ; to the Com­ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE mittee on the Dish·ict of Columbia. A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. 6309. Also, petition of the congregation of the United Presby­ Haltigan, one of its clerks, announced that Mr. TINKH..AM and terian Chw·ch of Pavilion, N. Y., unanimously urging the pas­ Mr. GRIFFIN were appointed as additional managers on the sage of House bill 10311, the Sunday rest bill for the District part of the House at the conference on the bill (H. R. 16576) of Columbia; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. making appropriations for the Departments of State and Jus­ 6310. Also, petition of 59 residents of the thirty-ninth con­ tice and for the judiciary, and for the Departments of Com­ gressional district of New York, urging the passage of House merce and Labor, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, and bill 10311, the Sunday rest bill for the District of Columbia; for other purposes. to the Committee on the District of Columbia. The message also announced that the House had passed a 6311. By Mr. SCHNEHDER: Petition of voters of Green Bay, bill (H. R. 16863) making appropriations for the legislative Wis., urging legislative relief for veterans and widows of the branch of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, Civil War; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 1928, a.nd for other purposes, in which it requested the con­ 6312. Also, petition of voters of Crandon, Wis., urging legisla­ currence of the Senate. tive relief for veterans and widows of the Civil War; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ENROLLED BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS SIGNED 6313. Also, petition of voters of Gillett, Wis., urging legisla­ The message further announced that the Speaker had af­ tive relief for veterans and widows of the Civil War; to the fixed his signature to the following enrolled bills and joint Committee on Invalid Pensions. resolutions, and they were thereupon signed by the Vice 6314. By Mr. SINCLAIR: Petition of representatives of President: 900,000 traveling salesmen, for the repeal of the war-time Pull­ S. 3634. An act providing for the preparation of a biennial man surcharge; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign index to State legislation ; Commerce. S. 4942. An act to authorize an appropriation for the pur­ 6315. By Mr. STRONG of Kansas: Petition of voters of Con­ chase of certain privately owned land within the Jicarilla cordia, Kans., urging passage of Civil War pension bill for Indian Reservation, N. Mex.: widows and veterans ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. S. 5499. An act authorizing a survey of the Caloosahatchee 6316. By Mr. TE~MPLE: Petition of members and adherents Ri"rer drainage area in Florida, and of Lake Okeechobee and of the Chartiers Cross Roads United Presbyterian Church, certain territory bordering its shores in Florida ; Washington County, Pa., in support of the Lankford Sunday H. R. 585. An act for the relief of Frederick Marshall ; rest bill (H. R. 10311) ; to the Committee on the District of H. R. 1105. An act for the relief of the Kelly Springfield Columbia. Motor Truck Co. of California ; 6317. By Mr. THATCHER: Petition of numerous residents H. R. 1330. An act for the relief of Helene 1\I. Hubrich; of Louisville, Ky., urging passage of a bill granting increases H. R.1464. An act or the relief of Charles C. Hughes; of pension to Civil War veterans and widows of veterans; to II. R. 2184. An act for the relief of James Gaynor; the Committee on Invalid Pensions. H. R. 2491. An act for the relief of Gordan A. Dennis ; 6318. Also, petition of certain residents of Louisville, Ky., H. R. 4376. An act to allow and credit the accounts of Joseph urging passage of a bill granting increases of pension to Civil R. Hebblethwaite, formerly captain, Quartermaster Corps, United War veterans and widows of veterans; to the Committee on States Army, the sum of $237.90 disallowed by the Comptroller Invalid Pensions. General of the United States; 1927 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3319 H. R. 4719. An act for the relief of the New Braunfels Brew­ missions, anp offices for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1928, ing Co.; and for other purposes ; II. R. 5866. An act faf the relief of the Lehigh Coal & Navi­ S. J. Res.141. Joint resolution to approve a sale of land by gation Co.; one' Moshulatubba or Muslmlatubbe on August 29, 1832; and ll. R. 5{)91. An act authorizing the adjustment of the bound­ H. J. Res. 233. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of aries of the Black Hills and Harney Forests, and for other War to loan certain French guns which belong to the United purposes; States and are now in the city park at Walla Walla, Wash., to H.
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