ina• SOCIB'Tt OF: J>I.tENmt\" Torah Communications Network is proud to invite you to join a variety of Torah programming Available in English or Yiddish, beginning every hour-on-the-hour. The shiurim are given by a group of expert Maggidei Shiur. The program, which follows the DafYomi schedule, has gained the enthusiastic support of thousands of listeners around the world. It provides an almost unprecedented opportunity to study and know even the less familiar mesechtos in Shas and has made Torah conveniently available to the Jewish masses. A comprehensive study of the roYJo ,,,o nvw, especially geared to students of 7th grade and up, as well as adults. The shiur, taught in English, begins every half hour and chang~s every second day. The Magid Shiur is the noted author and lecturer Rabbi Nosson Scherman, editor of Art Scroll Publications. An excellent opportunity to study the entire nlwr.> '110M'tl'O and acquaint yourself even with the less familiar mesechtos. Every day, a 2 hour program including five lectures comes to you over your telephone. Talented, expert, interesting teachers from America and Israel bring you a variety of fascinating Torah subjects, in Yiddish and English. Let your fingertips dial the broad world of Torah into your home or office any time of the day or night. 26 different segments are available to you as follows: ENGLISH PROGRAMMING YIDDISH PROGRAMMING On TM Hom 20 Min. Ahw Th• Hour - 40 Min. Aftn Th• Houf On Tb. Hall Hour On Th• Hour EIN YAACOV -· P"Wt'" NACH HA.LA.CHA rati ''" ,., J'H'llOD .UCUllT &SUN. Rabbi fishel Sliachter Rai>bi Chaim Dov Ahusky Rabbi Noach I. Oelbaum "'IY.l.,,l "'" l"I., "!VJ?>! 'll"t.l li;t MON. JEW1SH HSSTOfl:Y HffllOS STORIES ·2 ,,_ n1iiu1nn ,,:i,., 'JC iw>11 n'l"l'1Ul'MM ,,2'1 lJCUlJCl'l Rabbi Bere! Wein Rabbi Yehoshu<1 Kaganoff as read by Sh!omo H.ill "'IVY'!.1111 O"'M Dm::IJ': l'1:i JX,.UOIU O'l'Jw l'1;t TUES. HASHKOfAH l'ERSONAUTIES IN NACH STORIES nl'llDD lJCWl,., Rabbi Chaim D. Ketler Rabbi Moshe Eisemann Rabbi M. finkelman "'IVY'!)IU C"M o:ii:i.x"""" :ii:i "Ur.li,..l?:i"t.ll'111 WED. Wf9'lY SB>RA SEFER TEHllUM HOlOCAUS'T S'TUDY ·:i. iunw n:i.i 10i"ll'l 'K i111',IO M::l'1 IO'i"tl'l '1Jel1D'l'l Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Ueff Rabbi Pinchus Tzvi Singer Rabbi Nosson Scherman iv:ii,..1'n•r.i J"'l;t "Ur.li,..l'J:l"r.IYll'I ·~ n1¥?J l#,.,,, n1'll1D llCUIO'iJl'lJC, THUR. HASHKOFAH CHOVAS HAlfVOVOS HA LA CHA ,,,.2 •., ''" "'llr.li,..1?:1•1::1::1'111 "Ur.l'rr ?:l"t.l J"I., Rabbi Yaakov Feitman Rabbi Menachem Zupnick Rabbi No<teh r. Oe!baum - U"llrllT.\"iY.1'1': O~'l)l"IU y;i'lt1'1l lJCU,,,b (:'1).'111 :YJ'JJC't ll"1ll" \:1'11nll'l "'IVl'J() i'#17:1MD FRI. t:l'i'',1',i1b "'''IWl'l REPEAT Of WEDNESDAY'S l'ttO<ORAM ,»l:"\l V!.l ,,JCr.l J'1;t For a free trial of Dial-A-Shiur English programming call (718) 436-5166 ~E JIJ"S'I' A lEHDNE ~E AWAY 24 HDDH.S A DAY BASIC COSTS S6 per monlh plus a one-lime registration fee of $36. Subscrrption to a second Return to: T.C.N., 1616+43 Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11204 (716) 436-4999 program is only $18 (half price registration) and $6 per month PlEASE NOTE: In Long f<;!and, E!izabetb, Edison and Passaic N.J.Dia!-A-Dafin Engli<;h is heard on even hours and the Dial-A-Sliiur English program on odd hour$, The monthly Name -------------------Tel.-------- fee is Sl.2. Mishnah-On-The-Phone i1 not available locally in these areas BRANCH OFFICES Address ---------------------------- For availability of our programs in your city, call the closest branch to you. City _______________ Seate ______ lip----- BALTIMORE ELIZABETH MONS£Y HAHN ISLAND (301) 578-61+4 (718) 436-4999 (914) '425-7>-45 (718i 436-4<J99 Name of Business ----------- Bus. Tel.---------- BOSTON EDISON MONTREAL Sit VER SPRING 1617) S66-71ll (718) 436-<1999 (514) 7)5..(.611 WASHINGTON CHICAGO lAlc:EWOOO NEW YORK (301) 656-55'40 Bwiness Address------------------------- (3121 568-5076 1201) 370-1700 1nai 436-4999 TORONTO CLEVELAND LONG ISLAND OTT"-W.0. 1416) 763 ... lH Ci1y --------------- Stale ____ lip----- ~216) 585-0505 {718) 436-4999 j61ll 729-925b YERUSHAL ... YIM DENVlR. lOS ANG!US PASSAIC (02) JIM.145 (lOJ) 620-8200 (213) 937-3763 ~718) 436·4999 I'm enclosing the$36 registration fee and $16 for the first 1hree months. Please enroll me in: DETROIT MIAMI BEACH ST. LOUIS ()13) SS7"36S7 /.lOSJ 672-1156 (l1•l •32·0020 o Oial-A-Daf {Yiddish) o Dia!