Sf From Ban Frantlscol uood Is Wllhilmlim .. Odnb.r S One essential of a.lverllilno Tar Ben Franclseol persistency. by advertising can D merchant Hiitinliiliiti . (Ktnlnr 3 Only From Vancouver. secure wide distribution. Evening Only with wide distribution can h October II Btjbletin Mukurii For Vancouverl maintain low priets and hold the trade. 'hi In ml In OrtnberJ2 3:30 EDITION Publicity Is Purely a Matter of Business ESTABLISHED 1882. No. 5045. 22 PAGES. HONOLULU, TERRITORY OF HAWAII, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1911. 22 PAGES. PRICE 5 CENTS. f TURKEY APPEALS TO POWERS U. S. To AID HER ITALY'S DEADLY ROW ATTENDS OPENING OF COLLEGE BUILDING BIDS Campbell's 1 r . : IATTACK ALREADY ' Scheme Is WINNING THE WAR Beaten I tAasoclnled Press Cable.') pii m:u i;n woitK I y ) ;' TRIPOLI, Turkey, Sept. 30. Turkey hat appealed to the powers. iiilhhn 5 With Italy's twlft attack, already tending the Turkish war vettels to liillllill lln KupTlnli ihIpiiI Miiraton the bottom of the ocean, cut olf from gaining access to her land forces, tho ('iiiiIh-I- I llRiirnl II Empire appealed to tho world powers to Interfere in the fight, Ottoman has first, America has been asked to care for the Turks in Italy as a 7JU, ' " 4iMHHHMHBaanMSMsaanMaMsajsjajS I'niii.iil ei'wir tj skin and to guard them from tho Italians. ntlirrn nflrruninl fj Hoh ! nil of llii.ltli ii nil TRIPOLI, Sept. 30. The bombardment of the fort here has begun by tht S.inlliiry Coi.iiiiIhiiIiiii HRiiriHt It: Viililliiilo llrnl, Inl-li- 'l Italian squadron. COLLEGE1 EXTERIOR VIEW OF NEW OF HAWAII BUILDING, FOR WHICH BIDS WERE OPENED TODAY komuhI. Wiitil in rjnio tlilnl, .Miiiinii rourtli, Wulkiihuliilu next, SALONIKA, Persia, Sept. 30. The government house has been bombard- A row with serio-comi- c trlinmlnfiH bids. I.iici.h wus tilled with righteous would IoiIro objection ..cnliiKt liny other Ihr the l.l.li lilniM'lf .mil ml.l I..' l'liiiiiul next. ed and destroyed and a Turkish torpedoboat sunk. at iiiion tiwliiv lirn bids liiillRiiiitloii licoaiiMH tin- IiIiIm wc-r- - l.liN IicIiik llmwcr, no otli- - l to rrfrr tin in In Jiulci' Cimiiht Ho tni; onciioil mill hu mih not ullimoil to IiIiIh nimmrril llwn wtntpd Hint lln hiiN wrro not urrn onlk'il III for tho rouxtrtirtlon of tr ('iiiuplit'll Ioiipa Hon It lln vliim til,, miK' f(ilitrili'ttir Aft.ir inltliiir tnntv mltiiitoi. Mr mmln .ntl.lli. .i.u.miu.. t.ia.r.. wnii tin nll I Iti'Hiilt: . nnllAnn ill lillllilllK. .. .... .. .. ... Ihr .'i,vn ... llmitill,...(.. ,iriM(tit i,t...tlif. nnitn litnir. ulirn till) Itlnlnv ri.llpml..Itiln lilu nrlititn fil.lf, f l r..,.r.w, ntntlv ., nr...l.i Iiti.inl.'