LESSON NOTES Hebrew Vocab Builder S1 #113 Computer

LESSON NOTES Hebrew Vocab Builder S1 #113 Computer

LESSON NOTES Hebrew Vocab Builder S1 #113 Computer CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 113 COPYRIGHT © 2017 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY Hebrew Romanization English Class Gender madpeset printer noun feminine מדפסת matz'lemat internet webcam noun feminine מצלמת אינטרנט ram'kol speaker noun masculine רמקול ach'bar mouse noun masculine עכבר masach monitor noun masculine מסך mikrofon microphone noun masculine מיקרופון mach'shev laptop nayad computer noun masculine מחשב נייד mikledet keyboard noun feminine מקלדת oz'niyot earphones noun feminine אוזניות mach'shev desktop shul'chani computer noun masculine מחשב שולחני SAMPLE SENTENCES .המדפסת במשרד נשברה המדפסת שקטה ha`madpeset shketa The printer at the office is broken. The printer has a low noise level. דבר למיקרופון, לא שומעים אותך. .האישה משתמשת במצלמת אינטרנט בשביל .daber la'mikrofon, lo shom'im ot'kha כנס וידאו The woman is using a webcam to video talk to the microphone, we can't here you. conference. HEBREWPOD101.COM HEBREW VOCAB BUILDER S 1 #113 - COMPUTER 2 אני צריכה לקנות מחשב נייד חדש, כי שלי .תן לי את המיקרופון כבר לא עובד. Give me the microphone. ani tzri'kha liknot makh'shev nayad khadash, ki sheli kvar lo oved. I have to buy a new laptop computer, because mine doesn't work anymore. המקלדת שלי רועשת. .אני קניתי מחשב נייד חדש ha'mikledet sheli ro'eshet. I bought a new laptop computer. my keyboard is noisey. HEBREWPOD101.COM HEBREW VOCAB BUILDER S 1 #113 - COMPUTER 3 LESSON NOTES Hebrew Vocab Builder S1 #124 Technology CONTENTS 2 Vocabulary 2 Sample Sentences # 124 COPYRIGHT © 2017 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. VOCABULARY Hebrew Romanization English Class Gender simes text verb סימס mach'shev computer noun masculine מחשב mach'shev nayad laptop noun masculine מחשב נייד internet kafe Internet cafe noun masculine אינטרנט קפה internet alkhuti Wi-Fi noun masculine אינטרנט אלחוטי al'chuti wireless adjective masculine אלחוטי gisha le-internet Internet access noun feminine גישה לאינטרנט do'ar elektroni e-mail noun masculine דואר אלקטרוני hoda'at tekst text message noun feminine הודעת טקסט shalakh eemeil e-mail verb שלח אימייל skype Skype noun masculine סקייפ aye fon iPhone noun masculine איי פון blog blog noun masculine בלוג social atar chev'rati networking site noun masculine אתר חברתי internet Internet noun masculine אינטרנט hot'mail Hotmail noun masculine הוטמייל mano'a chipus search engine noun masculine מנוע חיפוש yahu Yahoo! noun masculine יאהו SAMPLE SENTENCES HEBREWPOD101.COM HEBREW VOCAB BUILDER S 1 #124 - TECHNOLOGY 2 המחשב שלי מציג הודעות שגיאה כל הזמן. .זה מסוכן לסמס בזמן שאתה נוהג ha`makhshev sheli metsig hodaot shgi-ah kol It is dangerous to text while you drive. ha`zman. My computer is displaying error messages all the time. אני כותב לאט במחשב. אני רוצה את המחשב ההוא. ani rotzeh et ha-machshev ha-hu. ani kotev le'at ba-machshev. I want that computer. I write slowly on the computer. עבור מטיילים רבים ההחלטה בעד או נגד המחשב הנייד מאפשר לי לעבוד כמעט בכל מלון תלויה בזמינות של אינטרנט אלחוטי מקום. חינם. Ha-makh'shev ha-nayad meaf'sher li la'avod kim'at be-khol makom. avur metaylim rabim ha`hakhlata bead o neged malon tluya ba`zminut shel internet alkhuti The laptop computer allows me to work khinam. almost anywhere. For many travellers the decision for or against a hotel depends on the availability of free Wi-Fi. .