Baltic-Adriatic TEN-T Core Network Corridor – Project list, 31/05/2017 Disclaimer: this list is indicative work in progress still evolving and does not represent a commitment by the MS or the project promoter. Project Member States / Total costs Project name Project promoter Project end date category Countries involved (€ million) Upgrade Nordbahn Wien Süßenbrunn – Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 592.0 12/2025 Bernhardsthal Data networks and mobile radio Wien - Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 2.1 12/2018 Bernhardsthal Train condition checkpoints Wien - Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 0.7 12/2018 Bernhardsthal Integration of interlockings into signalling & Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 10.5 12/2018 dispatching centres Wien - Bernhardsthal Noise protection Wien – Bernhardsthal Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 3.6 12/2020 Upgrade Stadlau-Marchegg Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 550.0 12/2022 Train condition checkpoints Marchegg – Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 9.5 12/2020 Arnoldstein Integration of interlockings into signalling & Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 98.6 12/2016 dispatching centres Marchegg - Arnoldstein Pottendorf line Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 618.2 12/2022 Upgrade Wien Meidling / Altmannsdorf Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 44.6 12/2023 Wien Zvbf Rail Freight Station - Alignment To be Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2037 optimization of exit lines defined Reconfiguration of the accessibility of Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 10.5 12/2020 Himberg Station Link between Vienna Airport - Bruck/Leitha To be Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2017 (- border AT/HU) defined Extension Wien Erdberger Lände Rail Bridge To be Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2034 (section Wien Simmering - Wien Praterkai) defined Integration of interlockings into signalling & Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 25.7 12/2017 dispatching centres (Vienna) Noise protection (Vienna) Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 13.4 12/2020 Train condition checkpoints Wien – Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 0.8 12/2017 Nickelsdorf Noise protection Wien – Nickelsdorf Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 1.7 12/2017 Electronic interlocking: Wr. Neustadt - Graz Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 64.3 12/2022 Data networks and mobile radio Wien – Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 15.7 12/2017 Villach Noise protection Wien – Villach Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 17.9 12/2021 To be Upgrade Wampersdorf - Wiener Neustadt Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2022 defined Upgrade Wiener Neustadt – Gloggnitz Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 81.2 12/2018 Ternitz station reconfiguration Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 41.3 12/2022 Semmering base tunnel Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 3,315.0 12/2026 Station reconfigurations Mürzzuschlag - Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 116.3 12/2019 Bruck a.d.M. Station reconfigurations Bruck a.d.M - Graz Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 204.9 12/2023 Graz Hauptbahnhof Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 150.2 12/2017 Upgrade Graz - Spielfeld-Straß Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 19.1 12/2026 Graz - Klagenfurt; Koralm line Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 5,539.3 12/2023 ETCS deployment Wien – Süßenbrunn Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 16.4 12/2017 ETCS deployment in ETCS gap between Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 9.8 12/2019 Westbahn and Ostbahn To be ERTMS deployment Wien – Marchegg Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2030 defined To be ERTMS deployment Wien – Parndorf Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2022 defined ERTMS deployment Parndorf – Kittsee / To be Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2030 Petrzalka (border AT/SK) defined ERTMS deployment Wampersdorf – To be Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2023 Gramatneusiedl defined To be ERTMS deployment Wampersdorf – Wien Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2023 defined ERTMS deployment Wr. Neustadt – To be Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2023 Wampersdorf defined To be ERTMS deployment Graz – Wr. Neustadt Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2030 defined To be ERTMS deployment Werndorf – Graz Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2023 defined ERTMS deployment Sentilj / Spielfeld-Strass To be Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2023 (border AT/SLO) – Werndorf defined To be ERTMS deployment Klagenfurt – Werndorf Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2023 defined ERTMS deployment Border AT/IT – To be Rail ERTMS ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 12/2030 Klagenfurt defined Bundesministerium für Upgrade Austrian locomotives to ERTMS Rail ERTMS Verkehr, Innovation und AT 9.0 12/2019 Baseline 3 Technologie Planning and construction of the A5 North ASFINAG (Austrian Road Road AT 283.0 12/2017 motorway. Schrick-Poysbrunn section Infrastructure Manager) A5 Construction Poysbrunn - Border AT/CZ ASFINAG (Austrian Road Road AT 49.6 12/2018 1st Part Infrastructure Manager) A5 Construction Poysbrunn - Border AT/CZ ASFINAG (Austrian Road