CEDT workshop Seawater desalination by RO method in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia - The past, the present and the future Dr. Nobuya Fujiwara Vice President , JDA (Japan Desalination Association) Director, IDA (International Desalination Association) To create new thing , learn by studying the past When discussing the future, I would like to share our past and present experience. The present The present )) 30, 000, 000 /d 3 Evaporating Method RO Method 25,000,000 city (m aa 20,000,000 ation Cap ation nn 15,000,000 led Desali 10,,,000,000 5,000,000 obal Instal obal ll G 0 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year The present - Major Seawater RO Plants in G .C .C As of July 2008 No. Country Location Capacity(m3/d) Start Membrane 1 Saudi Arabia Shuqaiq 240,000 (2010) TOYOBO Largest 2 Saudi Arabia Rabigh 218,000 2008 TOYOBO in GGCC C C 3 UAE Fujairah 170,475 2003 Hydranautics 4 Saudi Arabia Shoaiba 150,000 (2009) Toray 5 SdiAbiSaudi Arabia YbYanbu 128,000 1998 TOYOBO 6 Saudi Arabia Jeddah 113,600 1989 TOYOBO 7 UAE Dubai 100,000 2005 Dow 8 Saudi Arabia Al Jubail 66,660 2000 Others Biofouling 2007 TOYOBO N o B io f o u lin g 24,240 2000 Toray 9 Saudi Arabia Yanbu 50,400 2006 TOYOBO 10 Bahrain Ad Dur 45,500 1989 Others Biofouling 2005 TOYOBO N o B io f o u lin g Seawater RO desalination plants using TOYOBO membrane 2,,,000,000 。 1,800,000 /day) 3 1,,,600,000 mm 1,400,000 ction ( 1,,,200,000 uu 1,000,000 Expected Shuqaiq r prod 800,000 Ragigh 600,000 Jubail Ad Dur ly wate 400,000 Yanbu(RC) Existing Dai 200,000 0 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 Year The past The past R&D subject - To prove the reliability of the RO method - To eliminate bio-fouling The past In the early 1980s, Seawater desalination by RO method was regarded as an unreliable and high cost system. The RO method was adopted only as small-scale equipment. The past Demonstration Unit of Seawater RO Saudi Arabia Red Sea : Jeddah Arabian Gulf :Al Khobar Year 1981 - 1982 Toyobo made a demonstration unit and b rought it i nt o KSA . The long-term test proved the RO method was a reliable system. The Past - Major Seawater Desalination plants using TOYOBO membr ane Haql Year 1980 - 1999 - 4,400m3/day - Start 1989 Duba - 4,400m3/day - Start 1989 Yanbu - 128,000m3/day - Start 1998 Jeddah - 113,600m3/day - Star t 1989,1994 The Past - Major Seawater Desalination plants using TOYOBO membr ane Jeddah(Saudi Arabia ) - 113,600m3/day - Start 1989,1994 Yanbu (Saudi Arabia) - 128,000m3/day - Start 1998 The past Jeddah RO Plant phase 2 (15MGPD) Differential Pressure was stable in low level . Avail abilit y i s Once a year Citric acid cleaning was enough more than 99% 100 80 Feed Pressure & Temperature 60 40 20 5.0 50 4.0 Differential Pressure Citric Acid Cleaning 3.0 2.0 1.0 Mar 94 Sep 94 Mar 95 Sep 95 Mar 96 Sep 96 Mar 97 Sep 97 Mar 98 Sep 98 Mar 99 The past Jeddah RO Plant phase 2 (15MGPD) Permeate TDS stayed below Total shut down time due to 500mg/l without the membrane membrane is only 100hours replacement in 5 years. in 5years. Feed TDS: 43,300mg/l , Feed Temp.: 24-35 deg.C 60,000 Production 58,000 56,000 54,000 