Martyrdom in Christianity and Islam Martyrdom 1Fl Christianity and Islam

Martyrdom in Christianity and Islam Martyrdom 1Fl Christianity and Islam

33 MartyrdomMartyrdom 1fl in ChristianityChristianity andand Islam MAHMOUDMAHMOTJD M. M. AYOUBAYOUB nneue ofof methe most important marks of a person's faith faith oror commitmentcommitment toto OV a religiousa religious ideology ideology i.sis hishis readinessreadiness to to defenddefend thatthat faithfaith with life itself ifif necessary. Examples Examples of of such such heroic heroic sacrifice sacrifice or or martyrdom martyrdom abound abound in in bornboth ancientancient and contemporary society.society, InIn ancientancient times, the heroicheroic indifference of suchsuch menmen asas thethe StoicStoic philosopher, philosopher, Epktetus, Epictetus, to to torrure torture and and death death inin thethe affirmation of aa noblenoble idealideal earnedearned them the honor of martyrs; their example and ideal of total indifference to passionspassions and worldlyworldly life provided a model for earlyearly ChristianChristian martyrs. InIn ourour own time,time, such menmen as Che Guaverra andand his legendary comrade Tanya havehave beenbeen regardedregarded asas martyrsmartyrs andand even saints by somesome CatholicCatholic leftistleftist priests.priests. MartyrdomMartyrdom hashas beenbeen oneone of the most power-power­ ful instruments in thethe establishmentestablishment andand propagationpropagation ofof a a faithfaith oror ideology,ideology, and hencehence ofof aa newnew socialsocial order. In thisthis essay wewe shallshall examineexamine thethe philosophyphilosophy of of martyrdom martyrdom andand the role of martyrs inin Christianity and Islam. We shallshall firstfirst consider consider this this phenomenon phenomenon in eacheach ofof thethe twotwo traditionstraditions separately,separately. and thenthen brieflybriefly discussdiscuss similaritiessimilarities and differencesdifferences of concept andand attitude towardstowards thethe marcyrmartyr in thethe twotWO com-com­ munities. OurOur aimaim isis essentiallyessentially to appreciateappreciate the contribution whichwhich this phenomenon hashas mademade toto the the religio-political religio-political situationsituation ofof today's today's The term martyr as used in the NewNew TestamentTesramcm means "witness.""witness," A martyr isis a witness notnot toto an idea butbur toto anan event,event, toto thethe faithfaith inin therhe crucifiedcrucified andand risenrisen Christ. Thus thethe authorauthor ofof 1 I JohnJohn writes, "".... .. thatthat which which we we havehave seenseen withwith ourour eyes,eyes, which we havehave looked looked upon upon andand [Duchedtouched wirhwith ourour hands.hands . ., .. wewe proclaim also to you. .., ..."1"1 TheThe firstfirst Christian martyr, Stephen, isis reported toro havehave seen the heavensheavens open and thethe Son of God se"oltedseated on the rightright handhand ofof God. 22 NeitherNeither in in the the Old Old nor nor the the New New Testament, Testament, however, however, do do we we see see anyany significantsignificant developmentdevelopment ofof the the conceptconcept beyondbeyond anan almostalmost juridicaljuridical meaningmeaning ofof witness. witnen. InIn biblical biblical andand post-biblical post-biblical Judaism, Judaism. martyrdom martyrdom was was consideredconsidered toto bebe anan individualindividual workwork ofof piety piety and and tesissance resistance toto evil.evil. TheThe casescases ofof thethe womanwoman andand herher sevenseven sonssons in IVIV MaccabeesMaccabees (8:3ff)(8;3ff) and the threethree youngyoung menmen inin DanielDaniel (ch.(ch. 3)3) have have survived survived asas powerfulpowerful symbolssymbols inin thethe liturgyIirurgy andand hagiography hagiography ofof 6767 ACLURM002820 68 MAHMOUDMAHMOUD M. M. AYOUB AYOUB ENABLING FACTORS FOR CHANG!! 69 68 ENABLING FACTORS FOR CHANGE 69 the Church. The aim of martyrdom in Judaism was essentially to perfect the the Church. The aim of martyrdom in Judaism wa.1 essentially to perfect the fiedfied Christ Christ beforebefore his his death, death, was usedused asas aa proof proof case. case. The The lelters letters vehemently vehemently victim and edify the people. Since martyrdom, as a religious and moral con- victim and edify the people. Since martyrdom, as a reEgious and moral con­ protestprotest the the use use of of the the epithet epithet martYrI martyrs for for confessors confessors who who endured endured persecution persecution cept, can best develop within an eschatological framework, it is significant cept, call best develop widlin an eschatological framework, it is significant butbut diddid not seal their testimony with their blood."blood.9 InIn TheThe Shepherd Shepherd of of Her·Her- that in Judaism this concept appears only in late Biblical and apocryphal that in Judaism this concept