City of Trenton 319 East State Street, Trenton, New Jersey REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS THROUGH A FAIR AND OPEN PROCESS IN ACCORDANCE WITH N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 ET SEQ. FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF TRENTON CITY HALL TRENTON, NEW JERSEY FOR THE CITY OF TRENTON DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION, NATURAL RESOURCES AND CULTURE To be received on: FEBRUARY 24, 2021 at 11:00AM DIVISION OF PURCHASING RFP2021-02 RFP2021-02 ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF 1 TRENTON CITY HALL CITY OF TRENTON NOTICE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP2021-02 PURSUANT TO LFN2020-10 the City of Trenton is soliciting proposals through a fair and open process in accordance with N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.4 et seq. for: ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF TRENTON CITY HALL PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR JANUARY 25, 2021 AT 11:00AM IN FRONT OF CITY HALL, 319 EAST STATE STREET, TRENTON, NJ 08608. RESPONDENTS CAN RSVP TO RANDY [email protected] OR (609)-213-3478 RESPONDENTS SHALL LOG IN ON 2/24/21 AT 11:00AM TO THE PROPOSAL OPENING PLEASE JOIN THE LIVE EVENT https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup- join/19%3ameeting_ODdmZDJiZWQtNDU4Ny00M2IzLTgxN2QtNmFjNjhjMTI1ZTg4%40thread.v2/0?context= %7b%22Tid%22%3a%22f86c5221-bbd6-4070-b193-55d36a0de932%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226fec7279-2837- 4779-828d-0e96030d5481%22%2c%22IsBroadcastMeeting%22%3atrue%7d +1 609-453-2732 Conference ID: 752 606 143# The City of Trenton requires submission of sealed proposals by FEBRUARY 24, 2021 AT 11:00AM to Isabel C. Garcia, QPA, Purchasing Agent, Division of Purchasing, 1st floor, 319 East State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608. Respondents shall comply with Executive Order#122 located on page 9, 3rd paragraph. Scope of services and proposal information may be downloaded from the City of Trenton’s Website at https://nj-trenton.civicplus.com/list.aspx Scope of Services, Requirements, Evaluation Criteria and other proposal information may be obtained at the Division of Purchasing, 1st Floor, City Hall Annex, 319 East State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608 during regular business hours (8:30 am - 4:30 pm) or at the City website. The link to request a copy of the proposal is https://nj- trenton.civicplus.com/list.aspx . Respondents may visit the City of Trenton’s website at for any addenda/notices issued prior to the request for proposal opening at https://nj- trenton.civicplus.com/list.aspx. Failure to submit acknowledgement of an addenda is a fatal defect. Respondents shall comply with the requirements of P.L. 1975 C127. (N.J.S.A. 17:27et seq.) RFP2021-02 ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF 2 TRENTON CITY HALL SCHEDULE PROPOSAL RELEASE DATE JANUARY 12, 2021 PRE-PROPOSAL MEETING JANUARY 25, 2021 AT 11:00AM QUESTIONS TO: [email protected] BY FEBRUARY 3, 2021 ADDENDUM: FEBRUARY 12, 2021 PROPOSAL OPENING DATE: FEBRUARY 24, 2021 AT 11:00AM City of Trenton Isabel C. Garcia, QPA Purchasing Agent RFP2021-02 609-989-3139 RFP2021-02 ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF 3 TRENTON CITY HALL PROPOSAL DOCUMENT CHECKLIST (REQUIRED WITH SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL) The following checklist is provided as assistance to the development of the RFP Response. It in no way supersedes or replaces the requirements of the RFP. Please initial on the lines below for each document/section attesting to the fact that you have read and/or included the documents with your RFP. RESPONDENT’S INITIAL Business Registration Certificate to be supplied (REQUIRED FROM AWARDED RESPONDENT PRIOR TO CONTRACT AWARD) Acknowledgement of Receipt of Addenda (AS APPLICABLE) (MANDATORY) Failure to Submit with Proposal Submittal is an automatic fatal defect Ownership Disclosure Statement ( Disclosure of Invested Activities in Iran C.52:32-57 “P.L.2012, c.25 (MANDATORY)Submit with Proposal Submittal is an automatic fatal defect City of Trenton Ethic Complaint Disclosure City of Trenton Resident Employment Policy Affirmative Action Statement Affirmative Action Mandatory Language Americans with Disabilities Act Mandatory Language Acknowledgement of Addenda Non-Collusion Affidavit Certification and Disclosure of Political Contributions Detailed Required Information as Mentioned in this Request for Proposal References (as Applicable) _______ Licensing/Certifications (as Applicable) One (1) Original Copy and five (5) additional copies Respondent’s Price Proposal Required in a Separate Sealed Envelope – “Proposal” RFP2021-02 ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF 4 TRENTON CITY HALL PROCUREMENT REQUIREMENTS: A. A copy of the State of New Jersey Business Registration Certificate (REQUIRED FROM AWARDED RESPONDENT PRIOR TO AWARD) B. Documentation of required Affirmative Action Compliance C. Acknowledgement of Addenda (MANDATORY) Failure to Submit with Proposal Submittal is an automatic fatal defect D Ownership Statement Disclosure (MANDATORY) Failure to Submit with Proposal Submittal is an automatic fatal defect E. Affirmative Action Statement F. Affirmative Action Mandatory Language G. Americans with Disabilities Act Mandatory Language H. Non-Collusion Affidavit I. Certification and Disclosure of Political Contributions J. Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran (MANDATORY) K. Certificate of Insurance for general liability, professional liability and worker’s comp is required from the awarded Respondent with a 30- day cancellation clause. QUESTIONS Questions must be submitted in writing to [email protected]. Deadline date for questions is FEBRUARY 3, 2021. The City is not obligated to answer questions past the deadline date. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF ADDENDA – FEBRUARY 12, 2021 If changes are made to the Request for Proposal, an Addendum will be advertised in the Trenton Times and on the City’s Website at https://nj- trenton.civicplus.com/list.aspx. February 12, 2021. Respondent may visit the City of Trenton’s website at for any addenda/notices issued prior to the request for proposal opening at https://nj- trenton.civicplus.com/list.aspx RFP2021-02 ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF 5 TRENTON CITY HALL NOTICE for COVID-19 PROTECTIVE PROCEDURES FOR CONDUCTING PRE-PROPOSAL SITE MEETING Trenton City Hall Plaza on State Street Trenton, New Jersey JANAURY 25, 2021 AT 11:00AM ON SITE The intent of this document is to provide current information and recommendation with regards to conducting a pre-proposal meeting site visit for the Montgomery Plaza Renovation, Trenton, New Jersey. The City of Trenton assumes no liability for use of this document for purposes other than for which it was intended. The procedures presented in this document are separate from any other safety requirements that may be applicable for other environmental hazards present at the site. Developed in accordance with current guidelines established by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This document will be electronically distributed along with the Request for Proposals. All applicable personnel and/or visitors to the above referenced property are required to have read this document and adhered to the information within prior to entry to the site. Site Logistics Address: 319 E. State Street, Trenton NJ 08608 Site Visit Coordinator: Randy Baum, BRS, Inc. [email protected] 609-213-3478 A sign-in sheet will NOT be circulated at the meeting. **Each participant attending the meeting is required to provide a business card or an index card with their contact details including name, email address, company name, and phone number.** Pre-Site Visit Self Screening The following at-home procedures shall be conducted by prospective bidders prior to arrival on site: 1. Take temperature at home by using a personal oral thermometer or medical- grade digital scanning thermometer. No personnel shall be permitted to conduct the site visit if temperature exceeds 100.4⁰ F. 2. Monitor for symptoms related to COVID-19 (e.g. persistent cough, shortness of breath, chills/shakes, muscle pain, headaches, sore throat, and new loss of smell or taste). If any symptom is present, do not attend the site visit. 3. If exposed to, or in direct contact with someone who has/had a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the last 14 days, do not attend the site visit. 4. If you have previously recovered from a confirmed or suspected case of COVID- 19, at least three (3) days (i.e., 72-hours) must have passed following the resolution of a fever, without the use of fever-reducing medications, and the improvement in respiratory symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) before attending the site visit. RFP2021-02 ARCHITECTURAL AND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REHABILITATION OF EXTERIOR PLAZA AND FACADE OF 6 TRENTON CITY HALL On-Site Procedures 1. Social Distancing: While conducting the site visit maintain sensible social distancing guidelines and where possible maintain a minimum of six (6) feet between other participants. 2. Face Coverings/Mask: At minimum, individuals are required to wear face coverings if they cannot maintain at least six (6) feet apart. For purposes of this document, the term “face coverings”, applies to any well-secured paper or cloth mask that covers your mouth and nose. Alternatively, a filtering face piece respirator (N-95) or tight fitting air purifying respirator may be used. 3. Hand Hygiene: Once on site, individuals will utilize hand sanitation using hand sanitizer or pre-treated/moistened disposable wipes. Disposal nitrile gloves may be utilized as an adequate alternative; however, frequent disposal and reapplication of gloves will be necessary to maintain proper hygiene. Attendees shall come prepared to the meeting with their own hygiene supplies. 4. Avoid sharing of flashlights, tools, pens, or similar tools. 5. Perform Practice “respiratory etiquette” including cover your mouth and nose with a tissue if coughing or sneezing, even when wearing a face covering.
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