HELPING CONSERVE THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT BENEFIT ENTIRE PEOPLE PAGE-9 (OPINION) Vol. VIII, No. 107, 12th Waning of Waso 1383 ME www.gnlm.com.mm Wednesday, 4 August 2021 Five-Point Road Map of the State Administration Council 1. The Union Election Commission will be reconstituted and its mandated tasks, including the scrutiny of voter lists, shall be implemented in accordance with the law. 2. Effective measures will be taken with added momentum to prevent and manage the COVID-19 pandemic. 3. Actions will be taken to ensure the speedy recovery of businesses from the impact of COVID-19. 4. Emphasis will be placed on achieving enduring peace for the entire nation in line with the agreements set out in the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement. 5. Upon accomplishing the provisions of the state of emergency, free and fair multiparty democratic elections will be held in line with the 2008 Constitution, and further work will be undertaken to hand over State duties to the winning party in accordance with democratic standards. Announcement released for those in past activities to contact as planned to close and withdraw files of lawsuits under the law SOME students, youths, public service personnel and citizens evaded from the scenes with worries to face action taken due to participation in the protests and anti-gov- ernment movements such as CDM activities incited and threatened by NLD members, extremist followers, unlawful and terrorist groups CRPH and NUG, persons and organizations from local and foreign countries who did not wish to see peace and stability of the State after 1 February 2021 when the Tatmadaw took the State duty. At present, they wish to return home with trust in the endeavours of the State Administration Council and with anticipation to enjoy peace and stability by returning to the legal fold. However, they are in difficulty with facing worries and they do not know how to contact. SEE PAGE-5 Mandalay Central Prison vaccinates 600 inmates against COVID-19 MANDALAY Central Prison in And we also give vaccines to the Ohbo Ward of Aungmyethazan inmates just like that. I would Township of Mandalay vacci- like to say thank you to the lead- nated the inmates against COV- ers of the country and officials ID-19 yesterday. of the Prisons Department for A total of 600 inmates—350 such vaccination processes.” males and 250 females were An inmate said,” I am hap- vaccinated against COVID-19 py for receiving vaccines. I be- by the health workers in line lieve in vaccines. I want to thank with the COVID-19 health rules. the country’s leaders, prison Regarding the vaccination heads and officials including processes, U Ye Yint Naing, health workers. They check our deputy director of the prison body temperature and blood said, “We will give vaccines to pressure before the vaccina- all inmates. Some received the tion. I have no fear of getting vaccine twice and so we would vaccinated. When I saw the vac- not vaccinate such people and cination programmes on TV, I positive patients. They cannot wish I would get the vaccines. receive the vaccines for six But I think it will take time to months. On the first day, we get the vaccine here but I am give priority to the people over so happy that I get the vaccine An inoculation process is underway in the Mandalay Central Prison on 3 August 2021. 60 years of age. We will vacci- so fast.” nate the inmates at each prison Another female inmate also cesses for us be peaceful and and blood oxygen level and vac- to take a rest for 30 minutes building. The prison medics and said,” I am glad that we are in healthy. I also thank them.” cinate those who are in normal after vaccination and prepare health workers vaccinate the priority groups for vaccination. Before the vaccination, the condition. the necessary health care ser- inmates. The vaccination pro- I wish may all the people who health workers check the body Moreover, the officials ar- vices in case of sudden illness. cess is being conducted outside. arrange the vaccination pro- temperature, blood pressure range the halls for the people — Maung Aye Chan/GNLM INSIDE TODAY NATIONAL NATIONAL LOCAL BUSINESS Union Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin participates Policies of Ministry of Information Seed processing plants in in ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) 10+1 will not be changed during the Shwebo District expected Sessions with ROK, China, Japan and 22nd ASEAN period of Provisional Government: to run for monsoon rice Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Union Information Minister crop this year PAGE-2 PAGE-3 PAGE-11 4 AUGUST 2021 2 NATIONAL THE GLOBAL NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Union Minister U Wunna Maung Lwin participates in ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference (PMC) 10+1 Sessions with ROK, China, Japan and 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting UNION Minister for Foreign eration on disaster