I I HA'r NEWS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE NATIONAL SPIRITUAL ASSEMBLY OF THE BAHA'IS OF THE UNITED STATES FOR BAHA'IS ONLY 112 Unden Av., Wilmette, Ill. 60091 Second-class postage paid at Wilmette, Illinois No. 476 BAHA:. YEAR 127 NOVEMBER 1970 Continental and Oceanic Conferences Promote Goals of Nine Year Plan La Paz: Official group photograph of Continental Conference with Hand of the Cause RulJ,iyyih Khtinum, center BIENYEIOOS AlA CONFEREICU - CONTINENTAL In front of the Conference Hall, Club La Paz. View of the platform in Conference Hall ... in star above: "The earth is one country and mankind its citizens." The following reports have been received from the Continental Conference held in La Paz, Bolivia and the Oceanic Conference at Rose Hill, Mauritius from August 14 through August 17, 1970. The unique and glorious historic Continental Confer­ gentina; Mr. Jamshid Arjomandi for Propagation in ence in La Paz, Bolivia was blessed with the presence Guyana, Surinam, French Guiana, Trinidad and Toba­ of Amatu'l-Baha Rul).iyyih Khanum, representative of go, and in the Amazon, North Brazil. Two other Auxil­ the Universal House of Justice, with five members of iary Board members were appointed during the Confer­ the Continental Boards of Counsellors in South and ence: Sr. Emilio Ramon Moreira, for Propagation in Central America and one Counsellor from Europe. The Uruguay and the beloved native Indian friend, Sr. 641 friends gathered for that occasion also included Rufino Gualavisi for Propagation in Ecuador. twelve Auxiliary Board members, thirty-nine National A great Unity Feast took place on the night of August Spiritual Assembly members and representatives of 13th. After prayers in many languages, Amatu'l-Baha nineteen countries including believers from the most ~reeted the friends: "We must remember, that tens of northerly territory of Keewatin in the Northwest Terri­ thousands of Baha'is are with us on this occasion". She tories, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McCulloch, who have lovingly told the friends that she liked to think of the pioneered for thirteen years among the Eskimos. many souls who had passed on who were also with the The American Indian people, given the special prom­ friends at the Conference. "They see us ... truly, there ise by 'Abdu'l-Baha that they are destined to illumine is a great host with us tonight, both in this world and the entire world, shed a great light of spirituality, the next, in this Feast of Unity. I firmly believe that if love and unity throughout the conference. All present in our hearts we are truly united that a great force will felt the reality that "These souls are Thy heavenly be created to influence all South America ..." army". Among those valiant souls were members of the minority Negro race from the United States, Brazil, Conference opens Ecuador and Colombia; Guajibos from Venezuela; Cariiias from Venezuela; Guajiros from Colombia and The Inauguration of the Conference on August 14th, Venezuela; Matacos from Argentina; Quechuas from translated into two languages, Quechua and Spanish, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru; Aymaras from Bolivia and opened with the loving greetings from the Universal Peru; Mapuches from Chile; Choc6es from Colombia; House of Justice conveyed through their distinguished Motilones from Colombia; Kiriris from Brazil; Arawak.s representative, Amatu'l-Baha Rul).iyyih Khanum. In from Surinam and a Sioux pioneer from the United her opening remarks she said, "We are gathered to­ States. gether on the roof of the Western Hemisphere. To me this particular gathering is unique. We are here on the Altiplano ..."She spoke of the Teachings and Promises Receptions held of Baha'u'llah, then addressing the original inhabi­ Informal receptions were held on the two nights tants of the Americas, she said, "You have a very, very preceding the Conference. During this time the South great responsibility before God and Baha'u'llah. You American Continental Board of Counsellors announced are the ones who must teach your own people the the appointment of three additional Auxiliary Board Message of Baha'u'llah." And again, addressing the members: Miss Katharine Meyer for Protection in entire Congress, ''When people see a great gathering Chile; Mrs. Maralynn Dunbar for Propagation in Ar- like this, it is news all over the world. To have people of BAH1\-i NEWS 3 different backgrounds come together in real unity and The spirit of the Indian friends can best be expr essed love, this is unknown to the world outside." t hrough some of their own words at the Conference: A That night an illum inated (kerosene-lit) sign fl ared Bolivian Quechua said, "We are servants of God. All across t he range of mountains overlooking