I COVER CAPTION I Digital multispectral imagery of the Oak Ridge Reservation, collected in January 1987 by the French SPOT satellite, has been draped over a digital elevation model by the GIS and Computer Modeling group at ORNL to produce a 3-D perspectives image of ORNL and its surroundings viewed from the southwest. The three-band image has been pseudo-colored. Red features generally correspond to active vegetation (e.g., evergreens), light bluish colors tend to depict cultural features such as buildings and roads, and dark blue represents water bodies. See the article on geographic information system technologies (in use in photo below) on p. 46. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Review is published quarterly and distributed to employees and others associated with or interested in ORNL. The address of our editorial office is Building 4500-South,M.S. 6144, 0akRidge,TN37831-6144; telephone: (615}574-7183or(615}574-6974; FAX, (615}574-1 001; electronic mail, [email protected]. If you have changed your mailing address and want to remain on the mailing li st, please notify the editorial office. Internet users can find the Review at: http://www.ornl .gov/ ORNLReview/rev26-2/text/home.htrnl The Review is also avai lable on microfiche at the ORNL Central Research Library. The Review is printed in the United States of America and is also available from the National Technical Information Service, U.S . Department of Commerce, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161. ORNL is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Systems, Inc., for the Department of Energy under contract DE-AC05- 840R21400. ISSN 0048-1262 Editor Carolyn Krause Associate Editor Jim Pearce Consulting Editor Bill Appleton Designer Linda Dickert Technical Editing Mike Aaron Electronic Publishing Larry Davis Produced by the Information Management Services Organization I Volume 28 Number 1, 1995 FEATURES 2 The Oak Ridge Solution to Manufacturing Problems Bill Wilburn The business of the Oak Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technologies is to help business. 22 Risky Business: Assessing Cleanup Plans for Waste Sites Bonnie Blaylock ORNL is the leader in assessing the health and ecological risks of cleaning up DOE's waste sites. SIDEBAR: Ecological Risks of Environmental Restoration by Larry Barnthouse 36 Oak Ridge Reservation: Nationally Valuable Natural Resource Patricia D. Parr and Linda K. Mann The Oak Ridge Reservation, although contaminated, has a rich diversity of plant and animal species. 46 ORNL and the Geographic Information Systems Revolution Jerome E. Dobson and Richard C. Durfee Over the past 25 years, ORNL ha been a leader in developing and using geographic information system technologies, which are increasingly popular research and planning tools. 72 Tributes to Cliff Shull and Alvin Weinberg Oak Ridge honors its Nobel Prize winner and a former ORNL director. Alex Zucker reviews Weinberg's late t book, and Weinberg speaks out on a variety of topics in an interview with the Review's editors. DEPARTMENTS 90 A wards and Appointments 92 Technical Highlights--Environmentally safe bullets; self-lubricating coating for engine parts; new aqueous electrolytes software; waste-to-fuel cubes tested; world record for computer model of molecular dynamics 98 R&D Updates-Lawrence Award for ORNL researcher; dedication of world's fa test computer and Computational Center for Industrial Innovation; different neutron source proposed for ORNL; State of the Laboratory address; artificial magmas from in situ vitrification studied; real cost of power from coal explored; the value of DOE's inventions program; isotope production resumed at 50-year-old calutrons 115 Technology Transfer-CRADA, award, and license for ORNL's thin-film lithium battery technology; ORNL's role in reducing traffic congestion at the 1996 Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta Oak Ridge National Laboratory is a multiprogram, multipurpose laboratory that conducts research in energy production and end-use technologies; biological and environmental science and technology; advanced materials synthesis, processing, and characterization; and the physical sciences including neutron-based science and technology. small company has a manufacturing Newton Solomon's company is just one problem th. at it cannot solve because it example of the hundreds of companies that have A lacks the in-house resources. Then solved manufacturing problems through company officials learn they have easy access to interaction with ORCMT. Whether the problem is world-class manufacturing and applied research preventing corrosion of steel plates for electric and development facilities that can help them stay griddles, certifying a measurement reference in business. This valuable resource is the Oak master used in building a next-generation space Ridge Centers for Manufacturing Technology telescope, or developing a way to make cloth ORCMT's (ORCMT). ORCMT offers the expertise of the faster and cheaper, ORCMT staff members can business is to Department of Energy's (DOE's) three Oak meet the challenge. Ridge sites managed by Lockheed Martin Energy help business Systems, Inc.