Large Sc Set Set of Extra Rental /Mini Sc Type Parts Strs Price European Critical & Urtext Editions available at . URTEXT Editions provide you with the assurance that the compositions have been well researched and the musical text is as faithful as possible to the composer's intentions. All parts are engraved and printed on quality paper. The nominal increase in cost is far outweighed by the benefi ts you receive! D Barenreiter Breitkopf & Hartel Carus-Verlag Doblinger Henle Universal Large Sc Set Set of Extra Rental /Mini Sc Type Parts Strs Price ABACO, E. dall’ - 01001 Four Concerti da Chiesa for Strings Op. 2, Nos. 4,5,8 & 9 (piano in sc) ............... 30.00 D 65.00 5.00 09843 Concerto All’unisono in b fl at, Op. 2/8 (R. Luck) (str, cem) ............RENTAL ONLY 65.00 09844 Concerto All’unisono in A, Op. 2/10 (R. Luck) (str, cem) ................RENTAL ONLY 65.00 09845 Conc. A Piu Instrumenti in E, Op. 6/2 (R. Luck) (1-1-1/1/1/1, cem) RENTAL ONLY 85.00 09846 Conc. A Piu Instrumenti in F, Op. 6/3 (R. Luck) (1-1-1/1/1/1, cem) .RENTAL ONLY 75.00 09847 Conc. A Piu Instrumenti in F, Op. 6/6 (R. Luck) (1-1-1/1/1/1, cem) .RENTAL ONLY 90.00 07725 Concerto Da Chiesa, Op. 2 No. 4 (Bonelli) (str, pf) ................................................ 10.00 D 33.75 2.25 11575 Concerto for Two Violins, Viola & BC (Kehr) (cem in sc) (str=5/5/3/3/2) ............... 15.00 M 50.00 ABEL, KARL F. - 00661 Cello Concerto in B fl at (Lomnitzer) (solo in set, cem in sc) .................................. 20.00 D 55.00 3.75 01002 Flute Concerto in C (solo/pf 28.00) (str, pf) ............................................................ 20.00 D 55.00 3.75 01003 Piano Concerto in E fl at (Hoeckner) (sol in sc) ...................................................... 17.95 D 42.50 2.50 01004 Short Sym. in F, Op. 1/5(Hoeckner) (2 ob, 2hrn, str, opt cem) (4-4-1/3/2/2) ........... 12.00 M 50.00 2.25 01005 Short Sym. in G, Op. 1/6(Hoeckner) (cem in score) (str=4-4-1/3/2/2) ................... 12.00 M 50.00 2.25 10018 Symphony in E fl at, Op. 7, No. 6 (formerly Mozart Sym. #3) ................................. 40.00 D 112.50 5.75 ACCOLAY, J.B. - 00416 Violin Concerto No. 1 in a (solo/pf 6.00)(str, pf, vln solo) ....................................... 26.00 D 35.00 2.25 35.00 ADAM, ADOLPHE C. ✝ - 02459 Cantique de Noel (O Holy Night) (D fl at) (v.s. 1.50) (solo sopr) ............................. 5.00 B 40.00 1.50 35.00 ✝ 05003 Si j’etais roi Overture (If I Were King) .................................................................... 25.00 D 60.00 2.25 40.00 12031 Giselle Ballet, Complete (reconstructed) ............................................................... 350.00 A 1050.00 40.00 975.00 12230 Giselle (orch. McDermott)(rev. 1980) (incl. L’Air d’Esprit) ...................................... 325.00 D 1100.00 40.00 745.00 05004 La Poupee de Nurenberg, Overture ...................................................................... 15.00 D 100.00 3.75 05005 La Reine d’un Jour, Overture .........................................................RENTAL ONLY 95.00 07076 Le Farfadet Overture ............................................................................................. 