Options Large-Radius AluminumAluminum CableCable Tray Tray • No mitered joints ble • No mitered joints Ca Cable Tray • No bent splice plate ® ® • Less costly T&B T&B • Easier to install — • Faster to install New Method Tray • Fewer skills required to install 1 • ble • Cleaner lines Ca • More resistant support structure & • More resistant support structure • ImprovedImproved functionality andand aesthetics ing The custom-built cable support system makes l Fram this cablecable traytray designdesign ideal for petrochemicalpetrochemical Old Method ta tanks and towers as well asas otherother applicationsapplications Me Metal Framing & Cable Tray — requiring a wider radius. Thomas & Betts takes pride in manufacturing a complete system to meet your most rigorous requirements. Our cable support systems reduce Rung Spacing the costlycostly and labor-intensivelabor-intensive modifications required to assemble straight sections, splice plates and accessories thatthat fit in your tank or Clearance vessel. Distance Thomas & Betts Large-Radius Aluminum Cable Tray systems mount flawlessly with no extra cutting, set-up oror surplussurplus material. With the option of pre-assembly of this cable tray system Standard Length prior to erection of the tanktank oror vessel,vessel, you can (External Side Rail) drastically reduce installing time. 3m (118 in.) Vessel or Catwalk Radius Segment Arc Length Measured on Tank Tray Data Required for Quotation Radius Height of the CableCable Tray in.in. Width of the Cable Tray in.in. Rung Spacing Required in.in. Load Rating and Support Span lb./ft.lb./ft. (kg/m)(kg/m) Radius of Tank or VesselVessel in.in. Clearance Distance in.in. Segment Arc Length (measured on structure) in.in. Quantity Required (number of segments) Total Arc Length (= segment arc length x quantity) in.in. TrayTray WiWidth United States Technical Services www.tnb.comwww.tnb.com ThomaseBeits Tel: 901.252.8000901.252.8000 Tel: 888.862.3289888.862.3289 B-380 800.816.7809 Fax: 901.252.1354 T&B® Cable Tray Options Metal Framing & Cable Tray — M Aluminum Mid-Span Splice Plate et al F • Factory pre-drilled side rails for easy installation r • Allows random splice location ami n • Tested loadingloading 160160 lb./ft.,lb./ft., based on aa 20-ft.20-ft. simple beam test g & with 1.5 safetysafety factorfactor (tested(tested with AH66AH66 series) C • Supplied with stainless steel type 316 hardware abl • Great forfor ladder, vented or solid tray style e T r • Only availableavailable forfor thethe following series of aluminum trays: a AH46, AH56, AH66 and AH76* y — T * 20-ft20-ft. support support span span onty.only. T&B &B® ® C Cable Tray abl 3 3 e T W-16⁄8"-16 x 3⁄/4" SS316 Carriage Bolt r and SS304 Keps Nut a y Typical Installation of Mid-Span SpliceSplice Plate Mid-Span Splice Plate Cable Tray These heavy-duty splice plates are designed to allow random splice location, including the midspan for 20-ft. supportsupport spans.spans. TheseThese splicessplices are available for all long-span ladder, vented or solid tray styles. Note: Also available on fittings to complete the system if required. Please consult the factory for more information. Reinforcing Plate 3 %"-16x⁄8"-16 x 1" SS316 Carriage Bolt and SS304 Keps Nut AMS 44 -- 66 -- 2424 -- L09L09 - 6 Material Style Series Side Rail Depth Width Bottom Type Length AMS = Mid-Span Splice 4 = Series 4 6" 06 = 6" L06 = 6" RungRung Spacing 6 = 6m 5 = Series 5 09 = 9" L09 = 9" RungRung Spacing 288 = 24 ft. 6 = Series 6 12 = 12" L12 = 12" RungRung SpacingSpacing 7 = Series 7 18 = 18" V = Ventilated 24 = 24" S = Soilid Trough To order straight sections with Mid-Span SpliceSplice Plate, 30 = 30" replace “AH”"AH" in the standard part number with “AMS”."AMS". 