Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86846-4 — Unending Capitalism Karl Gerth Index More Information Index accumulation. See capitalism; industrialization and gray economy, 209, 219–22 advertising, 237, See also branding; consumerism; and inequality, 224–5 propaganda, economic as bribes and currency, 209 agencies, 107 as expressions of loyalty, 204, 210, 217 and gender, 23 as gifts, 202, 209, 223 and racism, 103–6 differences in values of, 209, 211 and shortages, 115 DIY production of, 207 and social consumption, 109 expanding production of, 205–8 and state allocations, 113–15 fads defined, 201 as discourse of backwardness, 104, 283 in Great Exchange Program, 213–18 commodification of Mao, 289 in post-Mao era, 229 in capitalism, 110, 115, 282 materials used, 328 in consumerism, 2, 13, 50, 113 origins, 202 in Cultural Revolution, 177, 314 production statistics, 204 in mass campaigns, 109 state production of, 204 in Soviet Union, 287 used for protection, 207 Marxist critique of, 111 barbers, 90, 148, 166, 180 revenue, 282, 286 Beckert, Sven, 254 socialist version of, 114, 116, 117, 288 Beijing. See also Destroy movement; inequalities: socialistic images in, 116 urban/rural; Tianqiao campaign with foreign scripts, 103 badge exchanges in, 219 Albania, 256, 279 badges made in, 206 alienation. See capitalism: attributes of destination in Great Exchange, 213, 214 Andreas, Joel, 207, 326 haggling restrictions in, 145 anti-bureaucratism defined, 261, See also cadres as historic sites destroyed, 174 new class; capitalism:restoration of house ransackings, 185 antiques, 186, 188, 190, 191, 193, 320 mass rallies, 201, 213 archived websites explained, 240 PLA uniform fashion, 195–8 armbands. See fashion: red armbands privileged place of production and automobiles consumption, 21, 32, 33, 79, 81, 142, 163, 166, bourgeois symbol, 54, 63, 78, 99, 138 203, 222, 226 displace bicycles, 18 small shops revived, 163 in Three Great Things, 241 window displays, 141 returned by CCP, 42 Beijing City Department Store. See Wangfujing symbol of corruption, 59 Department Store bicycles. See also Three Great Things backwardness, discourse of, 12, 13, 19, 27, 38, 66, and high-price policy, 163 73, 93, 118, 231, 254 and mobility, 18 badges of Mao. See also fashion; state branded subcategories, 18 consumerism: policies backfire designed for countryside, 21 and consumerism, 3, 200–28, 229 female use of, 30 373 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86846-4 — Unending Capitalism Karl Gerth Index More Information 374 Index bicycles (cont.) export controls of, 53 in Cultural Revolution, 187, 311 human, 5, 11, 66, 69, 98, 101, 207, 267 in illicit exchanges, 35 misallocated, 50, 63, 72 links to imperialism, 17, 19 prioritized under capitalism, 5, 7, 12, 38, 40, 42, masculinity, 30 47, 72, 148, 185 ownership, 21 state as chief appropriator of, 7 production statistics, 20 state control over, 49–56 slogans on, 177 capitalism. See also cadres as new class; capital; status symbol, 18, 20 consumerism; industrialization; working-class symbol, 30 inequalities; institutional arrangements; “Big Deal,” 77, 271 negation of revolution; primitive bloodline theory, 193 accumulation; socialism; state capitalism Bo Yibo, 92 as global system, 13, 19, 116, 192, 216, 238, book markets, 331 253, 329 boycotts, 47, 56, 122, 124, 230, 255, 284, 299 as shorthand for state-to-private spectrum of Bramall, Chris, 234, 267, 278, 301, 302 industrial capitalism, 1, 6, 12, 71, 73, 232, 235 branding. See also advertising; commodities: attributes of, 5, 6, 12, 16, 43, 46, 113, 126, fetishization of; Destroy movement; Three 133, 240 Great Things birthmarks, 49, 184, 229 identity communicated through, 18, 107, 184 contrasted with communism, 3–5, 235 in consumerism, 2, 18 correlate of consumerism, 4, 10 in Cultural Revolution, 178–80 debate over private varieties of, 336 political slogans and images in, 17 forms of extraction in, 66, 74, 238 pre-1949 continuities, 106 industrial form of, 3, 235 preference for imports, 19, 20, 21, 29, 104 inequalities exacerbated by, 16, 113 restrictions on trademarks, 178, 195 negation of, 2 through badges, 211 negation of feudalism, 5 Bray, Francesca, 242 private form of, 237 bribes, consumer products as, 37, 38, 58, 60, restoration of, 35, 37, 92, 95–9, 100, 126, 127, 61, 209 164, 168, 169, 221, 228, 280 BSA brand bicycles, 14 Castells, Manuel, 238 Buick, Adam, 235 CCP. See Chinese Communist Party (CCP) “build the nation through diligence and Central Academy of Arts and Crafts, 142 thrift,” 46 Central Committee, 34, 37, 169, 223, 226, 227, building socialism. See socialism: as catch-all label 333 for state policies Central Propaganda Department, 117, 226, 269 Bukharin, Nikolai, 66 Changsha, 215 bulaji. See fashion: bulaji Changzhi, 32 Chen Boda, 320 cadre suits. See fashion: cadre suits Chen Huabin, 227 cadres as new class, 34, 59, 97, 200, 207, Chen Yi, 42 281 Chen Yun, 92, 237 campaign contrasted with movement, 170 Chengdu, 