12 August 7, 2015 News & Analysis Morocco Moroccan King tackles regional gaps Saad Guerraoui Casablanca oroccan King Mo- hammed VI has urged the government to improve living condi- tions in rural and re- Mmote areas as well as consular and diplomatic services for Moroccans living abroad and reform public education. “All that has been achieved, no matter how significant it is, re- mains insufficient for our country, as long as there is a category of the population still living in dire condi- tions and feeling marginalised,” the king said referring to the 12 million living in poor conditions outside cities, from a total population of around 33 million. “I am aware of the gaps and defi- cits that have grown in these areas over the decades, despite all the ef- forts and initiatives undertaken,” he noted. The nationally televised speech on July 30th commemorated the 16th anniversary of Mohammed’s ascent to the throne. The Moroccan monarch instruct- ed Interior Minister Mohamed Hassad to identify basic social ser- vices and infrastructure needed in remote and isolated areas. Hassad’s study listed more than 29,000 vil- lages across Morocco in specific order of priority to be given assis- Moroccan King Mohammed VI (C) flanked by Prince Moulay Rachid (R) and Crown Prince Hassan III (L) as he makes a speech to mark the tance. 16th anniversary of his accession to the throne, on July 30, 2015 in Rabat. The king’s initiative stems from the Islamist-led government’s fail- ure to improve Moroccans’ lives in In a telephone interview with diaspora is facing in various consu- Moroccan consulates. The king urged Minister of For- remote areas. The previous gov- The Arab Weekly, Information Min- lates and called for the dismissal of “There are consuls — not a major- eign Affairs Salaheddine Mezouar ernment led by the Independence ister Mustapha El Khalfi said the negligent consuls. ity, thank God — who neglect the to remedy the situation. Mezouar Party had no ministry dedicated to government has been mobilised to “During my visits abroad and mission they are entrusted with suspended consuls’ holidays un- rural development. achieve the king’s request. when meeting here with members and focus on personal and political til decisions were made to resolve “All you experience in life is of in- “The authorities concerned are of our community living abroad, I issues,” the king added. the problems. In October 2014, the terest to me. What hurts you affects now working to provide the nec- was able to have a clear idea about The monarch’s remarks came Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued me and what makes you happy re- essary financial assistance and set their true concerns and legitimate after he met Moroccans in Europe the Charter of Consuls, which was joices me. Your worries are my top out a minute schedule in order to ambitions,” he said. who expressed frustration with the designed to significantly improve priorities,” King Mohammed said. execute these projects,” Khalfi said. The king’s initiative services provided by some consu- the quality of services offered by The precarious situation in many “The king’s speech has launched lates. the Moroccan diplomatic represen- remote villages spurred an exodus a national mobilisation to face all stems from the “Several members of this com- tations in a bid to meet the expecta- of young people to major cities to the challenges in remote and rural Islamist-led munity expressed dissatisfaction tions of its diaspora. seek a better standard of living, ac- areas.” government’s failure with the treatment they were sub- However, grievances of Moroc- cess to health care and education. King Mohammed called on the jected to in some consulates and cans living abroad conveyed to King Hence, the rural population finds government to develop an integrat- to improve complained about the poor services Mohammed show that the charter’s its workforce depleted. ed plan of action, built on partner- Moroccans’ lives in provided, both in terms of quality promises have not been fulfilled. “Around 20,800 projects have ships among all government agen- remote areas and deadline, and about adminis- The monarch also called for also been screened. They target a cies and the institutions concerned, trative obstacles,” noted the king. educational reforms in state-run population of more than 12 mil- with a view to providing funding “I used to think that they only “Those found to be guilty of ne- schools. lion people, living in over 24,000 for the projects and drawing up a had difficulties while in Morocco. glecting their duties, flouting the douars [villages], with an overall precise timetable for their imple- As it turned out, many of them also interests of the Moroccan commu- Saad Guerraoui is a frequent budget nearing 50 billion dirhams mentation. The king also highlight- complained about the way they nity abroad or mistreating its mem- contributor to The Arab Weekly on ($5.04 billion),” the king said. ed the difficulties the Moroccan were treated on the premises of bers should be dismissed.” Maghreb issues. Morocco’s tourism fears domino effect from Sousse attack Saad Guerraoui in the number of French tourists ating in Syria and Iraq. As a result, in the first five months of 2015, -ac increased security measures, in- cording to the National Syndicate of cluding additional security person- Casablanca Travel Agencies. nel may be visible in certain areas,” Some European countries is- the statement said. orocco’s tourism min- sued warnings against travelling Nabil Bekkali, co-manager of ister remained opti- in North Africa. Great Britain — 30 Elite Travel in Rabat, said there mistic that the terror- Britons were among the victims have been some booking cancella- ist attack in Tunisia, of the shootings in Tunisia — cited tions, mainly from the Asian mar- in which 38 people Morocco among countries at risk of ket. Mwere killed at a popular resort, terrorism but also highlighted secu- “Many groups from Japan and would not have a domino effect and rity arrangements put in place by China, who come every year to Mo- hurt tourism in the North African Moroccan authorities. rocco, have cancelled their book- country. ings for September,” Bekkali said, Moroccan Minister of Tourism Some European adding that some travel agencies Lahcen Haddad told the upper countries issued and tour operators were reducing house of parliament that the Tuni- warnings against profit margins to attract tourists. sia incident had no direct effect on Bekkali called on the ONMT to holiday bookings in Morocco. travelling in North double its efforts and budget to pro- “The efforts of the Moroccan Na- Africa mote Morocco as a safe country for tional Tourist Office (ONMT) avert- tourists. ed a major impact of the Tunisian “There is a general threat from The ONMT unveiled a pro- events on the Moroccan tourism terrorism in Morocco. Attacks are gramme in Paris on July 4th called market,” he said. possible, and could be indiscrimi- “Bladi F’Bali” (“My Country in My However, Haddad acknowledged nate, including in places frequent- Thought”) aimed at Moroccans re- that bookings for autumn had not ed by foreigners,” the UK Foreign siding abroad. experienced much gain and book- Office said in a statement. The programme, which lasts ings were down 1.5% between De- “The Moroccan authorities have until 2017, promises significant cember 2014 and May 2015. warned of an increased threat discounts on hotel prices ranging Prior to the June 26th attack on linked to the growing number of from 30% in high season, to up to the Tunisian resort of Sousse, Mo- Moroccans belonging to interna- 50% during low season in various rocco had already seen a 46% drop tional terrorist organisations oper- cities. Foreign tourists in Rabat..
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