《新自由主義下的新道德》 研討會 NEO-MORALISM UNDER NEOLIBERALISM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 24-25/5/2014 香港嶺南大學文化研究系 及 群芳文化研究及發展部 主辦 Organized by Department of Cultural Studies and Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme, Lingnan University, Hong Kong 24/5/2014 場地:嶺南大學 主樓 地下 MBG07 Venue: MBG07, Main Building, Lingnan University 時間 Time 主題 Topics 主持 Chair 1000-1010 開場白: 游靜 Opening Remarks: YAU Ching 新自由感覺:貪婪年代的情感政治 (麗莎杜根 ) 主題演講 (香港大學社會學系協辦) Keynote Address 陳清僑 1010-1050 Feeling Neoliberal: The Politics of Affect in the Age of Greed (Lisa DUGGAN) Stephen (co-presented by the Department of Sociology, University of Hong Kong) Ching-kiu 1050-1115 回應: 許寶強、鄭詩靈 Discussants: HUI Po-keung & Sealing CHENG CHAN 1115-1130 開放討論 Open Floor 論壇一 S1 初探台灣「中國因素」:民主及其不滿 (鄭亘良) 1130-1200 Taiwan’s “China Factor”: Democracy and its Discontent (Ted Keng-Liang CHENG) 道德漠視與遠端資本主義:《蝸居》受眾研究 ( 葉蔭聰) 王曉明 1200-1230 Moral Indifference and Capitalism from Afar: An Audience Research on Woju (IP Iam-Chong) WANG Xiaoming 1230-1250 回應: 谷淑美 Discussant: Agnes Shuk-mei KU 1250-1300 開放討論 Open Floor 1300-1400 午膳 Lunch Break 論壇二 S2 東南亞電影中的性別恐懼初探 (殷美琪) 1400-1430 A Working Paper on Genderphobia in Southeast Asian Cinema (Mikee INTON) 香港助人工作者及教師對同性戀及自殘行為之觀點 ( 鄧芝珊) 李小良 1430-1500 Perspectives of Same-Sex Sexualities and Self-Harm Among Service Providers and Teachers in Siu Leung LI Hong Kong (Denise Tse-Shang TANG) 1500-1520 回應: 邵志明 Discussant: Anthony Chi Ming SIU 1520-1530 開放討論 Open Floor 1530-1545 茶點 Tea Break 論壇三 S3 新自由主義與新道德主義 (甯應斌/卡維波 ) 1545-1615 Neoliberalism and New Moralism (Yin-Bin NING / Karlweb) 打造香港道德( 游靜) 陳允中 1615-1645 The (Re)Making of Morality in 1950s-1960s Hong Kong Cinema (YAU Ching) CHEN Yun-Chung 1645-1705 回應: 麗莎杜根 (甯 )、 甯應斌 (游 ) Discussants: Lisa DUGGAN (NING), Yin-Bin NING (YAU) 1705-1715 開放討論 Open Floor 《愛知核心》 (導演/監製:荷安 柏及 真利瑞迪克 ; 英語對白, 鄧芝珊 電影放映 中文字幕, 分) 與談人: 荷安 柏及 鄧芝珊 Denise Film Screening 54 Tse-Shang 1900-2030 The Heart of the Matter (Amber Hollibaugh and Gini Retickler, 1994, USA, 54 min.) Discussants: Amber Hollibaugh and Denise Tse-Shang Tang TANG 25/5/2014 場地:嶺南大學 主樓 地下 MBG07 Venue: MBG07, Main Building, Lingnan University 時間 Time 主題 Topics 主持 Chair 論壇四 S4 界定慾望與危險抉擇 (荷安柏) 1000-1030 Defining Desires and Dangerous Decisions (Amber HOLLIBAUGH) 慢性病的檢疫隔離與與道德重整 : 醫療治理、治療公民權 與台灣愛滋列管產業 (黃道明) 1030-1100 HIV Care as Moral Quarantine: Medical Governance, Therapeutic Citizenship and the Making of the AIDS Surveillance Industry in Taiwan(Hans Tao-Ming HUANG) 羅永生 性工作女性主義 : 偶然與必然 (丁乃非) 1100-1130 LAW “Already historiography” – sex work (and) feminism (DING Naifei) Wing-Sang 回應: 小美 嚴月蓮(荷) 1130-1150 & Discussants: Siu Mei & YIM Yuet Lin (HOLLIBAUGH) 回應: 黃慧貞(黃道明、丁) 1150-1210 Discussants: WONG Wai Ching Angela (HUANG & DING) 1210-1230 開放討論 Open Floor 1230-1400 午膳 Lunch Break 論壇五 S5 深圳開展性工作者服務項目的困難與挑戰 (林彬彬) 1400-1430 Problems and Challenges in Providing Support for Sex Workers’ in Shenzhen (LIN Binbin) 在「雞蟲」與「沉船」之間:香港性工業中有 「 分寸」的 梁旭明 男嫖客 (江紹祺) 1430-1500 LEUNG Between “Chicken Worm” And “Sunken Boat”: Bounded Masculinity in Yuk-ming the Chinese Sex Industry (Travis S.K. KONG) Lisa 回應: 荷安柏 (林) ;邵家臻 (江) 1500-1520 Discussants: Amber HOLLIBAUGH (LIN); SHIU Ka Chun (KONG) 1520-1530 開放討論 Open Floor 1530-1545 茶點 Tea Break 場地:嶺南大學康樂樓多用途活動室 