15.00 D 65.00 2.25 08719 Le Roi d’Yvetot Overture (Wilson) .................................................RENTAL ONLY 155.00 ADAMS, A. E. - 03179 The Bells of St. Mary’s (F) (P/C in set) .................................................................. D 25.00 1.00 09830 The Bells of St. Mary’s (Broege) (sc in set) ........................................................... C 60.00 ADAMS, STEPHEN - 05010 The Holy City (Solo Cornet or Trombone) (Tobani) (P/C in set) ............................ C 45.00 ADLER, SAMUEL - 01903 City by the Lake .............................................................................RENTAL ONLY 155.00 10259 Concertino (No. 1) for String Orchestra (str=1-1-1/1/1-1/1) ................................... M 30.00 07083 Concertino No. 2, strings (sc in set) ...................................................................... C 40.00 13196 Concertino No. 3, strings (sc in set) ........................................................................ C 65.00 10012 The Feast of Lights, Hanukkah Suite (opt. chs 1.50) .....................RENTAL ONLY 145.00 10258 Summer Stock Overture ................................................................RENTAL ONLY 120.00 AESCHBACHER, W. - 10024 Veronese Elegy (Paeuler) ...................................................................................... 28.75 D 63.75 4.25 AKPABOT, SAMUEL - 10017 Three Nigerian Dances ..................................................................RENTAL ONLY 75.00 ALBENIZ, ISAAC - 05012 Catalonia Suite ...................................................................................................... 35.00 D 135.00 3.75 91.00 09129 IBERIA: Fete Dieu a Seville (orch. Arbos) ......................................RENTAL ONLY 125.00 05013 A Night in Seville (Spanish Rhapsody) (/Loud) (P/C in set) .................................... D 60.00 2.00 05014 Nochecita (Twilight) (P/C in set) (/Schmid) ............................................................. D 35.00 1.25 06578 Serenata Espagnola, Op. 181 ............................................................................... 12.00 D 70.00 2.25 39.00 06015 Sevilla (Guenther) (str=3-3-2/3/2/2) ...............................................RENTAL ONLY 75.00 05015 Tango in D (/Keifert) (P/C in set) ............................................................................. D 40.00 1.25 ALBERT, EUGEN D’ - 00600 Cello Concerto in C Op. 20 (solo 15.00) ................................................................. 35.00 D 90.00 3.75 62.00 02685 Medieval Hymn to Venus (fr. Queen of Cypress) Op. 26 ....................................... 20.00 D 35.00 1.00 00134 Piano Concerto No. 2, Op. 12, E ........................................................................... 25.00 B 65.00 2.25 01027 Piano Concerto Op. 2, b (solo 35.00) .................................................................... 75.00 D 100.00 3.75 08320 Tiefl and Overture ...........................................................................RENTAL ONLY 105.00 ALBERTI, GIUSEPPE - 01006 Violin Concerto in G, Op. 1, No. 3 (Desderi) (sc, solo & cem in set) ..................... B 60.00 01007 Violin Concerto in e, Op. 1, No. 7 (Desderi) (sc, solo & cem in set) ...................... B 60.00 ALBICASTRO, H. - 01113 Concerto a 4 in F, Op. 7/6 (Zulauf) (cem in sc)(str=4/4/3/2/0) ............................... 15.00 M 45.50 3.50 ALBINONI, TOMASO - 10268 Adagio in g (Giazotto) (set 3/3/2/2/1 and organ) .................................................... 