![Aberdeen, Scotland, Quaker Persecutions In, Alexander, George, 281 256,257,281,283,292 Alexander, John, 282 Abolition of Slavery](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
INDEX Aberdeen, Scotland, Quaker persecutions in, Alexander, George, 281 256,257,281,283,292 Alexander, John, 282 Abolition of slavery. See Antislavery move- Alexandra, Confederate ship, I8IW, 195 ment Alien and Sedition Laws (1798), 143, 151W; Abraham Lincoln. A Biography, by Thomas, Aurora and, 3-23, 123-155; B. F. Bache rev., 234-235 prosecuted under, 3-23 passim; Wm. Duane Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, prosecuted under, 123-155 passim; peti- gon tions against, 124—128. See also Naturaliza- Academy of the Fine Arts, Phila. See Penn- tion Law (1798) sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Alien Enemies Act. See Alien and Sedition Accomack County, Va., history of, rev., 366- Laws 368 Alien Friends Act. See Alien and Sedition Laws Achely (Achesly), 474, 475 Aliens: attitude of Federalists toward, 125, Act of Union, 277, 288 127-128, 130, 147, 148, 151; political par- Actors, 82 ticipation of, 127. See also Alien and Sedi- Adams, Abigail (Mrs. John Adams), de- tion Laws nounces B. F. Bache, 472, 5-6, 8, 11 Allen, Frederick Lewis, The Big Change. Adams, Charles Francis, 124—196 passim, 382 America Transforms Itself, 1900-1950, rev., Adams, George Worthington, Doctors in Blue. 376-377 The Medical History of the Union Army in Allen, John, 7 the Civil War, rev., 497-498 Allen, Nehemiah, 474 Adams, Henry, as a scientific historian, rev., Almshouses, 347, 349 229-230 America, ship, 279 Adams, John, 9, 10, 124, 135, 142, 153, 15477, American Gun Makers, by Gluckman and 391, 420, 453; accuses B. F. Bache of Satterlee, rev., 503 seditious libel, 5-7, 8,11«, 18,21; and Alien American Philosophical Society, 35n, 98,311- and Sedition laws, 3-23 passim, 123-155 312, 325, 350, 382 passim; approves prosecution of Wm. American Revolution: activities of Thos. Duane, 130-131, 150; Aurora attacks ad- Digges in, 381-438 passim; British forge ministration of, 3-23, 123-155; on British letters to discredit Washington, 4; British influence in Am. politics, 128, 129, 132- truce overtures (i779,1782), 382,385,394- 135; and British truce overture (1782), 398, 432-435, 436; Doane family in, in 382, 385, 432-434, 436; and Thos. Digges, Bucks Co., rev., 231-232; history of, by 381-385 passim, 434,436; as a scholar, rev., Ward, rev., 214-216; influence of Allan 490-491 Ramsay on Pa. politics of, 452-456; letters Adams, John Quincy, nw, 29472 on, in F. R. Kirkland library, rev., 108— Adams, Samuel, 383 110; Thos. Mifflin and politics of, rev., 218- Admiralty courts, 431, 46777 220; papers of, in Pa. archives, 330; trade Admiralty office, British, 408, 409, 413, 416, during, 388, 390, 392, 402-403, 411-414, 417, 436, 437 416-417, 420-421, 422, 424. See also Colo- Adventure, brigantine, 413 nies, American (British); Congress, Con- Africa, slave trade in, 334, 338-339, 340-342 tinental, 2nd; Prisoners of war; Privateer- Age, Phila. newspaper, 171 ing; Spies Agriculture, 98; address of Nicholas Biddle American System, 174W on, 93. See also names of individual crops; Amherst, Jeffrey, Baron Amherst, 313 Domestic animals Amish Life, by Hostetler, rev., 378 Aickman, William, 