California Highways and Public Works, November 1927

California Highways and Public Works, November 1927

TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1..,1:, Front Coyer !)iclure-Antoing in Decem­ ber in California, a San /lhteo Count)' View. CaliCornm ~I0t1l1t8in f1ighw8.r&-li·,·td S. Moody J Building Home'! tor Stttte ''-'i h-P. T. Pooge_ 4 Out F'ishill· _ San Gabriel \Yater ProbleID!l-Harold CDflk. ling 6 1';a\"(' tI e neaehK--GoveNlor ('. C. rfHn'!l____ 'j Gontflor Ynunl! )ftwf"!'l to , \"e Recreational Areas In e.h(nrnIA . I) T~lls Stor')" of Stale's Growth__ 9 Building a Highway Wllile 6000 AutornoLiles )rO\'e Along the &o8d_______________ 10 Du.triet Onke Oudw Wins Praise._________ 1] Elephant OwneMl Tau 1'\oti~_.____________ 12 SUI ftleing Tf'f'stml'llt :Method or Oiling Roads T E. Sfa,.tofL. .__ 13 EditorialJl .__ 14 CaliCornia lIighwll)"S News AI d Comment.___ 16 The Kew LItke Allll/mor Cllu8Cwny_____ 19 SenAtor Oddie Urb"CS More l;'ederol Aid lor nOllds _ .________ 20 li'ederlll Aid l"igure~ Cor Cttlifornia_________ 21 Slat. """way bGl",_n OntJl.rlo Illul Rlve..- Tlle StaLe Press on"llot Dog" Stand,,_______ 22 .lie, In RI.....lJId. CO\lnt:r. Rough Going 23 CommnlliClltiolll~ ._______ 26 Along the COIICrellJ • 27 Grade Crossitlg' SitUlIl.ioll_.____________ 27 Ifighway Work in Calirornilt CouuLie:J • 31 From Other States_________________________ 87 Opening of Road Bids and Awat'ds___________ 37 Wal.f'r Permits and Applications____________ 39 .. ... ."'- California s Mounla on Highway By F o OY, Member of the CD. ifoml l:lI~h\V. y Co mJss1on. ROES SCEmC DIVERSIFICATIOC\'" FRED S. l\{oou~. in r. ted in influ n or th roads of 'aJifornill 2 OAUl"ORNIA HIUR IVA 'l' things exppcted from the gasolin tax, we call not r build mountains. STATE about MORE' lNU UALTTY" FOR ROAD' Putting the rna t l' tel' ely, I beE v that tit re i.. lleed in California fo(' a great r degr e of what might b termed so nic individuality on our mountain highways, By that I mean he dev lopm nt on every road of the unique featur of c nic or hi tori intere t that they may P0f> e . o much for th 10 ation of mountain high­ wa "R. ow as 10 tlL roal! tit m el " HWllW Y WIDTH l:M.PORTANT Mountain road mu be wiae. IJO tOUl'ist C.!MPORN1.4. IJlGHlI'AYiS ANlJ /'UJJUU WU/:I\IS. - - "HTGll"-WAYS TN CALIFORNIA • 4 ALlFUI(M.l uilding Horne OUT FISHIN A fellel' i"l1'~ lhin\;ill' m lln-Dm fishlll'i for the St te's Fi h His tholl h IIr 0 tI)' good and clcOIl­ OU fi8.hjJl': III' doe. Il' lin <:J; his fellow m II, l' hurbor allY grlldgCll then i hOI'i1l9 HOl tlle pariments of A Cell r' at hi. till 8t wh 'n--out fishin', t It (Ti -I1 Tn and '1'h t'i h lire cOlllrades to he poor-mIt f bin'; ar'i??,q for .