Proceedings of the 47th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals Derivative Mapping of Potential Industrial Mineral Resources in Ohio Mark E. Wolfe and Michael P. Angle Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, Ohio To cite this article: Wolfe, M.E., and M.P. Angle, 2015, Derivative mapping of potential industrial mineral resources in Ohio, in Z. Lasemi, ed., Proceed- ings of the 47th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals: Illinois State Geological Survey, Circular 587. Full terms and conditions of use: http://isgs.illinois.edu/terms-use This article may be used only for the purposes of research, teaching, and/or private study. Commerical use or systematic download- ing (by robots or other automatic processes) is prohibited without explicit ISGS approval, unless otherwise noted. For more informa- tion, contact [email protected]. Please scroll down—article is on subsequent pages. ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Prairie Research Institute University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 615 E. Peabody Drive Champaign, Illinois 61820-6918 http://www.isgs.illinois.edu Copyright © 2015 University of Illinois Board of Trustees. All rights reserved. For permissions information, contact the Illinois State Geological Survey. Derivative Mapping of Potential Industrial Mineral Resources in Ohio Mark E. Wolfe* and Michael P. Angle Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Columbus, Ohio ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION 1986, 1987a,b,c). In the 1990s, Stith (1995a,b, 1996a,b) completed mapping The Ohio Department of Natural The combined value of all industrial for potential crushed-stone and sand- Resources (ODNR), Division of Geologi- minerals (limestone and dolomite, sand and-gravel resources in the Bellefon- cal Survey, has an ongoing program to and gravel, sandstone and conglomer- taine and Piqua 30 × 60-minute quad- create a new surficial geology map for a ate, clay and shale, salt, and peat) sold rangles. 30 × 60-minute (1:100,000-scale) quad- in Ohio in 2010 was more than US$864 rangle each year. Through 2010, the million, which represents an increase The expanding production of indus- ODNR–Division of Geological Survey in value of 97% since 1990 (Weisgarber trial minerals in Ohio is competing has mapped 19 of the 34 complete or 1991; Wolfe 2011). Industrial mineral with many other land uses in a state partial 30 × 60-minute quadrangles production increased steadily from with more than 11.5 million residents. that cover Ohio. The geologic maps 1990 until 2008, but the recession led Planning for sequential land use that contain polygons of three-dimensional to large declines in the production of includes development of industrial min- “stacks” that summarize the gross litho- most commodities; the lone exception eral resources in these growing areas is logic material followed by its thickness is the continually increasing produc- vital to the sustainability of urban and (divided by 10) for the entire stack of tion of salt since 1990 (+42%). Limestone suburban centers. Three-dimensional materials overlying the bedrock lithol- and dolomite production has declined surficial materials mapping is an indis- ogy. A mapped polygon may contain by 15.7% compared with 1990, and the pensable tool for informed land-use a labeled stack such as T5|SG3|T2|Ls, production of other industrial miner- planning. The Ohio Geological Survey which would indicate this sequence als has decreased more significantly: has mapped 19 of the 34 complete or contains approximately 50 ft (15.2 m) sand and gravel by 36%, sandstone and partial 30 × 60-minute quadrangles that of till, overlying 30 ft (9.1 m) of sand conglomerate by 34.5%, and clay and cover Ohio, including a large portion of and gravel, which overlies 20 ft (6.1 m) shale by 70%. Peat is produced in minor glaciated Ohio (Figure 1). These maps of till, above limestone bedrock. The amounts, and gypsum has not been were completed as part of the Ohio Geo- (stack) geologic maps are then imported produced in Ohio since 2002. Ohio is logical Survey’s participation in the U.S. into a geographic information system a national leader in industrial mineral Geological Survey-funded STATEMAP (GIS) geodatabase, which may be inte- production. In 2010, Ohio ranked fourth project within the National Cooperative grated with mineral industry databases in the United States, producing 5.1 mil- Geologic Mapping Program. The three- containing historical production data, lion metric tons (Mt) of salt and ranking dimensional, 30 × 60-minute surficial geologic units mined, geochemistry, fifth in the production of lime (1.1 Mt), geology maps can be used not only for physical properties, and transportation sixth in the production of crushed stone regional land-use planning, but also networks to produce derivative maps. (49.2 Mt) and aggregates (74.6 Mt), and for preliminary evaluation of industrial These derivative maps can then be used seventh in the production of clay and mineral availability in Ohio (Wolfe 2001) as a reconnaissance tool to help evalu- shale (0.8 Mt). and to create derivative maps that delin- ate the availability and suitability of eate areas with the potential for addi- The Ohio Department of Natural industrial mineral resource locations tional crushed-stone or sand-and-gravel Resources, Division of Geological throughout Ohio. Industrial minerals resources (Wolfe and Stith 2007; Wolfe et Survey, also known as the Ohio Geologi- mined in Ohio in 2010 had an estimated al. 2008; Pavey et al. 2011; Venteris et al. cal Survey, has researched the geology value of more than US$864 million. 