36 = 36" Example: AH6624L12-6AH 6624L12-6 AMS6624L12-6AMS6624L12-6 United States Technical Services www.tnb.comwww.tnb.com Tel: 901.252.8000901.252.8000 Tel: 888.862.3289888.862.3289 ThomasaBeits 800.816.7809 B-381 Fax: 901.252.1354 Options Long-Span Systems Systems — 30-ft. 30-ft. Straight Straight Tray Sections, Series Series 7–6, 7-6, 4–7, 4-7, 1–81-8 ble Ca Cable Tray ® ® Wowo WiIW T&B T&B — W Tray ble Ca & ing AH7-6 AH4-7 AH1-8 W (IN.) WI (IN.) WO (IN.) WI (IN.) WO (IN.) WI (IN.) WO (IN.) 6 4.92 8.92 4.62 8.62 4.55 10.55 l Fram 9 7.92 11.92 7.62 11.62 7.55 13.55 ta 12 10.92 14.92 10.62 14.62 10.55 16.55 Me Metal Framing & Cable Tray — 18 16.92 20.92 16.62 20.62 16.55 22.55 24 22.92 26.92 22.62 26.62 22.55 28.55 30 28.92 32.92 28.62 32.62 28.55 34.55 36 34.92 38.92 34.62 38.62 34.55 40.55 A H 7 - 66 -- 2424 -- L09L09 -- 360360 T T Material Style Series/Side Rail Depth Width Bottom Type Length H = H-Beam 76 = 6" 06 = 6"* L06 = 6" Rung Spacing 360 = 30 ft. 47 = 7" 09 = 9" L09 = 9" Rung Spacing 18 = 8" 12=12 = 12" 112L12 = 12" RungRung Spacing 18 = 18" V = VentilatedVentilated * 6"6" width not available in the A1118AH18 series.series. 24 = 24" S = SolidSolid TroughTrough 30 = 30" 36 = 36" Support Span .................................... Specifications .................................... FEETFEET • NEMA -All:— All: Exceed Exceed 20C20C SERIESSERIES 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 • UL Cross Cross Sectional Sectional Area Area — -All: All: 2.00 in.2 Load (lb./ft.) 228 185 153 128 109 94 82 • Side Rail DesignDesign Factors,Factors, 11 PairPair —- AH7-6: AH7-6: lx: Ix: 21.9621.96 in.'s; in.4; Sx: 6.38 in.3; Area: AH7-6 Deflection (in.) 2.457 3.033 3.670 4.367 5.125 5.944 6.824 3.82 in.2; AH4-7: Ix:lx: 36.8536.85 in.4; Sx: 9.089.08 in.3; Area: 4.654.65 in.2; AH1-8: Ix:lx: 58.3658.36 Deflection Factor .011 .016 .024 .034 .047 .063 .083 in.4; Sx: 13.37 in.3; Area: 5.865.86 in.2 Load (lb./ft.) 292 236 195 164 140 121 105 • Deflection — - Based Based on on 36"-wide 36"-wide cablecable traystrays withwith trays supported as simple AH4-7 Deflection (in.) 1.869 2.308 2.793 3.324 3.901 4.524 5.193 spans andand deflectiondeflection measured atat thethe midpoint;midpoint; continuous spans may reduce Deflection Factor .006 .010 .014 .020 .028 .038 .049 deflection byby asas muchmuch asas 50% Load (lb./ft.) 522 423 350 294 250 216 188 • Deflection atat Any Length Length — - For For lighter lighter loads, loads, multiply multiply LoadLoad xx DeflectionDeflection Factor AH1-8 Deflection (in.) 2.113 2.609 3.157 3.757 4.409 5.114 5.871 Deflection Factor .004 .006 .009 .013 .018 .024 .031 United StatesStates Technical Services www.tnb.comwww.tnb.com ThomaseBeits Tel: 901.252.8000 Tel: 888.862.3289 B-382 800.816.7809 Fax: 901.252.1354901.252.1354 T&B® Cable Tray OptionOptions Metal Framing & Cable Tray — M Peaked CoverCover ComponentsComponents — et Horizontal