4572 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. APRIL 11, SENATE. Vaughn Class of the Calvary Baptist Sunday School, the North Capitol Methodist Episcopal Church, the Fourth Presbyterian THURSDAY, April 11, 191B. Chnrch, the Strauss l\femorial Christian Church, the Kendall Baptist Church, the Keller Memorial Lutheran Church, the Peck The Sennte met at 2 o'clock p. m. Memorial Chapel, the CalVary Baptist Church, the Waugh Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Ulysses G. B. Pierce, D. D. Methodist Episcopal Church, the Church of Our Father, Uni­ The Journal of yesterday's proc,eedings was read and approved. versalist, the Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church, the Eastern SENATOR FROM TENNESSEE. Presbyterian Church, the Sherwood Presbyterian Church, the Mr. LEA. l\Ir. President, I present the credentials of Hon. First Church, the Iowa A venue Methodist Episcopal Church, NE\VELL SANDERS, appointed by the governor of Tennessee to the Douglas Methodist Episcopal Church, the B Street Chris­ fill the vacancy created by the death of the late Senator tian Church, and of 1:1undry citizens, all in the District of TAYLOR. I ask that the credentials may be read by the Secretary. Columbia, praying for the enactment of legislation to diminish The VICE PRESIDENT. The Secretary will read the the number of saloons in the District and for more stringent credentials. regulation of tllose now in existence, which were referred to the The Secretary re:ld the credentials of NEWELL SANDERS, ap­ Committee on the District of Columbia. pointed by the go"\'ernor of the State of Tennessee a Senator from l\Ir. ASHURST presented a petition of sundry citizen's of that State to fill the vacancy in the term ending March 3, 1D13. Show Low, Ariz., prnying for the enactment of legislation to The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, the credentials proV"icle relief respecting the method of acquiring homesteads will be referred to the Secretary for the files of the Senate. and the alleged excessive charges of the forest reserve, which l\fr. LEA. Mr. SANDERS is present and ready to take the oath was referred to the Committee on Public Lands. of office. He nlso presented a petition of the Nogales and Santa Crnz 'l'he VICE PRNSIDENT. The Senator appointed will present County Board of Trade, of Arizona, praying for the enactrne11t himself at the desk to take the constitutional oath of office. of legislation to provide for the early settlement of the matter Mr. SANDERS was escorted to the Vice President's desk by of the Baca Float, No. 3, contest, which was referred to the l\Ir. LEA, and the onth prescribed by law having been admin­ Committee on Public Lands. istered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. He also presented a petition of the Woman's Christian -'l'em­ 0 INTERNATIONAL RADIOTELEGRAPHIC CONFERENCE (S. DOC. N O. G53). perance Union of Phoenix, Ariz., praying for the enactment of The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ an interstate liquor law to prevent the nullification of State tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter liquor laws by outside dealers, which was referred to the Com­ from the Acting Secretary of State, submitting an estimate of mittee on the Judiciary. appropriation for inclusion in the diplomatic aud consular He also presented the petition of Rufus Walter, post quarter­ apiiropriation bill for the payment of the expenses of expert master sergeant, United States Army, of Whipple Barrack!::\, delegates to the International Radiotelegraphic Conference to be Ariz., iiraying for the _enactment of legislation to provide for held at London, June, 1!)12, etc., $15,DOO, which, with the accom­ the discontinuance of the grade of post noncornmissione<l staa panyillg paper, was referred to the Committee on Appropriations officer in the Army and creating the grade of warrant officer ln and ordered to be printed. lieu thereof, which was referred to tl10 Committee on Military Affairs. MOTOR AND OTHER "\'EilICLES IN GOVERNMENT SERVICE ( S. DOC. l\Ir. BRISTOW presented n memorial of sunclry citizens of NO. 554). Kansas City, Kans., remonstrating against the extension of the The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ parcel-post system beyond its present limitations, which was re­ tion from the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, trans­ ferred to the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads. mitting, in response to a resolution of the 25th ultimo, a state­ l\Ir. CHAi\fBEllLAIN presented petitions o'f sundry citizens ment showing the number of carriages, motor Yehicles, etc., of l\Iyrtle Point and Oregon City, in the State of Oregon, pray­ owned and operated by the GoV"ernment and used by the District ing for the enactment of an interstate liquor Jaw to prevent the government, which, with the accompanying