Senior signs with L.B. Washington County Wallace Community College A9 Wednesday,N APRIL 11, 2012 EWSwww.chipleypaper.com Volume 88, Number 103 50¢ For the latest breaking news, visit CHIPLEYPAPER.COM School Board discusses new technology By RANDAL SEYLER to has said they don’t know how and can be controlled by a teach- Schimpf said. “We have the infor- IN BRIEF 638-0212| @WCN_HCT they functioned without it,” said er’s laptop or iPad. Students also mation right there on the board.” [email protected] Chipley High School teacher Carol can interact with the boards either With the clickers, students can Holmes Valley Schimpf. “It is a dynamic teaching by writing on them with a stylus or answer questions and play games Heritage Day CHIPLEY — The teacher’s best tool that engages students as well using remote clicker devices. on the board from their seats. The friend these days is a board, but it’s as handles tasks for teachers.” The district has about 30 boards board also can select students ran- VERNON — The not made of wood. Chipley School Promethean boards are formal- between the various Chipley and domly for tasks, she said. 8th Annual Holmes District teachers sang the praises ly known as an ActivBoard and are Vernon schools, and the boards “Teachers with multiple class- Valley Heritage Day will of their Promethean boards Mon- produced by Promethean World, cost about $5,500 each. es can have multiple screens,” be Saturday at 3901 day at the School Board’s regular an interactive education company “The boards help us save money Schimpf said, noting the feature Wilderness Road in April meeting. based in England. The boards in the classroom, because we don’t Vernon. “Every teacher I have talked work like touch-screen computers have to print as many handouts,” See TECHNOLOGY A2 The gates open at 8 a.m. The antique tractors begin with races at 9:30 a.m., PRETTY, PRETTY PRINCESS followed by the pulls James Guy of the 2,500- through 10,500-pound divisions at 10 a.m. eyes seat There will be a 1912 Case Steam Traction on county Engine on site. At 11:30 a.m., there will be a children’s pedal commission tractor pull, the parade of tractors at noon, and From Staff Reports then the ladies’ skillet throw at 12:30 p.m. CHIPLEY — James Guy of Wausau announced his candi- Admission is $5 for dacy for the Washington County adults and children 12 Commission District 5 Seat on and under are free. Tuesday. For more information, District 5 encompasses a di- call Sandra Cook at verse collection of demograph- 850-535-2426. ics, terrain and opportunities in Washington County, and Guy looks forward to serving the Two-Toed Tom people of the area, Guy said in a Festival news release. A longtime ESTO — The Town of Washington Esto will hold the Two- County resident, Toed Tom Festival on Guy cites the need Saturday and Sunday for transparency at John Clark Park. in government as The festival will feature one of his most vendors, live music, important rea- JAMES children’s events and sons for running GUY for offi ce. other events. Vendors “Our county needs someone and musical acts are with high standards, moral val- being sought. For ues and honesty to help restore information, call Darlene faith in our system of govern- Madden 850-263-3201 ment,” Guy said. “I am running RANDAL SEYLER | The News or 850-272-3213, with no party affi liation, with or the Town Hall at The 2012 Baby Miss Chipley Aisley Harrison takes a break from chewing on her tiara loyalty to no group or special in- 850-263-6521, email following the pageant Saturday at the Washington County Agriculture Center. For full terest or faction, except the vot- twotoedtomfest@ story and more photos, see Page B1. ers and residents of Washington yahoo.com or visit County.” twotoedtomfest.com. Guy is retired and serves as pastor of Shepherd’s Gate Church in Wausau. He has op- erated several successful busi- I Am Inn Ministries holds open house nesses and has the knowledge, INDEX communication skills and ability Arrests ..................................A3 By CECILIA SPEARS Am Inn Ministries. “That’s to bring people together that will Opinion .................................A4 547-9414 | @WCN_HCT when we started I Am Inn make him an effective public of- Outdoors ...............................A8 [email protected] Ministries, and that was fi cial, he said, and he is ready to seven years ago.” Sports ...................................A9 do his part to make Washington CHIPLEY — Many gath- Huskey said they started County a better place to live. Extra .....................................B1 ered March 31 in an apart- out with just one apartment “We enjoy a quality of life Faith .....................................B4 ment complex to share on the bottom fl oor of their and access to natural resources Obituaries .............................B5 food, fellowship, testimony complex on South Railroad that make our area attractive to Classifi eds .............................B6 and tears as I Am Inn Min- Avenue in Chipley. people and businesses, and it’s istries held its open house. “Not all of them were important that we have a long- I Am Inn Ministries is a from the prisons, some term plan to protect these things Christian-based, nonprofi t were homeless women or which make our community such organization that takes in women in transition from a great place to live. women who were released bad situations and in need “Jobs, roads, health and from prison and, at times, of a temporary place to safety, fi re, ambulance and law Phone: 850-638-0212 homeless women. stay,” Huskey said. “We run enforcement are all important is- “We have a jail minis- off of donations only.” Web site: chipleypaper.com sues, but the people come fi rst,” try, and in the ministry we Local thrift stores do- Guy said. “We have to look out Fax: 850-638-4601 found that the same wom- nate clothes and other for each other, regardless of the en were coming back in items from time to time. CECILIA SPEARS | The News challenges we face, and by doing because they only have one “One of the require- this, all other things are more place to go back to — and ments is that they go to I Am Inn Ministries residents Jimi Brenlend, easily accomplished.” then we realized some- church at least three times left, and Jessica Owens were available to For more information, visit thing had to be done,” said provide their testimonies on how the ministry www.JamesGuyForCommission- Becky Huskey, director of I See MINISTRIES A2 has affected their lives. er.com. Follow Us Connect With Us On Facebook 24/7 @WCN_HCT Get breaking news, And videos, expanded stories, Mobile photo galleries, opinions Too! www.chipleypaper.com & more... A2 | Washington County News Local Wednesday, April 11, 2012 MINISTRIES from page A1 a week,” Huskey said. “When they apply Sharon Booth said she came to the for jobs, we make sure they say they have house in 2009. to have Sundays off.” “I was released from prison and was in She said it was the only thing that made a transition home in Greenhead,” Booth the program as effective as it has been. said. “I got a job at The Salvation Army “Jesus is our program,” she said. and needed to place to stay that was clos- “We’re not a drug rehab facility, but a lot er to work.” of the women here have been addicted to Booth said when she was called to the drugs. We all have the tendency to be ad- I Am Inn Ministries she thought it was to dicted something in some form or another, be a resident and it wasn’t until after she we just choose to be addicted to Jesus.” arrived she found out that she was being The Serenity Prayer is something she asked to be a house manager. said they use, not just for overcoming “I was a team leader in the prison addictions but also to sort through life’s for seven years before coming here, issues. and I’ve been here ever since,” Booth “God grant me the serenity to accept said. “God has been good to me and has the things I cannot change; courage to blessed me here. It’s my calling, it’s been change the things I can; and wisdom to overwhelming.” know the difference,” Huskey said. “It’s She said some women come in and not what we’ve done in our past that de- they come to an understanding of what fi nes who we are and sometimes its hard the purpose of the program is and then to except the things of our past and be some come through temporarily. able to move past it but with love and sup- “If they get it or not it’s up to them, and port we can do the best we can.” that’s what did it for me, knowing I need- Huskey said they operate without ed to change something,” Booth said. “I grants and function on donations only and did drugs for over 30 years, prostituted, the support of local churches. and lost my family— now it’s all been “If a church is interested in calling us, restored.” we’d be happy to come out and tell them She said recovering her life had recov- about I Am Inn Ministries and give our ered her relationship with her son and testimonies,” Huskey said. “We can only daughter. offer so much and what we can offer is “I know it can be tough, but I believe Jesus.” with all my heart that God will restore Debbie Blaylock said she came to the what is yours,” Booth said.
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