285, 288 Amsterdam, Holland, 409,420,421,431,432- Alabama, territorial papers of, rev., 118 435 Alabama, Confederate ship, I8I«, 195 Anabaptists, 287 Albany, N. Y., Tontine Coffee House in, 22 Andalusia, estate, 78 Alden, John Richard, ed. of Ward's The War Andr6, John, 422 of the Revolution, rev., 214-216 Andrew, Thomas, 473 Alexander, Andrew, 282 Anglieans. See Churc•ch o<f England 507 508 INDEX October Anglo-American relations: diplomatic (1840- Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 123,124,125; ac- 1841), 84, 203; during Civil War, 181-196 cused of treason, 10-18; barred from Con- passim. See also American Revolution; gress, 5, 20-21; as editor of Aurora, 3-23; Colonies, American (British) Federalist attempts to intimidate, 8-9, 17, Anglo-Saxons, 454, 455, 456 20-21; Federalists prosecute, for sedition, Anne, Queen of England, 277, 288, 454 3-23 passim, 123; opposes Washington, 4; Annie Childs, blockade-runner, 189,190,194, pro-French sympathies of, 4-18 passim, 24 Bache, Richard, 160 Anti-Semitism, 151 Backer, John, 270 Antislavery movement, 206, 343; martyr Bahama, ship, 189, 193 complex in, rev., 232-234; opponents of, Bahamas, I8I«, 189, 191 burn Pennsylvania Hall, 43; Phila. com- Bail, Hamilton Vaughan, rev. of Proceedings mercial interests oppose, 173, 174. See also of the Massachusetts Historical Society, vol. Slave trade; Slavery LXVIII, 368-370 Appeals, 461 Bail, 00,131*, 133,401,420 Apprentices, 473«. See also Indentures Baldwin, Abraham, 13W Architecture, 74-75, 202; of City Hall, 439- Ballet. See under Dancing 451 passim; of Phila. post office, 449 Balloting, 454; method of, in Phila. (1840), "The Archives of Pennsylvania: A Glimpse at 94-95, 96 an Editor's Problems," by William B. Bancroft, Edward, 395 Hesseltine and Larry Gara, 328-331 Bancroft, George, 328, 382 Argyll, Earl of. See Campbell, Archibald Bank notes, 202, 205, 206 Argyll Insurrection, 261, 277 Bank of Kentucky, 81-82 Aristocracy in America, S. G. Fisher on, 81, Bank of North America, 159 82, 95, 96, 100, 199-201, 207, 210. See also Bank of Pennsylvania, 77 Democracy; Society Bank of the United States, 2nd, 83W, 84, 202, Arms. See Firearms 203, 204, 205, 206, 210; Biddle and, 78; Armstrong, Henrietta Krone, rev. of Ross's economic aspects of, rev., 357-359; view of, Proud Kate. Portrait of an Ambitious by Wild, 3^ 55, 59, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71, Woman, 370-372 72,75 Army, U. S., 132; Grant and his generals, rev., Banking: crisis in (1839-1841), 77-78, 84-85, 501-502; medical history of (1861-1865), 94, 199, 202-210 passim; discounts, 77; rev., 497-498; Senate stops enlistments for economic aspects of 2nd Bank of the U. S., (1800), 141,142. See also Grand Army of rev«, 357~359> S. G. Fisher on, 205, 206, the Republic 210; frauds in, 81-82, 202, 210; and specie Art, nature of, 76-77. See also Engraving; payments (1839-1841), 77, 84, 199, 204, Lithography; Painting 205, 206 "The Artist in Politics: Allan Ramsay and the Baptists, 259 Revolution in Pennsylvania," by Chilton Barbados, Quakers in, 263, 264, 269, 272 Williamson, 452-456 Barclay, Catherine Gordon (Mrs. David Artists' Fund Society, 89 Barclay), 256 Ashfield, Patience Hart, 272 Barclay, Christian Mollison (Mrs. Robert Ashhurst, Mrs. William Henry, 84, 198 Barclay), 