.I - vv "RAILROAD for which iipiroirlatlon ui.h iniuli hy hlil wi-t- to ho cullwl III lit the (.IIIcch TliroiiKh the il iloor l.iu'nn lh n- ! i GREAT STRIKE IS ON tho liiHt LcKlnlnturc. Ill tlio ttintro- - f Itlplry .t Ilf liohl.i, mi lllticlx, In iinil othem who with prrcnt iiv tlmt "If tlicroV no mitlmrlxeil rcproKPiita- - . ,., ,,, ,,i,. f ii,.. .i,i n, th" lloiton hiillillne. JiiiIkii II. U. til" nrehltrct wiilt nppnliiK tlio hlil tlvw , nu hno no rlRlit to upon AIoe, In ii imtHlirll, Ik Hip result, Cooper, I'lmlriiiiili of Hip Immil of re- - himself. l.uriiH thcicupoii ntnriueil tlio tlipxp hhls yoiirKelf. imil If yoii tin oHn'rnr nl Ipimt of a fiirt Hint thn l.oril-Voiin- Knuinpprlnir .. - .. .. .. - .. ,. ., , .... .. .. ... .. .. .. ....,I,,r lM" I1"""1 ri'iiin in hip . oiipkc oi iiiiwiiu, out noi nri unit i k privoi oinre nun liiviih t'. mi in i me n riKlll lo no preneiii, letween thn Hoard of Health and tho Cable.) I'oiupiiiiy una the low Wilder hy tho hKpidI, nml ITexlilent V (lllmoro clnroil Hint wouhln't Htniiil for Hlioiileil tAssoctatcd Press John he hhli Liieax. Sanltnrj Commission mid Superintend- if. SAN FRANCISCO, C.I., Sept. 30 125 of the poIIpko wiih tho only rvprcM'ii- - IipIiik opeueil III thnt tnanner. ' PriHlitent (illnioro iliellneil to Inkn rcmiirkiihlv miuill iiinrKln of wh Campbell nut Following the declaration of their of liiKtltiitlon "I don't propose lo IiIiIh pnrt III the iIIkhibhIoii, kioIiik only that ent Campbell. came aliuoHt lost nlRht of. tntlwi the lmo thee - leaders yesterday, the shopmen of the The noon 1iIhIIph hli unci l.uenM opened In Hecret," he Kiihl. "IJiory ton- - there mih no iiiitliiirleil reprexeiitntlin Mieoiul best, hut lis ho Is the limit iir- hid" were iih Harriman system, including also those The follow: tried to Unit out frip Mr Hlpley when In.clcir who lililx on a Jul. iinil piita up of the regents preavnl Hut III u few l.llir on tho now sewer m stems, thn of the Illinois Central, struck here this l.orilVou.iR ):.iKleerl..K Co. .165.700 the IiIiIm were to he .i,ieil Mr lllp- - n lerlllleil cheek n 1 lino IiIik the iiilnuleM Mr Itlpley decided to iniilio health i.iithorltlcM nro not exactly sur 1 10 r,5,"2.f morning at o'clock. The order was raclllu laiRlneerliiK (' . ley Informed lihn thulo. was ualtlin; licit In ho prenpiil when hM aic ;he IlKHieH public, iinil illd ,. hut rt wliethrr.'Hielr-n'Isii- s will b -- Ill's m Generally obeyed. Conereto Coimtructloii Co. .. fili.li'io to hear from .Juilf hooper, hut he iiiienoil" l,nmt wiHihl not leaCe tho Vootu until ones ultimately curried out. Over 20,000 are out in princtpat - Co "H.Tf.n IIiIm no lufnrni.itlii.i wax forth oil'll n few inlniitcH until hlds hail opened the Honolulu I'laiilui- Mill j onil "If wall after nil of tho hem Tho Mimes of the conlllct ire still cities, 4000 at Chicago and 2000 at Lot I.iK'.ih of tho Honolulu I'I.iiiIiik coiiiIiir l.ueax Hut I Ret In touch with Mr Cooper nu can with rcMill annoiiiiceil nhove T Jaek Then prototed the ni In Hut Angeles, 400 - IiIiIm IiIiIm," Qx la - "lliRerlnR the hulls of xecutlvaf with in San Francisco and Mill wan rcspoiiHlhle for tlio excite- tho hIioiiIiI lie opened publicly, anil nee the atiHuered Itlpley. There exclteinetit while lii'l- tho' 500 at Oakland. inent thnt utteuileil the npculni of tho that n It wiih piiHt llin noon hour ho Itlpley wiih nuked uhy ho wna open- - nl, hut the evrllemrnt wan nnti over. tiulhllni. The trouble uroso iver i xpendltiiro of the