Law and Anthropology Bearbeitet von Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fikentscher 2. Auflage 2016. Buch. Rund 600 S. In Leinen ISBN 978 3 406 65907 2 Recht > Rechtswissenschaft, Nachbarbereiche, sonstige Rechtsthemen > Rechtspolitik Zu Leseprobe und Inhaltsverzeichnis schnell und portofrei erhältlich bei Die Online-Fachbuchhandlung beck-shop.de ist spezialisiert auf Fachbücher, insbesondere Recht, Steuern und Wirtschaft. Im Sortiment finden Sie alle Medien (Bücher, Zeitschriften, CDs, eBooks, etc.) aller Verlage. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch Services wie Neuerscheinungsdienst oder Zusammenstellungen von Büchern zu Sonderpreisen. Der Shop führt mehr als 8 Millionen Produkte. Subjects and names index A axial age 112, 140, 317 Aaken, Anne van 124n axial time 363 acculturation 183 babu 294 – (classic terminology) 185 – in Pecos Pueblo Pic. XIV B Acoma v. Laguna 463 Bachofen, J.J. 56 adaption 188 Bakr, Abu 171 adaptation 191 Balic, Smail 171n Adenauer, Konrad 338 Bandelier 142, 288n adventurers 51 barbary 114 Afghanistan 339 bargain for reality 168, 171, 174, 361 Ainu 142 Bargatzky 61 Akhenaten 95 Barnett, Homer G. 62 Al-Farabi 172, 177n barter 311 Al-Ghazali 172 Barton, John 38n, 195 al-Khatab, Umar Ibn 171 Bassam Tibi 171n, 180, 188 Alameda County 353 Bastian, Adolf 56 Aleck, Jonathan IX, 531 Batak XVI Ali 171 Batak raja Pic. VII Allmenden 378 Bauer, Anne-Kathrin XVI Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) 225n Bayernpop 189 Althusser, Louis 64 behavior 234n, 235-6, 238 Amborn, Hermann 73 Beiter, Klaus Dieter XV analyses 206 belief system 93 Anderson III, H. E. X bell curve 142n Andriolo, K. R. 64 Benda-Beckmann, Franz von XV, 66 animism 149, 235 Benda-Beckmann, Kebet von XV, 66 animists as guardians 410 Benedict, Ruth 54, 61 Anonymus Jamblichi 55 Benett, W. C. 62 anthropological analyses 205 Bernho¨ft, Franz 58 anthropological definition of law 24 Beurmann, Moritz von 51 anthropological reasoning 21 Beutel, F. K. 6 anthropological theology 70 Bidney 54 anthropology of borders 196 Bierbrauer, Gu¨nter 130n, 133, 438, 479 anthropology of law 1 bipolar superaddition see superaddition – applied 4, 506 bipolar biculturality 184, 189, 198 – biological 233 bi-/triculturality 191 Anthropos School 57 big man societies 299 Antigone 107, 108n Bin Laden, Osama 164 antitrust 402, 404 bipedalism 235 Apologia (William the Silent) 325 Bischof, Norbert 77n, 211, 270, 285n Aquinas, Abe´lard 373 Bismarck, Otto von 326 Aquinas, Thomas 106n, 373 black magic 191 archontes 156 Black Mesa Pic. XVI Arendt, Hannah 438, 517 blood and soil 94, 110, 345. 361 Aristotelian principles 260 Blumenberg, Hans 71 Aristotle 160, 377 “Blubo” 110, see also blood and soil arrow of time 129 Boas, Franz 60, 92, 243n Arunta 220 Bock, Anton 70 aspectivity 120 Bodenheimer, Edgar 72 Assimilation 187 Bodisattvas 146 Assman, Aleida 76n Bohannon, Paul 25, 54, 209 Assman, Jan 76n, 124n – on culture 76 Assmann, H.