Bends/VerticalBendsNertical InsideInside BendsBends al F r ami n g & C abl e T r a y — T T&B &B® ® C Horizontal Bend Cable Tray abl e T r a A UWUW- -1212 - PFC -- HB -- 9090 -- 24 y T Material Fitting Style Width Cover Type Fitting Type Degree NominalNominal A = Aluminum U = U-Beam 06 = 6" PFC = Peaked Flanged HB = Horizontal Bend 30 Radius H = H-BeamH-Beam 09 = 9" Cover VIVI = Vertical Inside Bend 45 12 = 12" 12 = 12" PVC = Peaked Vented 60 24 = 24" Flanged Cover 18 = 18" 90 36 = 36" 24 = 24" 48 = 48" 30 = 30" 36 = 36" SHW -- 2424 -- PFC -- HB -- 9090 -- 24 MateriaMaterial* * Width Cover Type FiningFitting Type Degree NominalNominal SHW = Hot-Dip 06 = 6" PFC = Peaked Flanged HB = Horizontal Bend 30 Radius Galvanized 09 = 9" Cover VIVI = Vertical Inside Bend 45 12 = 12" SSW = Stainless 12 = 12" PVC = Peaked Vented 60 24 = 24" Steel 316 18 = 18" Flanged Cover 90 36 = 36" 24 = 24" 48 = 48" 30 = 30" * Pre-GalvanizedPre-Galvanized not available. 36 = 36" United States Technical Services www.tnb.comwww.tnb.com Tel: 901.252.8000901.252.8000 Tel: 888.862.3289888.862.3289 ThomasaBeits 800.816.7809 B-383 Fax: 901.252.1354 Options PeakedPeaked CoverCover ComponentsComponents — Tray VerticalVertical OutsideOutside BendsBends ble Ca Cable Tray ® ® T&B T&B — Tray ble Ca & ing l Fram ta A UW -_4 - 12 - PFCPFC -- VOVO- -90 90- -2424 T uw Me Metal Framing & Cable Tray — T r Material Style Side Rail Height Width Cover Type Fitting Type Degree Nominal Radius A = Aluminum U = U-Beam 4 = 4" 06 = 6" PFC = Peaked VO = Vertical 30 12=12 = 12" H = H-Beam Flanged Cover Outside Bend 5 = 5" 09 = 9" 45 24 = 24" PVC = Peaked Vented 6 = 6" 12 = 12" Flanged Cover 60 36 = 36" 7 = 7" 18 = 18" 90 48 = 48"48" 24 = 24" 30 = 30" 36 = 36" SSW -- 66 -- 2424 -- PFCPFC - VO -- 9090 -- 24 Material* Side RaRail I Height Width Cover Type FiningFitting Type Degree Nominal Radius SHW = Hot-Dipped GalvanizedGalvanized 4 = 4" 06 = 6" PFC = Peaked Flanged Cover VO = Vertical 30 12=12 = 12" SSW = Stainless Steel 316 Outside 5 = 5" 09 = 9" PVC = Peaked Vented Flanged Cover Bend 45 24 = 24" 6 = 6" 12 = 12" 60 36 = 36" 7 = 7" 18 = 18" 90 48 = 48" 24 = 24" 30 = 30" 36 = 36" ** Pre-GalvanizedPre-Galvanized not available. United States Technical Services ThomaseBeits Tel: 901.252.8000901.252.8000 Tel: 888.862.3289888.862.3289 www.tnwww.tnb.com b.co m B-384 800.816.7809 Fax: 901.252.1354 T&B® Cable Tray Options Metal Framing & Cable Tray — M Peaked CoverCover ComponentsComponents — et Horizontal TeesTees al F r ami n g & C abl e T r a y — T T&B &B® ® C Cable Tray abl e T r A UW -- 12 - PFC - HT - 24 a T y Material Style Width Cover Type FiningFitting Type Nominal Radius A = Aluminum U = U-Beam 06 = 6" PFC = Peaked Flanged Cover HT = Horizontal Tee 12=12 = 12" H = H-Beam 09 = 9" PVC = Peaked Vented Flanged Cover 24 = 24" 12 = 12" 36 = 36" 18 = 18" 48 = 48" 24 = 24" 30 = 30" 36 = 36" SHW -- 2424 - PFCPFC - HT -- 2424 Material* Width Cover Type Fitting Type Nominal Radius SHW = Hot-Dipped GalvanizedGalvanized 06 = 6" PFC = Peaked Flanged Cover HT = Horizontal Tee 12=12 = 12" = Stainless Steel 316 SSW = Stainless Steel 316 09 = 9" PVC = Peaked Vented Flanged Cover 24 = 24" 12 = 12" 36 = 36" 18 = 18" 48 = 48" 24 = 24" 30 = 30" 36 = 36" * Pre-Galvanized not available.
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