(No. 72.) 1892. PARLIAMENT OF TASMANIA. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC CONFERENCE, 1892 : REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by His Excellency's Command. ... T .A. S M A N I A. POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC CONFERENCE, 1892. REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF THE CONFERENCE HELD IN HOBART, MARCH, 1892. MINUTES- OF PROCEEDINGS, REPORTS AND , RECOMMENDATIONS - BY PERMANENT HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS, WITH DRAFT OF AUSTRALASIAN POSTAL CONVENTION, PAPERS LAID BEFORE 'l'HE CONFERENCE, AND REPORTS OF DEBATES. «ar,mania: WILLTAM THOMAS STRUTT, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, HOBART. 1892.. ; •• POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC CONFERENCE, 1892. REPORT OF THE . DELEGATES ':VO THE INTERCOLONIAL POSTAL AND TELEGRAPHIC CONFERENCE HELD IN HOBART DURING MARCH, 1892. I. THE Colonies, with the exception of ;New Zealand, were all represented at the Conference. II. The Conference sat on the 16th, 17th, 18th, '21st, and 22nd March. The following were the principal Resolutions carried ; viz.- RELATING TO PosTAL SERVICE. 1. Reduced Rates of Commission on Intercolonial Money Orders, as recommended by the Sydney Conference of 1891 were agreed to. To take effect from 1st April, 1892. 2. It was resolved that thy Intercolonial Postage on Newspapers should be uniform. 3. A Resolution• was passed requesting the Government of South Australia to permit the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation· Company, and the Orient St~am Navigation Company to discharge cargo into lighters off Port Adelaide on Sundays, in order. to facilitate Postal communi­ cation. 4. Resolved, that the system of dealing with letters relating to racing sweeps and betting transactions should be uniform throughout Australasia. 5. The draft of an Australasian Postal ConYention, as submitted by Heads of Departments, was considered in detail, and, after some alterations, adopted. 6. An opinion was expressed by resolution that the carriage of mails over South Australian R~ilway Lines should be expedited. · TELEGRAPH SERVICE. 1. A Resolution was passed that 1Vestern Australia should be guaranteed against loss consequent on the reduction of charges on cable traffic passing through her territory similarly with South Australia. Victoria dissented; Queensland declined to vote. 2. The system of urgent telegrams intercolonially at double rates was adopted, New South dissenting; but agreeing to pass urgent messages between other Colonies over her lines to take precedence of other business on usual terms of interchange; viz., doub_le rates. ELECTRICAL. 3. It was recommended that a Committee of Experts be appointed to draft a Report upon the systems proposed for the erection of electric light and power wires, and for the control of the same; also as to a system of underground wires. , , 4 GENERAL. The Report of the Heads of Departments on subjects of detail connected with Postal and Telegraphic matters was received and adopted, _with amendments. Other matters were considered and withdrawn, and for such see Minutes of Proceedings. Appended to this Report will be found :- . I. Minutes of Proceedings. II. Reports of Heads of Departments. III. Draft of Australasian Postal Convention as adopted. IV. Papers laid before Conference. ' V. Reports of the principal proceedings. Signed on behalf of Tasmania, B. STAFFORD BIRD. Signed on behalf of New South Wales,' JOHN KIDD. Signed on behalf of Victoria, JOHN GAVAN DUFFY. Signed on behalf of South Australia, W. COPLEY. Signed on behalf of Queensland, TH. UNMACK. Signed on behalf of Western Australia, R. A. SHOLL. •• 5 POSTAL AND TELEGRAPH. CONFERENCE, HOB.A.RT, 1892. MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, HOBART. WEDNESDAY, 16TH MARCH, 1892 . .THE Conference met at IP A.M., when the under-mentioned gentlemen, representing the Colonies herein named, were present; viz.___:_ New South Wales: The Hon. JoHN Krnn, M.P., Postmaster-General. S. H. LAMBTON, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office Department. E. C. CRACKNELL, Esq., Superintendent of Telegraphs. · . Victoria: The Hon. JoHN GAVAN DuFFY, M.P., Attorney-General and Postmaster-General. · _JA.MES SMIBERT, Esq., Deputy Postmaster-General. · Queensland: The Hon. THEODORE UNMACK, M.P., Minister of Railways and Postmaster-General. JoHN M•DoNNELL, Esq., Under Secretary to the Post and Telegraph Department. 8outh Australia: The Hon. "\V1LLIAM CoPLEY, :M.L.C., Minister·of Agriculture and Education. CHARLES Tonn, Esq., C.M.G .• M.A., F.R.S., Postmaster-General and Superintendent of Telegraphs. Western Australia: RICHARD A. SHOLL, Esq., I_>ostmaster-General. Tasmania: · The Hon. B. S. Brnn, M.P., Treasurer and Postmaster-General. ROBERT HENRY, Esq., Superintendent of Telegraphs. HENRY BOYES, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office, &c. The Honorable JoHN GAvA~ DuFFY proposed, and the Honorable THEODORE UNMACK seconded, the appointment of the Honorable B.. STAFFORD Brnn as President, which was unanimously agree~ to. Mr. THOMAS CooK JusT was appointed Secretary, upon the nomination of the Honorable JoHN Krnn, seconded by the Honorable THEODORE UNMACK. The Conference then proceeded to consider the question of admitting the Press to the sittings, when it was unanimously resolved that such permission should be granted. The Hon. JoHN Krnn, the Hon. JonN GAVAN DUFFY, and the Hon. W. COPLEY presented their Commissions; the Hon. T. U NMACK and Mr.