money derived front tho recent bond sale for the sewer ft X 'ij y f I Improvements The henlth authorities BIO LUAST BEET MAN SAYS NO RECORD SUGAR CROP TO BE iledared that certain sections of tho tv work should he done llrst, because It 1 w.ih the most needful, Campbell cjnio SUGAR TARIFF REVISION NOW IN COLLISION CLEANED UP EARLY IN DECEMBER (Continued on Page 4.) II ! I lilt lit raif'i.l t ml tt ljtloi In Illd flin ul ii t ntufit t u fiiriilii n till i1 liliiliu HV- - GETS 4 . - ,.iui KUKiir entl- - factora Tho no ,n ti,i r,,inr- ,,i.,.oi ii.iir .,iciit IIiiimiH'h liiiiiiner iron, KiiRar for the HiiRiir Klcrni'x luiill froiii V. It Mllenthiil. lo ii.os,, ," .,,,,. Ilt .,,,,,; , ., ,, ,..,,,. , , ,,, e,l , ,,.,. n..iui . - - wl .,n,.y ""'liPhl hy I.IRI, niithorlty In WashlnRton. .,"'""":,,""".."- - ..................... (( htiHl.ieHH "" leailltiR uiiiti of Sim rialielHcn 11- . mid make me feel lliul there will not l"i"li'l Itapld riniixlt cur and a I .... ' '. ' , . .. , .,,. who Im larpely InlereKted In ...... IH In nil- - . FOR BURNING the KiiRar ne 1iilli1irl..iiiep of minnr tariff next ,,'" wiiroii that einle.l the .,.,.,.,., .. .,, ll...t llin,, uiii ,... n... i,,. f u. I'll) ouii.iii on i .... .. i,rr. heel IndiiBlry of California, IoiiiIiIiib hchxIiiii of Ciiiirtphh, and If we Ret omt riiciilmiH esiapo of nil enncmicil iKrlnilliif- - will no wil iiiuier way on mo....iih way to iniirKct via reiiinniepec upon the HiiKiir taillT Mr l.lllenlhiil, that konhIoii I iloulit If there will ho "Im acclilent ociuneii on itiiiakiiini l!H2 crop. I'l'hls will hrliiR It to New )ork early - iIIkciiksIiir thin nuhject, write to Mr. any ihaiiRe for Koine eiira. iiiwime near Lowers roinl A l.lilneKO Three more of the Mr Amerlcan-lla- In l)eeiuber AN AUTO wiill.ui to leave port Noxember 1 on the 1912 LewlH iih followa: Think ou will lliul, now that thelHwIII wiiroii hub ioiuIhr out from nnn frolKhters are this On RflndliiR this fall anil that will dean up thn crop Is due to start at Mineral plnntn "I am not Hiire If iu talks with oii,,niiRiir triiHt Iiiik heen nhown up and u."r ,,lr' ,ln,'k r.inelieM Hint arn Incut ei . hlRRCHt crop Islands ever tlous, will ho HtarthiR up a . .... .. .. - '.... .1... left .if II... tinck, lit... wiih com- the have anil others ni'iore leaviiiK lor iiouoiiiiii, on HiiKiir poiiilcal purpose HtilixcrtciJ, Hull I'o.i mi Is noteworthy, next crop ap- produced What more few days later The jear's sHhhH tariff luipresneil Hioiii.ioI.cm on ou; or, RreMM will Itneir to tho Hltel trunt pletely hhlileu from lew of the OeorRe Spencer, who was arrested for turn most of It has Rone Into mnrktt at a has eery prospect of bel.iR larRerthati k HtundH If they did, 1 want to leniluil you Hi liiiMlneMH pro icIiIiir car hy Hie that was even cnr hiiriiliiK Mrs. A Cummins' automo- ,- it nnil let the aiiRiir iiloue" prho hlRher than hinted at this J ,wTi .' Hi;- I at the Junction the lJuo and Kala-kiui- ii I'lictorM1 re III ?:...T'i k7 lAuABIC.su '' liero earlier In the cnr.
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