UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 173 Date 15/06/2006 Time 4:59:30 PM S-0907-0012-01-00001 Expanded Number S-0907-0012-01 -00001 Titie Items-in-Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Holy See Date Created 09/04/1974 Record Type Archival Item Container s-0907-0012: Correspondence with heads-of-state 1965-1981 Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit Ho// IL/az CC: SG File : HOLY SEE 21 April 1976 ^ "U Pear Monsignor Cheli, I wish to thank you for yottr fcind Easter greetings? artfi for the warm words which you expressed to me on this occasion, I highly appreciate your thoughtful gesture, and 1 wish to assure you of my continuing efforts to achieve the goals of the worl<2 organisation* With warm personal regards * Yours sincerely, Kurt Right Reverend Giovanni Permanent Qt>3erv€%r o£ the Holy See to the United Nations Hew Yotfk .'7 C, flu f°*SlXVtROf^ TO THE UNITED NATIONS April 15, 1976 Your Excellency, On behalf also of the personnel of the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See, I wish to extend to you and your family my warmest wishes for a happy and holy Easter. I assure you of our constant prayers for the success of your extremely important mission for peace in the world and a better understanding within the world community. With kindest regardsirds, &* ILJU Monsignor Giovanni Cheli His Excellency Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary General of the United Nations United Nations, New York 10017 IL/gm bf. RA/KH/MR cc: SG file: HOLY SEE 12 NoveiKfoer 1976 Dear Memsignor Cheli, you for sending me the special page in L'Osseirvatore Rosxano of 24 October 1976 clevoted to the United Nations, I was very interested to yead this documentation and wish to thaak you for your thought fulness in sharing it with me* With warm personal regards, Yours sincerely, Kurt Waldheiia Right Monsignor Giovaniii Cheli PeriBanent Observer of th© Holy See to the United Efaticms Hew York 20 Sept* 1986 Kurt Herndl/rnh 3802 5O31 EOSG SOU EXCELLENCE TBES TITUI&IRE BE CITE DU CHELI VIEJMT BE tE TPvAl-JSI^ETTKE Llk REGBETTABLE HOUVELLE DE VOTHE HOSPSTAI.ISATIOK . JE TIEl^fS & VOUS JE REGRETTE Q0E VOUS SOY^ TOJIBE MAMDE ET JE ME PESMf S DE ¥OUS ADBBSSEE I'lES VOEUX LES PHIS SXKCERES POOR OH PJSTABLXSSEMvMJ? ET VOUS PJEITERM-IT MES MEILLEUSS V0B0X, JE VOUS PRIE, SXCSLLEtTCE, DE BIEN VOULOXR AGKEER LES ASSUEM7CES DE M& PLUS HAUTE CONSIDERATION. J5EJU3P WALKIEIM DBS I5ATIONS UNIES Aetts.. JffiWYORK 99 20 19592 = ETATPRIOR0E -LE. AGOStJMO CASAHOLi • 0£ CARTA6-JME' ."f CHELKVIENT DE PE TRANSPETTRE :'LA'RE'a&STfrASLE NOUVELLE DE VOTRE HOSPITAL ISA! ION, JE TIE.NS :;4 mm DIRE COMB IE» «IE HESRETIE QUE vo.us SQYEZ TOPBE ^J" -e%LAl>E Et JE HE PERiMETS DE VOLTS ADRESSEB MES VOEUX LES •PLUS S-IMCER£S POUR UN RETABLISSEDiEHI RAPIDE £1 COMPLEX, W&i."ff. ''' l?4i~!*- • '• "EN'VQUS REttERAOT MES KEILLEURS VOEUX, JE VOUS PR IE, '''EXCELLENCE, 'DE.BIEW VOUL01R AQREER LES ASSURANCES DE -•'HA PL OS HA.UTE CC3MSIDER AXIOM a.' •••.• . KlffiT WALDHEIM 'SECREfAlftE SEVERAL 0ES NAtlOSS UNIES H- AM CC S«3 ffr of tte H®3$ S©e aatS lias pi^agSJsee la wltsb ^assSss tlte receipt of liia of 26 $$ay- 3,076 tsraasmittiag a if Ms 49Qiiii4 I*© to lilKt tfeJU KA- TO THE UNITED NATIONS The Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations presents his compliments to the Secretary-General of the United Nations and transmits to him a copy of L'Attivita' della Santa Sede 1975 sent by Monsignor Giovanni Benelli, Substitute of the Secretariat of State, and calls attention to Page 56 which relates the private audience of the Secretary-General with the Holy Father on February llth, and Page 282 which presents the message sent by Cardinal Secretary of State, Jean Villot, on the occasion of the opening of the Seventh Special Session of the General Assembly, 2 September 1975. The Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations avails himself of this opportunity to renew to foe Secretary-General of the United Nations the assurances of his highest consideration. New York, 26 May 1976 MR/f 1 bf . R&/KH/FMG/MP/IL CO: SG Filet Holv See S March Dear Consignor Cheli* Thank you for year letter of 2? February 1976, with which you were kind enough to enclose the postal stamps issued by the Vatican in Naveniber 107 5 to cOTiraemDrate International ^omen)s Year. !£hey really are very fine and I am grateful for your thoughtfulness in sending thero to me* With, wana personal regards, Yours sincerely, Kurt Waldheim Right Reverend Monsignor Giovanni Cheli Pennanent Observer of the Holy See to the United nations TO THE UNITED NATIONS February 27, 1976 Dear Secretary-General, It gives me pleasure to transmit to you the Vatican stamps which were issued in November 1975 to celebrate International Women's Year. With my best regards, Sincerely yours. Giovanni Cheli His Excellency Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary-General United Nations New York, New York 10017 £ .