Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49744-2 — Delusional States Nosheen Ali Index More Information INDEX accumulation by dispossession, 200 Balochistan province, 41, 44, 108n17, Afghanistan, 56, 58, 80 109n31 development assistance by US, 246 Balti, 13, 41, 190n8 Islamist groups expansion in, 121 Bang-e-Sahar, 166 mujahideen forces spreading in, 243 Bazm-e-Ilm-o-Fann (Society for Pakistan-sponsored movements in, 95 Knowledge and Art), 187–188 US invasion of, 100 Bedaar weekly newspaper, 166 Aga Khan Development Network Beyond Lines of Control (AKDN), 19, 167, 190n20 (Ravina Aggarwal), 11 Aksai Chin frontier, 49 Bhasha Dam, 171 All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Bhutto, Zulfiqar, 101–102, 142, 202 Conference, 15 Biddulph, John, 117 All Pakistan Education Conference biodiversity conservation, 12, 196, (1947), 133 199–200, 204, 206, 226, 228 ameer-e-waqt (or ‘Ruler of Boloristan, 33 the Time’), 177 Boloristan Labor Party, 169 Anderson, Benedict, 62 Boloristan monthly magazine, 166 Anti-Terrorism Act 1997, 259 Bolor Research Forum, 167 armed social work, 247 Bolor Thinkers Forum, 167 Azad Kashmir (AK), 16, 35, 44, 47, 56, 61, Braldu Valley of Baltistan, 235 64, 74n60, 75n74, 75n78 Buddhism, 13 Azad Kashmir High Court, 47 Burushaski, 13 Baad-e-Shumaal weekly newspaper, 166 calculated ambiguity, 53 Balawaristan National Front (BNF), capitalism, 133, 198, 200, 247 47–48, 169, 171 capitalist modernity, 198, 201, 217 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49744-2 — Delusional States Nosheen Ali Index More Information 298 INDEX cartographic censorship, 57 Northern areas constructed as, 31, 37, census classifications, classified 60, 71 nature of, 57–61 ecological census-taking, 61–62 nationalism, 203 Central Karakoram National Park, 225 sovereignty, 197, 213 Chataan weekly newspaper, 166 education and Pakistan state, 132–139 China (Peoples Republic), 36, 49, 58–59, emotion/emotional, 2, 9, 11, 24, 48, 77, 98, 257–259 144, 161, 163, 189 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor aspirations, 5 (CPEC), 259 attachment, 1, 3, 10, 90 CIA, 109n41, 237, 239, 242 bond, 87 strategy to deploy Afghan jihad, 243 deception, 47 Cold War, 8, 24, 80, 103, 121, 243 disposition, 94 communism, 134 histories, 3 community-based ill-will, 9, 162 conservation, 196, 212, 219–224 imaginary, 16 Community-based Natural Resource logics, 8 Management (CBNRM), 219 of political love, 48 community-based trophy hunting, reactionary, 24 221, 223 regulation, 10, 78, 107, 260 Community Controlled Hunting Areas of saving, 207 (CCHAs), 220–221 selves, 123 community participation, 197, 199, 210, shared, 170 218–219, 226 sensibilities of listeners, 176 concentrated animal feedlot operations subjectivities, 78 (CAFOs), 216 tenor, 159 crisis of insaaniyat, 188 empire, 7, 11, 24, 26, 43, 63, 80, 99–100, cultural 185, 201, 228, 231–233, 245–246, intervention, 181 249, 258, 261 reproduction, 141–143 environmental conservation, global rhythms, 163–168 NGO discourse on, 43 struggle, 197 environmental degradation, 198 Dardistan, 73n19 Faiz, Faiz Ahmed, 189 degradation narratives, 210, 214 FATA, 56, 58, 67–68, 72n8, 238 District Monitoring Teams (DMTs), 82 Federally Administered Northern Areas Dogra rulers of Jammu, 14, 27n18, 63, 65, (FANA), 33–34, 38–39, 44, 56, 58, 74n70 178, 191n34 67–68, 72n8 Field Monitoring Coordination Cell Earth Summit (1992), Rio de Janeiro, 199 (FMCC), 82–83 East Pakistan, 137–138 firqavariat, 162 eco-body of the nation, 25–26, 36, 43, 62, Force Command Northern Areas 195–196 (FCNA), 81–82, 103, 106 configuration of, 10–11 Foucault, Michel, 62, 98, 251 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49744-2 — Delusional States Nosheen Ali Index More Information INDEX 299 Frontier Corps, 82, 121 sectarian/sectarianism, 116–119, 147, Frontier Crimes Regulation (FCR), 65, 155–157 101–102 divide and conquer, 140 Frontier Works Organization (FWO), 82, formation of difference between 84–85 students, 157–159 Gandhi, 5 maps, 261 garrison state, Pakistan as, 81–85, 95 Gilgit-Baltistan Students Association, GEF/UNDP funded Mountain Areas Karachi University, 166 Conservancy Project, 220 Gilgit Scouts, 85–86 gender/gendered, 21, 24, 94, 115, 146, Gilgit Wazarat, 50, 63, 74n72 167–168, 251 Global Environment Facility (GEF), 201 humiliation, 101 Gojal Educational and Cultural mainstreaming, 168 Association (GECA), 191–192n49 relations, 17 Grand Aman Jirga, 190n12 General Mushrraf, 82, 89, 167 green developmentalism, 227 General Zia, Islamization agenda/ Guantanamo prison, 7, 100 programme of, 103, 114, 120, 138, 147 Gilgit Agency, 33, 38, 50, 53–54, 57–58, 63, Halqa-e-Arbab-e-Zauq (Halqa), 155, 75n72, 85, 117 175–176, 187 Gilgit-Baltistan, 64–65 Harrison, Selig, 257–258 Gilgit-Baltistan Council, 35 