· RICHARD A. SHOLL also presented their Credentials. 6 The Hon. WILLIAM COPLEY laid pn the Table copy of "An Act to amend 'The Post Office Act, 1876,' and for other purposes," passed by the Parliament of South Australia. Received. The HoN. THEODORE UNMACK tabled" An Act to consolidate and amend the Law relating to Posts and Telegraphs," passed by the Parliament of Queensland. · Received. · ·The HoN. WM. COPLEY tabled a Return showing the ,International Telegraphic Traffic during the Ten months ending· February 29th, 1892, compared with the corresponding· period in 1889-90 and 1890-91. Received. The HoN. WM. CoPLEY moved that the Return be printed. The HoN: TirnonoTE Um,1AcK seconded. Carried. ORDER OF .BUSINESS. The Honorable JOHN GAVAN DUFFY moved that the following questions of Policy inserted in the Notice Paper, be dealt with by the Conference:- POSTAL. 1. Free Postage of Newspapers from New South Wales to the other Australian Colonies. 2. Communication. with Berne Bureau to be carried on by one Colony. Settlement of Accounts by Berne. 3. Proposal of Great Bnfain to assimilate Australian Postage Rates (Foreign) to those adopted for the United Kingdom from 1 January, 1892. 4. Reduction of lntercolonial Rate on "Printed Papers" to l d. per 4 ozs. (or to ½d. per 2 ozs.) . 5. Through-Train from Sydney to Melbourne and from Melbourne to Sydney on Sunday. 6. Question of 1\fait Steamer not lJeing allowed to land Cargo or do work at Adelaide on Sunday. TELEGRAPH. 7. Pacific Cable Route. 8. Cable Subsidy for reduced Rates, Queensland and N'ew Zealand. 9. Electric Light and Po\ver. Laws and Regulations especially in relation to Telegraph and Telephone ,Vires, and to secure immunity from accident. · 10. Intercolonial Telegraph Rates. The Honorable JOHN Krnn seconded. Carried. The Honorable JOHN GAvA·N DuFFY moved, and the Honorable JoHN Krnn seconded­ That the following subjects on the Notice Paper be referred to the Heads of Departments represented at the Conference as a Sub-Committee, with a view to their bringing up a Report on such subjects to-morrow or as early as possible:- PosTAL. 1. Limitation of weig·ht of Samples and Patterns. Increase 'from 250 gram'tnes to 350. 2. Transmission through the Post of Articles liable to Customs Duty. 3. ,vithdrawal or re-direction by the Sender of Correspondence once posted. 4. Uniform classification of Correspondence, Inland as well as F01·eign, on lines of Postal Union. · 5 . .U niforrnity ()f practice as regards responsibility on account of Registered Articles. 6. Minimum Charge for Pa.reels. Adoption generally of the Single l lb. Rate, in lien of the 21b. rate, as the first charge. 7. Uniformity of practice in dealing with Surtaxed Letters. To ad<_>pt Postal Union practice. · 8. Consideration of Article 7 (New) of Vienna Convention relative to Registered Corre­ spondence despatched "grevee de rembursement:" 9. lntercolonial Postal C_onvention, still in abeyance, to be revised with a view to con­ formity, where advisable, with the Universal_ Postal Union, which the Colonies have since entered. · 10. Australian Territorial Transit Rates for conveyance of Mails, and mode of settlement with Foreign Counfries u·nder Postal Union i·egime. 11. Application of such Rates to Intercolonial Mails. 12. Consolidation of Postal and Telegraph Acts with view to uniformity. - 7 13. Express Service. 14. Statistics. 15. Re-direction Charge; also Charge for return of Dead Letters. 16. Late Fees. 17. Postal Notes, Currency, &c. 18. Unclaimed Letters; Dead Letter List. 19. Newspapers, sending unpaid; Intercolonial; arrangements with Railway Author~ti~s. Postage on ('l'asmania); Registration, &c. 20. Parcels Pos_t. Insurance, Compensation, Transit Rates by Rail and Sea. 21. Acknowledgment of Receipt of Registered Letters. 22. Post Cards, Reply, &c. 23. S,pecial Trains, France and Italy. 24. Money Orders, allowance in account. 25. Return of Special Request Letters; Taxing and Collection of Postage for Re- direction. 26. U riiversal Stamps fur Colonies. 27. Surcharge Rate on Postal Notes. TELEGRAPH. 28. Uniform Telegraph Code. 29. 'J)legraph l\:loney Orders. 30. Multiple Messages in connection with Press Associations. 31. Zone Hour System. 32. Telephone System, including Rates, Regulations, Collection of Rentals, &c. 33. Underground Wires. 34. W~iat Telegraph Lines should be regarded as International. Carried. · Conference adjourned at 10·55 A.M. until to-morrow at 10 A.M. ' '' . - - ' ' ' B. STAFFORD BIRD, President.. THos. C. JusT, Secretary. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, HOBART. THURS.DAY, 17TH M.A-HCH, 1892. THE Conferenc~ met at 10 A.M., when the under-mentioned gentlemen, representing the . Colonies herein named, were present; viz.'- New South Wales: The Hon. JoHN KrnD, M.P., Postmaster-General.· S. H. LAMBTON, Esq., Secretary to the Post Office Department.
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