Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85332-3 - A Concise History of Poland: Second Edition Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki Index More information INDEX (regnal dates only of rulers are given) Adamkus, Valdas (1926± ) 331 Andrusovo, truce of (1667) 100, 106 Adelaide of Hesse (d. 1371) 33 Anna, Hungarian Jagiellonian princess Adenauer, Konrad (1876±1967 ) 315 (1503±47) 55 Albrecht of Habsburg (1248±1308) antitrinitarians 104 21 Arciszewski, Tomasz (1877±1955) 274, Albrecht of Hohenzollern-Ansbach, 292, 294 Grand Master of the Teutonic Armia Krajowa (AK) see Home Army Knights and ®rst secular ruler of (AK) Ducal Prussia (1525±68) 50, 60 Armia Ludowa (AL) see People's Army Aldona, Lithuanian princess (1309±39) (AL) 25, 33 Arnhem, battle of (1944) 269 Algirdas, Lithuanian prince (1345±77) Askenazy, Szymon (1865±1935) 236 39, 44 Asnyk, Adam (1838±97) 186 Alexander, king of Poland (1501±06) Astrakhan 58 44, 51, 55, 62, 63±4 Augustus II, king of Poland Alexander I, tsar of Russia (1801±25) (1697±1733) 106±9, 112 and king of Poland (1815±25) 140, Augustus III, king of Poland (1733±63) 141, 146±7, 150±2 110±11, 112, 124, 125, 126 Alexander II, tsar of Russia (1855±81) Auschwitz (OsÂwieÎcim) 260, 333 174, 177, 179±80, 183 Austerlitz, battle of (1805) 141 Alexei Mikhailovich, tsar of Muscovy Australia 166, 280 (1645±76) 96 Austria (and Austria-Hungary) 83, 98, Altmark, truce of (1629) 93 104, 106, 109±10, 112, 117±22, Anders, Wadysaw (1892±1970) 267, 123, 127, 128, 131, 137±8, 140±1, 269, 279, 293, 294 147, 156, 184±6, 218, 220, 221 Andrew II, king of Hungary (1205±35) 22 Bacciarelli, Marceli (1731±1818) 142 Andrew III, king of Hungary Badeni, Kazimierz (1846±1909) 185 (1290±1301) 21 Bakunin, Mikhail A. (1824±76) 180 Andrew the Hunchback, prince of Balcerowicz, Leszek (1947± ) 319, Polotsk (1342±87) 40 323 355 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85332-3 - A Concise History of Poland: Second Edition Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki Index More information 356 Index Balicki, Zygmunt (1858±1916) 200 Bolesaw-Iurii, duke of Halych and Bank of Poland 154, 156 Vladimir (1323±40) 27 Bar, Confederacy of (1768±72) 116, Boniface VIII, pope (1294±1303) 21 117 Bo r-Komorowski, Tadeusz Bartel, Kazimierz (1882±1941) 240 (1895±1966) 294 BasanavicÏius, Jonas (1851±1927) 195 Boris Godunov, Tsar of Muscovy Batoh, battle of (1652) 96 (1598±1605) 92 Beck, Jo zef (1894±1944) 247, 251±2 Borysaw 189 Belarus and Belarusians (see also Rus'; Bourbon-Conti, FrancËois Louis de, western gubernii of the Russian prince of (1664±1709) 106 empire) 4, 39, 79, 86, 137, 158, Brandenburg 8, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 36, 179, 191, 195, 205±6, 224, 225, 60, 93, 98, 104 233, 263, 281, 325, 330, 331, 333 Brandt, Willy (1913±92) 303 Belka, Marek (1952± ) 337 Brazil 189 Belorussia see Belarus Breslau see Wrocaw Bem, Jo zef (1794±1850) 172 Brest (BrzesÂcÂ, Brest'-Litovskii), 244 Beresteczko, battle of (1651) 96 Union of (1596) 87±8 Bereza Kartuska 244 Treaty of (1918) 220 Berg, Feodor F. (1793±1874) 179, 181 Briansk 60 Berling, Zygmunt (1896±1980) 268, Brzezin ski, Zbigniew (1928± ) 304, 271, 272 305, 311 Biaystok 141 Brzo ska, Stanisaw (c. 1832±65) 180 Bibikov, Dmitri G. (1792±1870) 