Hasan, Mushirul, 118–119 Gilgit Baltistan Democratic Alliance heart warfare, 233 (GBDA), 169, 171–172 Hindu-Muslim communalism, 144 Gilgit-Baltistan Legislative Assembly humanitarian/humanitarianism, 11–12, (GBLC), 35, 85, 97–98 24, 26, 228, 231, 232, 234, 244–249, Gilgit-Baltistan National Alliance 250, 252, 253n5, 260 (GBNA), 169 work in Gilgit-Baltistan region, 232 Gilgit-Baltistan region, 6, 17, 196 Human Rights Commission of agro-pastoral population, 12–13 Pakistan, 259 army role in regional administration Hunzakuts, longevity and tranquility of, 85–88, 82–83 of, 41 geographical location of, 12 humanitarian development in, 12 ilaqiat, 118 indigenous ethno-linguistic groups, 13 imagined communities, 146 and intelligence agencies imambargas (Shia mosques), 120 production of sectarian suspicion imperial, 8, 24, 242, 247–249, 252, and tension, 100–105 257–258 role of, 95–100 conservation, 26 and Kargil conflict, 89–90 epistemic supremacy, 251 land distribution in, 13 humanitarianism, 26 living museum for wildlife, 196 master, 80 lowland nationalist discourse on, 43 politics, 11–12 pluralistic religious sensibility, 119 Indo-Persian cultural landscape, 174 political repression in, 10 insaaniyat (humanism), 5, 181, 187–188 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49744-2 — Delusional States Nosheen Ali Index More Information 300 INDEX International Union for Conservation Karakoram mountain, 37, 39 of Nature (IUCN), 196, 199, 202, Karakoram National Movement 220, 227 (KNM), 169 Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), Pakistan, Karakorum International University 95, 121, 237, 239, 242 (KIU), 122, 188–189 intra-Islam differences, 144 karbala, 191n43 Introduction to Pakistan Studies Karbala-e-Jadid (The New Karbala), (Muhammad Ikram Rabbani), 38 182–183 Islah-e-Nisab (correction of curriculum) Karbala paradigm, 119 Committee, 126–127, 150n33 Kargil, 11 Islam, 5, 13, 32 conflict of 1999, 86, 88–92, 167 inter-sect relations within, 177 Kargil monthly magazine, 167 and Pakistan state, 132–139 Kashmir pluralistic vision of, 179 as disputed territory, 50–52 Islamabad, 32, 44, 60 ecological terrain of struggle in, 11 Islamic Harrison’s article on India’s role in, content of Pakistani textbooks, 114 257–258 curriculum, 139 heart of hostility between India and democracy, 134 Pakistan, 27n1 ideology, 134, 136, 138–139 historical conditions and religious ethic of nature stewardship, 212 understandings of, 27n18, 178 social democracy, 136 hypocrisy of Pakistan official line, 45 socialism, 136 Islamist groups expansion in, 121 Islamist militancy, 121 and Indian state, 2 Islamization, 103, 113–114, 120, 147, 191n40 Northern Areas link with, 64 island mentality, 199 and Pakistan, 261 Ismaili/Ismailis/Ismaili Muslims, 13, 117, claim on Muslim identity basis, 1–2 123, 150n11 state building, 15 Kashmiri Muslims, 178 jagirdari (feudal) system, 65 Khan, Ayub, 142 Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), 137–138, 169 Khan, Baccha, 5 jamat khana (religious centre), 212 Khan, Liaqat Ali, 137 Jamhoor quarterly magazine, 166 khelna, 4 jihad, 120 Khowar group, 13 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 132 Khunjerab National Park (KNP), 196–197, JUI party, 138 201–204, 206, 208, 213, 220–221, 225, 230n49, 237 K2 daily newspaper, 166, 234 community-based conservation K2 mountain, 36, 48, 52, 56, 59 schemes, 219–224 Karachi, 20–21, 34 livestock grazing in, 214–216, 218 Karachi Agreement of 1949, 15, 171 occurrence of illegal hunting by state Karakoram Highway (KKH), 13, 36, 60, officials, 229n30 84–85, 167, 236–237 Khunjerab Security Force, 216 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-49744-2 — Delusional States Nosheen Ali Index More Information INDEX 301 khutba (sermon), 106 role in shaping state-formation and Kyber-Pukhtoonkhwa province, 34, 68, 83 interstate relations, 49 totemic symbols of nation, 49 labour rights, 136 Markazi Imamia Jam-e-Masjid (central Laden, Osama bin, 243 Shia mosque), 126 Lahore, 34 Markazi Shia Tulba Action Committee legendary lovers, struggles of, 3 (2004), 150n33 Line of Control (LoC), 50, 88 masla-e-Kashmir (Kashmir Problem), 16 literary nations, 173 McClintock, Anne, 99–100 Living Islam (Magnus Marsden), 11 McMichael, Philip, 7 Lok Virsa, 192n49 micro-publics of banal transgression, 184 Lord Mountbatten, 13 militarization of Pakistan, 78–81 love (muhabbat), 2, 5 Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Northern characteristics of, 3–4 Areas (KANA), 66, 102, 109n44, cultural-poetic constellation of, 4 121, 123, 139 manipulation of love in Gilgit-Baltistan Mitchell, Timothy, 61–62 by Pakistan, 4 mobile services, introduction in -martyrs, 3 Gilgit, 109n23 -offerings, 5 moral Love in South Asia:
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