Road AT 91.1 06/2027 2nd Part Infrastructure Manager) Planning of the A5 North motorway, section ASFINAG (Austrian Road between Poysbrunn and the Austria-Czech Road AT 5.0 02/2018 Infrastructure Manager) border S1 - Vienna Outer Ring Expressway - ASFINAG (Austrian Road Schwechat - Süßenbrunn (1st part: Road AT 271.1 12/2020 Infrastructure Manager) Großenzersdorf - Süßenbrunn) S1 - Vienna Outer Ring Expressway - ASFINAG (Austrian Road Schwechat - Süßenbrunn (2nd part: Road AT 1,612.1 09/2025 Infrastructure Manager) Schwechat - Großenzersdorf) A4 - Fischamend – Bruck a. d. Leitha 6-lane ASFINAG (Austrian Road Road AT 151.7 11/2020 expansion and rehabilitation Infrastructure Manager) A2 motorway: northern by-pass Klagenfurt, ASFINAG (Austrian Road Road AT 14.6 06/2018 general overhaul (stage 2) Infrastructure Manager) ASFINAG (Austrian Road Roadside network information system Road AT 4.1 11/2018 Infrastructure Manager) Bundesministerium für eCall.at Road Verkehr, Innovation und AT 8.0 12/2017 Technologie Bundesministerium fur C-Roads Austria Road Verkehr, Innovation und AT 19.1 12/2020 Technologie Planning and construction of the expansion Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co IWW AT 57.0 12/2025 of the trimodal Port of Freudenau/Vienna KG Improving of the multimodal Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co interconnections at Port of IWW AT 9.0 n.a. KG Freudenau/Vienna Expansion of the container terminal - Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co IWW AT 5.1 12/2017 construction Stage 1 KG Third runway for the Vienna International Airport Vienna Airport PLC AT 800.0 12/2028 Airport Sustainable airport area - CO2 neutral Airport Flughafen Wien AG AT 80.0 12/2025 Airport Cargo Center Vienna South (Inzersdorf) Multimodal ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 245.5 12/2017 Steiermärkische Terminal Graz Süd Expansion Multimodal Landesbahnen / Cargo- AT 39.8 n.a. Center-Graz Vienna Central Railway Station (Wien Hbf) Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 997.1 12/2015 Airport Schwechat – Long distance rail Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, PGO AT 5.8 2014/2015 connection to Bratislava/Budapest Works and studies for upgrading the Wien- Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 846.6 12/2015 Bratislava railway line (6 sub-projects) Implementation of GSM-R on Austrian A- Rail ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 81.4 12/2014 network A4 motorway: section Airport Vienna - ASFINAG (Austrian Road Fischamend, additional lane for each Road AT 45.1 11/2015 Infrastructure Manager) direction A2 motorway: northern by-pass Klagenfurt, ASFINAG (Austrian Road Road AT 54.58 06/2015 general overhaul (stage 1) Infrastructure Manager) Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co OPTIHUB IWW AT 0.6 12/2016 KG Studies for the expansion of the trimodal Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co IWW AT 5.4 12/2015 port of Freudenau/Vienna KG Expansion of the tri-modal inland port of Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co IWW AT 12.8 12/2015 Vienna by land recovery (2012-AT-18070-P) KG Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co Port mobile Crane IWW AT 2.7 12/2015 KG Wiener Hafen, Gmbh & Co Land recovery Part 2 IWW AT 6.6 12/2015 KG Connection Ostbahn – Flughafenschnellbahn Airport ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG AT 63.1 12/2014 near Kledering with Vienna Central Station Adaptation of Passenger Rail Station ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG / Airport AT 118.8 12/2014 (platform extension to min. 400 m length for Flughafen Wien long-distance passenger trains) AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, I_HeERO - Harmonized eCall European pilot Road ERTICO – ITS Europe EI, ES, FI, GR, IT, LU, 31.0 12/2017 (Partnership Project) NL, PT, RO, SI, UK AT, BE, CZ, CY, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GR, HU, HR, Navigation performance implementation Airport EUROCONTROL IE, IT, LU, LV, LT, NL, 4.9 12/2019 tooklit MT, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE, SI, UK AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, Coordinated and harmonised FI, FR, GR, HU, HR, IE, implementation of rail freight corridors and Rail RailNetEurope IT, LU, LV, LT, NL, PL, 7.8 12/2017 freight and passenger telematics PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE, applications SI, UK AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GR, HU, HR, IE, Support to the implementation of ERTMS Rail ERTMS EEIG ERTMS Users Group IT, LU, LV, LT, NL, PL, 11.5 12/2017 PT, RO, SK, SI, ES, SE, SI, UK AT, BE, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GR, HU, HR, IE, Joint Application for PDP Implementation - Airport ENAV S.p.A. IT, LV, NL, PL, PT, RO, 643.8 12/2020 Cluster 1 (DP Implementation) SK, SI, ES, SE, UK, BH, NO SESAR Deployment Manager AT, BE, DE, DK, ES, FI, SESAR Deployment Programme Airport (NATS (En-Route)Pic on FR, IE, IT, MT, NL, PT, 529.1 12/2018 implementation 2015-Cluster 1 behalf) SE, SI, UK CLOSER, Lindholmen Science Swiftly Green Innovation AT, BE, DE, IT, SE 2.9 12/2015 Park Regional and Transport Development in the Regional Government of AT, BG, DE, HR, HU, Danube-Black Sea Region towards a IWW 2.2 06/2019 Lower Austria MD, RO, RS, SK, UA Transnational Multiport Gateway Region - DBS Gateway Region AT, BG, HR, HU, MD, DAPHNE - Danube Ports Network IWW Pro Danube International 3.0 06/2019 RO, RS, SK, UA CN Administratia Porturilor AT, BG, HU, RO, RS, SK, GETUP Green Danube Ports IWW 2.0 n.a.
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