GLSAYearbook / Jaarboek 2011 GRAND LODGE OF SOUTH AFRICA Year Book - 2011 - Jaarboek GROOTLOSIE VAN SUID AFRIKA GLSA 2011 Annual Rep FINAL.indd 1 2013/08/22 4:02 PM GLSA 2011 Annual Rep FINAL.indd 2 2013/08/22 4:02 PM Daring Greatly ““It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.” - Bro. Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the United States Matinecock Lodge No. 806 F.& A.M., Oyster Bay, NY, USA (entitled, “Daring Greatly”)” GLSA 2011 Annual Rep FINAL.indd 3 2013/08/22 4:02 PM Published by: The Grand Lodge Of South Africa Grand Lodge Centre: No. 75, 13th. Street, Orange Grove, Johannesburg Tel: (011) 640-1324 Grand Secretary: SA Br. / VW Bro. A. Arthur Editorial Panel: SV Br. / RW Bro. D.J. Duncan Wor. Bro. A.M. Buerkle Wor. Bro. H. Schaum Design: Marcel Buerkle ( Printed by: Imprimatic Printers, JHB. Tel: (011) 339 3238 Bibliography: (Feature article extracts from) Freemasonry: A Celebration Of The Craft. Published in 2004 by Angus Books. | 4 | GLSA 2011 Annual Rep FINAL.indd 4 2013/08/22 4:02 PM Deo et Collegio For God And Our Order / Vir God En Ons Orde Arms: Or a square with corner baseward surmounted by a compass Gules; on a chief Azure a sun in splendour; Or Crest: A lion couchant; Or Wreath; Or Gules, Supporters: Two Springboks proper; collared On Motto: Deo et Collegio Coat of Arms of the Grand Lodge of South Africa registered at the Bureau of Heraldry, Certificate No. 1428 of 3rd April 1987. Wapenskild van die Grootlosie van Suid-Afrika geregistreer by die Buro van Heraldiek, Sertifikaatnommer 1428 van 3 April 1987 Contents 6 - Grand Lodge of South Africa: Declaration. 54 - PGL: Northern Division Annual Report. 9 - Feature: Wisdom | Strength | Beauty 58 - PGL: Central Division Annual Report. Introduction: Famous Freemasons. 62 - PGL: Eastern Division Annual Report. 10 - The Grand Master. 65 - Feature: Beauty: Introduction. 11 - The Grand Lodge of South Africa. 66 - PGL: Eastern Cape Division Annual Report. 12 - Report of the Grand Master for 2010 / 2011. 66 - PGL: Eastern Cape Division Annual Report. 17 - Feature: Wisdom: Introduction. 69 - Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of S.A: 18 - Verslag van die Grootmeester vir 2010 / 2011. Annual Report. 23 - Feature: Wisdom: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. 70 - Meritorious Service Award (MSA). 24 - GLSA contact details. 71 - Grand Chapter Officers for 2011 / 2012. 26 - Grand Committee 2011 / 2012. 72 - Past Grand Chapter Officers / 27 - Grand Lodge Standing Committee 2011/2012. Grand Superintendents Present and Past. 28 - Order Of Service. 73 - Feature: Beauty: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. 29 - Past Grand Masters / Oud-Grootmeesters. 74 - Past Grand Chapter Ranks Conferred. 30 - Past Grand Lodge Rank Served. Representatives Sister Grand Chapters. 33 - Feature: Wisdom: Sir Walter Scott. 75 - Honorary Grand Chapter Officers. 34 - Past Grand Lodge Rank Conferred. 76 - Annual Report of the First Grand Superintendent: 37 - Feature: Strength: Introduction. Southern Division. 38 - 60 & 50 Years’ Masonic Service Jewel. 77 - Feature: Beauty: Joseph Rudyard Kipling. 40 - Representatives: Sister Grand Lodges. 78 - Annual Report of the First Grand Superintendent: 43 - Feature: Strength: Buzz Aldrin. Northern Division. 44 - GLSA: Lodge Meetings & Installation Dates. 80 - Supreme Council for South Africa. 48 - PGL: Southern Division Annual Report. 82 - List of Sister Grand Lodges in Africa. 53 - Feature: Strength: Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi. | 5 | GLSA 2011 Annual Rep FINAL.indd 5 2013/08/22 4:02 PM GLSA: Annual Report & Yearbook 2011 Grand Lodge of South Africa Grootlosie van Suid-Afrika Declaration Verklaring HEREAS Freemasonry has been practised in Southern ADEMAAL Vrymesselary sedert die jaar AD 1772 in Suider- WAfrica under the Grand East of the Netherlands since the NAfrika onder die Groot Ooste van die Nederlande beoefen is year AD 1772, and having flourished exceedingly well under the en gedy het onder die heilsame bestuur van die Groot Ooste, het benign rule of this Grand East, the Lodges have assembled at Cape die Losies op Saterdag 18 Februarie 1961 in Kaapstad vergader en Town on Saturday, February 18th, 1961, and determined on the for- besluit om ‘n Grootlosie in Suider-Afrika in die lewe te roep om mation of a Grand Lodge in Southern Africa for the furtherance of Vrymesselary met besondere verwysing na die Aloue Opdragte ter Freemasonry with special reference to the Ancient Charges. bevorder. Die Grootlosie van Suider-Afrika wat in Kaapstad tot stand gekom het, se eerste vereiste vir toelating tot die Orde is dat The Grand Lodge of Southern elke lid ondubbelsinnig die vol- Africa first established at Cape gende grondbeginsels onderskryf: Town demands that a prerequisite The Grand Lodge acknowledges the to admission to the Order is