1016" CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE DECEMBER 21 To be lieutenant colonels mind, with the healing love of a big heart; and with the William W. Buckley. Philip H. Torrey. bracing energy of a courageous spirit. May we live for men William D. Smith. Robert ·L. Denig. for whom he died and pledge ourselves to labor for a justice­ Harold B. Pratt. Charles F. B. Price. loving, a freedom-loving, and a warless world. Through Randolph Coyle. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. To be majors The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday, December 19, Thad T. Taylor. 1931, was read and approved. James M. Bain. To be captains MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Moses J. Gould. William J. Whaling. A message from the Senate by Mr. Craven, its principal George R. Rowan. Herman H. Hanneken. clerk, announced that the Senate had passed a bill of the Richard H. Schubert. Daniel R. Fox. following title, in which the concurrence of the House ·is George W. Walker. William Ulrich. requested: Theodore H. Cartwright. Ralph W. CUlpepper. S. 1357. An act for the relief of Nancy H. Rouse, Clara H. Simmons, W. H. Hays, Hallie H. Hamilton, and Bradford P. To be first lieutenants Hays . Walter I. Jordan. Andrew J. Mathiesen. The message also announced that the Senate had agreed Arthur W. Ellis. Joseph C. Burger. to the amendment of the House to the amendment of the Edwin C. Ferguson. David L. Cloud, jr. Senate to the joint resolution (H. J. Res. 142) entitled Homer L. Litzenberg, jr. Calvin R. Freeman. "Joint resolution making an additional appropriation for Wilburt S. Brown. Francis J. Cunningham. the Employment Service, Department of Labor, for the fiscal Theodore B. Millard. Verne J. McCaul. year ending June 30, 1932." Floyd A. Stephenson. Leslie F. Narum. The_message also announced that the Vice President had Albert L. Gardner. Ion M. Bethel. appointed Mr. SMOOT and Mr. HARRisoN members of the Samuel s. Ballentine. John F. Hough. joint select committee on the part of the Senate as provided James P. S. Devereux. Robert L. Griffin, jr. for in the act of February 16, 1889, as amended by the act Edward J. Trumble. Glenn M. Britt. of March 2, 1895, entitled "An act to authorize and pro­ Martin S. Rahiser. Archie V. Gerard. vide for the disposition of useless papers in the executive Frank J. Uhlig. Edward L. Pugh. departments," for the disposition of useless papers in the Adolph Zuber. William M. O'Brien. Treasury Department. Robert E. Hogaboom. Lawrence Norman. James Snedeker. Granville K. Frisbie. COL. ANDREW SUMMERS ROWAN John D. Blanchard. Earl H. Phillips. Mr. SHOTr. · Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to John N. Hart. Paul A. Putnam. print in the RECORD an address I made at the dedication of Lionel C. Goudeau. Matthew C. Horner. a bridge which was named in honor of the man who carried Hawley C. Waterman. James M. Ranck, jr. the message to Garcia, Col. Andrew Summers Rowan. James 0. Brauer. Presly M. Rixey, 3d. The SPEAKER. Is there objection? Thomas C. Green. Lee N. Utz. There was no objection. To be second lieutenants Mr. SHOTT. Mr. Speaker, I feel that the ·great service rendered the Nation in the Spanish-American War by Col. Richard W. Hayward. Samuel G. Taxis. Andrew Summers Rowan, a native of the district I have Austin R. Brunelli. Edward J. Dillon. the honor to represent, makes the tribute accorded him on Lewis C. Hudson, jr. Harold I. Larson. Thursday, October 29, 1931, when many thousand Virginians Edmund B. Games. Clifton R. Moss. and West Virginians met on New River and dedicated a Albert J. Keller. Bankson T. Holcomb, jr. Luther S. Moore. Frederick L. Wieseman. bridge which was named in honor of the man who carried Harry S. Leon. Robert S. Brown. the message to Garcia, worthy of a place in the CONGRES­ SIONAL RECORD, and I am therefore, under permission given Nelson K. B1·own. Harlan C. Cooper. Charles R. Jones. Robert E. Fojt. me to extend my remarks, inserting an address I made on Clifford H. Shuey. William K. Pottinger. the first public remembrance occasion recognizing the hero­ Wayne H. Adams. Billy W. King. ism and fidelity to duty of this famous son of West Virginia John H. Cook, jr. James H. Brower. and soldier of the Republic. Edward H. Forney, jr. George R. Shell. The address is as follows: John A. White. One of the most outstanding spiritual incidents of our civiliza­ tion is the grateful remembrance of those who strive, suffer, and To be chief quartermaster clerk sacrifice for the good of their fellow countrymen and humanity. Joseph C. Brochek. The spirit that embalms the heroes of war and peace time in the hearts or men and women urges that some undying embodiment of their homage be placed so that physical vision may ponder and remembrance