Regular Article pISSN: 2288-9744, eISSN: 2288-9752 J F E S Journal of Forest and Environmental Science Journal of Forest and Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 49-65, February, 2017 Environmental Science https://doi.org/10.7747/JFES.2017.33.1.49 A Checklist of Mushrooms of Cambodia Nam Kyu Kim1, Jin Heung Lee3, Jong Won Jo2 and Jong Kyu Lee3,* 1School of Biological Sciences and Institute of Microbiology, Seoul National University, Seoul 08826, Republic of Korea 2Forest Biodiversity Division, Korea National Arboretum, Pocheon 11186, Republic of Korea 3Department of Forest Environment Systems, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea Abstract Overall, 3,950 mushroom specimens were collected from the Central Cardamom Protected Forest (CCPF) in Koh Kong province, the Kirirom National Park (KNP) in Kampong Speu province, the Seima Biodiversity Conservation Area (SBCA) in Kratie province, the Mondulkiri Protected Forest (MPF) in Mondulkiri province, the Phnom Bokor National Park (PBNP) in Kampot province, the Western Siem Pang Protected Forest (SPPF) in Stung Treng province, the Ream National Park (RNP) in Sihanoukville province of Cambodia from 2009 to 2014, and then they were identified and classified into 302 species, 165 genera, and 64 families by morphological and genetical characteristics. The mushrooms belongs to Ascomycota were classified into 26 species, 14 genera, and 10 families, while those belongs to Basidiomycota were classified into 276 species, 151 genera, and 54 families, respectively. Among these mushrooms, the most species-rich families are Polyporaceae (26.2%), Marasmiaceae (9.1%), Ganodermataceae (7.7%), Hymenochaetaceae (7.5%), and Mycenaceae (7.1%), and comprised 57.5% of the total specimens identified. Key Words: fungal biodiversity, mushroom collection and identification, mushroom specimen, species-rich family, Cambodia Introduction buting to the conservation and efficient management of fun- gal biodiversity in the forest ecosystem of Cambodia. Cambodia is located at the southeastern part of the Indochina peninsula in southeast Asia with the total land Materials and Methods territory of approximately 181,035 km2, bordered by Thai- land to the northwest, Laos to the northeast, Vietnam to the Survey sites. The Central Cardamom Protected Forest east, and the Gulf of Thailand to the southwest. Cambodia (CCPF) in Koh Kong provinc, the Kirirom National Park forest areas are well known for rich biodiversity, but in- (KNP) in Kampong Speu province, the Seima Biodiversity formation on species biodiversity and richness are still Conservation Area (SBCA) in Kratie province, the Mon- limited. National and international biodiversity experts have dulkiri Protected Forest (MPF) in Mondulkiri province, been working very hard on wildlife animals, plants, and in- the Phnom Bokor National Park (PBNP) in Kampot prov- sects, while no efforts were given on fungal biodiversity so ince, the Western Siem Pang Protected Forest (SPPF) in far. Thus, this study was basically conducted for surveying Stung Treng Province, the Ream National Park (RNP) in fungal biodiversity in Cambodian forests, and for contri- Sihanoukville Province of Cambodia (Table 1). Received: November 29, 2016. Revised: December 6, 2016. Accepted: December 7, 2016. Corresponding author: Jong Kyu Lee Department of Forest Environment Systems, College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon 24341, Republic of Korea Tel: 82-33-250-8364, Fax: 82-33-259-5617, E-mail: [email protected] J For Env Sci 33(1), 49-65 49 Checklist of Mushrooms of Cambodia Ta ble 1 . General descriptions of the survey sites of mushroom diversity in Cambodia Survey site Forest type/dominant tree species Altitude (m) Name Province Central cardamom protected forest (CCPF) Koh kong Evergreen forest 250-500 Kirirom national park (KNP) Kampong speu Secondary evergreen forest 320-720 (dipterocarpa, Pinus merkuzii) Seima biodiversity conservation area (SBCA) Kratie Evergreen forest 150-400 Mondulkiri protected forest (MPF) Mondulkiri Evergreen forest 600-900 Phnom bokor national park (PBNP) Kampot Evergreen forest with dipterocarp and 100-900 mixed deciduous forest West siem pang protected forest (WSPF) Sung treng Secondary evergreen forest 50-150 (dipterocarpa, Hopera) Ream national park (RNP) Sihanoukville Evergreen forest 70-360 inland south east Asia. the area is now managed for con- servation of biodiversity, environmental services and live- lihoods by the Department of Wildlife and Biodiversity of the Forestry Administration. PBNP is located at Kampot province in the southern Cambodia, and is one of only two Cambodian ASEAN her- itage parks. Bokor’s moist evergreen forest - with dry Dip- terocarp and mixed deciduous forests in the north - shelter a wide variety of rare and threatened animals. SPPF is located at Stung Treng province in the north- eastern Cambodia, and is one of the most important existing natural forest areas in the world for biodiversity con- servation and especially endangered wildlife species. The central and southern portions of comprise gently