management Affairs U Wunna Maung Lwin and humanitarian assistance, participated in the ASEAN-ROK and looked forward to Japan’s Ministerial Meeting, ASEAN-Chi- continued support of IAI Work na Ministerial Meeting, ASE- Plan IV. AN-Japan Ministerial Meeting The 22nd ASEAN Plus Three and the 22nd ASEAN Plus Three Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was Foreign Ministers’ Meeting which also held and the Meeting was were held via videoconference chaired by Dato Erywan Pehin yesterday at 8:00 am from the Yusof, Minister of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nay II of Brunei Darussalam, and was Pyi Taw. attended by Foreign Ministers The Ministerial Meetings from the ASEAN Member States were participated by Foreign Plus Three countries (China, Ministers from ASEAN and Di- Japan and Korea). The Secre- alogue Partners and their rep- from economic impact with a view AN-China Dialogue Relations Secretary Locsin for the suc- tary-General of ASEAN also at- resentatives and discussed the to bringing mutual benefits and and emphasized that over the cessful country coordinatorship tended the Meeting. At the Meet- future directions of cooperation sustainable trade and investment past 30-year’s journey, ASEAN for ASEAN-China Dialogue Rela- ing, Foreign Ministers of ASEAN between ASEAN and its Dialogue based on RCEP and AKFTA. Un- and China have had enjoyed good tions said that Myanmar, as the and the Plus Three Countries Partners and exchanged views on ion Minister, while welcoming neighbourliness, mutual trust, new country coordinator for ASE- exchanged views on regional and regional and international issues. countries that have ratified the mutual support and mutual ben- AN-China Dialogue Relations, is international issues and reviewed The Secretary-General of ASE- RCEP Agreement also updated efit. Union Minister, while looking committed to maintain the posi- the areas of cooperation under AN also attended these Meetings. the meeting of Myanmar’s com- forward to the Commemorative tive momentum and look forward the framework of ASEAN Plus The ASEAN-ROK Ministe- pletion under Article 20.5 and 20.6 Summit, also welcomed China’s to working closely with ASEAN Three and exchanged views on rial Meeting was co-chaired by of the RCEP Agreement. proposal to maintain the theme and China for mutually beneficial ways to move forward. Union Dato Erywan Pehin Yusof, Min- The ASEAN-China Ministe- for 2022 as “Sustainable Develop- cooperation for peoples. Minister underscored the im- ister of Foreign Affairs II of Bru- rial Meeting was subsequently ment Cooperation”, appreciated The ASEAN-Japan Minis- portance to effectively combat nei Darussalam, and Mr Chung held and it was co-chaired by China’s support to the COVID-19 terial Meeting was held in the COVID-19 and equitable access Eui-yong, Minister of Foreign Af- Teodoro Locsin Jr, Secretary of ASEAN Response Fund and con- afternoon and was co-chaired to the vaccine; to develop the dig- fairs of the Republic of Korea. At Foreign Affairs of the Republic tribution to the ASEAN-China Co- by Mr Bui Thanh Son, Foreign ital economy further to mitigate the Meeting, Union Minister for of the Philippines and Mr Wang operation Fund to fund projects Minister of the Socialist Republic productivity loss and raise the Foreign Affairs U Wunna Maung Yi, State Councilor and Minister relevant to addressing public of Viet Nam and Mr Toshimitsu supply chain management re- Lwin underscored the three are- of Foreign Affairs of the People’s health emergencies. Union Min- Motegi, Minister of Foreign Af- gionally and globally. as where ASEAN and ROK could Republic of China. Union Minister ister also thanked China for the fairs of Japan. At the Meeting, Together with the Union advance cooperation namely: to Foreign Affairs highlighted that donation of COVID-19 vaccines Union Minister stressed the need Minister, Senior Officials from the ensure equitable access to COV- Myanmar was pleased to see the and related materials. After the to further strengthen COVID-19 Ministry of Foreign Affairs also ID-19 vaccine; to quickly recover continued progress in the ASE- Meeting, while congratulating joint responses; enhance coop- attended the meetings. —MNA Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health Order No 299/2021 11th Waning of Waso 1383 ME 3 August 2021 THE Ministry of Health hereby announced the order by exercising the authority stipulated in Sub-Section (b) of Section 21 of the Prevention and Control of Communi- cable Diseases Law. 1. The Ministry of Health has taken preventive measures against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in real-time. Therefore, people from some townships of the Mandalay Region and Mon State need to stay at home due to the number of confirmed patients on the rise in these townships. 2. Hence, the people residing in the following townships in Mandalay Region and Mon State are involved in the Stay-at-Home programme.
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