April 23, 1990 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 7851 Senate-Monday, April23, 1990 <Legislative day of Wednesday, April18, 1990> The Senate met at 1:59 p.m., on the Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, QUORUM CALL expiration of the recess, and was of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, seeing called to order by the Honorable hereby appoint the Honorable CHARLEs S. RoBB, a Senator from the State of Virginia, no Senators desiring the floor, I sug­ CHARLEs S. RoBB, a Senator from the to perform the duties of the Chair. gest the absence of a quorum. State of Virginia. ROBERT C. BYRD, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ President pro tempore. pore. The clerk will call the roll. PRAYER Mr. ROBB thereupon assumed the The assistant legislative clerk pro­ The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich­ chair as Acting President pro tempore. ceeded to call the roll. ard C. Halverson, D.D., offered the fol­ Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask lowing prayer: unanimous consent that the order for Let us pray: RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING the quorum call be rescinded. The heavens declare the glory of God; MAJORITY LEADER The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ and the firmament sheweth his handi­ The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ pore. Without objection, it is so or­ work.-Psalm 19:1. pore. Under the previous order, the dered. Today a layman's prayer from acting majority leader is recognized. Mr. REID. Mr. President, it is my church yesterday: understanding we are in morning busi­ "Father, it is vanity for us to think ness. that we can invoke Your presence THE JOURNAL The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ when, in fact, we cannot escape it. But Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I ask pore. The Senator is correct. we can and we do ask that You make unanimous consent that the Journal us more aware of the fact that You of the proceedings be approved to are always with us and are, in deed, date. LAWN CHEMICAL PRODUCT privy to our innermost thoughts and The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ LABELING actions. We walk this path but once, pore. Without objection, it is so or­ and it is our blessing that we do so in Mr. REID. Mr. President, my sub­ freedom and plenty while others dered. committee, the subcommittee that is endure lives of oppression and want. part of the Committee on the Environ­ Help us, Father, to appreciate the SCHEDULE ment and Public Works, held hearings abundance of our blessings, not only last month dealing with the regulation the glorious gift of life itself, but the Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, follow­ of lawn chemicals. We learned a rich quality of our particular lives. In ing the time reserved for the two lead­ number of things in those daylong such appreciation lies the obligation of ers today, there will be a period for hearings. One is that lawn chemicals love; that we give more of ourselves to morning business, not to extend can be dangerous. others who stand in need of our help. beyond 2:30 p.m., with Senators per­ Following the reports of the General · Help us to think and act on that also. mitted to speak therein for up to 5 Accounting Office, we learned there "On this Earth Day, Father, please minutes each. At 2:30 today, the are a number of things that are not give to us a deeper understanding of Senate will resume consideration of being done in the industry. The adver­ the atrocities we commit against the H.R. 1594, the miscellaneous tariff tising that is taking place is not factu­ purity and bounty of the natural bill. al. There is no regulation of that, es­ world which has been bequeathed to On Friday, the majority leader indi­ pecially as it relates to safety and us by Your grace and generosity. We cated that there would be no rollcall health risks. Some people who are ex­ ask that You impel us to make restitu­ votes today. Any votes ordered today posed to lawn chemicals are more sus­ tion and to husband the blessings of relative to amendments offered will be ceptible than others; just like any al­ nature for our posterity. We submit stacked to occur at some point during lergy, for example, some people are af­ our prayer in the name of Jesus Christ tomorrow's session. fected more than others. The reaction who taught us to know You as a per­ to lawn chemicals can be very serious sonal and benevolent God who hears and, in the estimation of some, deadly. RESERVATION OF LEADERS' We have to be concerned about what and responds to our needs and our en­ TIME treaties. Amen." took place in this hearing, especially <Invocation, by Walter Guntharp, Mr. PRYOR. Mr. President, I ask as it relates to the labeling of these Chesterbrook Presbyterian Church, unanimous consent that the time for products. Earth Day, April22, 1990.) the two leaders be reserved. Mr. President, it was interesting to The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ learn that this past week in a city in pore. Without objection, it is so or­ Japan they recognized that there are APPOINTMENT OF ACTING dered. problems with lawn chemicals. In fact, PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE as recently as the 8th day of April of this year, the Daily Yomiuri newspa­ The PRESIDING OFFICER. ·rhe MORNING BUSINESS clerk will please read a communication per in Japan indicated that a golf to the Senate from the President pro The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ course in Hamamatsu is going to ban tempore [Mr. BYRD]. pore. Under the previous order, there lawn chemicals on its golf course. In The assistant legislative· clerk read will now be a period for the transac­ fact, they are doing so for a number of the following letter: tion of morning business, not to reasons, not the least of which is that U.S. SENATE, extend beyond the hour of 2:30 p.m., not only are they concerned about PREsmENT PRO TEMPORE, with Senators permitted to speak what is happening to the people that Washington, DC, April 23, 1990. therein for not to exceed 5 minutes play golf on the golf course, but also To the Senate: each. that the pesticides and herbicides that e This .. bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. 7852 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE April23, 1990 are used on that golf course are flow­ the water draining in Lake Hamana The last time campaign reform ing into areas where people are grow­ will be checked regularly. passed in this Chamber, Mr. President, ing other things and it makes it dan­ One interesting aspect that we do was almost 20 years ago. It is time that gerous. not take into consideration, Mr. Presi­ we did something to update these cam­ They have indicated that this golf dent, is the cost of herbicides and pes­ paign laws. It simply is not right that course will use a product that will be ticides, these so-called lawn chemicals. the campaign law passed some 20 imported from the United States, a They are very expensive. One reason years ago is what is governing us, espe­ product called Tifton turf. that the American people are willing cially when we keep in mind that the I ask unanimous consent that this to spend the money, is that it is less law that we passed then was just the news article from Hamamatsu in labor intensive to regulate the growth minimum, just enough to get by. We Japan be printed in the REcoRD. of our lawns and shrubs with chemi­ There being no objection, the article cals. The people in Japan, however, always hoped that there would be was ordered to be printed in the are going in the opposite direction. some improvement. It simply has not REcoRD, as follows: Quoting from the article: "The taken place. number of greenskeepers on this Japa­ Since that time the cost of running a [From the Daily Yomiuri Sun, Apr. 8, 19901 campaign has risen out of sight. There IiAMAKATsu GoLF CoURsE SAYS No TO nese golf course will be increased to 50 CHEMICALS from 25 and the course will periodical­ are all kinds of new loopholes which liAMAMATSU, SHIZUOKA.-For the first time ly announce environmental status re­ have been discovered, not the least of in Japan, something other than libera1 dos­ ports to local residents." which is independent expenditures. ings of agricultural chemicals will be used to The reason this change took place in The Federal Election Commission keep pests from ruining pristine greens and Japan is because local residents com­ has done the best it can, but it is a fairways on a golf course. Japan's first plained. I think, recognizing that we toothless tiger. The FEC simply does chemica1-free golf course, to be built near just had Earth Day yesterday, the not have the ability to do as much as Lake Hamana in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka-ken, American public should look forward will be protected by heat-treating the soil it should do and as much as it wants to using organic farming technology, it was re­ to the fact that they, too, have a say do. ported Friday. in what takes place in the environ­ I have talked about independent ex­ Environmenta1 pollution caused by agri­ ment. penditures. There are other abuses cultura1 chemicals used on golf courses has that the Federal Election Commission become a serious problem, especially when certainly is aware of but does not have it was learned that pesticides and herbicides CAMPAIGN REFORM were contaminating drinking water sources.
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