ouse Program--December 21, 1948 De Paur Infantry Chorus (Fifth in the Major Concert Series) Tuesday evening--8:30p.m. rzs] aga;zne' 11/f 1I (I \ f II I "' 1II Y <;II /{. rt't't' l\ t' l' rlw :-. por·r:-. .uul cnrt·r l .lintllt' n l "orl<ls ) u u .ItT bu, "' l-!- .1 :-. t ',hOil 1 i t' kt•l ,, It,,, t' lo ofl't•r. ) ott t'.lll :o- tT that show I H.tll\ _.., t•.t:-.on ltc k c l fot· 'our ''holt' frotn I l l(' ft-ont of tltt• ord~t·:-. 1 ra on famd to lht• \\odd'.., g n ·.tlt'"l :-. IHm . To Du " ont 't~ g iant din•t•l-\ it•w ~ <· rccn. dr.lln.t, tlltt .., tc.d ..,, h .dlt•l , opt•ra, cttnt•nl Couu• in and 1('1 u ~ sh ow) ou Dul\1ont'1 e\ · n il-i, t'OII' t'nlroll:-.. p.11 .rdt•.., 1h (' hesl full I ine of 'l't• lt•:-.c ls. * • • • 'I'ht• \Vt•st mtnslt•r Is t'Uilst•nn!ln•ly l'lnstdc - t'Xt'l'lllt•ct In ht•nutllully .:rntnt•t! nnt\11'111 tnnhlliii\1\Y. ~·t :l sttllnn• lnl'll tlln•ct- \'h'\\' sr.tt•t•n, Al\1, l•'l\t, :~hurt \\'11\' t' tndhl nnct nntu n\11 t lc rt•c·ot d pin Yt'l , • Perlman Pianos, 111 (~ . 925 KI NGS HIGHWAY, B'KLYN DEwey 9-2525 ()1'1<: UNTi l. I() 1'. I . l()NU \\' 'l ' lll tll ~A'I'lllt U '\ \ ....•) BROOKLYN jCjDEMY OF MUSIC Published by 'National Concert :Magazines. Editorial office: 30 Lafayette Avenue, Brooklyn 17, 'N Y STerling 3-6700 . .Advertising Office: 258 'Fifth .Avenue, 'New York 1, 'N. Y ., :MUrray 'Hill 9 7870. TilE BROOKLYN INS'flTUTE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 2 L, 194-8 DE PAUR INFA TRY CHORUS Leonard de Paur, Conductor FH TIT T'H.OGRA \T I'\ TI II. \1 \J Oft ( 0 > U HT '-LHJL-. Did you ever able as well as the most delicate of radio phono­ go shopping in a store graphs, a Soundmirror as ~ell as a television set. where everything's musical? A gift shop with the cutest, cuddliest toy animals that ever played a tune ... and music A record shop with records and albums boxes, the very finest Swtss craftsmen could carrying every imported and domestic label you contnve. can think of. If you haven't already guessed it, v-;e're talkmg A sheet music shop with a complete selectiOn about Brooklyn's own Schirmer' . It's the only of all publications, American and foreign. store in Brooklyn devoted enttrely to music. And A where you can browse among bookshop it's a fine and fri endly place to shop. books about music to your heart's content. An instrument shop offering everything from a recorder to a bass drum. A radio shop where you can find a tiny port- GSCHIJM~ 275 LIVINGSTON STREET • BROOKLYN 17 • MAIN 4-5170 3 ABRAHAM tf fULTON ST. at HOYT c: C/1 PARENTS, DOTING RELATIVES ••• 3-1 CHILDREN WILL LOVE THEM! g::a ~~ ~c Little Golden records :<Cit of unbreakable plastic ADAPTED FROM THE FAMOUS LITTLE GOLDEN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN .•• 1. " Scuffy the Tug Boat" and " Good Morning" 2. " The lively Little Rabbit" and " Farandole" 3 . " Th e Shy little Kitten" and " Humoresque" 4 . " Tootle" and Greig's '' Norwegian Dance" 5 . " Th e Poky Little Puppy" and " Th e Naughty Duc k" 6 . " Circus Time": Th e Big Top and Side Shows 7 . " The Tall Giraffe" and " Th e Funny little Mouse" 8 . " Wynken, Blynken and Nod" and " Storm in the Bathtub" 9 . " little Peew ee" and " Turkis h March" 10. " Th e Golden Egg" and " Country Dance" 11. " Th e Big Brown Bear" a nd "Merry Music" 12. " Out of the Window" and "The Bu sy Elevator" Today's children ha\'e been raised on the Golden Books. Now they'll be able to hear their fn\'oritc <; l ory book characters on golden 12 f or 3.48 color records they can play themselves. ~f a n y of the records have classical music selections that appeal to youn gsters. ~f a il and tele­ phone orders w ill be filled on 12 or more. 29c A&S \IusJ<.: Cc:.lll'r, E1ghll1 Floor. Call i\lain 5-6000 each 4 Kupy imported originals ... exclusiveIll ours rn• Brooklll•· Better Coat.,, Suits-Loeser's Second floor Also at Loeser's-Garden City TilEDE 1'-\1 H l'\1 \'\'IH\ ( IIOHI.., I \ uniqtw group mad!' up of tl111 l)­ fi\C· \ pgro Vl'lt·ran.., of tlw la..,l \\ar \\ho '-ang for l nitc·d . 