appears only in late Biblical and apocryphal mas.mas, thisthis imitatorimitator ofof ChristChrist through martyrdommanyrdom earnscarns the martyr's salvation writingswritings in in anan eschatologicaleschatological context. context. The The earlyearly Church Church fellfell heir heir toto both Jew­Jew- andand aa shareshare inin the glory of Christ. "Those whowho suffered suffered for for the the name name of of dIedie ish eschatology and its moral implications. ish escharology and irs moral implications. SonSon ofof GodGod are glorious. All their sinssins havehave beenbeen takentaken away."11 away."" The The mar.tyrsmartyrs In Acts 22:20, St. Paul acknowledges his role in the martyrdom of early In Acts 22:20, St. Paul acknowledges his role in the manyrdom of early areare alsoalso pictured pictured asas sitting sitting Oilon thronesthrones withwith CroWIIScrowns on on thdr their h~ads,heads, withwith ChristChrist Christians, "when the blood of Thy servant Stephen was shed."3 The book Christians, "when the blood of Thy servant Stephen was shed."3 The book engagedengaged inin judgingjudging the worlds'world." SuchSuch gloryglory belongsbelongs only to those who have of Revelation, the apocalypse of the early Church, presents a vivid image of of Revelation, the apocalypse of the early Church, presents a vivid image of sufferedsuffered stripes, stripes, imprisonment.imprisonment, crucifixion,crucifixion, and wild beasts forfor Chrisr'sChrist's name,name, the martyrs: "I saw the woman drunk with the blood . of the martyrs." the martyrs: "I saw the woman drunk with (he blood ... of the martyrs."44 insistsinsists thethe authorauthor ofof TheThe Shepherd.Shepherd During the apostolic age, the concept of martyrdom took on new meaning During the apostolic age. the concept of martyrdom took on new meaning AA richrich andand elaborateelaborate cultus evolved outout of thisthis greatgreat regard forfor martyrdom as the number of martyrs increased and their memory lived on. Yet the two as the number of martyrs increased and their memory lived on. Yet the two alldand the veneration accorded martyrs. We can discussdiscuss only only rhethe beginnings of elements of witnessing to one's faith and stoic indifference to pain continued elements of witnessing to one's faith and stoic indifference to pain continued thisthis cultus,cultus, andand some of its salientsalient reatutes.features. Apparently,Apparently, tllethe authoritiesauthorities rcspon­respon- to dominate the thinking of the early Church. Thus we read in I Clement to dominate the thinking of the early Church. Thus we read in I Clement sible forfor thethe execution by burning of Polycarp sought sought toto prevent the Chris-Chris­ 5:4-7 (written about A.D. 96): 5:4-7 (written about A.D. 96): tianstians fromfrom gatheringgathering his remains which, they feared, would be venerated more than Christ. The faithful protestedprotested thisthis accusationaccusation vehemently, arguingarguing tharthat the veneration accorded toto martyrsmatlyrs forfur theirtheir sacrificesacrifice isis not thethe samesame asas wor-wor­ Peter, who because ofof unrighte.ousunrightenus jealowyjealousy suff.m:d suffered not not oneone oror ~otwo butbut many ship which belongs toto God alone. The classic difference herehere staredstated and greatly trials, and having thus given his testimonytestimony went to thethe glotiousglotious placeplace whichwhich was his due. Through jealousy and strife Paul showed the way to the prize of elaborated in thethe EasternEastern ChurchChurch isis betweenbetween honorhonor oror venerationveneration andand wor-wor· was hi5 due. Through jealousy and suife Paul showed the way co the prize of ship. The parishioners of the bishop did gather the bones of the saint for endurance; seven5cven times he was in bonds, hehe waswas exiled, hehe was stoned, hehe waswas ship. The parishioners of the bishop did gather the bones of the saint for burial. considering them "to be more valuable than precious stones and finer a heraldherald bothDoth inin therhe EastEast and inin thethe West,West, hehe gainedgained thethe noblenoble: famefame ofof hishis burial, considering them "to be more valuable than precious stones and finer than relined gold .... [They] laid them in a suitable place. There the lord faith,f.irh, hehe taughttaught righteousnessrighteousness to all the world, and when he had reachedteached the than refined gold. [They] laid them in a suitable place. There the Lord limitslimits of the West he gave his testimonytestimony beforebefore thethe rulers, and thusrhus passed from will permit us [they said] .... toto gathergather togethertogether inin joyjoy and gladnessgladness and toto thethe worldworld andand waswa> taken~akcn upup intointo thethe Holy Holy Place—the Pla{e-~he greatestgreatest exampleexample ofof celebrate

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