52,000 50,000 Product TDS 1500 1000 500 Mar 94 Sep 94 Mar 95 Sep 95 Mar 96 Sep 96 Mar 97 Sep 97 Mar 98 Sep 98 Mar 99 The Past - Major Seawater Desalination plants using TOYOBO membr ane The reliabilityyp of the seawater desalination plant which uses the Toyobo membrane was proved. Location Capacity (m3/d) 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 Ohi 4,000 Average Membrane life : 7.2 years (Japan) Jeddah PhaseⅠ 56,800 7.2 years (Saudi Arabia) Duba 4,400 11.2 years (Saudi Arabia) Haql4,400 11.2 years (Saudi Arabia) Ikata 2,400 7.8 years (Japan) Jeddah PhaseⅡ 56,800 9.0 years (Saudi Arabia) Medina Yanbu 128,000 More than 6 years (Saudi Arabia) - Average membrane life is more than 7years. - All plants in the above table have open sea intake. The past Year 2000-2007 Bio-fouling Serious bio-fouling problems occurred in some plants using pol yamide memb ranes which do not have chlorine tolerance. Plan t MtMateri ilal TblTrouble Temporary Countermeasure Ad Dur Diff. P Frequent C.C. (Bahrain) Polyamide Production ((everyevery 2-2-33 w) Permeate TDS Al J ub ail Diff. P FtCCFrequent C.C. ((KSA)KSA) Polyamide Production ((everyevery 3-3-66w)w) Permeate TDS Eliminate Bio-fouling Polyamide membrane doesn't have chlorine resistance. - easy to occur biobio--foulingfouling problems TOYOBO membrane(CTA) has superior resistance to chlorine. - There is no room for Biofouling Eliminate Bio-fouling TOYOBO membrane(CTA) Polyamide membrane No bio-fouling Severe bio-fouling by chlorine injection Growth Rate of Bacteria The result of the growth test of the bacteria that inhabit Red Sea 1.E+06106 y = 8.3X103 e0.17x R2 = 0.99 ml) // 5 1.E+0510 y = 1.4X102 e0.22x [Growth rate prediction] 2 4 R = 0.75 1.E+0410 nts (CFU N=No x exp(0.22 x (th-6)) uu (exponential regression) 3 1.E+0310 N = Bacteria Counts (CFU/ml) teria Co teria cc Lag Phase Logarithmic Phase No = Initial Bacteria Counts (CFU/ml) th = time(hr) 1.E+02102 Initial counts:104 CFU/ml level 3 Total Ba Initial counts:10 CFU/ml level 1 1.E+0110 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 GthTiiSt(h)Growth Time in Seawater (hr) Sterilization of Bacteria by chorine Usiiing incub bdbihihbidated bacteria that inhabit Red Sea 1.E+06106 Residual Chlorine: 0.5mg/l Delayed Chick-Watson model Residual Chlorine: 0.2mg/l /ml) 1E+051.E+055 UU 10 0 if t t , Initial counts:105 CFU/ml level lag 3 , Initial counts:10 CFU/ml level ln(N / N0 ) kCt kCt if 1.E+044 lag t tlag nts (CF 10 uu K = inactivated rate constant 3 1.E+0310 C = concentration of disinfectant cteria Co cteria Tlag = time of lagpg phase 2 Detection limit : 20 CFU/ml 1.E+0210 Total Ba Tlag=10 min 1 1.E+0110 0 102030405060 Time a fter In jec tion o f Chlor ine (m in ) Sterilizat io n o f Bacte ria by c ho rine 0 10^3 CFU/ml, 0.2mg/l 10^3 CFU/ml, 0.5mg/l 10^5 CFU/ml, 0.2mg/l -2 10^5 CFU/ml, 0.5mg/l 線形 ) -4 [Sterilization rate prediction] 0 y = -0.99x R2 = 0.79 ln(N / N0 ) 0.99C tr ln(N/N -6 (exponential regression) -8 N = Bacteria Counts (CFU/ml) No = Initial Bacteria Counts ((/)CFU/ml) -10 C = concentration of disinfectant 024681012tr = t-tlag Ctr ((gmg/l x min) Required Chlorine Injection time per day Based(iihliji)dd