# AIEA 4U3qUqUtunhunhu-tubl-nh [J-hgug+u3[.t etuqbf'uqSnhrùhhtu CJ ASSocIATToNINTERNATIoNALE DES Éruors nnuÉrurSNNES / J \r ^f CONTENTS Letterof CondolenceBy AIEA President on the Passingof AcademicianGagik Sarkissian Letter of Condolenceon the Passing August 27,1998 of Academician Gagik Sarkissian 1 AIEA Committee Elections - CnlI for Nominntiotts 2 - AIEA VIII. General ConferenceVienna 29.9 1.1,01999 2 Academician Faddei Sarkissian, President, LoIa Koundakjian and Leaon Audoyan AIEA NezusletterEditors Nationai Academy of Sciencesof Armenia Note on Editorial Addressesand the AIEA Library Barekamutyun 24, Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies Yerevan UCLA Searchfor htccessor to Aaedis K. Sanjian Sixth International Conferenceof Armenian Linguistics, Paris luly 5-9, 1999 4 Seminaire lnterdisciplinaire de la Sociétédes Etudes Arméniennes 5 1"999Armenian Language Summer lnstitute in Ereaan 6 Dear Academician Sarkissian, Philantropist SurenD. Fesjian Makes Donation to HebrezuUnioersity of lerusalem Armenian Studies Program 7 It was with profound sorrow that I received a message from Prof. TzooHitherto Unnoticed Armenian Gospels in Chillicothe, Ohio? 8 N. Hovhanissian bearing the dire news of Gagik Sarkissian's passing. Morgan Library Acquires Armenian Manuscript zuith Rare Siloer Binding The loss for you and the academic world of Armenia is most immediate, but Gagik was much beloved and respected the world Morgan Library Acquisition of llluminated Leaf of over, in circles both of Armenologists and Assyriologists. He was a scholar Marshal Oshin Gospel 10 of great international reputation, and his warm and energetic Morgan Library Publication of Syposium Papers personality contributed greatly to the community of which he formed a "TreAstftes in HeAuen" 10 part. He will be sorely missed both as a man of learning and as a man VeniceMekhitarists Manuscript Catalogue VoIs 1--8Aaailable 1.1 of wisdom. Armeni an Col ophon Pr oj ect Publi cati on s 12 Further Adilitions to Robert W. Thornson, Our Association had just elected him Patron member, which was Bibliography of Classical Armenian Literahrre to 1500 At) 1.2 an expression of our high estimation of his scholarly and personal G. Pelczynski, Armenians in Poland in the TzuentiathCentury 13 standing. On behalf of Association Internationale des Etudes PtfuIications by the Kolo zainteresozt)ankulturn ormian 1.5 Arméniennes I extend our formal condolences to the Academy and the Armenian Fonim - A f ournat of Contemporary Affairs L7 scientific communitv of the Republic of Armenia. Articles arménologiquesparus dans Le Muséon 1994-1997 18 NAASR's List of Books on Armenian Topics 22 Sincerelyyours, P ubli cati on s by M ember s 25 Ptfulications Receiaed 31 Changesof Address - Call Updated Information for 32 M.E. Stone, Proposed NezuMembers 33 President AIEA Bankaccounts 33 AssociationInternationale des Etudes Arméniennes Workshops and ConferencesOrganized under Auspices of AIEA 34 AIEA Committee Elections RaiffeisenkasseBergheim. Bank No. 35008 Call For Nominations Account No. 0003601.2 Two seats on the AIEA Commit- present Secretary of AIEA and a More details on lodging in Vienna and on the closing banquet are given tee have become vacant as the co-opted Committee member in the enclosure. terms of Prof. Bernard Coulie and whose term of office will expire Details on conference'sprogram and more information will be given in Prof. R. Thomson came to an end this year, as a candidate for the next circular. on 31 December 1998. The Com- election. A Registration Form is included with this Newsletter. mittee asked Prof. C. Burchard of Full members in good standing Heidelberg and Prof. R. Schmitt are invited to propose further Lola Koundakjian and Lee Avdoyan AIEA Newsletter Editors of Saarbrûcken to act as a sub- candidates. It is required that Note on Editorial Addressesand the AIEA Library committee to monitor the election each proposal has the support of to fill the two vacancies.The term a seconderand that the candidate The Spring issue of the AIEA We thank them very much for of office is three years. The out- agrees with it, e.g. by his or her Newsletter will be the first one their readiness to take on the going Committee members are signature on the letter of nomina- edited by Lola Koundakjian (New work and wish them succes. re-eligible. tion. York) and Levon Avdoyan Prof. Thomson declared that he is Nominations should be sent to (Library of Congress, Washing- Mail for Editors of the not available because of other Prof. C. Burchard, Kisselgasse L, ton), who have agreed to be joint Newsletter; AIEA Library obligations. Prof. Coulie stated D-691,17Heidelberg, Germany, to editors for one year. Mrs. Koun- Publications which are sent to the his willingness to stand for re- arrive no later than Saturday, L3 dakjian, who holds an MA in Ar- editor of the Newsletter are depo- election. In addition, the Com- March1999. menian Studies from Columbia sited in the AIEA Library, which mittee proposes Dr. Valentina Prof. C. Burchard University works as