- - - '--'- '----------------------- PAGE PAGE UNC students can show off ~ ". The UNC women's basketball 'team heads out on the their singing and dancing road for their nnal game against a Division I opponent abilities today as UNC Idol when they face the UNLV Runnln' Rebels Thursday. kicks off Its next season. 7 1 . 11 Inside CLOUDY HIGH ...... 23 Low ........ 5 WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 12, 2005 MIRROR. UNCO.EOU VOLUME 88, NUMBER 54 The news Norton forms special committee in brief IAN ST. CLAIR The commiuee will examine how faculty and other governance bod­ NEW [email protected] to make compensation 0.101"e fair ies to discuss compe nsation a nd a nd beller defined , sh e said. establish a nother committee. I n a special m eeting o f the The U N e human reso ul'ces "Bu t we need to take a look at Board of Trustees o n Mo nday, departme nt will a id in lhe selec­ the past before we can move ah ead UNC Preside n t Kay Non o n tion o f the committee me mbers. to the future." MiNOM.lNE announced sh e would o rganize II T h e committee wi ll be made up The committee is being created • SWint .... • ...ac campus-wide commitlce that will of no morc than 20 peo p le and no in response to th e ne ws t hat nine New y __.... , .... Kay Norton look in to h ow and wh y e mployees less than nine , UNe administrators. including is calling on the are given special compensation. ;'1 am calling upon th e c..'l.IllPUS Norton, received bonuses totaling A 2()..ycar--old Ea.'iu;rn campus to be part T he commiucc, according to community to be involved in t he 103,000 in June. Mi chigan University student of the compensa­ Norto n, will present their findings discussion," Norton said during the died over !he New Year's week· tion discussion. to hcr by the e nd of th is semester, meeting. "We'll be meeting wilh the See Committee, Page 3 end, following what was dcscrib(:d as hours of drinking at a frJ.lemilY party. SRC looks to fill Bears stifle Longwood WiU1t:S.~5 told polict: that Keith Cholette of TariQ'· beg-.to drinking ill the Sigma Tau Gamma fr.:Ilcrnity house abolll another position 3 p.llI. Dec. 31, and also con· :>umed 'i01Il<; pills thought to be ANDY ROSENTHAL council will fill the position Illore CCSl,.l.<,y, said gt.John Minn'Y of N EWS@M I RKOK.UNCO.£DU quickly tlli5 time around. the Ypsilanti Police "The reason it wCllt so muddy Deparuncnl. For the second lime during last time was because people· the school year, the Student were trying to instill a differcnt Re presentative Council will process," Nash said . "Most pe~ attempt to fill a vicc presidential pic came to th e reali7.ation tl1at position today, til is is the process that we have The position W"J.S opened up right now in pl ace. I'm going to follOwi ng the Dec. 9 resignation stick with the same process, SRC of Jon Dclk, who served as the hasn't had time to look in to • ,.,.tllon to vice president of unjversilY rela­ fo rming a new process fO l' hiring. f . ....... b' ...._ tions. Vl"s." According to the Applications became ava ilable Matt L,1ng, who I'eplaced Hollywood Reponer, Mondty and Chad Nash, who Villalon as tlle vice president for Saturday's Slar·studdcd se rves as the council's vice presi. academic afTai rs, said he is COIl­ telethon to raise money for dent fo r student afTairs, :said he ccm cd that personal politics will tsunami victims will feature has seen a lot of interest in the playa role when it come] time for some preny big bold·faced position. the council to Vote on the candi­ names. including "They were put out Monday dates, Madonna, Mary .I, Illigc, and so fur five have aln!ady gone "It's ahY'dYS a concern," Lang Diana Ro~:s, Gloria Estefan, out," Nash said. "That's prlmy said. Min any political realm that Tom JOIICS, John Mayer, good considering it was the first is going to be a worry." Eric Clapton and M .... oon day." Donny Hoyt:. vice president 5, all of whom will perform James Villalon, who served as for legislative affair.