AM110 Venue Change: AM110, Lingnan University 論壇六: 講者: 荷安柏、小美、紫藤、姐姐仔會、青躍、午夜藍、 何式凝 性工作圓桌 深圳半枝蓮信息諮詢中心 Petula Sex Work Speakers: Amber HOLLIBAUGH, Siu Mei, Zi Teng, JJJ Association, Teen’s Key, Midnight Blue, Sik Ying Roundtable Ban Zhi Lian Information Centre (Shenzhen) HO 1545-1715 1715-1800 開放討論 Open Floor 臉書 Facebook: 新自由主義下的新道德 Neo-moralism Under Neoliberalism International Conference 微博: http://www.weibo.com/5110576404 會議論文及錄像 Conference Papers and Video/Audio Recordings: http://commons.ln.edu.hk/neomoralism_conference/ 與會者簡介 Participants’ Biographies 陳清僑 Stephen Ching-kiu CHAN 嶺南大學文化研究系教授、群芳文化研究及發展部主任,目前帶領文化研究、教育、身分 與政策研究等相關研究計畫。現任「國際文化研究學會」監事。近年關注文化政策及教育 、文化政治及創意企業等。 Professor of Cultural Studies and the Director of Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme at Lingnan University, Chan leads and oversees projects in cultural research, education, as well as identity and policy studies. He has been a Board member of the international Association for Cultural Studies representing the Asia constituency. His current range of scholarly interests covers cultural policy and education, cultural politics and creative enterprises. 陳允中 CHEN Yun-Chung 香港浸會大學社會學系助理教授,研究領域為創新研究、文化創意產業、都市研究。 Assistant professor of Department of Sociology of Hong Kong Baptist University. His research interests are innovation studies, culture-creative industries and critical urban studies. 鄭 亘良 Keng-Liang CHENG, Ted 嶺南大學文化研究系博士生,碩士畢業於台灣中央大學英文系。目前研究港臺社會運動與 民主化,碩士論文則研究台灣反人口販運運動的流變、治理術、與對性工作的社會排斥。 他是台灣文化研究學會與台灣社會研究學會會員,同時參與台灣性工作團體日日春與人民 民主陣線政治運動。 PhD student in Cultural Studies at Lingnan, MA in English at National Central University in Taiwan. Current research centers on comparing between social movements and democratic discourses in Taiwan and Hong Kong. His MA thesis focused on studying the transformation of governmentality, civil society, prostitution and anti-human trafficking movements in Taiwan. A member of Cultural Studies Association in Taiwan and Association for Taiwan Social Studies, he also volunteered for Taiwan’s sex work support group NGO COSWAS and the local political movement Popular Democracy Front. 鄭詩靈 Sealing CHENG 香港中文大學人文學系副教授。其性學研究主要集中在性工作、人口販賣、婦女運動和政 策制定。鄭教授的著作 : On the Move for Love: Migrant Entertainers and the U.S. Military in South Korea, 榮獲 2012年美國社會學協會傑出著作獎 (性類別 )。 Associate Professor of Department of Anthropology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research is focused on sexuality with reference to sex work, human trafficking, women’s activism, and policy-making. 《新自由主義下的新道德》研討會 NEO-MORALISM UNDER NEOLIBERALISM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 1 Her book, On the Move for Love: Migrant Entertainers and the U.S. Military in South Korea (University of Pennsylvania Press 2010) received the Distinguished Book Award of the Sexualities Section of the American Sociological Association in 2012. 丁乃非 Naifei DING 美國加大柏克萊分校比較文學博士,台灣中央大學英文系特聘教授,性/別研究室成員 。 主要學術研究領域為性/別研究、文化研究、小說理論、女性主義之性別政治。著作有 Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei,《罔兩問景︰酷兒閱讀攻略》(與劉人鵬、白瑞梅 合著)。 