&:. "•££ i * '<* PHILATELIC OFFICE New Issues of Vatican Stamps On 27 November 1975 there will be issued a series of stamps to commemorate the second centenary of the death of St Paul of the Cross. v • '•f;' ... V The series is composed of three values on three different subjects: 50, I-'.- - i^ 150, 300 lire, at a total cost of 500 lire. / - The 50 lire stamp, horizontal in format and designed by Emidio Vangelli, reproduces the first religious house of the Passionists founded by the Saint on Mt Argentario in 1737. In the upper left-hand corner there is the inscrip- tion 1775-1975 S. PAULUS A CRUCE; in the upper right-hand corner there is the value; along the lower margin there are the words POSTE VATICANE. The 150 lire stamp, almost square in format, features the portrait of the Saint by Giovanni Domenico Delia Porta, and in the lower left corner there is the emblem of the Order. Along the left vertical and upper horizontal borders of the stamp there are the words POSTE VAT1CANE and the dates 1775-1975. In the bottom right-hand corner there is indicated the value of the stamp. The 300 lire stamp, horizontal in format and designed by Emidio Vangelli, pictures the Basilica of SS. John and Paul together with the cupola of the chapel where there is preserved the body of the Saint. The 50 and 300 lire stamps measure 40x30 mm. and have 14xl3'A perfora- tions, while the 150 lire stamp measures 26x31 mm. and has 13%xl3'/2 perforations. They are made up in sheets of 40 and are printed in four colours by rotogravure process on white glossy paper by the Polygraphic Institute of the Italian State. The total printing amounts to 1,450,000 complete series. Advance booking closes on 19 November 1975. To complete the philatelic programme for 1975, there will be issued on 27 November 1975 a series of stamps to celebrate "International Women's Year". The series comprises two values, 100 and 200 lire, at a total cost of 300 lire, and are on two different subjects. Below there is indicated the value, while above there are the words POSTE VATICANE. Along the left-hand vertical border of the former, and the right-hand vertical border of the latter there is the inscription ANNO INTERNATIONALE DELLA DONNA. The two stamps reproduce figures of women taken from a work of Giovanni ol Fiesole, known as Fra Angclico, which is in the Chapel of Nicholas V in the Vatican Museum. The stamps are vertical in format, measure 30x40 mm., and have 13'4xl4 perforations. They are made up in sheets of 40 and are printed by chalco- graphy in colour on white glossy paper by the Polygraphic Institute of the Italian State. The total printing amounts to 1,450,000 complete series. Advance booking closes on 19 November 1975. MR/f 1 bf. RA/KH/gMG/MP/IL CCS SG / File; Holy See 3 March 1976 Sear Mofisignor Cheli* Thank you for your letter of 27 February 1976, with which you -were kind enough to enclose a copy of the booklet entitled 1975: !>resenza della Santa Sede alls attivita internationali. I very rauch appreciated receiving a copy of this publication. With warm personal regards, Yours sincerely, Kurt Eight Reverend Monsignor Giovanni Cheli Pensanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations >S<r /Ur I 1** ^ TO THE UNITED NATIONS February 27, 1976 Dear Secretary General, It gives me pleasure to transmit to you the enclosed booklet, 1975; Presenza della Santa Sede alle attivita internazionali. Please accept assurances of my highest consideration. Sincerely yours, N A A /) t Giovanni Cheli His Excellency Mr. Kurt Waldheitn Secretary-General t United Nations , r , New York, New York 10017 MR,fl bf ._RA/FMG/MP/IL cc ; S^j * File; Holy See 5 February 1976 Dear Monsignor Cheli, Prior to leaving on his visit to the Far East, the Secretary-General asked me to thank you for your letter of 19 January enclosing the Vatican Year Book "Annuario Pontificio 1976". The Secretary-General very much appreciated your thoagirtfulness in sending him a copy on behalf of Archbishop Giovanni Bellini and would be pleased if you would be kind enough to convey his deep appreciation to His Excellency. Yours sincerely„ Kurt Herndl Deputy Executive Assistant to the Secretary-General The Right Reverend Monsignor Giovanni Cheli Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Hations Vf '^SERVER 0? **' TO THE UNITED NATIONS January 19, 1976 Dear Secretary-General, On behalf of His Excellency Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, Under-Secretary of State of His Holiness, I have the pleasure of forwarding to you a copy of the Vatican Year Book, Annuario Pontificio, 1976.
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