SLOVENSKI STANDARD SIST ISO 259-2:2005 01-november-2005 Informatika in dokumentacija – Transliteracija hebrejskih znakov v latinične znake – 2. del: Poenostavljena transliteracija Information and documentation -- Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters -- Part 2: Simplified transliteration iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) Information et documentation -- TranslittérationSIST ISO 259-2 :des2005 caractères hébreux en caractères latins -- Partie 2: Translittérationhttps://standards.iteh. asimplifiéei/catalog/standards/sist/e592b498-9521-4250-a111- 4179445d50b6/sist-iso-259-2-2005 Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 259-2:1994 ICS: 01.140.10 Pisanje in prečrkovanje Writing and transliteration SIST ISO 259-2:2005 en 2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno. SIST ISO 259-2:2005 iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW (standards.iteh.ai) SIST ISO 259-2:2005 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/e592b498-9521-4250-a111- 4179445d50b6/sist-iso-259-2-2005 SIST ISO 259-2:2005 INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 259-2 First edition 1994-12-15 Corrected and reprinted 1995-07-15 Information and documentation - Transliteration of Hebrew cha‘racters into Latin characters - iTeh STPartAN 2:D ARD PREVIEW (sSimplifiedtandard stransliteration.iteh.ai) SIST ISO 259-2:2005 https://standards.itehInformation.ai/catalog/s tanetd ardocumends/sist/e5 92tab 4tion98 -9-5 21Translittkation-4250-a111- des caracteres hebreux 4en17 9caracteres445d50b6 /silatinsst-iso -2-5 9-2-2005 Partie 2: Translitt&a tion simplifike Reference number ISO 259-2: 1994(E) SIST ISO 259-2:2005 ISO 259-2: 1994(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW International Standard ISO 259-2 was prepared(st abyn dTechnicalard s.Committeeiteh.a i) lSO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee SC 2, Con- Version of written languages. SIST ISO 259-2:2005 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/e592b498-9521-4250-a111- ISO 259 consists of the following Parts: 4179445d50b6/sist-iso-259-2-2005 - Part 7: Documentation - Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters - Part 2: Information and documen ta tion - Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters: Simplified transliteration Part 1 is currently published as ISO 259:1984. Annexes A and B of this part of ISO 259 are for information only. 0 ISO 1994 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, rncluding photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher. International Organization for Standardization Case Postale 56 l CH-l 211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland SIST ISO 259-2:2005 0 ISO ISO 259-2: 1994(E) Introduction This par-t of ISO 259 is one of a series of International Standards, dealing with the conversion of Systems of writing. The aim of this part of ISO 259 and others in the series is to provide a means for international communi- cation of written messages in a form which permits the automatic trans- mission and reconstitution of these by men or machines. The System of conversion, in this case, must be univocal and entirely reversible. This means that no consideration should be given to phonetic and aes- thetic matters nor to certain national customs: all these considerations are, indeed, ignored by the machine performing the function. The adoption of this part of ISO 259 for international communication leaves every country free to adopt for its own use a national Standard which may be different, on condition that it be compatible with this part iTeh STofA ISON 259.DA TheR DSystem P RproposedEVI EhereinW should make this possible and be acceptable for international use if the graphisms it creates are such that (stheyta nmayda ber dconverteds.ite hautomatically.ai) into the graphisms used in any na- tional System, so long as it is stritt. SIST ISO 259-2:2005 https://standards.itehThis.ai/ca tapartlog/ staofn daISOrds/ s259ist/e 59may2b4 98be-9 52used1-42 5by0-a 1anyone11- who has a clear under- 4standing179445d 50ofb 6the/sist -iSystemso-259- 2and-200 5is certain that it tan be applied without ambi- guity. The result obtained will not give a correct pronunciation of the original text in a person’s own language; but it will serve as a means of finding automatically the original graphism and thus allow anyone who has a knowledge of the original language to pronounce it correctly. Similarly one tan only pronounce correctly a text written in, for example, English or Polish, if one has a knowledge of English or Polish. The adoption of national Standards compatible with this part of ISO 259 