Politics · Armed Forces · Procurement · Technology ·Procurement · ·Armed Forces Politics June 2016 • www.euro-sd.com • ISSN 1617-7983 ES&D in Germany Procurement Defence SPECIAL International International Security and Defence Journal ISSUE June2016 a 7.90 Content Masthead European Security & Defence Special Issue June 2016 ISSN 1617-7983 · www.euro-sd.com 4 Well equipped Published by The Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Mittler Report Verlag GmbH Information Technology and In-Service Support A company of the Tamm Media Group 6 Directorate P Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Peter Bossdorf (pb) Consultant to the executive level, in charge of overall Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Henning Bartels (hb) Managing Editor (Magazine): Stephen Barnard (sb) project control and strategy, and BAAINBw‘s interface Managing Editor (Newsletter): Dorothee Frank (df) to the outside world Industrial Editors: Jürgen Hensel (jh), Gerhard Heiming (gwh), Dieter Stockfisch (ds) Correspondents: Rolf Hilmes (Army Technology), 10 Combat Directorate (K) Peter Preylowski (Airborne Systems) Regional Correspondents: Tamir Eshel (Israel), Tim 15 Air Directorate (L) Guest (UK), Beka Kiria (Georgia), Shinichi Kiyotani (Japan), Yury Laskin (Russia), J. Bo Leimand (Den- mark), Jay Menon (India), Chet Nagle (USA), Luca 19 Sea Directorate (S) Peruzzi (Italy), David Saw (France) Supported by the editorial team of “Europäische Sicherheit & Technik” 25 Land Support Directorate (U) Publishers: Rainer Metzner, Henning Bartels Layout: 31 Information Technology Directorate (I) davis creativ media GmbH, Bonn, Germany Production: 38 "IT Support" Directorate (G) Lehmann Offsetdruck GmbH 22848 Norderstedt, Germany 42 HERKULES Special Organization (SO H) Office address: Mittler Report Verlag GmbH Baunscheidtstraße 11, 53113 Bonn, Germany 45 Purchasing Directorate (E) Phone.: +49 228 3500870, Fax: +49 228 3500871 Email: [email protected], www.mittler-report.de 50 Quality/Logistics Directorate (Q) Director of Marketing Jürgen Hensel (jh) Baunscheidtstraße 11, 53113 Bonn, Germany 53 Central Affairs Directorate (Z) Phone: +49 228 3500876, Fax: +49 228 3500871 Email: [email protected] 55 The BAAINBw Agencies Advertising Representatives: Dipl.-Betrw. Uwe Nemeyer, optiproject GmbH – 58 Preview Agentur für sicherheitspolitische und wehrtechnische Kommunikation Von-Imhoff-Weg 5, 53359 Rheinbach, Germany Phone: +49 2226 909637, Fax: +49 2226 909653 Email: [email protected], www.optiproject.de UK/Ireland/Eastern Europe: Stephen Barnard, c/o Mittler Report Verlag GmbH Phone: +49 228 35 00 886 Email: [email protected] USA/Canada: Black Rock Media, Inc., Diane Obright, 810 Val Sereno Drive, Olivenhain, CA 92024, USA Phone: +1 858-759-3557, Email: [email protected] Russia & CIS: Laguk Co., Yury Laskin, General Director Krasnokholmskaya Nab., 11/15, 132, RF-109172 Moskau, Russian Federation Phone: 007-495-911-1340, Fax: 007-495-912-1260, Email: [email protected] Subscription/Reader Service: PressUp GmbH, Postfach 70 13 11, 22013 Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 40 38 66 66-319, Fax: +49 38 66 66-299 Email: [email protected] European Security & Defence © 2016 Mittler Report Verlag GmbH The views expressed are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publisher in Bonn. Cover Photo: MBDA, BAAINBw Annual subscription rate (6 issues): €49.80 incl. postage Special Issue · June 2016 · European Security & Defence 3 Well equipped The Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support rocuring defence technology is just not defence products must meet the highest be used for decades. In part, commercially Pas easy as privately shopping online. requirements. You are looking for the most available equipment can be used; in many If you are dealing with defence technol- modern technology, that is robust enough cases, however, it is necessary to improve ogy development, you quickly realise that to survive military operations and that can or newly develop special defence materiel. Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support Director-General Deputy Deputy Director-General Director-General (military) SekrLtg FAS GleiB ziv GleiB mil Commissioner for Commissioner for Office of the Occupational Gender Equality Gender Equality Director-General Safety Officer (civilian) (military) P K L S U I G H E Q Z Equipment Information Special Management Combat Air Sea Land Support IT Support Purchasing Quality/Logistics Central Affairs Technology Organization and Strategy Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate Directorate* Directorate Directorate Directorate HERKULES Directorate Local Regional General Local Staff Regional Staff General Staff Spokesperson Spokesperson Spokesperson for for Council at Council at Council at for Disabled Disabled Disabled BAAINBw BAAINBw BAAINBw Employees Employees Employees BAAINBw BAAINBw BAAINBw Foreign Liaison Offices at BAAINBw Defense Public Works and Engineering * At the same time Defense Materiel Disposal Officer at BAAINBw Government Services Advisory Canada (PWGSC) Group Date: January 2016 at BAAINBw 4 European Security & Defence · Special Issue · June 2016 And thus, it takes time to procure such complex materiel: Time to come up with the required technical solutions and to test them with demonstrators. Not every new idea from the development departments passes the practical test on the first at- tempt. Realistic concepts of time are indis- pensable. The procurement process must be as efficient as possible. Test and quality control measures must be strengthened. These are also objectives of the reorienta- tion of the Bundeswehr. Responsibility for the Entire Life Cycle The “Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Infor- mationstechnik und Nutzung der Bun- deswehr (BAAINBw)” (Federal Office of Photos: BAAINBw Bundeswehr Equipment, Information BAAINBw office buildings in Koblenz-Rauenthal Technology and In-Service Support) was founded within the scope of the reorienta- readiness, starting with the analysis phase The performance spectrum of the office is tion of the Bundeswehr. Before the BAA- and ending with disposal. supplemented by modern test and research INBw had been founded, the responsibility centres. Six Bundeswehr technical centres, of the civilian Bundeswehr procurement or- Complementary Capabilities two Bundeswehr research institutes and ganisation ended with the handover of the of Directorates and Agencies the Bundeswehr Information Technology new defence materiel to the user. The new Center (IT-ZentrumBw) deal with testing procurement procedure, however, – the The technical expertise for defence materiel of defence materiel, development of new revised CPM (Customer Product Manage- is pooled in ten directorates and one spe- technologies and the analysis of potential ment) – focuses on an integrated approach cial organisation. Six project directorates, improvements of already fielded systems. and support of defence materiel during the responsible for Combat (K), Air (L), Sea (S), The Naval Arsenal ensures the operational entire life cycle – the so-called material re- Land Support (U), Information Technology readiness of the German Navy and is thus sponsibility for operational readiness. This (I) and Information Technology Support a direct and valuable partner of the Navy global view requires a new way of thinking (G) are available for implementation of ar- in operational theatres. The liaison office in in terms of equipment and procurement maments projects. The in-service support Reston/USA represents Germany’s defence processes in order to implement this inte- tasks taken over from military offices and technology and armaments interests vis-à- grated approach. And this is the approach commands are integrated into the direc- vis government organisations and industry of BAAINBw. torates‘ projects on a product-by-product in the United States and Canada. Material responsibility for operational basis. readiness is a new task for BAAINBw. The HERKULES special organization is Solid Basis and Constant Never before has the Bundeswehr dealt responsible for customer management Adaptation with such a task using the integrated ap- within the HERKULES project, the largest proach. It is therefore particularly impor- IT modernisation project in Europe, with BAAINBw and its agencies are well pre- tant to bring those together who have which the Bundeswehr is well prepared pared for the demanding tasks in order to previously been in charge of certain as- with modern equipment for administrative accomplish the new task of the integrated pects. The new office not only combines IT tasks, even in areas of operation. view and responsibility for defence mate- the tasks of the former Federal Office of The “Equipment Management and Strat- riel. For almost three years, BAAINBw has Defense Technology and Procurement egy“ (P) Directorate is responsible for pro- successfully completed its tasks of being (BWB) and the former Federal Office of ject coordination as well as strategic and responsible for material for operational the Bundeswehr for Information Manage- operations-related tasks for all directorates. readiness. ment and Information Technology (Bun- Within the scope of the integrated plan- However, there is still potential for optimi- deswehr IT Office). It also integrates those ning process and the analysis phase of the sation. To achieve this, processes
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