165 Buczacz, treaty of (1672) 105 Bierut, Bolesaw (1892±1956) 268, 283, Buda, Privilege of 1355 34, 46 292, 295 Budenny, Semyon (1883±1973) 225, Bismarck, Otto von (1815±98) 180, 229 184, 199, 328 Bug, river 271 Black Death 30 Bund, Jewish socialist party (see also Bobrowski, Stefan (1840±63) 178 Jews) 197, 199, 256 Bobrzyn ski, Micha (1849±1935) 186, Buonaccorsi, Filippo (1437±96) 72 193±4, 206 Buzek, Jerzy (1940± ) 323, 328 Bochnia 32 Bzura, battle on the (1939) 255 Bohemia 2, 3,4, 5, 7, 19±20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 38, 41, 51, 60, 82 Calvinism 76±7, 79, 86, 104 (see also Boleslav I, prince of Bohemia (d. 972) 5 Protestantism) Bolesaw I `the Valiant' (`Chrobry'), Campof Greater Poland (Obo z Wielkiej king of Poland (992±1026) 7, 8±9, Polski) 246 10 Campof National Unity (Ozon) 248 Bolesaw II (1058±81), king of Poland Caprivi, George Leo von (1831±99) 7, 9±10 184 Bolesaw III (1102±38) `Wrymouth' Carlowitz, peace of (1699) 106 (`Krzywousty'), prince of Poland 7, Carter, Jimmy, US president (1924± ) 10, 11, 25 304, 305, 311 Bolesaw the Tall (`Wysoki') Casimir I `the Restorer' (`Odnowiciel'), (1163±1201), duke of Silesia 11, prince of Poland (1039±58) 7 14 Casimir II `the Just' (`Sprawiedliwy'), Bolesaw the Bashful (`Wstydliwy') prince of Poland (1177±94) 11 (1243±79) 15 Casimir III `the Great' king of Poland Bolesaw II, duke of Pock (d. 1313) 19 (1333±70) 26±34, 36, 41 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85332-3 - A Concise History of Poland: Second Edition Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki Index More information Index 357 Casimir IV, king of Poland (1447±92) Christian Democrats 245±6 44, 48, 51, 52, 56, 61, 63 Churchill, Winston (1874±1963) 266, Castlereagh, Robert Stewart 268, 269, 274 (1769±1822) 147 Cieszkowski, August (1814±94) 168 Catherine II `the Great', empress of Cimoszewicz, Wodzimierz (1950± ) Russia (1762±97) 115±6, 117, 339 120, 123±4, 128, 131, 136, 306 cinema in Poland 212, 260, 298 (see Catherine of Habsburg (1533±72) 77 also Smosarska, Jadwiga and Catherine Jagiellon (1526±83) 93 Wajda, Andrzej) Catholic Church in Poland 3, 5, 6, 8±9, Cistercians 14 10,11,14, 17, 22±3, 27, 30, 31±2, Civic Platform (PO) 336, 339, 340 33, 37, 38, 40, 42, 55±6, 61, 65, collectivization (of agriculture) 288, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 86±7, 94, 104, 297, 306 106, 111, 115, 127, 135, 138, 183, Colombia 166 184±5, 195, 201, 202, 205, 216, Comintern (Communist International) 238, 246, 257, 283, 290, 297, 248, 257 299±300, 304, 308, 312, 314, 324, Commission for National Education 339 (see also Uniate (Greek 122 Catholic) Church) Committee for the Defence of Workers Cecora (Tutora), battle of (1620) 92 (KOR) 307 Cegielski, Hipolit (1813±68) 167 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) 338 Celtis, Conrad (1459±1508) 72 Commune of the Polish People 166 Central Industrial Region (COP) 250 Communist Party of Poland (KPP) 222, Chamberlain, Neville (1869±1940) 252 223, 245, 249, 265 (see also Polish Charlemagne, Emperor (800±814) 9 Workers' Party (PPR), Polish Charles I Robert of Anjou, king of United Workers' Party (PZPR)) Hungary (1308±42) 21, 25, 26 CondeÂ, Louis II de Bourbon, `the Great Charles IV, king of Bohemia (1346±78), CondeÂ' (1621±86) 100 Holy Roman Emperor (1355±78) `Congress' Kingdom of Poland (under 27 Russian rule 1815±1914) 147, Charles V (1516±56) Holy Roman 156±7, 168, 173±4, 182±3, 187, Emperor emperor 55 189, 193, 202±5, 211±2, 219 Charles IX (1560±74) king of France Conrad I, duke of Masovia (1202±47) 83, 84 18, 22 Charles IX (1604±11) king of Sweden Conrad III, king of Germany 11 93 Conrad von Feuchtwangen (1291±6), Charles X (1654±60) king of Sweden 98 Grand Master of the Teutonic Charles XII (1697±1718) king of Knights 23 Sweden 107, 109, 110 Conrad (Korzeniowski), Joseph Chem 183, 210, 271 (1857±1924) 191 Chemno (Kulm) 22, 25 Constantine Nikolaevich, grand duke Chicago 189 (1827±92) 177, 178, 179 Chile 166 Constantine Pavlovich, grand duke Chopicki, Jo zef (1771±1854) 159±60, (1779±1831) 123, 152, 154, 157, 161 159, 160, 287 Chojnice, battle of (1454) 48 Constantinople 52, 87, 93 Chojnice, Privilege of (1454) 63 Constitutions: Chopin, Fryderyk (FreÂdeÂric) (1810±48) of 3 May 1791 125±8 164, 257, 289 of 1807 142±3 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85332-3 - A Concise History of Poland: Second Edition Jerzy Lukowski and Hubert Zawadzki Index More information 358 Index Constitutions (cont.) Free City of Danzig (1919±39) 224, of 1815 150±1, 162, 178 238±9, 252 of 1919 223 Danzig Pomerania (see West Prussia) of 1921 231, 271 Daszyn ski, Ignacy (1866±1936) 199, of 1935 247, 253 221, 229 of 1947 285 Decembrists (in Russia) 153 of 1952 286 Delavigne, Casimir (1793±1843) 162 amendments of 1975 306 Dembin ski, Henryk (1791±1864) 172 amendments of 1989 317, 319 Dembowski, Edward (1822±46) 169±70 of 1997 324 Democratic Party (SD) 318 Copernicus, Nicholas (1473±1543) 72, Democratic Union (UD) (see also 73, 156 Freedom Union) 321, 322 Cossacks, of the Ukraine 54, 87, 92, Denmark 59, 98 93±6, 100 Dmitrii Donskoi, Grand Prince of Coupd'eÂtat of 1926 240±1 Moscow (1350±89) 40 Courland, duchy of 59 Dmowski, Roman (1864±1939) 200, Crimea 18, 117, 123 203, 205, 208, 209, 210, 218, 219, Crimean Tatars 18, 52, 53±5, 56, 59, 220, 221, 224, 246, 248, 304 69, 75, 78, 96, 106, 117 Dobrava, ®rst wife to Mieszko I 5 Crimean War (1854±56) 173 Dobrzyn 25±6, 27, 30, 34 Cudno w (Khudniv, Khudnov) battle of Domeyko, Ignacy (1802±89) 166 (1660) 85 Dorpat (Tartu) 59 Curzon Line 229, 230, 268, 269, 274 Dresden 111, 112 Cyrankiewicz, Jo zef (1911±89) 285 Drohobycz 189 Czapski, Jo zef (1896±1993) 267 Drzymaa, Micha (1857±1937) 210 Czartoryska, Izabela (1746±1835) 140 DubcÏek, Alexander (1921±92) 302 Czartoryski, Adam Jerzy (1770±1861) Dunajewski, Albin (1817±94) 185 136, 140, 146, 150, 151, 153, 154, DurnkruÈ tt, battle of (1278) 20 157, 159, 161, 164±5, 168±9, 170, Dybowski, Benedykt (1833±89) 191 208 Dzerzhinsky (DzierzÇyn ski) Feliks Czartoryski, August (1697±1782) 115 (1877±1926) 198±9, 225 Czartoryski, family of 112, 117, 123 Czartoryski, Michael (1696±1775) 115 ElblaÎg (Elbing) 48, 68 Czech Republic 323, 325, 332 Electoral Action Solidarity (AWS) 322, Czechoslovakia (see also Czech 334 Republic, Slovakia) 231, 232, 252, Elizabeth, daughter of Wadysaw 263±4, 302, 325, 331±2 okietek (1305±80) 25, 34 Czechs (see also Bohemia) 5, 21, 22, 25, Elizabeth, widow of Louis the Great 32 (c.
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