\11 brothers of II IImlll n I l'e-out fishin'; D "I.'eloping On of 'ali/on i(f ,<; 'l'he urchin willi Ul pin Md tring .111 chum with milliollnire an' Idng; r Clf 'f porti1z,q R ourc s "nln pl'i<le Is a forI:' ~u 1h10j;--oU !ishill', .\ '('111'1' IIP tR n t'hance to drPnI~l\t fish ill' : BlJ p, 'I" /'lE, "-~i,,t:acnt '\rt'hl t. He I ul'n the beauties of II sll' am ut ftshin'; Division or Archllectur All' he an wa~h his & ul in nil' Thill ain't Caul with lli9h Ill'. An .,.Ii II plnin nn' s1111[}le fa"e-out flShin. A fell l' hilS n 'me for hste-ollt fi hin'; He :tin't gOr 0 be grent-Dut fisbiu'; p H !Iill't thlllilin' til ughUl of cH, n 'T, 0" goo(ls stocked higb upon n hl'Lf, But he's /I]wnys jllSI himscU-out Ballill', A feller's glnd to be 0. friend-out fI hln'; A h lpinl: hnntl h 'jj nlwlly lenrl-ollt Ii~ltill'; The broth rho f rod an' II ne, An' ky nn' t..enm is always Ii lie; ,1 11 come real cl 'e 10 .od's desigll-oul til bin', A feller hm't ploLtin' 'clt III III fishill': H' III)' bus)' with his ell' IUJIS--oUt fuhiu'; Hi livery's II at 0 ta ; H creed's Lo do th b t h etlD; A ( II l" ah""J" mostly IIlnll-oU fisbin'. -Bv Edloard .:I.. G1'est OlD· CALlPU/t.vU IIJOJllr.tYS .4.:\'D PUtlLIC l1'ORKS. , llceomplishell by developing springs and O{''ClI­ Ad,iaf/OeDI 10 Ihe h.ld,ery llu,re 11IlI"e been completed tltlring ID2"i It (OUIISl'! for 11M! ,ulll'rintendent lind sionally by digging a well. IInotller buiJdlnl CUlltlliniql( ljllllrle" for tmplo,·H1I, ~p.ce. l"l::I::OIXG T'HE "IIHl K......" .... nnd ,urk I~lectrie euergs is practicall:y essential for Burlau of Comm.rcial Fi,herjea It SI" Pedro Thill ~lnioll dlD.lab of two 1I\1I-OOlIr)' bllildint', lighting and power purVOSes, the latter use hllul!llng the nftlcee And Jaborntbrln ur lite Uu"au of being for grinding food for the fish and for C..IIlIO~l"('illi I<'i!d,..rle.o, I" which i, deleeated lbe rttu· pUnlpial,;' whler where neeessary. In !lOme IMlo" .nd rontn.ol of rooumerdol li"hinlt" thKl\ll'hollt iJl.~tnnces the site is [ar removed Cl'om a pub­ the ''-110. Tbe builtlillg~ lI'(re trr<-IHI in 1021 1I1Hl lic ulility lleniel! tine and it tlleD beeom~ "." anrnl,l. IIf the 1Il.... I~n' Id"plollon of Sr",nl~h necessary to genemte IJOwer, which nla)' be an·h[It'CllIl"ll. done b)' a wllter wheel. if Silti!lCaetorr water Flath.. Ri",r Hatchery supply is available, or by II gil!> engine and Tllis blld",r)' ..... en-ctw In 1!t2~, rt"I,lntinl II 'e"'llOrnl·r hnu:htry which hlld l.M.en Olotrnlin.. In n "tm·age battery set. Itlll p'""I·io,,. 10 IhU tim... It i. lotlIltd .1 Clio, The disposal of sewage from ihe hatchery PhUD'1!' County. ,,",1 '''vl,]iea 1i~1J ror olle of the fi"e>Jt buildings is tlOffimonly eared for by a septic IInKllnl rf!l:;on. or th~ ,tale. tank, whir.b though r=--------------------------, (Iuite !SIllllJl must be 08-refully designed and loeated ;;0 8!'