Cyngor Cymuned Llanbadrig Community Council Cofnodion o gyfarfod y Cyngor Llawn a gynhaliwyd nos Lun 16/4/2018 Minutes of the Full Council meeting held on Monday evening 16/4/2018 Presennol / Present: Derek Owen (Cadeirydd/Chair), Roger Dobson, Rhian Hayes, Brian Potter, Jack Longman, Dei Owens, Cyng/Cllr Aled Jones (hwyr/late) Yn Bresennol / In Attendance: Carli Evans-Thau (Clerc/Clerk), Eira Parry (Cyfieithu/Translation), Richard Foxhall (Horizon) Ymddiheuriadau / Apologies: Elen Pritchard, Elfed Jones, Enid Jones, Carys Davies, David Livingstone Cyng/Cllr Richard Jones, Cyng/Cllr Richard Griffiths 1 Croeso / Welcome Cadeiriwyd y cyfarfod gan Derek Owen ac fe groesawyd pawb oedd yn bresennol. Nodwyd bod Graham Till, aelod gweithgar o Bwyllgor yr Harbwr wedi marw. Cytuno ysgrifennu at y teulu mewn cydymdeimlad ac i ddatgan gwerthfawrogiad y Cyngor am ei waith i’r gymuned. The meeting was chaired by Derek Owen and all present were welcomed. It was noted that Graham Till, an active member of the Harbour Committee had passed away. Agreed to write to his family to express members’ sympathy and gratitude for work he did for the community. 2 Datgan Diddordeb / Declaration of Interest Roger Dobson – Wylfa Newydd (caniatad arbennig / special dispensation) Jack Longman – Capel Bethlehem Nodwyd nad oedd ddiweddariad hyd yma gan y Swyddog Monitro. There is no update as yet from the Monitoring Officer. 9 Wylfa Newydd Cafwyd ddiweddariad gan Richard Foxhall am y sefyllfa bresennol. Mae’r cais DCO wedi ei ddal yn ol a heb ei gyflwyno. Mae Horizon yn cydweithio gyda Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru er mwyn sicrhau eu bod yn fodlon a’r elfen amgylcheddol. Gobeithir gallu cyflwyno’r cais yn fuan. Mewn ymateb i gwyn gan aelod i’r gymuned i’r Cyngor bod y placiau llechen yn nodi trosglwyddo Mynydd Wylfa i’r Gymuned gan CEGB wedi eu fandaleiddio, cadarnhodd Richard Foxhall bod Horizon wedi trin a thrwsio’r placiau au bod nawr i’w harddangos yn y ganolfan treftadaeth ar ran y gymuned. Diolchwyd i Horizon am ymgymryd a’r gwaith i ddiolgelu’r placiau. Nid oes ddiweddariad hyd yma am y ceisiadau cynlluio i glirio a pharatoi’r safle a gwelliannau ir priffyrdd. Gobeithir byddent yn cael eu cyflwyno ger bron pwyllgor cynllunio CSYM ym mis Mehefin. Datganiad Tir Cyffredin – ar hyn o bryd, mae Horizon mewn trafodaethau gyda Partneriaeth Cynghorau Gogledd Mon i ddatblygu dogfen. Mae cynghorau Mechell a Llanbadrig wedi gofyn am ddogfen tebyg eu hunain yn amlinellu pryderon penodol a sut mae Horizon yn ymdrin a hwy. Mae Horizon yn gweithio i ddatblygu dogfen ddrafft o’r hyn sydd wedi ei gyflwyno gan y Cyngor hyd yma yn eu hymatebion i ymgynghoriadau. Bydd Llanbarig a Mechell yn parhau i fod yn rhan o’r Bartneriaeth. Disgwylir i’r broses ddechrau o fewn y mis nesaf. Bydd angen i’r Cyngor gadarnhau pwy fydd yn cwrdd a chynrychiolwyr Horizon i ddatblygu’r ddogfen. Y Clerc i anfon ebost wedi’r cyfarfod i’r aelodau i gadarnhau. Nododd Richard Foxhall nad oedd dogfennau hanfodol megis strategaeth trafnidiaeth ar gael eto am resymau cyfreithiol. Cadarnhaodd ei fod wedi derbyn yr adroddiad am bryderon diogelwch ffyrdd yn dilyn y cyfarfod diwethaf y Cyngor. Bu Richard Foxhall adael y cyfarfod. Cynnigodd Roger Dobson bod is-bwyllgor o hyd at 5 aelod yn cwrdd i drafod y ddogfen tir cyffredin. Bydd rhaid cael cymeradwyaeth y Cyngor Llawn cyn ei gyflwyno beth bynnag. Eilwyd y cynnig gan Brian Potter. Cytuno cysylltu a’r holl aelodau drwy ebost i gadarnhau pwy fydd ar yr is-bwyllgor. Nodwyd bydd y cyfarfodydd yma yn gyfrinachol ac na fydd aelodau’r cyhoedd yn cael mynychu. Cynnigwyd bod Roger Dobson a Derek Owen yn aelodau’r is-bwyllgor gan eu bod eisioes yn ymwybodol o’r broses a’r hyn sy’n cael ei drafod ar y cyd gyda’r cynghorau eraill. Nododd Rhian Hayes ei bod am fod yn rhan o’r trafodaethau ar ran trigolion Tregele. Richard Foxhall gave an update on the current situation. The DCO application has been postponed and not yet submitted. Horizon are working with Natural resources Wales to ensure that they are happy with the environmental element. It is hoped that the application will be submitted soon. In response to a complaint by a member of the community to the Council that the slate plaques denoting the transfer of Mynydd Wylfa to the community by CEGB had been vandalised, Richard Foxhall confirmed that Horizon had refurbished the tablets and that they were now to be displayed in the heritage centre on behalf of the community. Horizon were thanked for safeguarding the plaques. There is no update as yet on the planning applications to prepare and clear the site and road improvements. It is hoped that they will be presented to IACC planning committee in June. Statement of Common