-D. 113 bone pointing 103n, 220 auctoritas populi 325 Borchardt, Knut XV, 407 Augustine 96n, 155, 257, 262, 373 Boroujerdi, Mehrzad 19n 537 Subjects and names index Bourdieu 77n competition 389 boycott 29, 104 competition test 117 Boyer, Pascal 98 complete competition 389 breach of statutory duty 437, 447 componential analysis 210 Brezhnev Doctrine 136, 306n, 350-1, 512 configuration 60, 61 Bright, J.A. 211 conflict of jurisdictions 444 Bright, W. 211 conflict of procedural laws 444 British-American compromise 44, 62, 63, 70 conflict-of-laws rules 450 Broekman, Jan 70n conflicts justice 432 brotherhood 91 conflicts of law 437 Bruns, Katja 72 Confucian philosophy 145 Buddha 140 Confucian virtues 146 budget 349 Confucius 140 burden 128, 183 Conklin, Harold C. 211, 232 Burling, R. 211, 216n conscience 106 Constantinesco, Leon 195 C contract 431 Cajun 189 Cooter, Robert D. XVI, 133, 288n, 402 Callies, David L. 102n correlation stages 315 Canby, Jr., William C. 475 correlational analysis 213 Canby’s survey 457n, 460 corridors 197 Carl, Petra XVI corruption 378, 397 Cardozo, Benjamin N. 15n Corvez, Maurice 64 Cass, A. 62 counterculture 78, 191 categorical imperative 22 covert themes 114 Cernea, Michael M. 508 Crampton, Roger 479 Champeaux, William of 373 creolization 189 Chaplin, Charlie 94 crimes 424 Chelley Valley Brothers 189 criss-crossing 314 Cheyenne Way 261 cross-cultural blunders 3 chiefdoms 305 Crow system 282 chiefs 308 crusades 155 chieftaincies 305 cults 96n Childe, V. Gordon X, 85, 115, 138, 367n cultural change 191 Chinook 114 cultural complexes 114 Chippewa 316 cultural dualities 90 Chomsky, Noam 122n cultural heritage 420 Chona, Maria 286 cultural identity 81 Christianity 127, 151, 153 cultural justice 200, 263, 451 Cicero 118n cultural loss 191, 193 city scapes 418 cultural plurality 145 civil rights 41n, 132n, 437, 499n cultural property 404 civilization 83, 114 Cultural Studies 112n civilizational stages 83 cultural traits 114 clan 87, 275 cultural transfer 193 Clark, J.B. 371 culture, holistic sense of 76 Codrington, R. H. 55 culture of poverty 79 coexistence 184, 191 culture personality 135 coherence 317 cultures 75, 78 Cohn, Georg 58 – British and US-Amer. intellectual 22 Cole, Fay-Cooper 61 – circles of 138 Collective goods antitrust 417 – East Asian 144 collective goods 412-8 – high 85 collectivity 313 – pre-axial age 142 collision of legal systems 441, 458 – plurality of 78 colonialism and decolonization 38, 498 – South Asian 144 Colson, Elizabeth 63 192 – tragic 148 Columbus, Christopher 51 Currie, David P. 479 Comaroff, Jean 66, 103n, 426n Cushing, Frank 55 Comaroff, John 66, 103n, 202, 426n, 479 customs 103 comity 467 cybercrime 437 commons 378, 407n, 414n, 415 cyclicity of time 128 538 Subjects and names index D Erntevo¨lkertheorie 86 Dalton, George 371n Eskimo system 278 D’Andrade, Roy G. 211 ethical standards 507 Damaska, Mirjan 479, 520 ethics 103 dar-al-harb 224, 366 ethnic group 494 dar-al-Islam 224, 366 ethnicity 81 Dargun, Lotar von 58 ethnocentric analyses 207 Darwin, Charles 55, 237 ethnocentrism 506 Dean, Blair XVI ethnography 45 De´bussy, Claude 209 ethology 11 decolonization see colonialism etiquette 105 Deloria & Lytle 494 Euro-Islam 165 Democracy: A Primer 354 European Council 348 Descartes, Rene´ 119n Evans-Pritchard, Evan E. 62, 125n, 162, 308 descendency communities 270 Everett, Daniel L. 121 Deutero-Isaya 116, 152 evolution 236 development test 117 exilic Judaism 117 dichotomies, dislike of 212 exoticism 207 Diner, Dan 204 extended family 91 diplomatic personnel 160 Ezechiel 133, 141, 153, 363 discovering the other 221 diseases 306 F dispute settlement 439, 477 Fabian, Johannes 67 distributive justice 405 facts and values XIII Donovan, James M. X family metaphors 