CAT A LOGUE N° 69 1 1. AAMH - NEWS LETTER of The Austra lian Asso ci a tion for Mar itim e History - Nos. 51 to 60. Sydney / Mel bourne. 1992 to 1994. The Austra lian Asso ci a tion for Mari tim e His tory. Newslet ter s edited by Vaughan Ev ans (51 to 54) / Marten & Angela Syme (55 to 60). No. 51 (July 1992) to 60 (Octo ber 1994). 10 newslet ter s for a to tal of 110 pages with few b/w illus tra tions. Spiral bound, clear platic front. 2 punch holes close to spine. Very good. 29.7 x 21.5. Ref.#61997 .....A$ 15 2. AAMH - QUAR TERLY NEWS LET TER - The Aus tra lian As so ci a tion for Mar i time His tory - Nos. 62 to 73. Sydney. 1995 to 1998. The Austra lian Asso ci a tion for Mari tim e His tory. Newslet ter s edited by Jeffrey Mellefont (62 to 65) / Dr Paul Weaver (66 to 73). No. 62 (Winter 1995) to 73 (Decem ber 1998). 12 newslet ter s for a to tal of 142 pages with b/w illus tra tions. Spiral bound, clear platic front. 2 punch holes close to spine. Very good. 29.7 x 21.5. Ref.#61998 .....A$ 20 3. AAMH - QUAR TERLY NEWS LET TER - The Aus tra lian As so ci a tion for Mar i time His tory - Nos. 74 to 85. Sydney. 1999 to 2001. The Austra lian Asso ci a tion for Mari tim e His tory. Newslet ter s edited by Dr Paul A. Weaver. No. 74 (March 1999) to 85 (Decem ber 2001). 12 newslet ter s for a to tal of 212 pages with b/w il lustra tions. Spiral bound, clear platic front. 2 punch holes close to spine. Very good. 29.7 x 21.5. Ref.#61999 .....A$ 20 4. AAMH - QUAR TERLY NEWS LET TER - The Aus tra lian As so ci a tion for Mar i time His tory - Nos. 86 to 97. Sydney. 2002 to 2004. The Austra lian Asso ci a tion for Mari tim e His tory. Newslet ter s edited by Lindsey Shaw. No. 86 (March 2002) to 97 (Decem ber 2004). 12 newslet ter s for a to tal of 162 pages with b/w illus tra tions. Spiral bound, clear platic front. 2 punch holes close to spine. Very good. 29.7 x 21.5. Ref.#62000 .....A$ 20 5. AAMH - QUAR TERLY NEWS LET TER - The Aus tra lian As so ci a tion for Mar i time His tory - Nos. 98 to 109. Sydney. 2005 to 2007. The Austra lian Asso ci a tion for Mari tim e His tory. Newslet ter s edited by Lindsey Shaw. No. 96 (March 2005) to 109 (Decem ber 2007). 12 newslet ter s for a to tal of 144 pages with b/w il lustra tions. Spiral bound, clear platic front. 2 punch holes close to spine. Very good. 29.7 x 21.5. Ref.#62001 .....A$ 20 6. AD AMS, J. H. - “SHIPS IN BATTLEDRESS”. Sydney. N.D. circa 1943. Cur rawong Publish ing Com - pany. 1st Ed. 155 PP, plus 8 b/w plates on full page. Fp: The Queen Mary enter ed Syd ney Heads ..". Picto ria l stiff covers. Slight ageing of paper. Covers and spine lightly rubbed, o/wise a very nice clean copy. 21.6 x 14. War on the East ern coast of Austra lia, on distant seas, with Austra lian sea men (merchant & enliste d). Ref.#62328 .....A$ 35 7. ADAM-SMITH, Patsy - THERE WAS A SHIP. Mel bourne. 1983. Thomas Nelson. New Edi tion. VIII, 239 PP with b/w illust. Eps: Rough sea through the rigging. Hard cover, dj. Signa ture of previ ous owner on half-title page, o/wise a fine copy. 25.5 x 18. Patsy Adam-Smith’s story of her years at sea. The first Aus tra- lian woman to be granted signed arti cles in Austra lian waters while sailing the islands of Bass Strait. isbn 0170062627 Ref.#20091 .....A$ 10 8. AIMA - THE BULLE TIN OF THE AUSTRALASIAN INSTI TUTE FOR MARI TIME ARCHAE - OL OGY - Vol ume 35. Sydney. 2011. AIMA / Australasian In stitute for Mar itim e Ar chaeol ogy. Volum e 35, 2011. Ed ited by Myra STANBURY. 80 PP with b/w and colour il lustra tions (draw ings, maps and pho- tos). Picto ria l soft cover. New. 29.8 x 21. Early historic shipwreck at Godawaya, Sri Lanka. ... Archae ol - ogy and the HMAS Sydney, by M. McCar thy. Dampier’s Roebuck, by R T. Sex ton. ... Sur vey of the 12th to 15th-century wharf struc ture and house of the Con cubines Mua/Lapaha, Tongatapu, Kingdom of Tonga, by R. Hawarden, B. Alex an der and C. Schab ... Ref.