List of figures Figure 1 Huygens: sketch of 6 August 1679 Figure 2 Spherical aberration Figure 3 Cartesian oval. Figure 4 Huygens: focal distance of a bi-convex lens Figure 5 Huygens: punctum concursus Figure 6 Huygens: refraction at the anterior side of a bi-convex lens Figure 7 Huygens: refraction at the posterior side of a bi-convex lens. Figure 8 Huygens: focal distance of a bi-convex lens Figure 9 Huygens: extended image. Figure 10 Huygens: magnification by a convex lens. Figure 11 Huygens: four of the cases of magnification by telescopes. Figure 12 Huygens: analysis of Keplerian telescope with erector lens. Figure 13 Diagram for Keplerian telescope with erector lens. Figure 14 Kepler’s solution to the pinhole problem Figure 15 Kepler: focal distance of a plano-convex lens Figure 16 Kepler: image formation by a lens Figure 17 Della Porta: image of a near object Figure 18 Della Porta: image of distant object Figure 19 Della Porta: image by a telescope Figure 20 Barrow’s analysis of image formation in refraction. Figure 21 Huygens: observations of Saturn with the 12- and a 23-foot telescope. Figure 22 Huygens: beam to facilitate lens grinding. Figure 23 Daza’s scale Figure 24 Huygens’ eyepiece. Figure 25 Diagram for Huygens’ eyepiece. Figure 26 Huygens: spherical aberration of a plano-convex lens. Figure 27 Huygens: spherical aberration of a bi-convex lens Figure 28 Hudde’s calculation of spherical aberration Figure 29 Huygens: Galilean configuration in which spherical aberration is neutralized. Figure 30 Huygens: ‘Circle’ of aberration. Figure 31 Huygens: Aberration produced by a Keplerian configuration. Figure 32 Rendering of Huygens’ sketch of chromatic aberration. Figure 33 Huygens’ invention of 1669 Figure 34 Huygens’ crossed out EUREKA. Figure 35 Newton’s determination of chromatic aberration. Figure 36 The first stage of Kepler’s attack of refraction. Figure 37 The final stage of Kepler’s analysis of refraction Figure 38 Harriot’s measurements. Figure 39 Mydorge’s rule Figure 40 Descartes’ analysis of refraction Figure 41 Descartes’ analysis of reflection Figure 42 Barrow’s explanation of reflection. Figure 43 Barrow’s explanation of refraction. Figure 44 Huygens: sketch of refracted rays in Iceland crystal. Figure 45 Huygens: a refracted perpendicular caused by the composition of the crystal. Figure 46 Huygens: waves through Iceland crystal. Figure 47 Huygens: shape and main angles of the crystal. Figure 48 Bartholinus: double refraction. Figure 49 Bartholinus: refraction in two positions of the crystal. Figure 50 Bartholinus’ law of strange refraction. Figure 51 Huygens: rays in the principal section. Figure 52 Huygens: construction for strangely refracted rays in the principal section 266 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 53 Diagram of Huygens’ construction for strange refraction. Figure 54 Huygens’ alternative for Bartholinus’ law. Figure 55 Huygens: description of polarization. Figure 56 Ango’s explanation of refraction. Figure 57 The sine law in Tractatus. Figure 58 Huygens’ principle. Figure 59 Huygens: two rays refracted by a plane surface. Figure 60 Huygens: wave refracted by a plane surface forming a caustic. Figure 61 Huygens: wave refracted at the plane surface of a glass medium. Figure 62 Huygens: “Causam mirae refractionis in Crystallo Islandica”. Figure 63 Huygens: strange refraction of an arbitrary ray. Figure 64 Huygens: waves around a source of light Figure 65 Huygens’ principle. Figure 66 Huygens’ explanation of refraction. Figure 67 Huygens: refraction of the perpendicular. Figure 68 Huygens: orientation of spheroid in the crystal. Figure 69 Huygens: shape of the spheroidal wave. Figure 70 Construction of the refraction of an arbitrary ray in Traité de la Lumière. Figure 71 Hobbes’ rays. Figure 72 Hobbes: refraction. Figure 73 Hobbes’ derivation of the sine law. Figure 74 Refraction in Principia. Figure 75 The sine law in Opticks. Figure 76 Huygens: new measurement of strange refraction. Figure 77 Huygens’ EUPHKA of August 1679. Figure 78 Huygens: chromatic aberration of lenses. Bibliography References are made by author and short title. References to the twenty-two volumes of the Oeuvres Complètes are given by OC followed by the volume and page numbers, as in OC10, 153. References to the manuscripts, all of which belong to the collection Codices Hugeniorum housed at the University of Leiden, are given by manuscript number and folio, as in Hug2, 45v. Huygens is left out as author. 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