that 1. Die eerste voorwaarde vir toe- every member shall unequivocally high value of human personality, man’s lating tot lidmaatskap van die subscribe to the following basic Orde is ‘n geloof in die Opperwese principles: responsibility for all his actions, the na wie die Vrymesselary verwys as DOBVDH en Sy geopenbaarde 1. The first condition of admission fundamental equality of all human beings, wil. Dit is ‘n essensiële voorwaarde into, and membership of the en laat geen kompromis toe nie. Order is a belief in the Supreme universal brotherhood of man and every Being referred to by Free- 2. Die Bybel, waarna die Vrymes- masons as TGAOTU and His man’s duty to labour with devotion for the selaars verwys as die Boek Van Die revealed will. This is essential Heilige Wet, lê altyd in Losies oop. and admits no compromise welfare of the community. Elke kandidaat is gehoue om sy verpligtinge af te lê op dié Boek of 2. The Bible, referred to by Free- Volume wat kragtens sy besondere masons as The Volume of the Sacred Law, is always open in the geloof onskendbaarheid verleen aan ‘n eed of belofte wat daarop Lodges. Every candidate is required to take his Obligation on afgelê is. Die Drie Groot Ligte van die Vrymesselaars (naamlik that Book or Volume which id held by his particular creed to DBVDHW, dieWinkelhaak en Passer) moet altyd vertoon word impart sanctity to an oath or promise taken upon it. That Three tydends byeenkomste van die Grootlosieof sy Losies. Hiervan is Great Lights of Freemasonry (viz TVOSL, the Square and the DBVDHW (Die Boek Van Die Heilige Wet) die belangikste. Compasses) should always be exhibited when the Grand Lodge or its Lodges are at work, the chief of these being the TVOSL. 3. Elkeen wat tot Vrymesselary toetree, word by toetrede streng verbied om hom met enige daad te vereenselwig wat vrede en 3. Everyone who enters Freemasonry is at the outset strictly for- goeie orde van die samelewing omver kan werp; hy moet die ver- bidden to countenance any act which may have a tendency to skuldigde gehoorsaamheid betoon aan die wette van enige staat subvert the peace and good order of society; he must pay due waarin hy woon of wat beskerming aan hom verleen, en hy mag obedience to the Law of any State in which he resides or which nooit in gebreke bly in die nakoming van sy verskuldigde trou may afford him protection, and must never be remiss in the alle- aan die staatshoof van sy land nie. giance due to the Head of State of his country. 4. Terwyl die Suid-Afrikaanse Vrymesselary op die wyse gehoor- 4. While South Africa Freemasonry thus inculcates in each of its saamheid aan die staat en sy verantwoordelikhede as burger by members the duties of loyalty and citizenship, it reserves to the elkeen van sy lede inskerp, gun dit die indiwidu ‘n eie siening oor individual the right to hold his own opinion with regard to pub- sake van openbare belang. Maar nòg in die Losie, nòg te enige lic affairs. But neither in Lodge, nor any time in his capacity as a tyd in sy hoedanigheid as Vrymesselaar mag hy sy siening oor Freemason, is he permitted to discuss or to advance his view on godsdienstige of politieke kwessies bespreek of probeer bev- religious or political questions order. | 6 | GLSA 2011 Annual Rep FINAL.indd 6 2013/08/22 4:02 PM GLSA: Annual Report & Yearbook 2011 De Goede Hoop Temple, oldest Temple in South Africa: Top left; the view from the West (entrance), looking East. Top right; the view from the East, looking West. 5. The Grand Lodge acknowledges the high value of human person- 5. Die Grootlosie stel ‘n premie op die mens se indiwidualiteit, sy ality, man’s responsibility for all his actions, the fundamental sedelike aanspreeklikheid vir al sy handelinge, die fundamen- equality of all human beings, universal brotherhood of man and tele gelykheid van alle mense, die universele broederskap van every man’s duty to labour with devotion for the welfare of the die mens se plig om hom met toewyding te beywer vir die welsyn community. van die gemeenskap. 6. The Grand Lodge refuses to express any opinion on questions of 6. Die Grootlosie weerhou hom tuis, of in die buiteland, van kom- foreign or domestic state policy either at home or abroad, and it mentaar oor sake rakende buitelandse of binnelandse staatsbe- will not allow its name to be associated with any action, however leid; laat nie toe dat sy naam gekoppel word aan enige handeling, humanitarian it may appear to be, which infringes its unalter- ongeag die skynbare humanitêre aard daarvan , wat inbreuk able policy of standing aloof from every question affecting the maak op sy onwrikbare beleid van onpartydigheid wat betref relations between governments or between political parties or alle kwessies rakende betrekkinge tussen regerings of tussen questions as to rival theories of government.
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