-the Oak Ridge Y-12 Plant, Oak Hybrid Organization with Ridge National Laboratory, and the Oak Ridge "ORCMT combines the research and manufacturing, K-25 Site. development capabilities of ORNL with the Many of ORCMT's facilities were originally which is a unique manufacturing technologies of the Oak developed for manufacturing components of Ridge Y -12 Plant and the pollution-prevention key to nuclear weapons. Now, these technologies for research and waste management capabilities at defense are being adapted into technologies to America's the Oak Ridge K-25 Site to assist American help make American industries more competitive economzc industry," says ORCMT director Dave Beck. in the world marketplace while maintaining "We bridge the gap between ideas and products health. national security capabilities. and between the laboratory and the factory floor. ORCMT's business is to help business with We like to say we solve tough manufacturing manufacturing, which is a key to America's problems- and we do. I believe there are very economic health. Here' s an example of one of its few research or manufacturing problems that many successes. someone here at Oak Ridge cannot solve." Newton A. Solomon owns a small business in The centers-more than 25 in all- are Murfreesboro, Tennessee, that makes circuit organized through a matrix structure into seven board prototypes, specializing in fast turnaround core technology areas, such as manufacturing of small orders for companies developing new technology development. products. Inspection of the boards showed a high Each center concentrates on a specific failure rate because they were getting burned in technical area, such as coatings and finishing, and the plating process. These failures were costing may well perform work at several locations Solomon' s company money and potential linked as a "virtual center." Staffs for the centers business. He needed a quick and cost-effective are composed of personnel from various Y -12 solution to his manufacturing problem. He got Plant organizations, several ORNL divisions that solution-and immediate results in product (including Engineering Technology, improvement-by calling ORCMT at the Y-12 Instrumentation and Controls, and Metals and Plant. Ceramics), and Central Engineering Services. Solomon was pleased with the help he received. In a letter of appreciation to the ORCMT staff he wrote, "This is the first time in Maintain Expertise my more than 30 years in business that a large company has been so helpful to me- a small, ORCMT's efforts form a customer-driven, minority businessperson." nationally recognized industrial resource center Jerry Whitaker of the Y-12 Plant's Testing and Evaluation Center analyzes acoustic emission data fro m a weld. Acoustic emission technology is used at the Oak Ridge Centers fo r Manufacturing Technology to understand weld cracking. This center is the most heavily used at ORCMT. Number One, 1995 3 THE OAK RIDGE SOLUTION TO MANUFACTURING PROBLEMS precise machining, process control, and inspection tools in the world. The plant's job was to turn the design ideas of the country's weapons design labs into shop-floor reality. Its staff manufactured items to levels of precision virtually unmatched in either the public or the private sector, and the SOOth part produced had to be precisely the same as the first part to ensure the reliability of the nuclear weapons stockpile. ORNL, on the other hand, since its days of producing plutonium for the Manhattan Project, has built an international reputation as a multiprogram laboratory. It i known for its expertise in basic and applied The end of research, isotope production, energy production and conservation, physical and life sciences, the Cold War technology transfer, and education. continues to For the taxpayer, ORCMT offers an opportunity to realize a return on 50 years of Cold drive War investment in defense and energy a national technologies at DOE's laboratories. Now, the effort to use expertise across a broad spectrum of scientific and technological disciplines is available to solve defense manufacturing problems; create new materials, technologies Russ Greeley, a materials joining technologist, products, and processes; foster technological to enhance watches two parts being welded together by a innovation; reduce or prevent pollution; and help laser welder in the Materials Joining Center. create high-quality jobs for Americans. the
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