- -- -- --- --- --"cl i' : l The .i' Royal Engineers ' ! Journal. S ^ '. ; >'c , - I Some Aspects of the Shanghai Emergency, 1932 . Major A. Muson 585 Quetta Water Supply . Major 3. W. J. Raikes 599 History of the 7th Field Company, R.E., during the War, 1914-1918 Capt. H. A. Baker 615 The Alcantara Bridge (1812) . Colonel L. Chenevix-Trench 633 gll Modernization of the Electrical and Mechanical School, S.M.E. Major A. P. A. Lewis 638 Mechanization and Divisional Engineers Bt. Lieut.-Colonel G. Le Q. lartel 643 ':') Corps Archseologia . 647 The Plane Table . Brigadier H. St. J. L. Winterbotham 648 The Use of Bitumen Emulsion for Mix-in-Place Work Brig.-General E. G. Wace 651 - . Engineer Re-organization in India . Capt. H. B. Harrison 654_ I r"TemporamMutantr" . ; .. ;"K.S.V.. "658 - Replacement of Vauxhall Bridge, Monmouth . Capt. A. J. Macdonald 661 Showing the Flag . Lieut. J. V. Davidson-Houston 671 Bara Bridge Reconstruction . Lieut. M. C. A. Henniker 678 lhamn lTai R,nn nla ih- n,v Rsil,mv . M a4n. 'i11itlri kRl R A Field Company's Two and a Half Years in Wana Lieut. E. F. B. Stack 691 1 i Memoir. Books. Magazines. Correspondence 699 | ,. VOL. XLVI. DECEMBER, 1932. CHATHAM: '1 i . THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. TELEPHONE: CHATHAM, 2669. AGENTS AND PRINTERS: MACKAYS LTD. LONDON: 'S 'i HUGH REES, LTD., 5, REGENT STREET, S.W.i, · A4 /X 4.6, .` INSTITUTION OF RE OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE i' 1 e i For - Reinforced Concrete say 6 Expamet "-Concrete I" Expamet" Expanded Stee' Reinforcement for Con- crete is supplied in flat sheets for suspended flooring and the like, and in rolled sheets for road and paving work, cut to size, ready for use, and is simple, eco- nomical and effective in practice; it has the great advantage for shipping purposes that it packs closely and is transported easily and handled quickly. Its unique feature is that it is a sheet of steel network, wherein all the strands or members are connected rigidly ; thus they cannot be displaced, when in position, by laying or tamping of concrete * it follows that " Expamet" Expanded Steel is entirely to be relied upon in either skilled or unskilled hands. The respective meshes "key " into each other, and interlock where sheets overlap; thus a layer of reinforcement may be made absolutely continuous, no matter how large the area to be treated. BRITISH STEEL BRITISH LABOUR THE EXPANDED METAL CO., LTD. Patentees and Manufacturers of Expanded Metal Engineersfor all forms of Reinforced Concrete and Fire-resistantConstruction Burwood House, Caxton St., London, S.W.1 Works: West Hartlepool. Established over 40 years "EXPAMET" :: "BB" LATHING :: "RIBMET" :: "EXMET" ADVERTISEMENTS. i. VICTAULIC FOR SERVICE WORK Part of 38,000 metres of 14" steel tubes for the Water Supply of Paramaribo (Dutch Guiana). The main is fitted with Victaulic joints, assembled by native labour. Test pressure, 25 atmospheres. VICTAULIC COMPANY Ltd. KINGS BUILDINGS, DEAN STANLEY ST. WESTMINSTER, LONDON, S.W. 1 - * I ii. ADVERTISEMENTS. ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS AS MILITARY TAILORS AND AS MAKERS OF DEGE'S CELEBRATED " SEAMLESS KNEE-GRIP" BREECIES " Extensively patronised by Officers of the Royal Engineers " J. DEGE & SONS, LTD. Iilitanrj annti tufti ftailora, -rn'rlj'5 4talt'rs 13 Conduit Street, London, W.1 Telegrams' Harkforward, Piccy, Londonl Officers waited uplon at Telephone: Mayfair 1325 Military Canmps anldl3arracks I-------------- OF INTEREST TO STAFF COLLEGE CANDIDATES "Your Course for the Staff College Examination is exceedingly well arranged,and no trouble is spared to meet individual needs. The instruction provided was of a very high order. I consider that the full Course or any part of it provides very high value at very moderate cost, and is far superiorto any other method of preparation." (From an officer who succeeded in gaining admission to the Staff College at the 1931 Examination.) UP-TO-DATE POSTAL INSTRUCTION FOR STAFF COLLEGE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (All obligatory and several optionul subjects) PROMOTION EXAMINATION (all subjects) is provided by Principal: T I' /I A T PROSPECTUS R. W. HOLLAND _J I I ON O.. E...A., M.SC.,LL.D. JJ I V L 1 N ^ APPLICATION CORRESPONDENCE COLLEGE 304 SOUTHAMPTON ROW, LONDON, W.C.1 ADVERI'IStMENTS. iii Afl VERTISMENTS. 