-A-Daf (English) a Mishnah-On-The-Phone o Dial-A-Shiur Yeshivas FIRST ANNUAL DINNER TUESDAY, MAY 3RD - 16 IYAR YERUSHALAYIM THE NEW YORK HILTON Guests of Honor MR. & MRS. MOSHE BISTRICER Mesorah Alumnus Award PROFESSOR RICHARD B. STONE Honorary Journal Chairman HARAV SHIMON SCHWAB ... Over 700 Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim Kolle! fami­ lies subsist almost entirely on the modest stipend •• which the Yeshiva can only barely provide . As an alumnus of "Mir", I have been chosen to be the Hon­ orary Chairman of the Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim Dinner Jour­ nal; a responsibility I cannot take lightly. .. Help me generously to assist the Yeshiva in coping with its $200,000.00 monthly budget deficit, by placing an appropriate ad in the Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim Dinner Journal. It will be a great source of satisfaction for me to know that my involvement in the Dinner drive has has helped this ' ' famous powerhouse of Torah continue its pivotal role in world Jewry. - Harav Shimon Schwab r----------------------------------~ Please insert the following ad in the Dinner Journal: 0 BONE! TORAH PAGE $18,000 D QUARTER PAGE 100 0 AMUD TORAH PAGE 10,000 0 GREETINGS 72 0 TOMECH TORAH PAGE 5,000 Please 1nake reservations 0 DIAMOND PAGE 2,500 at $125 per person Name __________ 0 GOLD PAGE 1,000 0 SILVER PAGE 500 0 FULL PAGE 300 0 HALF PAGE 180 Signature------- ____________ J '--------------· ~ Each $150 in ads allows for one reservation Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim • 4415 14th Avenue • Brooklyn, New York 11219 • (718) 435-3297 The Chazon lsh said of the quintessential Torah scholar, "He may look like a mortal being, just another man of flesh and blood, but in truth he is not. He is actually a malach - an angel of G-d." The pages of this long-awaited book show why. It contains warm, personal portraits of towering geclolim who molded the American and Israeli Torah communities, of European and Sephardic Torah giants, of inspirational women and educators. This volume contains twenty-two biographies, including the Roshei Ha Yeshivas Rav Moshe Feinstein and Rav Yaakov Kaminetsky; the chassidic leaders Rav Meir Shapiro and the Skulener Rebbe; the Sephardic sages Ribi Yaakov Abu-Hasira and Ribi Ezra Attiah; the authors of Menoras HaMaor and Aruch HaShulchan; and renowned Rebbetzins Kotler and Kaplan. It pulsates with the stuff that transforms flesh-and-blood creatures into The Torah Profile - into angels in human form. Also available are the newly reprinted first two volumes of this trilogy: The Torah Personality and The Torah World. Edited by Rabbi Nisson Wolpin Each volume: Hardcover$1S.9S Paperback $12.95 THE rERFECT GIFT - 3-volume hardcover slip-cased set: $49.95 The Jewish Observer I 84 William Street I New York, N.Y. 10038 Gentlemen: Enclosed is my check for $ . Please send me the following books at your special discount of 10% off list price (hard cover $15.95 each; paperback $12.95 each; gift set $49.95). Q'lY HIC Q'lY l'!B TOTAL UST PRICE. ............. The Torah Profile $ _____ ............. The Torah Personality $ ·"·"--·-- ······· ..... The Torah World $ ____ 3-volume Gift Set $ Less 10% discount - $ ______ ,, ___ Subtotal + $ _____ Postage 8.. handling per order + $ 1.95 Total check enclosed $ ____ Name ___________ Address _________________ City _______ " ____ " __________ State Zip ____ Please make checks payable to: The Jewish Observer THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly ex­ ceptJuly and August, by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York, NY 10038. Second class postage paid at New York, NY Subscrip­ tion $18.00 per year; two years. $30.00; 6 three years. $40.00. Outside of the An Open Letter to Dr. Norman Lamm United States (US funds only) $10 sur­ Professor Aaron 1lverski charge per year. Single copy: $2.50; foreign: $3.00. Send address changes to The Jewish Observer. 84 William St., 11 N.Y.. N.Y. !0038. TeL (212) 797-9000. Printed in the U.S.A. Being Truly Jewish in a Society of Plenty Rabbi Berel Wein RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, Editor Editorial Board 17 DR ERNST BODENHEIMER Chairman Of Guilt and Self-Esteem Rabbi Shimon Grama with Batsheva Grama RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBINOSSONSCHERMAN 25 RABBI MOSHE SHERER Sefiras Haomer: The Link Between Tushuva and Torah Management Board Yaakov Elman NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER RABBI SHWMO LESIN 31 NACHUM STEIN Kiddush Hashem in the House of Lords RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING Yael Jakobovits Business Manager THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not 37 assume responsibility for the Kashrus Books in Review of any product or service advertised in its pages. Biographies, Children's Literature ©Copyright 1988 43 Letters to the Editor IYAR 5748/APRIL 1988 VOLUME XXI/ NUMBER 3 Responses to "A Chessed Shel Emes" On Tuesday, March 22, Dr.
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