257 Ashly, Widow, 474«, 477 Barclay, David (1610-1686), 256, 257 Assembly, Pa. (colonial, 1682-1776)5457; and Barclay, David, 252, 258, 262, 278-279, 280, courts, 458, 462 288, 293 Assembly, right of, 125^ Barclay, Jean. See Cameron, Jean Barclay Athenian Institute, 8ow, 86-87, 91, 99 Barclay, John, 266, 268, 270, 276, 278, 279, Atherton, Humphrey, 201, 204, 208, 210 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290 Atkins, Ann, 479-480 Barclay, Robert (1648-1690), 252, 261, 262, Atkins, Samuel, 479-480 264, 265, 268, 270, 282, 289; chief promoter Atlantic City, N. JL 178 of East Jersey, 243, 255-256, 258-259, 260, Atlantic Impact, 1801, by John, rev., 238-239 277, 281, 292-293; and James II, 257-258, Atlee, Dr. Thomas(?), 341 n 259, 292; landholdings of, in East Jersey, Audubon, John James, 47n 278, 279, 280, 285, 287, 288; as a Quaker Aurora: and Alien and Sedition laws, 3-23, leader, 256-257, 271, 279 123-155; Democratic-Republican paper, Barker, Thomas, 252, 253, 268-269, 284 3-4, 23, 24, 123; Federalists seek to curb Barley, 327 circulation of, 8-9 Barnes, James A., rev. of Smith's Schuyler "The Aurora and the Alien and Sedition Coif ax. The Changing Fortunes of a Political Laws," by James Morton Smith, 3-23, Idol, 372-373 123-155 Barney, Joshua, 158 l9S3 INDEX 509 Barratry, 429, 462 Bird, Robert Montgomery, 167, 168, 169, Barron, James, 421 1767? Barry, Edward, 407, 408 Birmingham, England, 387, 430 Barula, Lord of, 292W Bissell, Richard, The Monongahela, rev., 115- Basse, Jeremiah, 283 116 Bassett, Richard, 154« Blackwell, John, 462, 47277 Bastardy, 468, 469, 470, 471, 473, 475, 478, Blackwood, Robert, 277 479 Blaine, James G., 179 Bath, England, 429, 430, 437 Blairsville, Pa., 331 Bath Coffee House, Phila., 43 Blankets, 403, 421 Baylen, Joseph O., "James Buchanan's 'Calm Blight, , estate of, 204 of Despotism,'" 294-310 Blockades, 297; during Civil War, 183, 188, Baynlie, Lord of, 258, 283, 292^ 189,190,196 Beacham (Becham), John, 465, 471 Blockley Almshouse, view of, by Wild, 37,49, Beards, Indian, 316 SS, 56, 57, 59, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 71, 72. See Beardsly, Alexander, 468, 469 also Philadelphia General Hospital Beauchamp, Lord. See Lygon, William Blodgett, Lorin, 178 Bloom, Robert L., "Morton McMichael's Beckett, Eliza Walsh (Mrs. Henry Beckett), 1 198 North American* 164-180 Beckett, Henry, 198-199 Bloomfield, Robert, 351 Beckley, John, 12777 Blue Hills and Shoofly Pie in Pennsylvania Beedle, Hannah, 475, 479 Dutchland, by Hark, rev., 359-360 Belgium, 296, 297, 298 Board of Sick and Hurt, London (1779-1780), Bell, Dr. John, 206 400, 404, 408, 410, 414, 416, 417 Bell, John, 178 Bob, ship, 407. See also Penelope Bell, Whitfield J., Jr., rev. of Duffy's Epi- Boell, Thomas, 269, 271, 272, 284, 289 demics in Colonial America, 487-488 Boileau, Albert, 175 Belmont, estate, 83 Boker, George T., 178 Belt, Walter, 412, 413, 428-429 Bolderson, John, 408 Bennett, James Gordon, 164 Bolivar House, Phila., 96 Benthall, Walter, 269, 284 Bolton, Evered, 472 Bergen, N. J., 259 Bon Homme Richard, ship, 157 Berkeley, John, Lord, 251 Bonaparte, Joseph, 19877 Berlin, Germany, 389 Bonds, posting of, 465, 469-480 passim Bermuda, 188 Bonsai, , 77 Berry, John, 268 Bonsall, E.
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