on ICI (intermittent chlorine Injection) mode - Combination of Growth rate prediction and Sterilization prediction 100 C=0.2mg/l 90 C=0.3mg/l y (min) aa C=0.4mg/l 80 C=0.5mg/l 70 ln(2.62N0 ) ime per d t 10 TT 60 0.99C 50 0.99ln(2.62N ) C 0 Injection 40 ee t 10 30 C=Chlorine Concentration (mg/l) 20 t=Injection time (min) d Chlorin ee 10 Requir 0 1.00E+011 1.00E+022 1.00E+03 1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 10 10 103 104 105 106 TTtlBotal Bact eri a C ount s of fR Raw S eawat er (CFU/ (CFU/l)ml) Joint research in cooperation with plant owners - to solve the bio -fouling problems Ad Dur(Bahrain) Test Period : year 2001-2003 Al Jubail(Saudi Arabia) Test Period : year 2004-2005 Eliminating Bio-Bio-foulingfouling by TOYOBO Membrane - Rehabilitation of Ad Dur Plant ( 45,000m3/day) Polyamide membrane requires chemical cleaning every 2-3 weeks due to bio-fouling even with UF pretreatment. TOYOBO requires C.C. once per year thanks to Chlorine injection. Change of Differential Pressure 450450 Feed SDI < 3 400400 350350 re [kPa] uu 300300 250250 Chemical Cleaning tial press nn 200200 150150 Differe 100100 TOYOBOToyobo Test data PolyamideDupont (Stand-by membrane Train) 5050 00 00 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 100 100 120 120 140 140 160 160 180 180 200 200 ElapseElapsed d Ti metime (d[day]ay ) Eliminating Bio-Bio-foulingfouling by TOYOBO Membrane - Severe bio -fouling at Al Jubail plant ( 90,900m3/day) Chem ica l Clean ing for Sp ira l Woun d mem brane was carried out 14times during 14,000hrs(19months) due to biofouling. Chemical Cleaning “ComparisonComparison of the performance of hollow fine fiber and spiral -wound membranes in the Al-Jubail SWRO desalination plant”, Abdul Salam Al-Mobayed et al, Desalination 178(2005)273-286 Eliminating Bio-Bio-foulingfouling by TOYOBO Membrane - Severe Bio -fouling at Al Jubail plant ( 90,900m3/day) In the field testing, TOYOBO RO module achieves significantly higher performance and efficiencyyy by using Arabian Gulf Seawater source, known for its high salinity and high potential of biological growth at Al-Jubail plant location. Joint research in cooperation with plant owners - to solve the bio -fouling problems Ad Dur(Bahrain) Test Period : year 2001-2003 Year 2005 (replaced by TOYOBO) Al Jubail(Saudi Arabia) Test Period : year 2004-2005 Year 2007 (replaced by TOYOBO) The Past - Major Seawater Desalination plants using TOYOBO membr ane Tanajib Haql Year 2000 - 2007 - 6,000m3/day - 4,400m3/day - Start 2001 - Start 1989 Al Jubail Duba - 66 ,700m3/day - 4,400m3/day (90,900m3/day) - Start 1989 - Start 2007 Bahrain Yanbu - 45,500m3/day - 128,000m3/day - Start 2005 - Start 1998 Solution provider Others → TOYOBO Yanbu - 50,400m3/day - Start 2006 Jeddah - 113,600m3/day - Star t 1989,1994 Al Birk - 2,200m3/day - Start 2001 The past - The reliability of the seawater RO was proved - Bio-fouling problem was solved The present R&D subject - To develop a large-sized RO module The present The current growth of larger desalination plants based on the RO method have demanded greater economical efficiency.
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