Dear Beryl: I scared Viva “Loss” Vegas: Online John Inverdale! Poker just doesn’t do it! wessex 18th May 2006 Priceless SCENE News Late issuing of examination timetables angers students Fashion WSA students feature at Grad Fashion Week Politics Union Council: NUS suck and students go Pott(er)y... Music Two Minute Hate double bill: Rhianna & Paris Hilton take abuse! Lecturers’ unions and universities fail to come to a compromise over pay Ben Boulton discontent within the student turers deserve more money, this the UCEA and the lecturers’ body has effectively forced the cannot be at the expense of stu- unions have, however, broken Patience with the Associated National Union of Students to dents’ education. That both the down amid acrimony. The im- Union of Teachers over its con- abandon an original stance of AUT and the body representing proved offer of a 12.6% wage tinued marking boycott appears support for the AUT action. the universities, the UCEA, have increase, proposed to be phased to be running out. Over 30 stu- Appearing on BBC television asked for meetings with these in over three years, was rejected dents’ unions across the coun- and BBC Radio 4, SUSU Presi- three has been taken as an indi- on the 8 May by both the AUT try have joined Southampton dent Andy Wilson has, along cation that their arguments are and Natfhe (the other main lec- University Students’ Union in with the Presidents of Bristol and being taken seriously by all par- turers’ union). However, both voicing strong concerns about Exeter Students’ Unions, consis- ties. unions still appear to command the subject. The rising level of tently argued that, although lec- Recent negotiations between continued on page 2 www.bamuk.com Student Media Buyers www.wessexscene.co.uk 0845 1300 667 Local News Page 2 continued from page 1 the confidence of their mem- bers. Indeed, the past month has Exam timetabling issues seen membership in both major unions increase. Late release of exam timetables causes anger among Southampton students The timing of such industrial Emma Lenanton year. Katie Harper, who as Vice- action can be partly attributed President Education represents to the introduction of Top Up The perennial issue of exam all students’ educational needs Fees. The influx of more fund- timetabling has once again pro- to the University on behalf of ing into educational institutions voked outrage among students the Union, feels that the Time- has sparked demands for pay at Southampton University. The tabling Office has worked well increases by AUT members. The initial release date for the time- given the circumstances: “They union has been quite explicit in tables was only two weeks be- really deserve commending … demanding that “one third of fore exams started, prompting They’ve had a really hard time the additional Top Up Fee in- many students to ask how it is of it this year and have really come should be ploughed back that the University has again pulled through!” And compared into salaries.” AUT represen- not organised itself sufficiently to other universities, she says, tatives have also pointed out to avoid this situation. Further Southampton has a “more flex- that Alan Johnson, Minister for criticism has been levelled over ible approach to modules and Lifelong Learning Further and the locations in which some of timetabling.” Whereas other Students are unhappy that they have had to wait for timetables Higher Education at the time, the exams will take place; the universities get their timetables had given a statement to the Garden Court, the Nuffield The- 5 May rather than the original been critical of exam timings. earlier, at Southampton there is House of Commons in which atre’s café-bar, is one site that scheduled date of 15 May, and Many have multiple exams on the option of changing module he claimed that Universities UK, students have highlighted as be- the plan was to release these to the same day while others have options up to three weeks into which represents British Uni- ing particularly unsuitable. students on 8 May. Due to fur- exams scheduled for the same each semester resulting in a de- versities, promised to allocate The University’s Exams and ther problems, however, many day that coursework is due in. lay to the publication of exam around £3.4 billion to drive im- Timetabling Office has respond- schools failed to give students It is clear that the disruption timetables.. provements in staff pay condi- ed to these criticisms, which are these timetables on the allotted caused by the Mountbatten Fire Though many students may tions. However, Mr Johnson has certainly not new, by working date, provoking yet more anger last year and the subsequent re- disagree, Katie told the Wessex recently come out in favour of hard to release timetables early. from the student body. Further- location of the staff who worked Scene, “[Late timetables] are a the new pay deal, encouraging Most University schools should more, those students who have there has put increased pressure small price to pay for being able all AUT members to accept it. have received the timetables on received their timetables have on the Timetabling Office this to have so much choice.” The shift in the NUS posi- tion is partly a response to the looming spectre of finals exams. Local elections result in dismay Concerns have been voiced that students at some universities may have to sit autumn exams Results are not good for students as turn out is poor at the local elections or attend graduation ceremo- Peter Lamb disillusionment with the per- nies which bestow unclassified ceived similarities of the main degrees upon them. It is also Despite student candidates run- three parties. In Southampton rumoured that lawyers have be- ning for councillor positions and the BNP candidate in Bitterne gun to investigate the possibility a high-profile SUSU campaign, polled almost the same number of pursuing legal action against the student turnout in the of votes as the Lib Dem candi- universities for breach of con- Southampton 4 May local elec- date. In other wards some voters tract. Some universities in turn tions was disappointingly low. wrote BNP on their ballots even have stated that they may look Student candidates ran for though there were no BNP can- to sue the lecturers that have each of the three main parties, didates. gone on strike. along with an Alliance for Green Whatever the effects on na- At Southampton nearly all Socialism Party candidate. None tional politics, in Southampton exams have been set, and while of the candidates succeeded in the result has changed little; the some argue that this suggests winning their ward which, com- balance between the parties now that lecturers here have taken a bined with the low student vote, Few students turned out to vote in the local council elections prevents any real changes being more considered position on the has raised fears that Southamp- made. It has bee suggested that matter, others point out that the ton City Council’s current trend have resounded with an elec- peak of their success. students have missed out on an figure is no indication as to how of ignoring students will contin- torate seemingly tired of what Sir Menzies Campbell, leader opportunity to have their say many scripts will be marked; ue into the near future. is increasingly seen as Labour of the Lib Dems, said that the by not voting for those student nationwide, many lecturers Overall, Southampton City rhetoric. poor election result was a con- candidates with their interests at have agreed to set papers but Council has been thrown into The Labour party are quick to sequence of the problems with heart. But not for long it would subsequently refused to mark deadlock: with the Labour Party point out that similar losses were Charles Kennedy’s acrimonious appear: the unitary nature of the them. A recent email sent from gaining one seat from the Liberal made in the local elections just resignation as leader earlier in council means that next year an- Andy Wilson and Bill Wakeham, Democrats all three parties now a year before they won a third the year rather then a test of his other third of the seats will be up Southampton University’s Vice- hold sixteen representatives on term. Commentators have also own leadership ability. for re-election, with the possibil- Chancellor, attempted to relieve the Council. This goes against noted that, in the wake of what Perhaps the most alarming re- ity of more students standing. the anxieties felt by students predictions that the Conserva- many have termed ‘Labour’s sult of the election was the gains In the meantime, students here. In a further statement, the tives were going to retake the Black Wednesday’, the result is made by the BNP, who now hold may influence the Council by Union President has claimed that city. not as bad as it might have been. 32 council seats across the coun- getting involved in local poli- “It is highly unlikely that the in- Across the country, however, The Liberal Democrats made try. Blame has been directed at tics and campaigning for what dustrial action will adversely af- the Conservatives did make gains of just two seats, and lost Margaret Hodge, a Labour MP, matters to them. Only then, it fect any final year students.” gains, taking over three hundred control of several of their strong- for giving the party extra pub- is argued, will student matters See AUT Special page 5 and wards and almost seventy coun- holds, resulting in speculation licity; some think, however, that get the level of attention they editorial page 6 cils.
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