1273 KeP°rt °f the Commis- [ 2 MAY 1958 ] Scheduled Castes & 1274 sioner for Scheduled Tribes Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribe's has RAJYA SABHA been appreciated. Nevertheless, there was a criticism that the nature of the Report' is the Friday, 2nd May 1958 same year after year. May I ask the House how do you expect us to change the nature of The House met at eleven of the •clock, MR. the Report? The nature of the Report is bound CHAIRMAN in the Chair. to remain the same until you and I step out JOINT COMMITTEE REPORT ON THE and change the nature of the work outside. PUBLIC PREMISES (EVICTION OF Sir, most of the Members who spoke in this UNAUTHORISED OCCUPANTS) House told us of the faults that lay on our BILL, 1958 side. May I Temind the Members that we SHRI P. N. SAPRU (Uttar Pradesh): Sir, I cannot correct all the faults that stand in the beg to present the Report of the Joint way of this gigantic task until the hon. Committee of the Houses on the Bill to Members give their share in the amelioration provide for the eviction of unauthorised and the Welfare of these people? occupants from public premises and for Anticipating the remarks, Sir, ■ in certain incidental .matters. yesterday's debate, I had explained almost all the points that I had thought would arise in the debate and, just as I have thought, POSTER PUBLISHED BY THE they MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS ' were the same points that Ve heard year after year—the commission and the omission and SHRI H. D. RAJAH (Madras): Sir, I want to the incompetent manner in which the bring to the notice of this 'House a ridiculous Government is fulfilling its task. What I poster published by the Ministry of Railways would have very much liked from the hon. regarding corruption. I want to place it on the Members is some alternative' suggestions as Table of th.2 House. It shows that ■4he to how to increase the tempo of the work, railway officials are put into prison in their how to change the pattern if it is not uniforms. Nowhere in our country a man is put satisfactory to you or to us, but I do not think in prison in his uniform. Everything is ulta in that any practical suggestion was offered. this country, and one of the ulta '•business is Criticism was offered but no alternative as to this. I want to place it •on the Table of the . how to do things either on the official or on House. I want ;to see that this ridiculous poster the non-official level and render a better is immediately withdrawn by our Ministry 01 account. Railways, as it is repugnant to our .standard of conceptions. SHRI H. N. KUNZRU (Uttar Pradesh): MR. CHAIRMAN: You put it on the Table. Such suggestions have been made in the past but they have been completely ignored by you. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER SHRIMATI VIOLET ALVA: I shall come to FOR SCHEDULED CASTES AND your point, Pandit Kunzru. I had said that the SCHEDULED TRIBES FOR THE Government itself could not fulfil this YEAR 1956-57—continued. programme cent per cent. Since such criticism THE DEPUTY MINISTER OF HOME has been made as Pandit Kunzru has said, we AFFAIRS (SHRIMATI VIOLET ALVA) : "Mr. have started an agency for evolution of.the Chairman, the whole day's debate yesterday work done from year to ; year. was both interesting and informative. It was gratifying to hear from Member after Member that the Report of the Commissioner for 18 RSD—1. 1276 Report of the Commis- [ RAJYA SABHA ] - Scheduled Castes & 1276 sioner for Scheduled Tribes SHRI N. R. MALKANI (Nominated): have also Bone certain things that are Independent agency or governmental agency? derogatory to the nation. There is nothing to be hidden in this respect. But from now on our SHRIMATI VIOLET ALVA: The governmental policy is that the missionary independent part of the agency Prof. Malkani work should apply to only one field, and that can supply. Everyone who is sitting * here is the social field. Gone are the' days of mass should take upon himself to give us conversions, even though conversions to information of what he has done, of what he Buddhism are taking place. That is a matter has been able to do in the country. I think that for the group of people concerned but we do agency would certainly supplement the not want that the underprivileged should be official agency that we have in the country exploited in this manner. We want to guarantee them that by free will only a person Then I said that the magnitude of the task can change his faith. Nevertheless, while should command from all of us a spirit of speaking of the missionaries, they have left dedication. It is this spirit of dedication, may I behind a trial of good record also which it is even say spirit of renunciation in some things, for us to emulate, and it is for us to follow in that would achieve for us the results that we their footsteps. We want more and more want to in this country in the'Second Five missionary spirited people. Without the Year Plan. missionary zeal we cannot achieve anything, Mr. Rajah from the other side as usual gave and that is why we should have to pick up the so many of his comments. He talked of the threads from where they have left over. It is a oneness of the nation. Who is to bring about happy augury that the Ramakrishna Mission - the oneness of the nation? Each citizen. He and the other private agencies in the country talked of intercaste marriages. Who is to are coming forward to undertake this task. propagate this cult of inter-caste marriages? It Nevertheless, it has grown both in its must be done on the individual level. Do you momentum and in its expension to be table to' expect the Government of India to sponsor render an account which would satisfy any one intercaste marriages? You have to create the of us. atmosphere for it, and as I said yesterday, Then, I think one of the Members talked only education and a better standard of living- about reservation of seats. I had mentioned can create an atmosphere by which such yesterday in my opening remarks that this happy events would take place; not otherwise. subject would be looked into when the time Then some other Member mentioned about arrived. But the opinions here expressed are caste not being mentioned in the forms of from two angles: one, that reservation is of no application. I personally think that this should use and must be done away with, and the other, go now. We should have only one column; that reservation would have to be continued for the nationality column, and I do agree with some considerable period of time. However, the Members in the sentiments that they have reservation of seats, I may make myself clear, is expressed that the less and less we talk about going to solve no problem. In the days of the castes or write about castes the more and British we had reservation for the Muslims, for more we shall progress. the Christians and for others. It solved nobody's problem. It is only for these people to feel Then, Sir, the missionaries were brought in confident that they can sit in the councils with into this debate. We all know what the the non-Scheduled Tribes and Castes and ■ get missionaries have done and not done, and themselves heard, and for that the basic relief how they that we can give them to bring them to that level on which* 1277 Keport of the Commis- [ 2 MAY 1958 ] Scheduled Castes & 1278 sicraer for Scheduled Tribes they can talk on equal terms is socio- SHRI H. D. RAJAH (Madras): Cannot economic. That is why whether we extend this Government think of giving top priority to period of reservation or not, that task of socio- this work of introducing mechanised economic bringing up of these under- methods? privileged people must be carried out with faith and with purposeful activity from day to SHRIMATI VIOLET ALVA: Yes, we have day. asked each municipality to give it top priority and it is for hon. Members whenever they go It was Mr. Deokinandan Narayan who round to the cities and villages to see that talked about caste system in offices. I do not these municipalities take up this work. We say that it does not exist; but as I said, will have to help them. It is for them to orthodoxy dies hard just as poverty dies hard come forward and do the in this country. Therefore, it is for every right- job. thinking man in our offices to spread this > belief that there is no such caste system. The hon. Member also said that Government Next, I come to the remarks made by Prof. servants should take an oath. I do not know Wadia. Yesterday he suggested—and it is not the yalue of such an oath. He said they must the first time that he does it, I think it is the take an oath ■ and by that they must clear second time—that the nomenclature of "ex- their hearts and their minds. How can we do criminal tribes" should be changed and these that. Nevertheless; it is worth examining this people should be called "denotified tribes." suggestion for whatever it is worth.
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