. to pl'el'cut pollution uf any streom or other 801I1'Ce or wRter all­ jacefJt to iJl~ lSi!e. :lIAJOR PRo.n:CTS IH:-"l>LRD BY DIVISION ... The tollowilll{ i~ a brief c1csc!·iptioll of the major projects which have been handled by the Divi­ sion of Architecture [or the 1.... i8h and Game Com m1l!!lioD, or wllieh are under con­ struction or contem­ plated at ihe present time. MI. Whilney Hatchery Thie h'll..,hery, er«tcd [u Fi$"h hatchery. ::nl. \\'hUn,,)', hulll I.)' the Stale Dell.rlment of Ardlltec:lure. lYli. i, located Ilt IndIO' pelld~n..,., Inyo Chunty, lit the "Bue'~' hn~~ of MI. Blackwood Creek Wliitn.,y. An:hiledu1t\lly it i, olle of til., JUOBt inte.... A. n MlllllllcuWllt t<l the T.lIOf!'I'I·J·. 0 smAll e;ltil1% of Ihe hlttcheris in the ~tltle, Ih~ ulltl.... llfld hnlcher,. ,,·jl' cret!t~1 .t ll.h.~kw........1 (;rP.ek, n few mllel oonslrnel~l ,;tolle of whkb It i.e Iliving il til.. _"Pta•. t1lH'lllJl, [n lU2(I. 1'In~ of '", out of Ihl' l"OI:k)' l1uert 011 ...h!eb il U loe.ted. Tbe desert. !lllwen•. II only 1'1 fOr1!i(ffi!IlIt1 Bill Creek Hltch.ry to the ..."1 bulk of 31t. Whilney nnd it. lle; peake ill the h.ekl:l'Ouud. It Is thl!! I:l't'lIt mOllnt.liu 1.-l\l'gl'!lr 0" .reo..,,' of i'"'l'PIIR;nl\ POllulion Of the I"IIn~e ...hiell hn. permitted nnd mndll .../fet'tive tile "·,,ttor ""lll,ly. it lle~ll'"e lI~''IIIr,. for Ih" l'i.lh find tra"-\lplalltin~ or nn J\",bilet'lural 8lyle from :\'orw.y Ullme (',omllli>;lJllln to "hllllllon the h.tebery ocenpied 10 Il. delrerl ill ClIllfonlla. III Hrook\lnle. Sallill en'. Ct.llllt;r. IIn,1 ill HI::' nil""· hntch~..,. ,,"n~ oollillrucll'd nenr S....n"tOIl. In Ihe li.IIme L..k, T.hllc"'~y <:Ollnr,.. Thib projet't n. (Omp,,"letl ~on~i@t. of Ih, Thl, " ... t('herr w .. ""lllllru(1.w In 1!J20, hear 1'011010 Imtd'ery buildinl and two coltnlfu; one for the "tPt.... 0i17 On the non...."' .ho.t of tbe lakt. In It. ron· illlen~n! 1Ir.1l one (or employeea. The mlll",lal uMd stnlttion fitld 151(",e hom thl'! .ite (orm15 rllt lower In the ro"~lructioll i~ for rile moll )lllrt 1"'OOd. 01 portion of lhf! wnlls. Th.. eed.r bark (ormilll the trill(-h IltoeU qUllntiOell lire CUi in thi ;011. The up~r ("Undue II! t.he _lill'l ill 1"1"..<1....1 to lie Ihe ,...atH ~uflfl'y III flV'" Hi" Creek, whkh 110'"' throll¥h buildiu% ill with the IJlU timber In whicll il lUnd, till'! flite. IIl1d Ihe nnninall, aeep ftIOf i" upreAin or the IJIlOtr country In ..llkh it III lucllled. (ConUII\>Cd 011 PIP 30.) - 6 Tl'ORll8, an Gabriel Water Problem L gal OJ1Cl Plt.7J,'ical l., til! Inl'ol eel in On of Important Wal r H 'wrinr;.

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