will permit the representation, in an international publication, of the morphemes of each language according to the customs of the country where it is spoken. lt will be possible to simplify this representation in Order to take into account the extent of the Character sets available on different kinds of machine. SIST ISO 259-2:2005 iTeh SThisT ApageN DintentionallyARD leftP RblankE VIEW (standards.iteh.ai) SIST ISO 259-2:2005 https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/e592b498-9521-4250-a111- 4179445d50b6/sist-iso-259-2-2005 SIST ISO 259-2:2005 ~~ INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 0 ISO ISO 259-2: 1994(E) Information and documentation - Transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin characters - Part 2: Simplified transliteration 1 Scope The two basic methods of conversion of a System of writing are transliteration and transcription. This part of ISO 259 specifies a simplified System for the transliteration of Hebrew characters into Latin 2.2 Transliteration is the process which consists characters. This simplificationiT eofh theS TstringentAND rulesAR D Pof RrepresentingEVIE Wthe charactersl) of an alphabetical or established by ISO 259:1984 is especially(st aintendedndar dto s.itesyllabich.a iwriting) by the characters of a conversion al- make easier the processing of bibliographic informa- phabet. tion (catalogues, indices, citations, etc.). SIST ISO 259-2:200In5 principle, the conversion should be made Character https://standards.iteh.ai/catalog/standards/sist/e5by92 bCharacter:498-9521 -4each250- a1Character11- of the converted graphi- 2 General principles of conversion41794 45d5of0 b6/sist-iso-259cal-2 -2System005 is rendered by only one Character of the writing Systems conversion alphabet, this being the easiest way to ensure the complete and unambiguous reversibility of the conversion alphabet in the converted System. 2.1 The words in a language, which are written ac- cording to a given script (the converted System), When the number of characters used in the conver- sometimes have to be rendered according to a differ- sion System is smaller than the number of characters ent System (the conversion System) normally used for of the converted System, it is necessary to use a different language. The procedure is often used for digraphs or diacritical marks. In this case, arbitrary historical or geographical texts, cartographical docu- choices and the use of purely conventional marks ments and in particular bibliographical work where shall be avoided as far as possible, and a certain pho- characters must be converted from different writting netic logic shall be maintained in Order to give the Systems into a Single alphabet to allow for alphabeti- System a wide acceptance. cal intercalation in bibliographies, catalogues, indexes, toponymic lists, etc. However, it must be accepted that the graphism ob- tained cannot always be correctly pronounced ac- lt is indispensable in that it permits the univocal cording to the phonetic habits of the language (or of transmission of a written message between two all the languages) which usually use(s) the conversion countries using different writing Systems or exchang- alphabet. On the other hand this graphism shall be ing a message the writing of which is different from such that the reader who has a knowledge of the their own. lt thereby permits transmission by manual, converted language may mentally restore unequivo- mechanical as weil as electronie means. cally the original graphism and thus pronounce it. 1) A Character is an element of an alphabetical or other type of writing System that graphically represents a phoneme, a syl- lable, a word or even a prosodical characteristic of a given language. It is used either alone (e.g. a letter, a syllabic sign, an ideographical Character, a digit, a punctuation mark) or in combination (e.g. an accent, a diacritical mark). A letter having an accent or a diacritical mark, for example a, 6, ö, is therefore a Character in the same way as a basic letter. SIST ISO 259-2:2005 ISO 259-2: 1994(E) 0 ISO 2.3 Retransliteration is the process whereby the 2.8 When romanizing a script which has no upper- characters of a conversion alphabet are transformed case characters, it is usual to capitalize some words, back into those of the converted writing System. lt is following national usage. the exact opposite of the transliteration process in that the rules of a transliteration System are applied 3 Principles of conversion for in reverse in Order to reconvert the transliterated word alphabetical writing Systems to its original form.
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