המתכנת הקליד דואר אלקטרוני The programmer typed an e-mail. HEBREWPOD101.COM HEBREW VOCAB BUILDER S 1 #124 - TECHNOLOGY 3 LESSON NOTES Must-Know Hebrew Social Media Phrases S1 #1 Out at Dinner CONTENTS 2 Hebrew 2 English 2 Romanization 3 Vowelled 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 4 Vocabulary Phrase Usage # 1 COPYRIGHT © 2018 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HEBREW 1. אייל: בארוחת ערב עם האחים! 2. נעם: משווים למי נשאר יותר שיער על הראש! 3. אלון: נראה בסדר בסך-הכל... 4. מיכל: ענת מרשה לך לצאת בלעדיה?! 5. ענת: זה בסדר, מגיע לו להנות! ENGLISH 1. EYAL: At dinner with the bros! 2. NOAM: Comparing who has more hair left on his head! 3. ALON: Looks okay all in all... 4. MICHAL: Anat lets you go out without her?! 5. ANAT: It's all right. He deserves to have fun! ROMANIZATION 1. EYAL: be'aruchat erev im ha'achim! 2. NOAM: mashvim le'mi nishar yoter sei'ar al ha'rosh! CONT'D OVER HEBREWPOD101.COM MUST-KNOW HEBREW S OCI AL MEDIA PHRAS ES S 1 #1 - OUT AT DINNER 2 3. ALON: nir'e beseder besach-hakol... 4. MICHAL: Anat marsha lekha latzet bil'adeyha?! 5. ANAT: ze beseder, magi'a lo lehenot! VOWELLED 1. אייל: ַּבֲארוַּחת ֶעֶרב ִעם ָהַאִחים! 2. נעם: ְמַׁשִוּים ְלִמי נְִׁשַאר יוֵֹתר ֵשָׂער ַעל ָהרֹאׁש! 3. אלון: נְִרֶאה ְּבֵסֶדר ְּבַס ְך-ַהּכֹל... 4. מיכל: ֲענָת ַמְרָׁשה ְל ָך ָלֵצאת ִּבְלָעֶדיָה?! 5. ענת: ֶזה ְּבֵסֶדר, ַמִגּיַע ולֹ ֵלָהנוֹת! VOCABULARY Hebrew Romanization English Class Gender masculine, achim bros, brothers noun plural אחים beseder ok, all right noun masculine בסדר besakh-hakol all in all adverb בסך-הכל masculine, .hirsha to let, to allow verb singular, past הרשה masculine, .yatza to go out verb singular, past יצא HEBREWPOD101.COM MUST-KNOW HEBREW S OCI AL MEDIA PHRAS ES S 1 #1 - OUT AT DINNER 3 masculine, הגיע לו higi'a lo He deserved verb singular, past. masculine, .nehena have fun verb singular, past נהנה noun (in aruchat erev dinner construct state) feminine ארוחת ערב SAMPLE SENTENCES אני לא באה לארוחת ערב היום. I am not coming to dinner tonight. (female speaker) VOCABULARY PHRASE USAGE Rom aniz a tion Hebrew English About this Expression In Israel, there is an emphasis on familiarity and closeness. Men who are the bros, very close to each other will often refer to ha'achim האחים brothers one another as "brother," and sometimes people call total strangers "my brother." Israeli men love hanging out with their guy friends every once in a while without the ladies. It could be a dinner, going to the beach, or having a beer. Male bonding be'aruchat at dinner between men can be very strong, as most בארוחת ערב erev im with the of the time they know each other from the עם האחים! ha'achim! bros! army, which is not only a very influential time period, but also involves people doing everything together, from waking up to going to sleep. HEBREWPOD101.COM MUST-KNOW HEBREW S OCI AL MEDIA PHRAS ES S 1 #1 - OUT AT DINNER 4 LESSON NOTES Must-Know Hebrew Social Media Phrases S1 #2 A Visit to the Mall CONTENTS 2 Hebrew 2 English 2 Romanization 3 Vowelled 3 Vocabulary 4 Vocabulary Phrase Usage # 2 COPYRIGHT © 2018 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HEBREW 1. ענת: קצת ריפוי בשופינג עם אחותי המהממת. 