\ Will Select New Superin- tendent For Institute Soon ibetlUL<febet VOLUME XXX LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, MONDAY, FEB. 15, 1937 NUMBER 17 Doctor Copenhaver Commences Plans Are Complete Week Of Religious Services Commandant Lists Minister To Continue Talks Throughout This Week; Large For Mid-Winter Hops Attendance Is Expected Corps Make-Overs -9 Feb. 15—VMI's annual mid-year district of the Methodist Episcopal Farley Gets Regiment; Zim- Jan Garber Is Booked For Returns Again! week of religious talks for the Church, South. Although he is a merman, Hastings, Bat- Return Engagement At Cadet Corps opened in JM Hall stranger to the present Corps, he H. G. Shirley Institute yesterday morning with Dr. J.' C. is renewing old acquaintanceships, talions Copenhaver as the guest speaker. for in 1927, ten years ago, he con- Speaks Here Here Last Easters His subject was "Listening to ducted the religious week here at New Corporals Named God," and he presented it in such the Institute. Dr. Copenhaver men- tioned his previous stay here and Virginia Commissioner Of Hop Committee Continues an interesting manner that he had Battalion To Become Regi- the attention and interest of the said that ever since he had been Roads Speaks To Cadets Policy Of Top Bands looking forward to a return visit. ment For Year Corps throughout the service. On Saturday morning, February The following is a list of new of- With the signing last week of The Rev. Aaron, pastor of the Asserts Views 6, Mr. H. G. Shirley, present com- ficers published today by the Com- Jan Garber and his orchestra for Lexington Methodist church, gave In yesterday morning's sermon missioner of highways for the the coming set of dances, the Hop the invocation and led the open- stressed the point that God is al- State of Virginia, was introduced mandant. The order takes effect Committee virtually completed ing hymns. Then Cadet W. H. ways ready to help and guide us, to the members of the Civil En- tonight and the Corps of Cadets plans for mid-winters. Announce- Zimmerman introduced the speak- if we will only listen to him with gineering Department by Cadet D. will be formed as . a regiment for ment of the selection was made er to the Corps. Dr. Copenhaver full attention. In this day and age C. Hastings, president of the A. S. the remainder of the year: during examinations. is presiding elder or the Roanoke (Continued On Page 8) C. E. at VMI. Mr. Shirley spoke I. All appointments of officers on his life and the development of and non-commissioned officers in To Make Special Trip the Battalion of Cadets, heretofore After playing at Davidson Col- highways. in effect, are revoked. lege on the 19th and 20th, Jan and A Co. Captures To Commence Mr. Shirley attended V. M. I. II. Upon the recommendation of and during his First Class year he the Commandant of Cadets, the fol- his band will leave for Florida lowing appointments are announc- where they will play an engage- Company Race Lectures Soon held the rank of Cadet First Lieu- ed to take effect from date: ment at a popular resort hotel in JAN GARBER tenant in "A" Company. To Be Cadet Captains that state. They will come to VMI Upon graduation in Civil Engin- 1. Farley, J. C., Regimental Com- Infantrymen Are Second In eering he was appointed Supervi- mander on a special trip and will return Colonel Moseley To Start Se- 2. Hastings, D. C., Battalion Com- to Florida immediately after the VMI Superintendent Some- ries of Talks Next sor of Roads for Frederick Coun- mander, First Battalion Board To Pick ty, Maryland. 3. Zimmerman, W. H., Battalion set. time In March Tuesday Commander, Second Battalion The Hop Committee had to go In 1923 Mr. Shirley came to Vir- 4. Pasco, H. M„ Regimental Ad- On the first Tuesday following ginia to revise the road system and jutant. (S-l), to a great deal of expense to make New VMI Head With the passing of the mid-year, 5. Cabell, J. ri. the completion of the series of reli- was appointed State Road Com- the appearance of Jan Garber and the Garnett-Andrews Cup race al- 6. Smith, S. S„ Jr. his orchestra possible. The price gious talks now being made daily, missioner by the Governor. One of 7. Church, W. S. Will Take Action On New so passed its halfway mark. Des- 8. Henderson, D. L. for Garber is the highest that has Colonel T. A. E. Moseley will be- Mr. Shirley's first tasks was to se- V. M. I. Head Sometime 9. Way, L. B„ Regimental S-4, and been paid this year for any orches- pite the comparatively close scores gin his annual series of lectures, cure the funds necessary to pay for Quartermaster 