Ground – at present, Horizon are in discussions with the North Anglesey Councils Partnership to develop a document. Llanbadrig and Mechell councils have asked for their own documents outlining specific concerns and how Horizon will respond to them. Horizon is working to develop a draft document based on what has been presented by the Community Council in response to previous consultations. Llanbadrig and Mechell will continue to be part of the Partnership. The process is expected to start within the next month or so. The Council need to confirm who will be meeting with Horizon representatives to develop the document. The Clerk to send an email to the members following the meeting to confirm. Richard Foxhall noted that essential documents such as the transport strategy were unavailable to share as yet for legal reasons. He confirmed that he had received the report on the council’s concerns regarding road safety following the last Council meeting. Richard Foxhall left the meeting. Roger Dobson proposed that a sub-committee of no more than 5 members meet to discuss the statement of common ground. The document would need to be endorsed by the Full Council before being submitted. Brian Potter seconded the proposal. Agreed to contact all members via email to confirm who will be on the sub-group. It was noted that these meetings would be confidential and that members of the public would not be able to attend. It was proposed that Roger Dobson and Derek Owen are members of the sub- group as they are already aware of the process and what is being discussed at the NACP. Rhian Hayes notes she would like to be part of the discussions on behalf of the people of Tregele. 3 Cofnodion Cyfarfod Diwethaf / Minutes of the Last Meeting Derbyniwyd y cofnodion yn gywir. Cynigwyd gan Roger Dobson eiliwyd gan Rhian Hayes. The minutes were confirmed correct. Proposed by Roger Dobson seconded Rhian Hayes. 4 Materion yn codi o’r cofnodion / Matters arising from the minutes 4.1 Parth 20mya / 20mph Zone Cadarnhawyd bod yr adroddiad wedi ei anfon at Dr Gwynne Jones, Huw Percy a Dewi Williams yn dilyn y cyfarfod diwethaf ond nad oedd un ohonynt wedi ymteb hyd yma. Roedd yr aelodu yn siomedig iawn. Cytuno ysgrifennu at Dr Gwynne Jones eto i ddatgan siom yr aelodau a gofyn am ymateb o fewn 7 diwrnod. Cytuno anfon copi at y swyddogion eraill a hefyd y cynghorwyr sirol. Cytuno cysylltu a’r wasg os na fydd ymateb mewn da bryd. It was confirmed that the report had been sent to DR Gwynne Jones, Huw Percy and Dewi Williams following the last meeting and that not one of them had responded as yet. Members were very disappointed. Agreed to write to Dr Gwynne Jones again to note the members’ disappointment and ask for a response within 7 days. Agreed to send a copy to the other officers and also the county councillors. Agreed to contact the press if no response in good time. 4.2 Coedwig Cwmni Cemaes Woodland Dim ddiweddariad / No update 5 Adroddiad Pwyllgor Cyllid / Finance Committee Report Cafwyd grynodeb o’r cyfarfod diwethaf gan Rober Dobson. Atgoffwyd aelodau bod agoriad Swyddogol Menter y Pentref i gymryd lle 21/4 gan Albert Owen am 10 or gloch. Nodwyd bod y gofeb wedi gorffen erbyn hyn a bod disgwyl y meinciau a’r potiau blodau. Mae peth symud ar faterion cofretrfa tir erbyn hyn. Bydd y clerc yn cysylltu a’r cyfreithiwr am gyngor pellach. Nodwyd bod disgwyl ir archwiliad fewnol gymryd lle ddechrau mis nesaf ond nad oed dyddiad wedi’i bennu hyd yma. Roger Dobson gave a summary of the last meeting. Members were reminded that the Official Opening of the Village Venture was to take place 21/4 at 10am in the company of Albert Owen MP. It was noted that the work to the memorial was now finished and that benches and flower pots were to come. Land registry matters are progressing. The clerk is to contact the solicitor for further advice. It was noted that the internal audit is expected the beginning of May but no date has been confirmed as yet. 6 Rheolaeth yr Harbwr / Harbour Management Dosbarthwyd adroddiad gan Roger Dobson. Nodwyd nad oedd y pwyllgor wedi cwrdd mis yma oherwydd profedigaeth Mr Graham Till oedd yn aelod brwfrydig o’r pwyllgor, a wedi bod ers nifer fawr o flynyddoedd. Cafwyd wybod bod y cyflenwad trydan wedi ei gwblhau erbyn hyn, a bod taliadau am ‘moorings’ yn dod i fewn ar gyfer y tymor nesaf gyda 21 o’r 34 wedi talu’n barod. Nododd Jack Longman ei fod yn fodllon helpu Jack Bamber gyda’r gwaith o wirio’r tsiaeni yn yr harbwr A report was distributed by Roger Dobson. It was noted that the committee had not met this month due to the passing of Mr Graham Till who was a hard working member of the committee, and had been for many years.
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