MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF CHEW MAGNA PARISH COUNCIL Meeting held in the Old School Room, Upper Hall on Tuesday 5 Sept 2017 At 7.45pm Present Cllr Nick Scholefield, Vice Chairman Cllr Simon Jerrome Cllr Rodney Andrews Cllr Ian Cox Cllr Nick Hasell Cllr Heather Montague Cllr Lynne Easton Cllr Paul Cornelius Cllr Andy Matthews Item 1 Apologies Apologies were received from The Chairman and Ward Cllr Richardson. Cllr Andrews chaired the Meeting Item 2 Code of Conduct - Register of Councillors’ Interest Item 3 Minutes of Previous Meetings. The minutes of the previous meeting (July 2017) were proposed by Cllr Hasell, seconded by Cllr Montague and signed by Cllr Andrews. Item 4 Public Participation A resident addressed the Council and enquired if there could be a request for changes to the Withywood/Link Road Junction to enable a right turn from Dundry and a left turn from Hengrove. Cllr Andrews advised that any constituent can write to the Mayor’s Office with a request and that the Parish Council would on this occasion also write a letter. Race Director of Chew Valley Santa Scramble Race Committee addressed the Council requesting support for the scramble, which is to take place on 3 December 2017. The Parish Council agreed that it is supportive of this event. Item 5 Report back on meetings and progress a) West of England Rural Network AGM - Monday 17 July 2017, 4-6pm, The Baptist Hall, Tunbridge Road, Chew Magna The Vice Chairman reported that this meeting was mainly about community issues and rural events and is happy to answer any question or queries. b) Parish Liaison Meeting – Wednesday 12 July 2017 6.30pm, The Council Chamber, Guildhall, Bath Cllr Andrews highlighted that there had been no progression of the East of Bath Park and Ride. He also said that there are grants available for help with electronic equipment needed by Parish Council to do electronic planning and Cllr Easton will follow this up regarding the possibility of funding for a Broadband Hub. c) PCAA – Bristol Airport Master Plan consultation spring 2018 deadline for feedback 3 September 2017 Cllr Montague said the main concern is that the environmental impact of the airport expansion has been neglected and that the airport is reneging on current agreements of noise level. Cllr Andrews decided that as there is not yet an official document there is no action the Council can take. d) West of England Joint Spatial Plan (JSP) briefing session and discussion – 11 September 2017 6-8pm, Chandos Room, Somerdale Pavilion, Keynsham Cllr Montague to attend. 1 e) Sustaining Services & Infrastructure in Rural Communities - 6 September 2017 9.45-5.30 pm Shipham Village Hall, Somerset No Cllrs available to attend. f) Local Government Boundary Commission Electoral Review of B&NES: Warding Arrangements – Public Consultation 25 July to 2 October 2017 Cllr Andrews will investigate and liaise with Ward Cllr Richardson to see how the Parish Council might be affected and requested all comments to him by 2 October 2017 g) ALCA AGM - Saturday 7th October 2017 1030am-12noon, The Jubilee Centre, Savages Wood Road, Bradley Stoke The Clerk and Cllr Easton to attend. h) Interagency Meeting – Tuesday 17 October 2017 12-2pm, Chew Magna Baptist Church, Tunbridge Road The Vice Chairman to attend. i) Right to Build Expo – Monday 18 September 2017 9am-4.30pm, The Gateway, Aylesbury Cllr Cornelius will request further information. j) CVNP CIL Meeting planned for w/c 18 September 2017 The Clerk will request firm date from Ward Cllr Richardson and circulate to Cllrs. Item 6 Transportation, Highways and Footpaths a) Speeding issues: Chew Lane, Silver Street and other areas Cllr Andrews said that a speed monitor has been installed at the corner of Tunbridge Close and Tunbridge Road but has been installed facing the wrong way – this has now been moved on. Cllr Jerrome will follow the speed monitor via twitter. b) Road markings for the junction of Norton Lane and The Batch/North Chew Terrace Cllr Easton said that the road markings have now been done but signage is still outstanding. c) Car Parking Issues Ward Cllr Richardson has agreed to discuss the remarking of the hatched areas in the car park with B&NES after they had stated to the Clerk that they did not have the resources or the funds to do this in the foreseeable future. The Council agreed to defer the discussion of a working party to the October meeting. d) Harford Square/High Street Paving The Chairman has issued a letter to B&NES and is awaiting a reply. e) Green Screening on High Street The Clerk reported that B&NES were not able to insist on removal of the green screening until September and that she would be chasing them up on this. f) Street Lighting Cllr Hasell reported that the lights are still staying on during daylight hours. The Clerk