96, 156, 189, 190, 321 Canton Trade Fair, 216, 329 Cheung, Tai Ming, 253 capital. See also capitalism; expropriation; Chiang Kai-shek, 122, 188, 191, 258 industrialization; institutional China Department Store Company, 15, 135 arrangements; military: and compulsory Chinese Communist Party (CCP). See also accumulation Central Committee; consumerism; accumulated in mass campaigns, 58–64 inequalities; institutional arrangements: attempts to hide, 61 shifts along spectrum; negation of badges as form of, 211 revolution; propaganda, economic; compulsory accumulation of, 13, 43, 44, 66, 71, socialistic policies; Soviet Union; state 73, 94, 132 capitalism; state consumerism; Three/Five- cultural and political, 208 Antis campaign domestic favored, 14, 266 accumulation prioritized by, 7, 10, 12, 167 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86846-4 — Unending Capitalism Karl Gerth Index More Information Index 375 and shifts in institutional arrangements, 7, 9, consumer culture. See consumerism 11, 42, 46, 48, 54, 55, 64, 67, 68, 70, 72, 77, consumer society, 233 92, 94, 114, 115, 131, 163 consumerism. See also capitalism; propaganda, decision to admit capitalists, 335 economic; state consumerism; Three Great expansion of capitalist practices, 18, 139–44 Things inequalities expanded by, 16, 66 ambivalence of party toward, 11 militarization of society, 49, 290 and anti-socialism, 60 split with Soviet Union, 95–9 and gender, 183 synonymous with “the state” and and identity, 2, 18, 26, 27, 29, 30, 83, 84, 89, “party-state,” 235 126, 131, 143, 178–84, 207, 208, 325 terms used by, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 50, 51, 54, 55, 69, and imperialism, 254 193, 233, 234, 237, 240, 250, 261 and subcultures, 315 Chongqing, 31, 157, 188 before 1949, 46–9 chopping and excavating campaign, 41 compatibility with socialism, 77 cigarettes compulsory participation in, 10, 37, 40, 82, 132, advertising of, 285 195–8, 204, 228, 240, 241 privileged access to, 80 correlate of capitalism, 4, 233 status symbols, 101, 108 defined, 1, 3, 7, 10, 81, 201, 233 symbol of corruption, 59, 61, 99, 178, 209 labeled “bourgeois,” 5 working-class habit, 107 links to industrialization, 11, 242 Citizen brand watches, 38 precedes consumption, 12, 22, 30, class. See also cadres as new class self-expansion of, 10, 12, 13, 23, 25–31, 40, 81, background, 27, 187, 194, 197 201, 205–12, 228, 241 defined through surplus, 51, 59, 62, 64, 97, 257 spread via educated youth, 25 five black, 193, 198 symptom of cadre corruption, 58 five red, 193, 316 vanguard of change, 4 four progressive, 50 variations across China, 13, 24, 28 new class in Soviet Union, 271 cosmetics, 102, 178, 180, 185 struggle, 43, 55, 60, 98, 99, 126, 127, 188, 196, Crump, John, 235 221, 230, 251, 280, 299 Cultural Revolution. See also badges of Mao; “cleansing of the class ranks” campaign Destroy movement; Great Exchange (1967–8), 171 Program; house ransackings; negation of clocks, 14–15 revolution Coca-Cola, 113 and new class, 59 Cold War as inter-capitalist rivalry, 1, 13, 51, 78, as reaction to inequalities, 164 231, 235 capitalists targeted in, 55 command economy. See state capitalism defined, 310 commerce. See socialist commerce fashion in, 195–8 Commercial Leap Forward. See Tianqiao gray economy in, 311 campaign in countryside, 311 commodities. See also institutional arrangements: mass rallies in, 171 equated with capitalism PLA fashions in, 82 fetishization of, 18, 101, 111 service sector in, 164–6 new experiences with, 158–60 Czechoslovakia, 124 role in expanding consumerism, 25–31 socialist version of, 74, 237, 269 Da Xin Department Store (Da Sun). See Number used to generate extra revenue, 163 One Department Store (Da Xin) communes facilitate extraction, 66, 67, 69, 71 Dagongbao, 105, 107, 292 communism. See socialism Dalian, 96, 110, 206 Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), dance, 46, 77, 79, 89, 130, 136, 137, 138, 332 76, 77, 92, 96, 277 Dandong, 16 “Communist Wind,” 70, 267 Davin, Delia, 240 Communist Youth League, 131, 131, 208 Dazhong dianying (Mass Films), 121, 124, 292 confessions, 59, 62, 63 dazhonghua. See massification Conquer America brand sewing machines, 22 Deng Xiaoping, 9, 229 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-86846-4 — Unending Capitalism Karl Gerth Index More Information 376 Index department stores. See also state consumerism; initial signs, 53 Tianqiao campaign; Yong’an Department payments to capitalists, 55, 193, 259 Store extravagance as political term, 58, 59, 151, 227 Four Great, 136 Eyferth, Jacob, 266, 307 in capitalism, 135 in Zhejiang, 135 fads defined, 201, See also badges of Mao massification of, 136 famine, 70, 71, 94, 95, 146, 163, 291, 301, See also opened by state, 135 primitive accumulation pre-1949, 136, 297, 298 farms, state-owned, 67, See also ownership, four role in consumerism, 126, 136 arrangements Tianqiao as model, 153–9 fashion.
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