'tate ·.., troop.., all ovc·1 tlw world frotll n •motc· Jwo J ima to hJt tc·n·d Bc·rl in. Bandc·d togc·t hc •J un­ der tlw diu·f'tiun of tiH·ir forrn<'J c·ap­ tain. Leonard de· Paur. the "li (W I h ..,ing c•r.., are nm' on their ..,<·<·ond im~tu •n.., c · l} "llCT<'""ful ci\ ilian c·onc·c•rt LOlli. l.c·on­ ard de Paur fir..,t attraf'tc·cl attc·ntion in mu..,ical circle.., a-.. a..,..,cwiate conductor of the H all .I ohn~on Choir and latc·r a.., choral leadrr of the tein-Thomson fantasy opera. Four aints in Tlure lr·ts. ::\lore recent!), he organized th effecthe choruc;; in \1o._.., llart' \\ar play. Jf inged 1 ictory. Th young memb r of th choru-,_ all in their twenti<'-... aH· ]arg ly college train , cl and many of them are carrying on graduate L11d ic·.., in mu ic. inging together ince 1912. the new en<.;emhl<' ha bec·n di cipli1wd by a resourceful and en:,.i tive leadt'r into an in-.Lrument of lwautiful pn·c·Jsllm. capable of remarkable hadings of tonal hur and d namic = opposite the BROOKLYN ACADEMY Of MUSIC 268 ASHLAND PlACE, BROOKLYN 8 NE W AIR, CONDITIONED BANQUET ROOMS CALL VIeTOR ••• •• STerling 3· 2000 I. Oi'I G.' BY CO TTE\IP RARY 01\fPO ER ~Io rning Hymn I idor G. Hen chel Thou H a~ l Made Me Endle , from '·Three Chorales"1 Her e I Thy Foot tooL from "Tagore" S · Paul Cre ton peak ! for You 1u t - Herbert Haufrecht ompo ed for word by Philip Freneau, a contemporary of Tom Paine and Thoma" 1e fferson and chief poet-propagandi t of the American Revolution. PROCRAl\1 CONTINUE ON FOLLOW! C PACE 1Kittgs Wnunty Wrunt Qinmpauy 342 TO 346 FULTON STREET BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, CITY OF NEW YORK ''Fifty-nine Years in Brooki-:.-11 ''-''Fifty-nine Y ears of Growth" CAPITAL $ 500,000.00 SURPLUS $7,500,000.00 M E~IB E R FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSU RANCE CORPORATION 6 11 . FOLK 0 TG FR0\1 LATJ A\1 ERI CA La Llorona (Mexican Iluapango) - arr. de Paur One day. when in passing, I aw you coming from the templ<'. You were crying. Tho' you eem a lillle "cry-ba by."' I a m told that you are not alway ... "ad. In your lovely blouse, you looh. ed like the beautiful \ irgin hf'r'-t>lf. I am like the "Chili.'' little cr )ing one, very tao;ty and c.,tron!!. And even if I die of it. 1"11 alway love you. Lillie weeper of heavenly blue. PROGRAM CO Tl UE ON PAGE 10 II FACTORY STORE • Sil::es VVHERE EVERYTHING IS SOLD 14% to 24 V2 BELOVV REGULAR RETAIL PRICES $25 • Beads and sequins HATS flash on one FOR MEN AND WOMEN sleeve, one shoulder by of our fluid, sl imming rayon crepe . KNOX black, royal blue and other famous makers or druid grey. These finely made hats are samples, cancellations, returns, etc. Mail or pho11e: ULster 5-8300 • Dresses, Second floor FACTORY STORE 601 Grand Avenue, Brooklyn between Bergen St. and St. .:\larks Ave. Store hours: .:\Ionday through Saturday, 9:30 a.m.- 6 p.m. 1 5 HANOVER PLACE, BROOKLYN Fo unde d'" 1816 RCA-VICTOR Eye Witness TELEVISI·ON Enjoy RCA Victor Tele­ vision for the finest in SILVERWARE • STATIONERY entertainment. WATCHES See Bressner for the finest in Television. Expert Destgning Free Home Demonstration and Remodeling of Dtslmcttr;e Jewelry ESSNER Budget Pion Est \927 BROOKLYN-Main Showroom, 481 New Lots Ave. DI. 6-6176 Brooklyn: 76 Sutter Ave. Queens: 83-06 Northern B lvd. Wm. Wise & Son O pen D aily to 10 p.m. Main Showroom Open Sun. 11 to 4 487 Fulton Street, Brooklyn ----BRESSNER HAS SOLD OVER---- ---7,000 TELEVISION SETS--- 8 On almost every important program On almost every '' important station For the -the Steinway WSM WHAS WJZ WTIC CFRB WNBC WMAQ WPEN A pc pi,Jmed dinnPr WCAU KYW dress of sheerest rayon lace over rayon WFAA WBAL WABC taffeta ... per[ecl for holiday affairs I In WBNS KGO black. mink brown KMOX WOR WSYR or royal blue. (partial list only) Sizes36 lo44. 49·9 5 Modern Woman Shop STEINWAY & SONS Second Floor STE INWAY HALL 109 W . 57t h STREET, NEW YORK 19, N. Y. for WITH SECURITY! accentuated A Savings Account Gives You a Reserve of "Ready Cash" ... G reater Security! uplift ... • OPEN YOUR ACCOUNT NOW •.. ADD TO IT REGULARLY Banking-By-Mail Modern Mortgage Loans F.H.A . Modernization Loans Savings Bank Mone y Orders Travelers Cheques and foreign Remittances SOUTH . BROOKLYN ..... u.s '•'· 0«. " Allo-Ette" gives fash1onable SAVINGS BANK accentuated uplift to average and to Jlightly MAIN OFFICE , ATLANTIC,AVENUE i COURT STREET larger-than-average bosoms.
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