will chase this up with the Contractors. g) Footpaths Cllr Hasell reported that all work is in hand. h) Railings in Harford Square Cllr Andrews reported that B&NES had removed the top damaged railing outside the Co-op in the High Street and replaced it with safety tape, which has now disappeared, leaving a health and safety issue. The Clerk will report this to B&NES i) Bollard outside Co-op Cllr Jerrome asked that a request be made for a bollard outside the Co-op cash machine to deter cars stopping there. The Clerk will contact the co-op. 2 Item 7 Finances a) Expenditure and receipts approved Sept – proposed by Cllr Cox and seconded by Cllr Hasell. Description Amount £ Cheque Number E.On – Aug 2017 Street lighting 144.00 S/O Mr D W Stephenson – monthly website 40.00 S/O maintenance SSE - Lighting Maintenance Apr – Jun 2017 195.46 102027 Mike Reed – Footpath maintenance July 2017 312.00 102028 E.On – Balancing Payment Aug 2017 47.83 102029 Information Commissioner – Data Protection Reg 35.00 102030 ALCA – Sub 17/18 161.27 102031 SLCC – Sub 17/18 108.00 102032 PCAA – Sub 17/18 50.00 102034 Mrs K Headlong (Clerk’s expenses – Jul/Aug 2017) 101.15 102035 Branching Out – Grass Cutting May, June, July 2017 832.50 102036 L Easton – Ink Cart for printing flood plan/notices 48.98 102039 POST DATED CHEQUES 1 October 17 as HMRC require RTI (Real Time Information) reporting submitted before PAYE date (1st of month) T Hillard (Road sweeper salary Sept 2017) 444.00 102037 K Headlong (Clerk’s salary Sept 2017) 688.44 102038 b) Receipts Sept Description Amount £ Cheque Number B&NES CIL Payment re 15/02688/FUL 1355.40 BACS . Item 8 Planning a) Applications in circulation 17/13 Dr Angela Raffle 17/00910/FUL Parcel 0034 Denny Lane Chew Magna Erection of 3 no Yurts to be used for educational and training purposes Chew Magna Parish Council supports this application that is intended to further the successful education and involvement activities of the Community Farm. The existing Yurt has been established for some years without causing access problems according to the Highways report, but it is noted that the influence of the proposed increased capacity requires some clarification. The low impact structure of the yurt complex, and the proposed well screened and relatively remote placing will have minimal adverse effect on its rural surroundings or the openness of the Green Belt. 17/29 Nicholas Bell 17/02796/TCA Vinery Corner, Harford Square, Chew Magna. BS40 8RD Cedar – remove Chew Magna Parish Council does not object to this proposal. The Cedar is now out of proportion to the built surroundings. It is overbearing and threatening structural damage, but welcome the intention to replant a native tree in its place. 17/32 Mr Stephen Davies 17/03140/TCA North Elm House, Norton Lane, Chew Magna. BS40 8RW T1 Tulip- Reduce branches by 1m on house side T2 Silver Birch- Reduce by 2m T3 Poplar- Remove T4 Willow- Remove T5 Acer- Reduce 1-2m T6 Field Maple- Remove 3 Chew Magna Parish Council does not object to these proposed tree works. The garden is rather crowded, and there are issues with heavy shading of smaller flora and danger of falling deadwood. 17/34 Mr Mick Hanley 17/03291/FUL The Evergreens, Streamleaze, Chew Magna. BS40 8SE Part-double, part single storey side and rear extension and associated external alterations (Re-submission) Chew Magna Parish Council considers that this resubmission addresses the tenet of our original objection, concerning the dominance of the proposed extension in relation to the existing building and to adjacent dwellings, and consequently support the application. The revised design shows a lowered roof ridge and an alternative join to the existing roof. Overall the proposed extension should now appear subservient to the main building. 17/37 Mrs Catherine Griffin 17/03980/TCA Hawthorne House, Silver Street, Chew Magna BS40 8RE T1 Prunus – Remove T2 Conifer – Remove Chew Magna Parish Council have no objection to the removal of these dead trees. We would be happy to leave replacement to the discretion of the applicant as the garden is currently well stocked 17/38 Mr & Mrs Alex Pickup 17/03973/FUL Double House, Double House Lane, Chew Magna. BS40 8TH Conversion of garage to holiday unit including the addition dormer windows. Chew Magna Parish Council does not object in principle to the conversion of the existing garage into a holiday unit as we support the increase in tourist accommodation and associated business in the Valley. However, we consider that the impact of the proposed massive glass ‘dormer windows’ could threaten the integrity of the greenbelt with regard to views of the building and possibly intrusive reflection with regard to both the nearby public footpath and from distant viewpoints.
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