>. said he during the NBC special, the vice presidenl for academic believes lhe council will come "Tsunami Aid: A Concert arfail,:!, resigned Sept. 30. It took together to make a decision in unior Erik Olson _ for an open pass against. LongWood of H ope." the council more than a month the best interest of the s(uden l$. Uni.OI5tty player Monday night at Butler-Hancock Ha.. The - Knight JUdi/no to replace Villalon. JBears won 99-91. SEE STORY, PAGE 11.. Nash said he is confident th e See Council, Page 3 2 THE M IRROR C AM P US N EWS MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 2005 • Coi.tact Us Clubs compete In bowl If you hm'c a nc:.... vs tip. stOI")' idea, commenl or cor:­ KATIE LINNEHAN The Phi Sigma Pi team of !'celio n, Comail us at N ..: WS @ l\I I RROR , UNCO.";IJU Ha nna h Wi lks, Moll )' Burich, [email protected] or I... , uren Moore and Karl WY<Ull call Andy Rosc nthal or lan Twe lve clubs and organiza­ etnc'-ged fro m Ihe bowl Sl. Clair at 392-9270 or SLO p tions fro m around lhe u niversity victorious. byTI1C Mirror ;1l823 16th St.. met T uesday to try and best Along with the prize o f a their peers with kn owledge of Barnes and Noble gift certificate I t is 111e Mil"T'Qr policy to pop-c ulture and academics dur­ for each of the team members. correct any inaccuracies ing th e first ever "Coll ege Bowl. " the team moves on to a regio nal found in neWS stories. Organh~crs said the bowl was competition to be held at New designed to bring stude nts Mexico SUHe Unive rsi ty later together and have fun in an aca­ this year. Bush hires dcmic atmosphere. " It was really .s urprisi ng. We ~ Wej u s t thought it would be JUSt e nte red as a jok.e," Wyant secretary fUll," said Alpha O micron I)i said about his learn's victor y. The Ps i Chi fraternity competes Tues da y at the College Bowl In WlWAM _NIl U Presidc nt Courtney Weber, The team will begin prepa r­ the UC Ballrooms. The Phi Sigma PI team won. K N I C HT RIDOER whose sorority d ecided to join ing for lhe competitio n in New the bowl with their team of fo ur Mexico within the next few " I fee l we can represent effort, we 'l\ have ,L good WASI-HNGTON - In a sur­ people. weeks. UNC," Wyant said, "Wi th strong showing." prise move, President Bush nom .. nated Michael ChcrwffTuesday. a • an amplifier aod ~pcakcl' box were- $,CfJ!iping hall around R a,.m . returned to her vchiclf. federal appeals COUlt judge and slolen out of the lrunk. \')(."t. \-"OllC'c. rormer higlHanking Justice Theft " 7 Department official, to be lhe 5'k b s Th.l?°LlC€" Lol Q-Lol w O L homeland security scxrcL."try. J- Wcs~QunP" ~ Han A female report~r I:\he acdd~~ License plat<-·s ~"e stolen and Q 1CIlOIr is an am,'l'CSSr.-e fedcml An employee reporl#d UHMc:III" 4Jeiullft tu~ha4 j}c r blue tally left her palking dedi"\, rthe , laced on the CO\l' of" t K?·~~.IJ,~1 p~'Clltor - who .... 'Cnt aller llIohst(.."I.'S. wa.. bro ken imo Sunday nigltt and hood her ca r. It was gone n she L - '£;;::: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 12, 2005 ' CAMPUS NEWS THE MlRROR 3 Council prepares for hire College dropout invited to Council from Page 1 and we know what we 1l(.'cd to do to fixiL" '" think the council has learned SRC wi ll form a hiring commit­ from that past mislakes and this par­ tl.'f!, which wi U then interview candi­ speak at Stanford graduation ticular positio n will be approached dates once applications have been with more matUl;Ly lh:m we have ;wailable lo r 14 days. Applications KIM VO who co-founded Apple Computer - they strugglt.:d a bit LO list j obs' done in the past," he said. "We can. bt: picked up QulSidc the SRC KNlel'I T R I DDER and Pixar, It's assumed J obs won't conncctions. kn ow what we have done wrong, office in the Uc. w(,:a1' his tradclll<u'k black shirt and He reportedly mel his wife, Certainly it's no t a co mment on blue jeans when addressing stu­ i..a.urcne, there. She ....~dS gelting her Committee to examine' pay me ....,o rtll incss of the degrees stu­ denlS, btil ifs m 3SLer'S d egr<."e, denlS are about to receive, but unck-ar what --tt-- and he was Committee from Page 1 Monfo rt during the Monday meet­ Stanford Univer.iiry has invited a color hood speaking to her ing. "And at the end of th e day college dro pout to delive r its CO Ill­ he ,,·:ould The nam.e Steve l obs class.
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