undulat- ing plains overwhelmingly dominated by decisuous Dipter- Fig. 1. Surveyed sites of mushroom diversity in Cambodia. ocarp forest. The norhten areas in contrast are rugged hills covered in semi-evergreen forest. CCPF is located in the center of the Cardamom Moun- Sihanoukville province is located at the coast of the Gulf tains Range, covers an area of 401,313 ha, an important of Thailand in southern Cambodia, occupying an area of constituent of the Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot. KNP 2,536 km2 that includes the foothills of the Elephant moun- extends over the eastern part of the Cardamom Mountains, tains and a sizable peninsula (Fig. 1). and pine (Pinus merkuzii) forest at the high elevation area. Field survey and mushroom collections SBCA, which was declared in 2002 as a biodiversity con- servation area, is located in eastern Cambodia in Kratie and Field survey and mushroom collections were mostly con- Mondulkiri provinces, along the border with Vietnam. The ducted during wet season, from May to October, 2 to 3 site contains variety of forest types, from evergreen hill for- times annually. Whenever we found a mushroom in the ests to extensive deciduous forests. The forest remains al- survey sites, the photo was first taken for recording the im- most entirely forested, and it forms part of one of the largest age of original shape. Next, various data, such as color, sin- remaining relatively undisturbed natural landscape in ma- gle or group, substrate, habitat, etc.,were recorded in the 50 Journal of Forest and Environmental Science http://jofs.or.kr Kim et al. Ta ble 2 . A summary statistics of mushroom in Cambodia Ta b l e 3 . A list of mushroom families exhibiting high species diversity Group Families Genera Species No. of No of No. of Rank Family Genera Species Specimen Ascomycota 10 14 26 Basidiomycota 54 151 276 1 Polyporaceae 24 47 1,034 To t a l 6 4 1 6 5 3 0 2 2 Marasmiaceae 5 14 358 3Ganodermataceae2 8 304 4 Hymenochaetaceae 6 10 297 field. The mushroom was wrapped with the small number 5 Mycenaceae 5 10 280 paper in the cooking hoil and put in the collection bag. 6Russulaceae 2 19176 7Xylariaceae 4 15162 Before drying mushroom in the portable mushroom drier, 8Stereaceae 2 7 159 the samll piece from mushroom tissue was taken, and put it 9 Fomitopsidaceae 5 7 146 in 70% ethanol for DNA extraction and sequencing. Dried 10 Meruliaceae 8 11 117 Ⓡ mushrooms for 12hrs were kept with Silicagel in Ziploc 11 Agaricaceae 6 12 102 bags labelled with collection informations (date, location, 12 Boletaceae 11 12 88 coordinates, collectors, scientific name, etc.) in the NIBR(Na- 13 Amanitaceae 1 12 77 14 Hygrophoraceae 3 6 75 tionl Institute of Biological Resources) specimen herbarium. 15 Entolomataceae 3 5 65 Mushroom identification 16 Phanerochaetaceae 5 6 49 17 Inocybaceae 2 5 41 The collected mushrooms were identified by morpho- 18 Clavariaceae 3 6 33 logical and genetical characteristics. Morphological identi- 19 Omphalotaceae 2 4 28 20 Psathyrellaceae 3 4 27 fication was done by observing dried specimens and photos 21 Auriculariaceae 2 4 24 according to the identification key (Lowy 1958; Stunz 22 Geastraceae 1 3 13 1973; Imazeki and Hongo 1989; Zhishu et al. 1993; 23 Dacrymycetaceae 3 4 7 Chandrasrikul et al. 2008; Wannathes et al. 2009; Sanoamuang 2010; Vladmir and Machiel 2010; Whalley et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2015) and Index Fungorum system lies, respectively (Table 2). Among these mushrooms, the (www.indexfungorum.org). For the genetical identification, most species-rich families are Polyporaceae (26.2%), Mara- total DNA was extracted from fruiting body, and then ITS smiaceae (9.1%), Ganodermataceae (7.7%), Hymenocha- (Internal Transcribed Spacer) and LSU (Large SubUnit) etaceae (7.5%), and Mycenaceae (7.1%), and comprised regions were amplified by using primers and PCR. The 57.5% of the total specimens identified (Table 3). amplified products were sequenced, and the results were BLAST-searched from NCBI GenBank to find the se- Checklist quence with high similarity. ASCOMYCOTA Results and Discussion Geoglossomycetes Geoglossales Three thousands and nine hundreds fifty mushroom Geoglossaceae specimens were collected from seven provinces of Cambodia Trichoglossum hirsutum (Pers.) Boud. from 2009 to 2014, and then they were identified and classi- Habit: on soil fied into 302 species, 165 genera, and 64 families by mor- Koh Kong, Mondulkiri, Stung Treng phological and genetical characteristics. The mushrooms Trichoglossum octopartitum Mains belongs to Ascomycota were classified into 26 species, 14 Habit: on soil genera, and 10 families, while those belongs to Basidiomy- Koh Kong cota were classified into 276 species, 151 genera, 54 fami- J For Env Sci 33(1), 49-65 51 Checklist of Mushrooms of Cambodia Leotiomycetes Annulohypoxylon moriforme (Henn.) Y.M. Ju, J.D. Helotiales Rogers & H.M. Hsieh Dermateaceae Habit: on a dead tree Mollisia cinerea (Batsch) P.Karst. Stung Treng Habit: on a dead tree Koh Kong Daldinia concentrica (Bolton) Ces.
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