Issue , Year September 16, 2018 UK £2 www.thearabweekly.com 173 4 EU €2.50 Lessons of Interview Cairo University Swedish president on fighting elections extremism Pages 6-7, 16 Page 20 Abadi edged out of prime minister’s race but real change in Iraq remains remote ► In an apparent reversal, influential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, whose bloc finished first in May’s elections, withdrew his backing for Abadi. Mamoon Alabbasi its call. We have not sought to cling to power or a second term,” Abadi London said on September 13. “I’ve said from the start that I iolent protests in the would surprise you and you’ll see southern Iraqi city of Basra how I don’t cling to power. I think are pushing the country’s that pledge has been fulfilled to- V biggest political blocs to day. Just as we have given a lesson agree on a deal that would prevent in combating terror, unifying the incumbent Prime Minister Haider country and fighting sectarianism, al-Abadi from securing a second we would also give a lesson in giv- term in office. ing up power and ensuring a peace- In an apparent reversal, influ- ful transition.” ential Shia cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, Abadi’s departure would be wel- whose bloc finished first in May’s come news for Tehran because he elections, withdrew his backing for had pledged to abide by US sanc- Fading option. A man walks past a campaign poster of Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in Najaf. Abadi, whose political alliance was tions against Iran. (Reuters) third in the vote. Al-Sadr agreed “The Iranians do not have the instead to discuss a consensus can- ability to open a front against the didate with Hadi al-Amiri, an Iran- Americans in Iraq, so they are sat- turning as prime minister. “The ne- he agreed “with those who are Even if a technocrat does assume backed militia leader whose bloc isfied with the blow that they di- gotiations are still ongoing,” politi- big in Iraq” on suggesting a num- power, there is no guarantee he took the second-most votes in the rected to the Americans by burning cal analyst Ihsan al-Ashaari told the ber of “independent technocrats” would implement radical changes election. Abadi,” an unidentified al-Sadr ne- Associated Press. as prime minister. His suggestion without a more encompassing po- The move came after Grand Aya- gotiator told Saudi newspaper Arab Media circles in Iraq, however, faces the objection of some politi- litical will. tollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq’s highest News. were discussing possible candi- cians “who want to take Iraq back “A technocratic government can Shia religious authority, called for dates that al-Sadr and Amiri might to square one and bring back cor- be just as internally incoherent the formation of a government that agree on. One name being touted rupt politicians in new garments,” as all of Iraq’s post-2003 govern- would be different from previous The departure of Abadi was Shia politician Adil Abdul- al-Sadr said. “If they continue then ments,” wrote Zaid al-Ali in the ones. would be welcome news Mahdi, who previously served as I will announce joining the opposi- Washington Post. “Ministers in all Although nothing is impossible for Tehran as the prime oil minister, finance minister and tion.” post-2003 governments have never in Iraq’s fickle politics, it is very minister had pledged to vice-president. Critics say Abdul-Mahdi did not agreed to a coherent strategic plan, unlikely that al-Sadr would return abide by US sanctions According to Al-Sharqia news enjoy a shining record when he led do not accept joint liability for fail- to supporting Abadi as prime min- against Iran. presenter Ahmed al-Mulla Talal, the two ministries and thus does ure and are always prepared to un- ister, especially since he criticised al-Sadr and Amiri have each sug- not offer a compelling reason that dermine each other.” the prime minister for not meeting Observers said Abadi’s dropping gested a list of names and Abdul- he would do better as a prime min- protesters’ needs and after Abadi out of the race for prime minister Mahdi was the only one on both ister. Also, being a career politician Mamoon Alabbasi is Deputy Man- himself indicated that he would doesn’t rule out his bloc’s partici- lists. There has been no official who rose from the ranks of the Is- aging Editor and Online Editor of not be seeking a second term. pation in a coalition government. confirmation on the consensus on lamic Supreme Council of Iraq, Ab- The Arab Weekly. “We respect the high religious Others said that, despite his Abdul-Mahdi from either camp. dul-Mahdi hardly fits the definition authority (of Sistani) and answer statement, Abadi may end up re- Al-Sadr posted on Twitter that