10. Franz, C. F. tra. The Hop Committee has gone In March the final check showed Company this time on "Ancient and Mediev- the new roads. At this time the 11. Townes, W. W. Jr. the limit to make each set of al Art" in which he will stress the question of whether a bond issue or 12. Wilson, E. S., Jr., Regimental, "A" on the top closely followed S-3. dances better than the preceding — Feb. 12—The successor of Gen architecture of the period princi- a gasoline tax should be adopted by Company "B." To Be Cadet First Lieutenants: one. eral John A. Lejeune as Superin- pally. was raised. The gas tax was adopt- tendent of the Institute will prob- The Garnett Andrews Cup is 1. King, L. E. Garber Well Liked Here In the past Colonel Moseley's ed, and Virginia began its present 2. McEveety, J. J. ably be named and his appointment awarded annually to the company The mere mention of the name lectures have proved most in- system of public roads. Now, the 3. Travis, F. H. be confirmed sometime in March. exhibiting the highest mark of 4. Brooke, T. V., Battalion Adjut- Garber here brings to mind his structive and entertaining and a highway system of Virginia, un- ant, First Battalion General Lejeune said today that efficiency as an organization. The memorable appearance here last large ^umber of the corps has fol- der Commissioner Shirley, ranks 5. Adams, H., Jr., Battalion Ad- it had been decided at the last companies are judged in every jutant, Second Battalion Easter. Jan and his boys proved lowed with avid interest the prog- seventh in the nation, and the sys- meeting of the Board of Visitors field of work in which they parti- 6. Jones, E. R. one of the most popular bands ever ress and development of his sub- tem that Mr. Shirley was formerly 7. Sherrard, J. H., IV. at which time the present Super- cipate during the school year. 8. Lewis, W. W. to appear at VMI. His type of ject. In addition to the cadets a commissioner of in Maryland holds intendent presented his formal jpes- To Be Cadet Second Lieutenants music was met with wholehearted Last year the Cup was won by large group of town people are second rank. Mr. Shirley made iignation that a successor would be 1. Phillips, G. A. applause on all occasions. For Company "B," the same position generally attracted to the lectures. the remark that he has not held finally decided upon at a call 2. Clark, W. P. smooth rhythmic music, it is hard which they now hold. "F" Com- Beginning on Tuesday, February any position that he ever applied 3. Land, W. W. meeting of the governing body of 4. Major, J. N. Jr. to. find any better than that dis- pany however was not so fortun- 23, the first of a series of sixteen for. In closing he brought forth the school. 5. Zimmerman, J. A. pensed by the "Idol of the Air- ate and they have dropped down lectures will be given, extending the point that the field of Engin- 6. Whittle, B. R. 7. Tucker, J. R. lanes" and his boys. Various rumors have been at to last place. However, with the through the month of March and eering is still open and that engin- beginning of the new term each 8. McNeal, F. H. Versatile Personality Band large concerning the person to April. During these two months eers are more in demand now than 9. Dewey, S. R. company will be fighting hard to 10. Pollard, T. N. The versality of the Garber or- fill the vacancy which the ex- lectures will also be given on ever. rise and the top companies con be 11. Ferrey, J. P. ganization is unquestioned. They Marine Corps head will leave in Thursday evening at the same time, The members of the ASCE lis- 12. Lee, G. O. counting on having a hard struggle have developed a style of music September, but no definite infor- 7:30 PM, and will last approximate- tened to Mr. Shirley with complete To Be Cadet Non-Commissioned to hold their own. that takes care of every mood mation could be gained at this ly forty-five minutes. attention, for he made an inter- Officers whether it be "smooth" or "swing." time from authoritative sources Complete Results In years past Colonel Moseley's esting personal talk. At the end Cadet Regimental Sergeant Major: concerning the names of aspirants talks have usually traced the de- of the meeting, several of them I. Consolvo, A. B. For the dancers, it is a treat, since ' The complete results of the first to the post. velopment of certain architectural asked him questions concerning both styles are embodied in the term are as follows: Cadet First Sergeants: General To Move features, such as the dome, the Highway Engineering in general.
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