307 Doss, Erika Lee 81 federalism 2 Douglas, Mary 64, 82, 142n Feld, Steven 202 Drexl, Josef XV Felmy, Allison XV droit moral 378 Fennell, Christopher C. X dual thinking 221 Fennell, Lee Anne X Dumont, Louis 62 Feud 475 Duns Scotus see Scotus, Duns fides 137 Durkheim, Emil 59, 368 Fikentscher, Kai XV, XVI, 9, 10, 111n, 127, 137, Dzurinda, Mikulas 338 184n, 215, 521 Firth, Raymond 371 E Fischer, H. 61 Echnaton see Akhenaten Fletcher, George P. 111 ecologists 62 flock formations 292 economic anthropology 378 folkways 209 economic spheres 395 forager, foragers 59, 138 economic types 384 force and law 475 ecumenical issues 513 foreign aid VII, 4 Edgeworth, F.Y. 371 formalism 370 egalitarianism 317 Forster, Georg 50 Eggan, Fred R. 61 forum transgression 108 Ehrlich 145 four-function theory of biology for law 245 Ehrmann, Henry W. 195 Fox, Eleanor M. 202 Eibl-Eibesfeldt, L. 79, 239 Fox, Robin 286 Eightfold Path 145 Fra¨nkischer Kreis 325 Eisenstadt, Shmuel N. 368 Frake, Ch. O. 211 el Baradei 181 Franconia 324 El Fadl, Khaled Abou 133, 157, 364, 377n Franconian kingship 324 Eliade, M. 98n Frank, Jerome 18 Ellickson, Robert C. 479 Frank, Robert 241 "Elvis culture" VII Frankish cooperative 307 emic-etic analysis 209 Franks 114, 130, 320 empiricism 370, 378 – nobility 316 enclave 198 Frazer, James George 59, 98n enculturation 191 free borrowing 187 Engels, Christoph 53 Fremdvo¨lker 152 environmental law 410 French, Rebecca 66 Erntevo¨lker 316 Friedman, Thomas L. 171n 539 Subjects and names index Frobenius, Leo 59, 71 Haft, Fritjof 479 fulgurization 327 Hapsburgs 325 full faith and credit 472 Hacker, Philipp XVI functionalism 63 Haddon, Alfred Cort 59? fund theory 380 hadj 312 fundamentalism, Fundamentalismus 157n Haeffner, Gerd 71 fusion 188 Halbkulturen 114 Hall, Edward T. 3, 7n, 62, 69n, 137 G Hall, Midred R. 137 Gadamer, H. G. 70 Hallaq, Wael B. 202 Galbraith, J. K. 264 Hallen, Barry 69n Gardin, J. C. 211 Hallowell, A. Irving 61, 62 Gates, Hill 314 Hallpike, C. R. 69n Geertz, Clifford 50, 65, 67, 76n, 77n, 124n Hamburger, Ludwig 69n, 121n, 294 Gellner, Ernest 164 Hammel E. A. 211 Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft 83n Hann, Chris 203 gene altruism 239 Hardmeier, Chr. 76n genealogical table 269 harmony 314 Geoghegan 211 Harris, Marvin 54, 64, 67, 79 Gerhardt, Volker 202 Hart, H. L. A. 264 Gesellschaft see society harvesting peoples 316 Gestalttheorie 60 Hastings 351 Geyer, Carl-Friedrich 98n Hawaiian system 279 ghetto 191 Hay, Peter 480 ghost dance 191 Headland, Thomas N. 210 Gibbs; James 195 heathen 319 Giscard d’Estaing, Vale´ry 349 Hebdige, Dick 79 Girtler, Roland 70, 119n Heermann, Ju¨rgen 65 giving thanks 378, 397 Heeschen, Volker 100n Gleichgerechtigkeit 260 Hegel, G. F. W. 52 Glenn, Edmund 69n Heinrich I 326 Gluckman, Max 79 Heine-Geldern, Robert von 57 gnosticism 174 Heizer, R. 62 Godelier, Maurice 368 Hellenism 127 Go¨llner, Theodor XV Henrich, Dieter 264 Goethe, Johann W. von 209, 237 Herder, Johann Gottfried 51, 52 Goldstein, Kurt 263 herds 290 Goodenough, Oliver 241 heritage of mankind 404 Goodenough, Ward Hunt 211 Herodotus 54 Gossen 371 Herskovits, Melville 61, 371 Gottowik, Volker 73 Hertz, Ellen 66 Graebner, Fritz 57 Hesiod 151 grands hommes 368 Heston, Charles 294 Greek Tragic Mind 68 heuristics 16, 439 Great Pueblo Revolt Pic.
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