paper, was referred nullification of State liquor laws by outside dealers, which were to the Colllillittee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed. r eferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. MESS.A.GE FROM THE HOUSE. l\fr. NELSON presented a petition of the Woman's Christian .A message from the House of Representatives, by J. C. South, Ternpernnce Union of Browns Valley, Minn., praying for the its Chief Clerk, requef:ted the Senate to furnish the House adoption of an amendment to the Constitution to prohibit the with duplicate engrossed copies of the following uills, the manufacture, sale, ancl importation of intoxicating liquors, originals having beon lost or mislaid: which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 290:!. An act to confer upon the Commissioners of the Dis­ l\Ir. LODGE presented petitions of the congregation of tl,le trict of Columbia authority to regulate the operation and equip­ Baptist Church of North Uxl>riclge nncl of sundry citizens of ment of the vehicles of the Metropolitan Coach Co.; Springfield and Westfield, all in the State of Mnssaclrnsctts, S. 4314. An act grunting pensions and increase of pensions to 11raying for the enactment of an interstate liquor law to prevent certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain widows the nullification of State liquor laws by outside de:ilers, which and dependent relatiV"cs of sucll soldiers and sailors ; and were referrecl to the Committee on the Judiciary. S. 462 . An act granting pensions and incrc~se of pensions to Mr. HAYNER preRented }1etitions of sundry citizens of Grn.y­ certain soldiers and sailors of the Civil War and certain wiclows ton, Mel., praying for the establishment of a go>ernmental sys­ and dependent relatiV"es of such soldiers and sailors. tem of postal express, which were referred to the Connnittce on ENROLLED IlILL SIG~ED . Post Offices and Post Roads. Tlle mes~age also announced that the Speaker of the House REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. had signed the enrollecl bill (H. R. 18661) to proV"ille for an Mr. BORAH, from the Committee on Education and Labor, extension of time of payment of all unpaid payments due from to which was referred the bill (H. R. Q061) limiting the hours homesteaders on the Coeur d'Alene Indian Heserrntion, ns i1ro­ of daily service of l nl>o rers aml mecbanics employed upon work vicled for under an act of Congress approved. June 21, 1!30G, ancl done for the United States, or for any Territory, or for the it was thereupon signed by the Yice President. · District of Columbia, and for other pnrposcs, reported it with­ PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. out nrnenclment ancl submitted a report (No. 601) thereon. The VICE PRESIDENT presented n petition of the congre­ Mr. GALLINGI<JR. On the nth day of last month the bill ( S. gation of the First Methouist Church of Bessemer, .A.Jn .. pray­ 3812) to regulate public utilities in the District of Columbia ing for the adoption of an amendmcmt to the Constitution to and to confer upon the Commissioners of tbe District of Colum­ prohibit the manufacture, sale, and importation of intoxicating bia the duties and 110\V'ers of a pul>lic utilities commission was liquors, which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. recommitted to the Committee on tbe District of Columbia. I l\fr. GALLINGER presented a petition of Arlington Grange, now report the bill back with amendments, and I submit a re­ N0. 139, Patrons of Husbandry, of Winchester, N. H., praying port (No. G02) thereon. I a sk that the bill be placed on the for the establishment of a parcel-post system, which was re­ calendar. fP.rred to the Committee on Post Oflices and Post Uoads. The VlCE PRESIDENT. Tbe bill will be placed on the Mr. WORKS presented petitions of the congregntions of the cnlenclar. First Church of Christ, Scienti5t, the Western Presbyterian l\Ir. S~fOOT, from the Committee on Public Lands, to which Church, the Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church, the Immanuel ""ere referred the follo,ving bills, reported them each without Baptist Church, the Union Wesley African 1\Ietho<list Zion Church, amendment and suomittc<l revorts thereon: the Emmanuel Protestant Episcopal Church, A.nacostia; the S. GSfiO. A bill to prodde for ngricultural entries on coal lands Hamline Chapel, the Grace Baptist Church, of members of the in Alaska (Hept. No. 603); and 1912. OONGRESSION AL RECORD-SENATE. 4573 S. 5957 . .i bill providing for the issuance of patents to cntry­ By l\Ir. SMOOT: mcn for homesteads in the so-cnllcd Flathead irrigation project A bill ( S. G'.272) to amend the reclamation law (with accom­ (Rept. No. GO-!) . p:myin;; papers) ; to the Committee on Public Lan<ls. i'llr. Si\IOOT, from the Committee on Public Lands, to which By Mr.
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