be kept alive for the generations that are to come HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES after, and so it is that men's hands raise memorials of imperishable bronze and marble that the tooth of time may be stayed and MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1931 veneration and thanksgiving endure through the dissolving years. The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Monuments and obelisks and spires, mute in their lonely and solemn grandeur, may impress, but the great utility we call a The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., bridge is the most fitting of all objects of remembrance and offered the following prayer: emblems of honor, because in its usefulness it bears the burden of commerce and communication of States and neighborhoods, and Glory to Thee, 0 Lord, most high-we praise Thee for lifts the feet of countless men and women from the muck and the anticipation of Him who increases the sum of human mire of swamp and stream, makes easy the way of those who must joy and happiness. We are now in the foreglow of that day cross, and fulfills man's highest hope--passing safely over the pit­ falls and obstades that lie before him in every path he uses in the when the sound of the market will die out in the street journey of life. and men will strike the truce of battle. Yes; He is coming From early time down to the last war, bridges and roads have again. The One who smiled at the lure of riches and the been the most important facilities in the struggle of nations, and · embarrassment of penury. At His gentle footfall the cita­ their control the high point in the peace conferences of the world. It is fitting, then, that these graceful spans that bridge this dels of iniquity trembled, and as He passed by He endowed great mountain stream should be dedicated in honor of a man the meanest thing with interest and beauty. Oh bless us, born and reared among the neighboring hills, and who in a crisis Lord God, with an impulse of a new love-to be a friend of our national life distinguished himself by bravery and fidelity to duty, the story of which has been told 'round the world in to the friendless, a benefactor to the homeless, and a refuge every tongue, to inspire in men and youths those higher obliga­ to those who are smitten. Let us forget past wrongs and tions of citizenship that are the most glorious and enduring mistakes and bless us with the golden glow of a generous adornment of mankind. 1931 CONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD-HOUSE 1017 The great bridge we dedicate to public usefulness to-day and trip back to Washington to help the American authorities prepare name in honor of Col. Andrew Summers Rowan, a native of the their campaign. hills overlooking the winding course of New River, is the connect­ Rowan was asked if he could start back the same night, and ing link· between Virginia and West. Virginia in a section where upon his reply that he would not be satisfied to do anything the two States border on this swiftly flowing mountain stream, else the four left Bayamo, where Garcia was hidden, · and a few in which is the unharnessed power to drive the factories and minutes later were swimming the Cauto River a short distance light the homes of a State. above the Spanish post. The completion of the splendid highway and linking its two They made their way to the coast, obtained a small boat, and great stretches of many miles by the construction ~f this bridge after passing under the Spanish guns late at night proceeded to had long been a dreain of the Virginias and it~ consummation Nassau. One of the rebel officers selected by General Garcia to the sunrise of a great new day in our local-development. accompany Rowan had to remain on the CUban shore, as there I congratulate the people of the two States and extend through was no room in the boat for him. · Lieut. Gov. James Price, officially representing Virginia, the From Nassau the three hurried to Washington, where President thanks of the people of the section to the Old Dominion and its McKinley and Secretary of War Alger extended public congratu­ officials, and through Senator George E. White, the official rep-. lations to the young lieutenant who had braved death countless resentative of the Mountain State, the thanks of all who live t imes in carrying out his otficial orders. amid the West Virginia hills. Rowan was promoted to a captaincy shortly after his return, We of West Virginia claim a heritage in the history and an but it was more than 24 years before Congress recognized his enduring heirship in the traditions of the mother State, of which valor and voted him a distinguished-service cross with a silver­ we are proud.
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