24 - THE HERALD, Fri., Sept. «, 1981 SI* mIMS PRE-HOUDAY f I f z m m , 9 Partly cloudy Manchester, Conn. today and Sunday Saturday, Sept. 5, 1981 SAVINGS' 25 Cents TWO DAYS ONLY...FRIDAY AND SATURDAY i K i BACK-Ta-SCHOOL VALUES/ 'jm ■ HOUDAY PICNIC PICK UPS/ Polish union D »*KrE n Papermate ‘Write Bros.’ □ Planters Snacks PLANTER' _li Pens, 10-Pack f i f t i Our Rag. 9 7 c ........................Ea. 74« Medium Point, Our Reg. 1.95 .. O O Choose Pretzels, Corn Chips, Cheese Curls. □ V2” Pressboard 3-Ring Binder □ General Mills Bugles 7 A t to bar media (7 oz. box) Our Rag. 99c ............f “ /'• ■ Our Reg. 1.47........ 93* GDANSK, Poland (UPI) - Communist Party Chief Stanislaw where the congress is to be held and Delegates gathered Friday for the Kania has warned he would use ail other facilities late Friday and □ Mohawk Popcorn 7 A i Solidarity union's first national con­ means at his disposal, including noted things still were chaotic. □ 100-Sheet Composition Book, (8 oz. Bag) Our Rag. 94c.............f V gress and a union official said state declaring a state of emergency, to “Thing are still a mess," he said Hardcover 88* television and radio would be Barred prevent disruption of state televi­ jokingly. Our Reg. 1.47. K i M from covering the conference, set­ sion and radio. The union's 3-day session opening □ Anderson Bavarian ting the stage for a showdown with As the union and the government Saturday is aimed at outlining plans Pretzels (14-oz. Box) the goverment. locked horns over the media issue, for a meeting at the end of the Our Rag. 9 9 c .................... m- Soviet land, air and naval forces Buses decorated with posters. month to set policy and plot □ 300-Sheet Loose Leaf, 87 ppi^i * at the same time began maneuvers Solidarity Banners and the red and Solidarity’s future. 5-Hole Paper 4 0 0 near Poland with Radio Moscow ac­ white Polish flag arrived in Gdansk But there were signs of division as Our Reg. 1.79.......................... l a O O $5 REBATE cusing Solidarity of “attacking from all over the country carrying printers in the cities of Olsztyn and □ Charles Chips Bag) O O e % socialism." many of the 912 delegates to the con­ Rzeszow continued their strikes. Our Rag. 1.09.............................. OO A Solidarity spokesman had said gress. A regional strike alert also was □ Pencil Pack (10-Count) C 7 « the union and the government were Many of the delegates wore caps called in the north-central province Our Reg. 9 4 c ............................. O f exchanging “dispatches” in a bid to with “Solidarity” emBlems on of Bydgoszcz despite appeals By □ Crystal Clear Plastic resolve the dispute over coverage of them. Solidarity chief Lech Walesa for un­ the conference by the state Broad­ ion chapters to refrain from acting Tumblers (9 and io oz.) Solidairity leader Lech Walesa □ Carter ‘Marks A Lot’ C C C (Pkg. of 20) Our Rag. 99c___ cast media, But it apparently failed toured the Oliwa sports center in local disputes. to reach agreement. Our Reg. 7 7 c ........................................................ O O oveni Solidarity’s chief spokesman Janusz Onyszkiewicz said there was □ China Foam Plastic ‘Baaalar*: Herald photo by Pinto virtually no chance the union would □ 80-Sheet Spiral Notebook Plates or Platters c' accredit state-run radio and televi­ 8 XIOV2 ” , 5-Hole Punch Our Rag. 7 9 c ..............................O sion to cover the congress opening Our Reg. 9 9 c ..............................O f Double-laminated, soakproof and rigid I f The Top Notch supermarket at 725 East Mid- Including the store at 260 North Main St., will Saturday in the Baltic port of Soviets begin Avoid that soggy mid-meal collapse! die Turnpike will close Its doors for good also go out of business, Gdansk, Birthplace a year ago of the today. The other supermarkets In the chain, independent la ^ r movement. □ Bic Pen ‘Value 3-Pak’ Q “It’s up to them if they accept our 2'Medium, 1 Fine Point □ Kleenex Family Napkins 7 4 t terms,” he said. “ As of now, they Our Reg. 7 6 c ..............................“ t O (140Ct.)OurRag.89c..................f I are not admitted.’’ ..... The union had demanded two war practice T w o Manchester branches hours of coverage a day and control ^ V over editorial content. □ 120-Sheet Spiral Notebook □ Reynolds Aluminum Another Solidarity spokesman -MOSCOW (UPI) — Soviet troops, newspaper Pravda said. 8x101/2”, 6-Hole Punch Q Q t said the official media planned to tanks, planes and warships began The maneuvers will overlap with Our Reg. 1.64............................. OO ..........47* try to cover the 3-day congress. military maneuvers near the Polish Solidarity’s first national con­ “But how is a different matter,” he Border and in the Baltic Sea Friday ference scheduled to Begin in Top Notch Foods: said. on the eve of the Solidarity laBor un­ Poland’s Baltic port of Gdansk □ Wearever Pens, 12-Pak A A A ------------ ^------------ f Z ^ Union access to the mass media ion’s first national congress. Saturday. OurReg.1.87......................... MR. BAR-B-Q (20 Lb.) has long been a disputed issue and it The exercises, under the com­ The coincidence raised Western Charcoal Briquets flared in the open in recent weeks mand of Defense Minister Dmitry fears that the Soviets, angered By with Solidarity staging the first Ustinov, were expected to last eight the union’s growing power a year Thermos and Aladdin Our nationwide newspaper strike in the days. T^ey got under way with after its Birth, would use the Rag. 3.33.. 2.88 this will be last day Soviet bloc and threatening a Broad­ sfate-run Radio Moscow accusing maneuvers as a threat of armed in­ Lunch Kits with cast strike Oct. 1. Solidarity of attacking socialism. vasion. Flip ’n Sip Bottles The war games pit a so-called The exact size of the maneuvers northern army — Based in the was not known, but the government Caldor Reg. P r ic e ......................4.99 Top Notch Foods, which runs two Managers at the Top Notch stores The chain also operates a market repuBlics of Estonia, Lithuania and newspaper Izvestia said Thursday Caldor Sale Price .....................3.99 Manchester supermarkets, will not refused to comment on the closing at 1150 Burnside Ave., near the Latvia — against a southern force in there was "nothing extraordinary” Mir. Mail-in Rebate 1.00* re-open after it closes its doors and the reasons behind it. They Manchester to^n line. the Byelorussia military district. aBout them and the forces involved today, The Herald has learned. referred all inquiries to company A fourth store is located in In addition, the largest armada of were “extremely limited" YOUR . The reason for the closing was not President Gaeten Poulin. FINAL COST GlastonBury, on Welles St. Soviet warships ever assemBled in Soviet defense officials also 2.99 immediately known, although it is Poulin was not availaBle for com­ No Herald Choose Peanuts, Snoopy, Muppets, All four stores will close. the Baltic Sea, north of Poland, will refused to give information on the Believed to involve a dispute with ment Friday afternoon and evening, take part in the exercises, Soviet size of the maneuvers to diplomats Titans, NFL, Smurfs, more! Sweet Life, one of Top Notch’s despite repeated attempts to reach Business seemed quiet, But not un­ 'Seeciefk for details usually so during evening visits to Labor Day reports said. from nations that signed the 1975 major food suppliers. him. Soviet television showed columns Helsinki Final Act, Sweet Life is a trade name used The company earlier withdrew the two Manchester stores. The Herald will not publish of tanks and gave aerial views of The act, which Moscow also by the Springfield Sugar Company, newspaper advertising VegetaBles were priced, cold cuts vast stretches of green forest and signed, requires a nation carrying llie company distriButes a wide Top Notch is one of the leading were sliced and cash registers rang. Monday, LaBor Day. Staff memBers of the winding roads included in the out military maneuvers of more DAZEY ‘SeaFA-Meal’ variety of food items. supermarket chains operating in But the cash registers won’t be maneuvers zone. than 25,000- troops to inform co­ Officials at the Sweet Life offices Manchester. The company has two ringing anymore after tomorrow. newspaper hope that all have an enjoyaBle and safe holiday. Among the troops taking part in signers of the exact size and area of 9.99 Ow Rag. 13.99 in Windsor Locks could not Be stores in Manchester, one of 725 “ I wonder what I’ll do now that the maneuvers were veterans of the the exercises, as well as their dura­ Senre Irash-ccoKad maals in mliuitae; reached for comment Friday after- East Middle Turnpike and the other I’m unemployed,” one employee Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, tion. re-heat leftovert taattly and aeon- at 260 North Main St. was overheard wondering. the official Communist Party omicallyl Faat and easyl IISAMI •DazeySage,Onrnet. 141....... 14M ' •DaMyBage,0M’Heg.24t.......1.99 •OazeyRan.Ot.Rsg.&aa........2.39 SAVE ON TREAT YOUR LAWN TO A FALL ‘GREEN-UP & CLEAN-UP! Decent weekend weather predicted ALL LAWN F e ^ * That last BarBeque of the summer employees will have Monday off. Because even .The Herald won’t However, travelers may run into and around the country have joined of the time of year when the SPREADERS ? U v m F i may not have to be held under an All town offices and the two town publish Monday.
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