of a technocrat. Pages 2-3, 6 Tunisian government, civil society join forces to curb deadly road accidents Roua Khlifi trians and motorcycles, two fragile between the ministry and the ATPR pecially the behaviour of the driv- elements, are involved. This also to devise the right strategy to im- ers on the road is dangerous. There affects the traffic cycle in the city plement this subject within the offi- is no respect for the laws,” Touil Tunis since 60% of the accidents happen cial programme for next year and to said. in residential areas inside the city,” stress the application of these rules Oussama Mabrouk, press officer acing an alarming number he added. and measures.” of the National Road Safety Obser- of traffic accidents, the Tu- In 2015, a report by the World vatory at the Ministry of the In- nisian government is work- Health Organisation said Tunisia terior, said that while there were F ing with civil society organi- was not adequately enforcing laws Tunisia records an efficient laws that regulate roads sations on awareness campaigns to on drunken driving, seat-belt use average of 1,500 people in Tunisia, “the issue is that of the promote road safety. and helmet use for motorcyclists. killed in road accidents mentality of drivers who do not Rachid Tunisia records an average of Two years later, the government each year. realise that these laws are there to 1,500 people killed in road acci- tightened laws on seat-belt use for protect them and not to penalise dents each year, the Tunisian Road most passengers and announced Touil said: “The behaviour of them, which is why we need to ad- Taha’s Prevention Association (ATPR) that road safety would be added drivers is not going to change if we dress the way people think.” said. Nearly half of the victims are to primary school curricula. Those don’t provide the right mechanisms “This is why we resorted to in- aged 15-30. decisions were applauded by road to implement this culture. I am creasing the awareness campaigns. “Almost every day, four people safety experts and civil society as- happy we are signing this partner- We need to work on implementing musical die because of road accidents,” said sociations. ship and next year you will notice a culture of respecting the laws that Imed Touil, a member of ATPR’s ex- “We need to implement this de- the positive impact of implement- can be done by consolidating the ef- ecutive bureau. “These accidents cision that was taken by (Prime ing this decision.” forts of the government with that leave a lasting effect as small cars, Minister Youssef Chahed) last year Despite the country’s efforts to of civil society,” Mabrouk added. journey trucks, motorcycles and pedestri- concerning including traffic in the improve road safety, there is a long ans are often involved in the acci- official programme,” said Tunisian way to go in fostering respect for Roua Khlifi is a regular Travel dents.” Education Minister Hatem Ben Sa- the rules of the road, he said. and Culture contributor to Page 22 “It becomes lethal when pedes- lem. “Today, we build a partnership “This issue is very alarming, es- The Arab Weekly. 2 September 16, 2018 Cover Story Iraq Iraq in crossfire of escalating Iran-US tensions Mamoon Alabbasi weapons,” said a statement from the White House. “The United States will hold the London regime in Tehran accountable for any attack that results in injury to raq is finding itself in the mid- our personnel or damage to Unit- dle of escalating tensions be- ed States government facilities. tween Iran and the United America will respond swiftly and I States in which Tehran and decisively in defence of American Washington have accused each lives,” said the statement. other of carrying out hostile ac- US Republican senators said tivities in Iraqi territory. they would introduce legislation Following an attack on the Ira- to counteract what they see as nian Consulate in Basra by Iraqi increasing Iranian influence in demonstrators, who have been Iraq. The Iranian Proxies Terror- protesting for weeks against poor ist Sanctions Act would impose living conditions in the southern terrorism-related sanctions on Iraqi city, Iran-backed militias Iran-controlled militias in Iraq. stated that an “American-Saudi It would keep a record of militias conspiracy” was at play to divide receiving assistance from the Is- the country. lamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Iranian Foreign Ministry spokes- (IRGC), Reuters reported. man Bahram Qassemi said the at- Iran accused the United States tack on the consulate was the re- of supporting Kurdish separatist sult of US policies in the region. Iranian militants hiding in Iraqi “The recent chaos in Iraq, in- territories.
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