2. מיכל: וואו, איך בא לי שופינג, מקנאה! 3. תמר: אין כמו אחיות בעולם! 4. אורלי: תראי לי מה קנית כשתחזרי הביתה... 5. אייל: תהנו! ENGLISH 1. ANAT: A bit of shopping therapy with my stunning sister. 2. MICHAL: Wow, how I feel like shopping, jealous! 3. TAMAR: Nothing better than sisters in the world! 4. ORLY: Show me what you bought when you get home... 5. EYAL: Have fun! ROMANIZATION 1. ANAT: ketsat ripuy be'shopping im achoti ha'mehamemet 2. MICHAL: wow, eich ba li shopping, mekan'a! CONT'D OVER HEBREWPOD101.COM MUST-KNOW HEBREW S OCI AL MEDIA PHRAS ES S 1 #2 - A VI S I T TO THE MALL 2 3. TAMAR: ein kmo achayot ba'olam! 4. ORLY: tar'i li ma kanit keshetachzeri habaita... 5. EYAL: tehenu! VOWELLED 1. ענת: ְקָצת ִרּפוּי ְּבׁשוִֹּפינְג ִעם ֲאוחִֹתי ַהְּמַהֶּמֶמת! 2. מיכל: ווַאוּ, ֵאי ְך ָּבא ִלי ׁשוִֹּפינְג, ְמַקנְָּאּה! 3. תמר: ֵאין ְּכמוֹ ֲאָחיוֹת ָּבעוָֹלם! 4. אורלי: ַּתְרִאי ִלי ָמה ָקנִית ְּכֶׁשַּתְחזְִרי ַהָּבְיָתה... 5. אייל: ֵּתָהנוּ! VOCABULARY Hebrew Romanization English Class Gender mehamemet stunning adjective feminine מהממת ripuy therapy noun masculine ריפוי masculine, .kine jealous verb singular, past קינא ein kmo... ba'olam nothing like phrase אין כמו... בעולם habaita (to) home adverb הביתה HEBREWPOD101.COM MUST-KNOW HEBREW S OCI AL MEDIA PHRAS ES S 1 #2 - A VI S I T TO THE MALL 3 plural, תהנו! tehenu! Enjoy! Have fun! verb imperative. to come back, masculine, .chazar to return verb singular, past חזר VOCABULARY PHRASE USAGE Rom aniz a tion Hebrew English About this Expression You can just say "I'm going shopping" or "doing some shopping," but when calling it "shopping therapy," you emphasize the fun ripuy shopping and relaxing aspects of it, especially when ריפוי בשופינג be'shopping therapy done with someone dear to you, like your sister. This word is often used by girls to describe their best friend, sister or mom - to show mehameme stunning how loved she is and to show appreciation מהממת t for her beauty- inside and out. HEBREWPOD101.COM MUST-KNOW HEBREW S OCI AL MEDIA PHRAS ES S 1 #2 - A VI S I T TO THE MALL 4 LESSON NOTES Must-Know Hebrew Social Media Phrases S1 #3 Playing Sports CONTENTS 2 Hebrew 2 English 2 Romanization 3 Vowelled 3 Vocabulary 4 Sample Sentences 4 Vocabulary Phrase Usage # 3 COPYRIGHT © 2017 INNOVATIVE LANGUAGE LEARNING. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. HEBREW 1. אייל: נעם חושב שהוא יכול לנצח אותי במטקות. טעות! 2. אלון: אחרי ההפסד שלך בפעם הקודמת, לא הייתי משוויץ. 3. מיכל: אלון, לא ציינת שהוא הפסיד לי. פעמיים. 4. יגאל: קדימה אייל! 5. נעם: לא פייר! הסתנוורתי מהשמש! ENGLISH 1. EYAL: Noam thinks he can beat me in paddle-ball. Wrong! 2. ALON: After your loss last time, I wouldn't brag. 3. MICHAL: Alon, you didn't mention he lost to me.

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