2011; Figure 1). The industrial mineral derivative maps of industrial mineral deposits, includ- produced by the ODNR–Division of Geo- ing aggregates, for more than 170 years. logical Survey are a very useful first step Smith (1949) studied sand and gravel Glacial Geology in assessing potential locations for new deposits on a regional basis in northern The glacial deposits of Ohio are repre- industrial mineral facilities to support Ohio. County-scale sand and gravel sented by numerous glacial episodes. the growing industrial mineral needs of resource studies were completed for Early pre-Illinoian erratics have been the citizens of Ohio. nine counties in the 1980s (Hull 1980, found in isolated areas of the state. In 1984; Risser 1981, 1985, 1986; Struble This article was previously presented at the 47th Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals, held May 15–17, 2011, in Champaign, Illinois. Page numbers shown are not final. *Corresponding author: [email protected]. Illinois State Geological Survey Circular 587 1 STATEMAP funded USEPA funded Complete, available as PDF download Complete, not available STATEMAP and USEPA funded In progress, not available Complete, available as PDF download Complete, not available SG Potential sand-and-gravel resources derivative map complete MB Potential mineable-bedrock derivative map complete Figure 1 Map highlighting the 30 × 60-minute quadrangles in Ohio in which three-dimen- sional surficial mapping has been completed or was in progress on September 26, 2011. Quadrangles in which potential sand-and-gravel or mineable-bedrock resources derivative maps have been produced are also depicted. 2 Circular 587 Illinois State Geological Survey a few places, highly weathered pre- Several other glacial features are com- DERIVATIVE THREE- Illinoian (formerly Kansan-age) till may monly found in the glaciated portions of be present below younger deposits. In Ohio. Kettle holes, depressions left when DIMENSIONAL SURFICIAL northeastern Ohio, discontinuous Illi- remnant ice masses melted, can range GEOLOGY MAPS noian tills that are coarse, sandy, and in size from an acre to several square Four primary aspects are depicted on a very low in carbonates are sometimes miles. Kettle holes are normally the sites surficial geology map: (1) major litholo- found beneath the extensive surficial of bogs, swamps, and lakes and may gies; (2) thicknesses (in feet); (3) lateral deposits of Wisconsinan age (White contain peat. Lacustrine or glacial lake extents; and (4) vertical sequences, 1982). Other Illinoian-age deposits or deposits are found throughout Ohio and shown by stack symbols. Each stack landforms consist of lacustrine, out- range from coarse sand to fine silts and represents a generalized cross sec- wash, moraines, or kame features along clays. Silt of windblown origin (loess) tion for that polygon. Thicknesses are the glacial margin east, south, or south- and up to 3.3 ft (1 m) thick is present in reported in feet as a factor of 10 and are east of the predominantly Wisconsinan- many places in northeastern Ohio. Three gross averages that can vary up to 50%, age deposits (Pavey et al. 1999). In much major and five minor strandlines or except (1) those followed by a minus of northeastern Ohio, a large portion beach ridges are present in the northern sign (−), which represents the maxi- of the Wisconsinan-age sediments are portion of the state. These ridges repre- mum thickness of a thinning trough- or ground or end moraines of primarily sent ancient beaches that formed when wedge-shaped sediment body, or (2) tills that consist of an unsorted mixture lake levels were as much as 197 ft (60 units in parentheses, which indicate of clay, silt, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and m) higher than current levels because discontinuous distribution of those boulders. In both the Mansfield and of damming to the north by the retreat- units. As an example, a mapped poly- Canton 30 × 60-minute quadrangles, ing Wisconsinan glacier (Forsyth 1959; gon may contain a labeled stack such as important aggregate resources are Pavey et al. 1999). T5|SG3|T2|Ls, which would indicate this located in Wisconsinan-age sand and sequence contains approximately 50 ft gravel deposits in the form of ice-contact Bedrock Geology (15.2 m) of till overlying 30 ft (9.1 m) of deposits (kames, kame terraces, and sand and gravel that overlies 20 ft (6.1 m) The bedrock geology of eastern Ohio eskers), valley trains, outwash plains, of till above limestone bedrock (Figure consists of alternating series of rock con- and terraces.
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