La Paz until my pains have disappeared in this great spiritual midnight announcing to the inhabitants of the city in assembly... "; a Colombian Guajira said, "We have to letters, about five kilom eters lon g, "CONFERENCIA share the Teachings that Baha'u'llah has brou ght BAHA'f." with all the peoples on earth . Many p eople are r eady, they listen and they weep when we bring them these New plans made Teachings."; a Venezuelan Guajira said, " Our people of my race don't know how to read and write. Only During the Conference period National Spiritual As­ through Baha'u'llah have I been able to know all of sembly m em bers present met in consultation to formu­ you." late n ew plans, and gathered the following statistics of A call for pioneers and traveling teachers resulted in m ass conversion victories: F rom August, 1969 to RiQ­ thirty-one pioneer offers and 113 offers for traveling van , 1970, 7000 new believers were enrolled in South teaching. Funds were contributed, including an amount America and from Ri9van, 1970 to August, 1970 (3 fo r the Panam a Temple, a generous contribution for months) there were 23 ,000 enrollments, thus the South the Continental Fund and the Persian friends in Brazil American community has increased by more than offered funds for a Teaching Institute in Sucre, Bolivia; 30,000 believers during this past year. fo r a Teaching Institute in Colombia and for a Colom­ bian Summer School. Official welcome extended The Conference officially closed as Amatu'l-Baha addressed the gathering with these words, "God bless The Minister of Education extended a welcome to the you all. .. as you go forth to conquer South America!" Conference in the name of the President of the Republic and of the Bolivian Government. He said that the Reception by the President government of Bolivia has considered the Conference of great importance. He then embraced many of the On the day after the closing of the Continental Con­ Indian campesino friends. After he left the Confer­ ference word was received through the Minister of ence Hall Ru.l:1iyyih Khanum said, " We can show Education that the President of the Republic would people that the Message of Baha'u'llah works. Others receive all the Baha'is in the Presidential Palace. can't do this. What the Minister of Education saw here About 350 beleivers, led by the beloved Hand of the he will never forget, for he never saw it before. He saw Cause, met with the President for a televised interview. not words, but the reality, and he will never forget it." The President said that he had been in Haifa and knew P ublic interest in the Conference was great and the the Baha'i Holy Places a nd knew the objectives of the Conference was a great proclamation event throughout Baha'is. He expressed the hope that the Baha'is would Bolivia, proclaimed on television and radio and by the continue working for the welfare of all the peoples of press and attractive posters. El Dario, the leading the world. He requested the delegates to take back his capital newspaper had a full-page article and follow-up personal greetings to each of their own countries. stories. La Presencia, which has a wide circulation, A touching incident at that interview was the impul­ featured a half-page and other stories. There was a full sive gesture of a Bolivian Quechua who took off a long hour's television program, as well as a televised pro­ woven scarf and put it around the President's neck gram of the Minister of Education's visit with the saying: "This is a remembrance of love from the Baha'is. Two radio stations interviewed the beloved Bolivian Bah a 'is and from all of us." The President Hand of the Cause, and the hall was filled for the public accepted it with appreciation, giving Julian Ugarte, the meeting where an estimated 200 people heard Ru}fiyyih believer, a big embrace as photographs were taken of Khanum speak. the two of them together. Ecuadorian, Peruvian and Bolivian Quechua friends together. In center : Andres Jachakollo, first campesino Boliv ian believer. A t far r i ght: Rufino Gualavisi, newly appointed Auxiliary Quechua and Aymara Boliv ian friends entertain with typical Board member, Ecuador. music and dances. 4 NOVEMBER 1970 Hand of the Cause Amatu'l-Bahci Rul;iyyih Khcinum arrives at airport on Altiplano, La Paz. The President of the Republic of Bolivia General Alfredo Baha'i from Bolivia presents gift for the Universal House of Ovando Candia receives The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah from Justice to Rul;iyyih Khcinum. Amatu'l-Bahci Rul).iyyih Khcinum. Ocean At the airport there were signs and placards herald­ Over 1,000 Baha'is attended the first Indian Oceanic ing the event, and the atmosphere was festive. News­ Conference.
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