Technical is held in Leiden under the res- Calzolari Bouvier of Geneva, at Analyst at Time, Inc.'s Health ponsability of Prof. Weitenberg Magazine Group, and is in and dr. Van Lint. In order not to AIEA VIII. General Conference charge of the network, email and disperse the Library, it is desi- Vienna 29.9- 1..101999 all other computer-related mat- rable that publications continue ters for its New York offices. She to be sent to Leiden. The AIEA The VIII. AIEA General Conference will be held September 29th - has been most active for AIEA in Library is open for consultation 'l.st October 1999, at the University of Vienna, Austria in cooperation setting up and maintaining its by AIEA members in situ. with the "Information centre for Central Asia and South Caucasia" web site. Dr. Avdoyan is Armeni- It is kindly requested to send Vienna. an and Georgian Area Specialist members' reports on their new Any full member is invited to participate and to contribute a paper on at the Library of Congress.He has publications, as well as all other an armenological topic. published, amongst others Pseu- mail to: The conference'slanguages are: German, English, French (Armenian). do-Yovhannës Mamikonean's R.H. Lola Koundakjian Topic and a short abstract of your paper should be sent together with The History of Tarôn (with a his- 282 Cabini Bvd, Apt 6C the registration form until the latest April 1sth, 1999 to: torical investigation, critical New York, NY 10040-3618 translation and historical and USA Dr. |asmine Dum-Tragut; Mitterfeld 44; A-5101 Bergheim/AUSTRIA. textual commentaries). http://www.mindspring.com/-ko Fax: ++43/662/45 08 75 He regularly posts highly valu- undakjian e-mail: [email protected] able bibliographical notes on the AIEA list. The conference fee is ATS 750,-- , lor students ATS 350,--. You are kindly asked to remit the fee until August 3lst, 1999 to the following account: Jasmine Dum-Tragut/AIEA General ConferenceVienna. Narekatsi Chair in Armenian Studies - Comparative granunar and an linguistics or linguistics gene- UCLA Searchfor Successorto Avedis K. Sanjian Indo-european studies rally. The abstract should include - Study of texts and translation a brief bibliography. The University of California, Los as well as the supervision of questions (only from a linguistic (Total 1,-2 page A4 ; languages: Angeles announces an interna- doctoral students. point of view) French, English, Armenian) tional search to fill the Narekatsi Applications containing a curri- The conference may provide Chair in Armenian Studies, effec- culum vitae, a list of publica- Deadline for submission of financial support for transporta- '1,, tive July 1999. The appoint- tions and the names of three re- proposals: 30 SEPTEMBER1998 tion and/or room and board fees ment to this endowed chair, ferees,should be directed to the for participants who reside per- formerly held by the late Avedis Chair of the Narekatsi Search Proposals for presentations manently in Armenia or other. K. Sanjian,is reservedfor a senior Committee, Department of Near should be sent to: Eastern Bloc Countries, whose scholar of the highest distinction. EasternLanguages and Cultures, Anaid Donabedian, papers are accepted for presenta- Applicants to the position UCLA, Box 951511,,Los Angeles, 57,8d Jourdan, tion. Participants from other should, therefore, display a dis- CA 90095-1511. Deadline for 75014Paris, France countries who have no institu- tinguished and extensive record applications is January 1,,1999. Fax +33 1,44t5 10 61 tional backing may also apply for of research and teaching in the The University of California is e-mail: [email protected] support. Preferencewill be given field of Armenology. While their an equal opportunity employer. partly to young scholars. primary researchfocus may vary, Submissions sent by fax or email The fee for participating in the they should show a command of Nota bene are welcome, if followed by copy conference will be 500 FF (roug- both Classical and Modern Ar' After consultation with Mrs. by post. hly US$100) (students : L50FF) menian and evidence of scholarly Isgouhi Kassakhian, who an- Comfortable lodging (shower, work in both. Teaching and men- nounced the search, we learned Proposals should include: WC, telephone) at reasonable toring duties include a wide that "the deadline for application 1. Participation form; seethe form rates (150-200FF a night) will be array of undergraduate and gra- is ]anuary Lst, but that is flexible. below. available at the Cité Internatio- duate courses in Armenian lan- If good candidates apply later 2. An anonymous abstract (three nale Universitaire de Paris. guage(s), literature, and culture than that, they will be considered copies) indicating clearly the au- Good hotel accomodation will be for sure". thor's theoretical assumptions negociated around 500-600F a and, methodology, and showing night at the Palais Royal (near the Sixth International Conference of Armenian Linguistics how the research represents ori- TNALCO).
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