111. The Three Essentials A NOTE I. Quality of Cloth TO THOSE II. Skilful Craftsmanship III. Character ABROAD M R. MORRIS claims that his large clientele has been achieved by 30 years' adherence to the factors enumerated above, which, when com- bined, give a result as nearly perfect as is humanly possible. He specially caters for officers requiring dress clothes and mufti. In fact he specializes in these things. Mr. Morris has an attractive offer to place before past and present officers of the R.E. Write to him. Tweed Suitings from 9 Gns. The"CORSTAY" Figure Belt (Reg.) Angola Suitings from ic Gns. Recommended ny the Medical Profes- Worsted Suitings from I Gns. sion. Prevelts rheumatism, lumbago Dinner Suits from tz Gns. and kindred ailments. Reduces the Overcoats from 8 Gns. figure Worn by the naval and military Riding Breeches from 4 ClGs. men all over the world. Price 25/- If you are not comillg !iune, write for patterns. By a special system peculiar to ourselves, and very easy for the client, we are able to obtain a complete out- line of the figure, and this, with le28. So cekRn e Street. Lor\AonW the data of measurement, ensures a perfect fit. Tdltphot l: REGENT 5534. Cables: A.B.C. Code. J. G. PLUMB & SON VICTORIA HOUSE, 117, VICTORIA ST.. WESTMINSTER, S.W.1 Established 1895 Telephone : Victoria 3434 Military Tailors and Outfitters By Appointment to THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH lor the past Quarter of a Century Mless Jacket, Vest and Overalls complete £14 7 6 Dinner Suits - - - from £9 19 6 L.ounge Suits - - - from £6 6 0 A special discount of io% is always given to Gentlemen Cadets, past and present. EXTENSIVELY EMPLOYED BY OFFICERS RECENTLY COMMISSIONED FROM THE SHOP AND APPOINTED TAILORS TO THE ROYAL ENGINEERS TRAINING BATTALION CHATHAM - - 1 tv. ADVERTISEMENTS. MAPPIN & W EBB-TAe SilY er Specialists THE Company's selec- t-on of Presentation Silver is probably the largest in London, and although prices are in line with present day condi- tions, the " Mappin " standard is maintained in Weight, Workmanship and Design. May we send an illustrated Catalogue and full particulars ? MAPPIN & WEBB, Ltd., 156-162, Oxford St., London, W.1. I ,- - .f Promotion and Staff Block, Grey & Block College Entrance Wine, Spirit and Cigar Examinations Merchants, OFFER SOIgE OF THEIR No matter where you are SPECIALITIES: stationed, the MIetropolitan Services College can be of "COCKTAIL" SHERRY, a the utmost assistance to Pale Fino, at 63/- per doz. you in your preparation. or 5/3 per bott. "BLACK STRAP" PORT, 8,176 PASSES and Vintage Character with 11 Special Certificates plenty of body, at 72/- per in the last FIVE YEARS doz. or 6/- per bott. "CHARTERHOUSE" WHISKY, Fine Old Scotch, TWO-THIRDS of the TOTAL at 144/- per doz. or 12/- per PASSES - Camberley and bott. Quetta, 1932 TURKISH CIGARETTES, 5/- per Ioo. Write TO-DAY for a free cipy ofu tlhe College Prospect:s, " The A rmily 1'ronmotis NICOTINELESS CIGARETTES and Staff College Enltrance Exam,i, atirJsl ," at 9/- and 10/- per Ioo. to Dept. M112. METROPOLITAN SERVICES 26a, South Audley Street COLLEGE . ST. ALBANS W.1. Tel. No.: Gros. 1367. ADVERTISEMENTS. V. To F. P. Baker & Co. " TWe live in such sloppy, slovenly days that it is a special pleasure to me to congratulate and to thank you for the prompt and efficient service you have rendered. Colonel." "Prompt and Efficient Service" NO business could have held together over 63 years and achieved the extent of the present organisation of this firm unless it did all it claimed. Unless it gave full measure-and over. THIS ORGANISATION CAN UNDOUBTEDLY SAVE YOU MONEY. Before deciding Ask BAKER'S to Quote FOR Trunks and Suit Cases Challenge Cups and Saddlery Dressing Cases, Trophies Billiard Tables and fitted and unfitted Sports Prizes Accessories Hosiery & Underwear Cutlery and Canteens Mess Plate Regimental Colours Cameras Guns and Rifles Sports Gear Musical Instruments Revolvers Fishing Tackle Field Glasses Watches Jewellery Camp Equipment Furniture Linen and Blankets Tropical Outfits China and Glass Fur Coats and Furs Waterproofs Carpets Boots and Shoes Tailoring Bedsteads & Bedding Gramophones and Typewriters Draperies Records Wireless Sets F.P. & Co.Ltd. 2, UPPER JAMES ST. (P,cadsl,,yrcu) GOLDEN SQUARE, W.1. VI. ADVE.RTISEMENTS. 'p1. AD VER2ISEMENTS. - {I EXISTS TO Serve the Services. It is the Services' Own Business. 11111iiiiii]s1 iiiiiiiiii 11111 PROMOTE YOUR OWN AND YOUR SERVICE'S INTERESTS By obtaining everything you require from your Regimental Institute. Our Price Lists & Catalogues include x PROVISIONS TOILET REQUISITES GROCERIES SPORTS OUTFITTING CONFECTIONERY AND PRIZES WINES AND SPIRITS BOOKS & STATIONERY TOBACCO PRINTING CIGARS & CIGARETTES CUTLERY AND PLATE FANCY GOODS HARDWARE ETC.. ETC. 11111 IIIIlI111111 I 11111i N.A.A.F.I. specializes.in quality and supply all Service requirements, but is strictly limited to dealing with serving members of the Regular Forces, their wives and families and Territorials during annual Training. Address enquiries to Headquarters: Imperial Court, Upper Kennington Lane, S.E. 11 -4 __ I1 vii. THE INSTITUTION OF ROYAL ENGINEERS. Authors alone are responsible for the statements made and the opinions expressed in their papers. CONTENTS. PAGE r. SOME ASPECTS OF TIlE SIANGIIAI EMERGENCY, 1932. By Major A. Mason, M.C., R.E. (Tlith Map) .... ... ... ... .. 585 2. QUETTA \ATER SUPPLY. ByMajor J. W. J. Raikes, o.n.E., I.E. (W1ith Photographs a,d Plate) ..
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