15.00 M 40.00 06450 Adagio in g (Giazotto/Arnold) (full orch) .........................................RENTAL ONLY 100.00 10026 Concerto a cinque, Op.5, No.1 in Bb, (solo 22.00)(cem in sc)(4/4/2-2/2/2) ............ 23.75 M 88.00 5.50 00476 Op. 5, No. 2 in F (Kolneder) (cem in sc) (solo/pf 21.00) (4/4/4/2/2) .................. 32.50 M 80.00 5.00 00517 Op. 5, No. 4 in G (Kolneder) (str=4/4/2-2/2/2) (solo/pf 22.00) .......................... 25.00 M 88.00 5.50 01008 Op. 5, No. 5 in a (Kneusslin) (str= 4-4-1/2-1/2/2) ............................................. 8.00 M 44.00 2.75 00498 Op. 5, No. 5 in a (Kolneder) (solo/pf 16.85) (str=4/4/4/2/2) ............................. 20.00 M 90.00 4.50 00497 Op. 5, No. 6 in C (Kolneder) (solo/pf 22.00) (org in sc) (str=4/4/2-1/2/2) ......... 25.00 M 75.00 5.00 01009 Op. 5, No. 7 in d (Bonelli) (solo in set) (str= 4/4/2-1/2/2) .................................. 10.00 M 36.00 2.25 00475 Op. 5, No. 7 in d (Kolneder) (cem in sc) (solo/pf 20.75) (4/4/4/2/2) .................. 22.00 M 88.00 5.50 00477 Op. 5, No. 8 in F (Kolneder) (cem in sc) (solo/pf 18.50) (4/4/4/2/2) ................. 21.00 M 72.00 4.50 00478 Op. 5, No. 12 in C (Kolneder) (cem in sc) (solo/pf 24.50) (4/4/4/2/2) ................ 33.25 M 88.00 5.50 10027 Op. 7, No. 1 in D (Kolneder) (cem in sc) .......................................................... 28.25 D 82.50 5.50 10028 Op. 7, No. 4 in G (Kolneder) (cem in sc) .......................................................... 26.25 D 82.50 5.50 01010 Op. 7, No. 5 in C (Kneusslin)(cem in sc) .......................................................... 5.00 D 38.25 2.25 35.00 10033 Op. 7, No. 7 in A (Kolneder) (cem in sc) ........................................................... 23.75 D 67.50 4.50 10029 Op. 7, No. 10 in B fl at (Kolneder) (cem in sc) ................................................... 23.00 D 54.00 3.60 01011 Op. 9, No. 2 in d (Kneusslin) (solo oboe & cem in set) ..................................... 15.00 D 59.50 3.75 10034 Op. 9, No. 7 in D (cem in sc) (solo/pf 17.00) (Kolneder) ................................. 32.25 D 93.75 6.25 10035 Op. 10, No. 1 in B fl at (Kolneder) (cem in sc) ................................................... 22.50 D 75.00 5.00 11236 Op. 10, No. 2 in g (Kolneder) (solo/pf 18.00) ................................................... 33.25 D 82.50 5.50 11235 Op. 10, No. 7 in F (Kolneder) (solo/pf 22.00) ................................................... 34.00 D 82.50 5.50 00897 Flute Concerto in G (Brinckman)(cem is set)(solo/pf 18.00) (str=3/3/0/2/1) ........... 18.00 M 48.00 4.00 (❋)NEW ISSUES (✝) TRANSPOSED PARTS 1 CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-348-8749 (✦) CLOTHBOUND SCORES www.lucksmusic.com Large Sc Set Set of Extra Rental /Mini Sc Type Parts Strs Price ALBINONI (cont.) 01394 Magnifi cat (Schroeder) (str=1/1/1-1/1/1) (chs 3.00) ............................................... 23.25 M 60.00 5.00 10008 Oboe Concerto, Op. 7, No. 3 in B fl at(Paumgartner) (str, cem) .....RENTAL ONLY 145.00 07773 Oboe Concerto, Op. 7, No. 3 in B fl at (Kolneder)(org in sc)(solo 22.00) ............... 25.00 D 82.50 5.50 10612 Oboe Concerto, Op. 7, No. 6 in D (Kolneder) (solo/pf 21.25) ............................... 26.25 D 82.50 5.50 07766 Oboe Concerto, Op. 7, No. 9 in F (Kolneder)(solo 22.00) ..................................... 26.25 D 82.50 5.50 07767 Oboe Concerto, Op.
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