Naval Stores Review AND JOURNAL OF TRADE A WEEKLY PAPER FOR NAVAL STORES PRODUCERS, FACTORS, EXPORTERS AND DEALERS, AND MANUFACTURERS OF SOAPS, VARNISHES, PAPER, PRINTING INKS, ETC. “Vor. XXX1, No: 4 SAVANNAH, GA., SATURDAY, APRIL 23, 1921 _ Price $5.00 PER ANNUM J. A. G. CARSON, President H. L. KAYTON, Vice-President J. A. G. CARSON, Jr., Vice-President W. H. BARBER CO. C. H. CARSON, Vice-President at Jacksonville 3650 SOUTH HOMAN AVENUE CHICAGO, ILL. Carson Rosin, Turpentine Naval Stores Company Pine Oil, Etc. Organized in 1879. Oldest House in the Business. DIRECT SHIPMENT FROM SOUTH. BUYERS, FACTORS IT WILL PAY YOU TO -ECURE OUR PRICES. AND PRODUCERS, PLACE YOUR OFFERS WITH US. WHOLESALE GROCERS PRINCIPAL OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE SAVANNAH, GEORGIA JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA SALES DEPARTMENT National Bank Building Atlantic National Bank Building With an organization unsurpassed and ample means at our Gillican-Chipley command, our facilities for handling your business are second to none Company, Inc. ‘WE INVITE YOUR CORRESPONDENCE NEW ORLEANS, LA. DOMESTIC SALES OFFICES AND AGENCIES IT i Columbia Naval Stores Company OF DELAWARE Progyced, Digtiied ond Oistriduted Fy GILLICAN-CHIPL Head Office: SAVANNAH, GA. COMPANY ine. NEW ORLEANS, LA. U.S.A. TEMAND RURE GUA TURPENTINE ) NEW YORK - - : x . 17 Battery Place BOSTON = - - 88 Broad Street, Room 322 PRODUCERS, DEALERS PHILADELPHIA Dowdy Bros, Lafayette Building AND PITTSBURGH E. E. Zimmerman, Bessemer Building EXPORTERS CHICAGO - - 155 North Clark Street CINCINNATI - 2 - - 320 Gwynne Building OF CLEVELAND - 372 Kirby Building, (Grund & Krause) DETROIT - Western Rosin & Turpentine Co., Palmer Ave. Rosin—Turpentine - SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE JOHN E. HARRIS, President JOHN H. POWELL, Vice-President H. L. RICHMOND, Vice-President D. M. FLYNN, Vice-President | L. M. POWELL, Secretary-Treasurer FLYNN-HARRIS-BULLARD GOMPANY JACKSONVILLE, FLA. SAVANNAH, GA. ~ NAVAL STORES FAGTORS and WHOLESALE GROGERS GROCERY BRANCHES JACKSONVILLE AND TAMPA, FLA. SAVANNAH AND BAINBRIDGE, GA. A house whose conservative management and financial strength is unquestioned and unquestionable in the naval stores industry We solicit the patronage and the business of the producer of naval stores 5 weraz PENINSULAR NAVAL STORES COMPANY President FACTORS ——— NAVAL STORES GROCERS in re | WHOLESALE See'y & Treas. | AND DEALERS IN TURPENTINE OPERATORS SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION | RECEIVING POINTS: Se JACKSONVILLE, FLA. AND SAVANNAH, GA CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED » $1,000,000.00 Offices: Atiantic National Bank Building, JACKSONVILLE, FLA. : 3: 1 American National Bank Building, TAMPA, FLA. a O. T. McINTOSH, President D. T. FURSE, Vice-President ead, § —DIRECTORS— HOWARD ASHBURN, Moultrie, Ga. N. EMANUEL, Brunswick, Ga. W. R. BOWEN, Fitzgerald, Ga. ~D.T. FURSE, Savannah, Ga. J. J. DORMINY, Broxton, Ga. R. G. KIRKLAND, Nichols, Ga. aly ] . O. T. McINTOSIH, Savannah, Ga: ~ SAVANNAH, GEORGIA "FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS DEALERS IN GENERAL SUPPLIES Receive Consignments at Savannah, Ga., and at Jacksonville and Pensacola, Fla, We make prompt sales and returns. Pay drafts of responsible parties against bill ladings. When shippers desire to hold Rosin or Turpentine, we will hold it for them and make reasonable advances on same. ACCOUNTS SOLICITED CORRESPOND WITH US SAVANNAH WEEKLY NAVAL STORES REVIEW AND JOURNAL OF TRADE : 3 Naval Stores Market Movement of Naval Stores for Four Years RECEIPTS OF TURPENTINE APRIL 1,-APRIL 21 INDEX TO CONTENTS 1921-22 1920-21 1919-20 1918-19 Savannah 3,682 1,356 1,266 1,165 English Market Movements in March............ 10 Tacksonville un ey a 3,016 2.753 1,816 2,240 Index to Advertisers......ooeeuieanen. 17 Pensacola 1,934 612 249 367 Jacksonville Market Sy he 33 New York Naval S 8,832 4,721 3,331 8,712 New York Wood Products “Marke il Pensacola Market ............ ... ........ 2 Decrease or increase for 1921 compared with former years... Inc 3,911 Inc 5,301 . Inc 4,860 Re-exports of Naval Stores from U. K. ......... 6 Per cent. decrease or increase........ Inc 82.8 Inc 159.1 Inc 128.8 Rosin Exports for Eleven Months, April-Feb. 15 ~ Rosin Quotations for Four Years..28-31 RECEIPTS OF ROSINS APRIL 1,-APRIL 21 Savannah Daily Market .................... 34 "Should Port Stocks be Classified................. 11 1921-22 1920-21 1919-20 1918-19 . Spanish Crop Reduced for 1921.................. 9 Savannah 8,049 4,377 2,004 4,983 Wilson on Wood Market Conditions.............. 11 FackSOnVIIIE . oiibisishinmssis costes ir ucsinsboson 6,0:3 8,969 5,668 7,348 Pensacola 3,758 3,559 1,635 2,794 Office of Weekly Naval Stores Review 17,830 .16,905 9,307 15,125 Savannah, April 23, 1921. Decrease or increase for 1921 On page 15 will be found the state- compared with former years... Inc 925 Inc 8,523 Inc 2,255 ment of rosin exports for eleven months Per cent. decrease or increase........ Ing 05.5. Tne 91.6 Inc 14.9 —April-February, to various countries, TURPENTINE STOCKS CLOSE APRIL 21 for this and eight previous seasons. 1921-22 1920-21 1919-20 1918-19 The request that a twenty-five per Savannah 5,121 1.836 16,996 22,962 cent. advalorem duty be put upon Jarksonville ll iii 16 798 2,609 31,315 54,279 French ,or other foreign. rosins entering 5,792 641 29,680 38,628 Pensacola the United States is now before the Ways and Means Committee of the 2.711 5,086 77,991 115,869 House of Representatives. The commit- tee of the Southern Tariff Association, ROSIN STOCKS CLOSE APRIL 21 : which presented the desire of the pro- 1921-22 1920-21 1919-20 1918-19 ‘ducers of various Southern commodities 96,615 for consideration in the writing of the Savanah es 2 75,162 16,256 55,638 48,845 121,451 168,837 new tariff law, made its argument before Jacksonville cesses 175,022 Sm 57,628 35,950 48,874 57,444 the committee this week at Wiashing- Pensacola ton. It is probable that the duty re- 307,812 100,551 225,963 322,896 quested will be found in the schedules when the bill is presented for discussion in Congress. While there may be no immediate need for it, as a protective turpentine market has very perceptibly FOREIGN SHIPMENTS measure it is felt by many that as a changed for the better in the past two matter of safety the item with regard or three weeks. The former season From Savannah to rosin. should be in the bill when it is closed with a very pessimistic feeling, April 15—S. S. West Sequana, Yoko- passed. The low prices at which French not at all unnatural with the country’s ‘hama_ 500 barrels rosin; San Pedro, 255 -rosins have sold, it is felt by many, may business in the depressed condition it barrels rosin. constitute a real danger to Amenican was and with the foreign prospects du- April 16—S. S. Boston Bridge (addi- pales at any time. bious. But by degrees a more hopeful tional) Pernambuco, 450 barrels rosin; I sentiment has crept in—not a glowing Montevideo, 500 barrels rosin; Beunos Further efforts to interest the Depart- optimism, by any means—not a hope of Aires, 3,250 barrels rosin. ment of Commerce in the welfare of the great and radical changes, but a hope April 20—S. S. Takeloyo Maru, Kobe, naval stores industry by the expansion that, after all, prices were not going as 150 barrels rosin. of foreign trade in its output were made low as some had feared, so that as a From New: Orleans this week. The government is investi result today those who talked of forty- gating abroad as to the conditions in the cent turpentine, or cheaper, express the April 6—S. S. Andyk, Rotterdam, 50 consuming [industries -with a view to belief that it may not go below 45 cents barrels rosin. advising the trade in the South as to this season, or even get back to that From Mobile the best way in which to expand trade. figure. This in itself is a very encourag- April 14—S. S. Janeta, Glasgow, 100 It is well understood, however, that the ing symptom. No ‘trade can recover as barrels rosin. basic economic conditions in Europe, long as pessimism weights it down. The and elsewhere, will Pps take a long lifting of the cloud is the first precursor the London dealers are expected to pur- time to permanently improve. The pro- of better times in business and no one | sue-a conservative policy in buying, cess will be slow and the increase of disputes that the cloud has been slightly | | awaiting the heavier movement of the trade will likewise be slow. It is folly lifted over the naval stores world. The | crop before entering the market in a for the: producers of naval stores to London turpentine market retains its liberal way for future rquiremnts. place too much reliance on government recent improvement, with the weekly Whther the prospect of the English de- help. The government is not going to deliveries continuing heavy, averaging mand has any bearing on the advances advance money to foreign countries or over 2.000 barrels, and as a result of the of this week on the markets on this side concerns to buy with, it is not going to absence of recent immortations stocks is not known, but one large export house underwrite transactions with foreign of American turpentine are rapidly di- has apparently been chiefly instrumen- countries, and about all it can do is to minishing. While no inquiries are yet tal in putting up values and as other smooth the path to a resumption of reported indicating nearby purchases exporters are not believed to have any trade as much as possible with informa- for that market, it is felt that early | considerable holding of turpentine some tion and the removal of war barriers.
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