#62278 .....A$ 45 9. ALBERT, Marvin H. - BROADSIDES AND BOARD ERS. New York. 1957. Appleton-Century -Crofts. 1st Ed. XIV, 370 PP with 17 bat tle plans, plus 8 pages with 10 b/w illust. Hard cover, cloth spine, dj. (price clipped). Dust jacket worn and rubbed. Very good. 21.5 x 14.5. Famous sea-captains and warfare with can- non-un der-sail. Ref.#10644 .....A$ 15 10. ALLEN, Gay Wil son - MEL VILLE AND HIS WORLD. New York. 1971. The Viking Press. 1st Ed. 144 PP with 102 b/w illust. Title spread: The Har pooner prepare s to strike, by Sir Oswald Brierly. Cloth cover, dj. Name of pre vious owner on front endpaper, o/wise very good. 23.5 x 18.3. isbn 670467405 Ref.#33885 .....A$ 15 Tel: (07) 5534 9349 email: [email protected] 2 CAT A LOGUE N° 69 11. ALLEN, Ken neth - SAILORS IN BATTLE. London. 1966. Odhams. 1st Ed. 160 PP with 28 b/w il lustra - tions by Mar tha Hart. Hard cover, dj (price-clipped). Faint foxing on outside edges. Very good. 21.5 x 14. Twenty-four centu ries of war at sea: from the Battle of Sa lamis in 480 BC to the Bat tle of Matapan in 1941. Ref.#16784 .....A$ 10 12. AN DREWS, J. - THE POP U LA TION CAR RY ING CA PAC ITY OF AUS TRA LIA. Canberr a. 1938. Aus tralian In sti tute of In terna tional Af fairs. Aus tralian Sup ple men tary Papers: Se ries A, No. 1 - (1 ti tle page), 12 PP (recto only), plus 1 sketch map “major land use regions of Austra lia”. Staples. Note “With the Author’ s com plim ents” at top corner of ti tle page. Ageing of paper. Near fine. 26.2 x 21.2. Pa per pre pared for the Brit ish Com mon wealth Re la tions Con fer ence of 1938. Ref.#61578 .....A$ 10 13. ANMM - NAWI - Ex plor ing Australasia’s In dig e nous Watercraft / Boorun’s Ca noe / See ing the Land from an Ab orig i nal Ca noe (in Sig nals No. 100). Sydney. 2012. Austra lian National Mar itim e Museum . Issue No. 100, Sep tem ber to Novem ber 2012. 72 PP. Edited by Jeffrey Mellefont. Contains 4 arti cles : pages 4 to 11 with 1 map, 1 b/w & 7 colour photos / Pages 12 to 17 with 7 b/w pho tos / 18 to 21 with 2 colour il lustra - tions / Pages 58 to 61. Picto ria l soft cover (A tied-bark NAWI). Fine. 29.7 x 21. Publishe d after the May 2012 Na tional Con fer ence on In dig e nous Watercraft. Ref.#62172 .....A$ 10 14. ARCHIBALD, E. H. H. - THE WOODEN FIGHTING SHIP IN THE ROYAL NAVY AD 897-1860. London. 1968. Blandford. 1st Ed. (8), 174 PP with tables, b/w and colour il lustra tions by Ray Woodwar d. Title spread: HMS Ber wick, 1775. FEP: 18 Flags and Pendants. REP: 13 Flags and Pendants. Cloth cover, attra ctive blind stamp on front cover, gilt ti tle on spine, dj (price-clipped). Near fine. 31 x 23. isbn 713704926 Ref.#34149 .....A$ 40 15. ARGOD, Robert - OUT OF ANTARCTICA: Re flections on the Or i gin of Peo ples. London. 2004. Richm ond Editions / Periplus Publish ing. 1st English edition. Translate d from the 2003 French “L’Antarctide des Origines” by Andrew Brown. Pref ace by Franck Goddio. X, 326 PP with 46 b/w or colour il lus trations. Pic to rial stiff cover. Fine. 21.5 x 17. An entire ly new ap proach to the ori gin of the Poly nesian, and their settle ment of the Polyne sian Tri an gle. isbn 1902699459 Ref.#62268 .....A$ 45 16. ARMED FORCES - RANK AND BADGES in the AUSTRA LIAN and U.S.A. Navy, Army and R.A.A.F., and Aux ilia ries. Syd ney. c. 1942. OPC / Off set Print ing Coy. An OPC Pub li ca tion. 32 PP with colour il lustra tions throughout (in cluding 18 National Flags and 8 types of Air craft). Inside front cover: fore- word. Inside back cover: 8 types of British Na val Craft. Picto ria l soft cover. Small chip at lower part of back cover. Slight age ing of paper. Very good. 17.7 x 12. A fully col oured guide to the rank and badges worn by mem bers of the Forces. Ref.#62107 .....A$ 25 17. ARMSTRONG, War ren - CRUISE OF A CORSAIR. London. 1963. Cassell. 1st Ed. (VIII), 207 PP with 1 double- page map, plus 8 bw plates.
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