Distinguished Professor at Department of English and a member of the Center for the Study of Sexualities at National Central University in Taiwan. Research focuses on cultural studies, literary theory and politics in feminism. Author of Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei (Duke, 2002) and co-author of Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics (Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, NCU, 2007). 麗莎杜根 Lisa DUGGAN 紐約大學社會與文化分析教授,著有《莎芙狂刀:性、暴力與美國現代性》與《平等的黎 明或黃昏?新自由主義、文化政治與對民主的攻擊》,與 Nan Hunter 合著《性戰:性異議 與政治文化》,並與 Lauren Berlant 合編《我們的莫尼卡萊文斯基、我們自己:克林 頓外遇 與國家利益》。最近合編女性主義電子書特輯《新酷兒議程》。目前正在撰寫關於婚姻政治 的書,名為《危險親密》,同時也正在研究俄裔美國哲學家、小說家艾茵蘭德,以及貪婪的 政治。 Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Author of Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity, and Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics and the Attack on Democracy; co-author of Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture, and co-editor of Our Monica, Ourselves: The Clinton Affair and National Interest. Most recently, co-editor of A New Queer Agenda, a special e-book edition of The Scholar and the Feminist Online. Currently at work on a book about marriage politics, Precarious Intimacies, and another on Ayn Rand and the politics of greed. 何式凝 Petula S.Y. HO 香港大學社會工作與社會行政學系副教授。與曾家達合著《情欲、倫理與權力:香港兩性 問題報告》(香港大學出版社, 2013)。 2007 年開始寫自傳,《 我係何式凝,今年五十五 歲 》 , 2013 年得以面世 。 Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong. She published Sex and Desire in Hong Kong (HKU Press, 2012) with A. Ka Tat Tsang. Her memoire I am Ho Sik Ying, Age 55 (2013) was published by Joint Publishing. 《新自由主義下的新道德》研討會 NEO-MORALISM UNDER NEOLIBERALISM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 2 荷安柏 Amber HOLLIBAUGH 荷安柏是知名的運動組織者、紀錄片工作者、藝術家及公共知識份子。目前與美國巴納德 學院婦女研究中心合作,負責運動推展。曾擔任紐約追求酷兒經濟正義的組織的創始成員 及領導人、美國芝加哥服務老年 LBTI 女性同志的組織領導人、美國全國男女同志工作小組 的資深策略員、全美老年同志服務倡議小組的領導人。曾於男同健康危機組織( GMHC) 內的女同志愛滋計畫當召集人及女性服務小組召集人達七年,也曾擔任紐約市愛滋人權委 員會的愛滋教育小組召集人。對學術貢獻甚豐,目前擔任紐約市立大學同志研究中心董事, 更是著名學術刊物 GLQ 編輯委員,因在女性健康議題上的卓越成就而獲頒 Dr. Susan B. Love Award 獎,其個人專書 《 我的危險欲望:酷兒女夢想歸家 》 早成女性主義經典。她製作並 合導女性情慾和愛滋的紀錄片《愛知核心》,在全美公共電視放映。她強調要從不同角度和 眼光來看事物,特別要著眼於種族、階級、性別,和性的交會及其中的複雜糾葛。 A well-known activist, artist, public intellectual, and community organizer, currently activist fellow at Barnard College, working with the Barnard Center for Research on Women (BCRW). Formerly Director and a founding member of Queers for Economic Justice (QEJ). Previously Chief Officer of Elder & LBTI Women’s Services at Howard Brown Health Center in Chicago, Senior Strategist for the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, Director of National Initiatives at SAGE — Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders. Before joining SAGE, she spent seven years at Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) as Director of the Lesbian AIDS Project. Prior to that, she had been the Director of Education for the New York City Commission on Human Rights, AIDS Division. Author of My Dangerous Desires – A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home, and the director and co-producer of The Heart of the Matter, a documentary film focusing on women’s sexuality, denial, and risk for HIV and AIDS. 黃道明 Hans Tao-Ming HUANG 英國薩克斯大學媒體研究博士,台灣中央大學英文系副教授、性/別研究室成員。著有 Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan (Hong Kong University Press, 2011),其中譯版《酷兒政 治與台灣現代「性」》( 2012)由中央大學出版中心與香港大學出版社聯合出版。編有《愛
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